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SOP (IIT Ropar, PhD)

I have completed B. Tech in Computer Science Engineering from Symbiosis

International University. During my graduation, I studied various subjects like
Data Structures and Algorithms, Programming, Theory of Computation,
Discrete Structures, Linear Algebra etc, and enjoyed these thoroughly. Although
I studied these subjects in depth & these are supposed to be the foundational
pillars of Computer Science, still I think my knowledge in these subjects is too
basic that I may require further specialisation in particular domain to solve real
life problems in these areas.
My B. Tech Project (Automation of Scopus Database using RPA) was aimed at
solving the problem which the professors of our college were facing.Objective
was to reduce their tedious manual work. I have also written a Research paper
on this, which is yet to be published.

During this covid pandemic, I read some Covid19 prediction research papers
where I realised the enormous potential of AI/ML in the field of healthcare. The
application of AI/ML can prove a boon to mankind and generations to come. I
started reading Data Science blogs, research papers on AI/ML, attended
workshops, completed online course in Python from IIT Kanpur, NPTEL, MIT
Courseware, ML Courses from Coursera, Udacity and Coding Ninjas India to
enhance the learning.
I worked on ML MiniProjects like: Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Text
Classification, Image Classification, Breast Cancer Prediction Model etc. and
implemented few ML Algorithms from Scratch. After doing these Mini Projects
and Understanding of Varied Applications of ML, I realised my keen interest in
the Application of AI in Healthcare and Text Processing (NLP).

As IIT Ropar, one of the prestigious institutions in India, has the best resources
and faculties in the field of Computer Science. To satiate my urge for learning, I
believe PhD course will be best for me. PhD course will facilitate me to dive
deeper in this specific domain. Dr. Puneet Goyal’s work in the field of Image
Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning perfectly matches with the area
of my interest and passion. Lab Infrastructures like Computer Vision Lab,
Machine Learning lab will help me to strengthen my basics and joining this
great institution will open doors of learning opportunities for me. I am sure
that if I get opportunity to pursue my research work in IIT Ropar, I will do
purposeful research with focus on solving real world problems. Hope to be part
of this great institute.

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