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Derj..on(s, !.! . App..l '.i"rr) No's).


(tron she judqsenr a2/as/20o6 tn sca no't666/2006 of

(wrLh apprn(3) gLrY, rhpleadndnr,

r ^ p k a e e i c * a n d ! ! a y e ! r o r
reporL ) (ro! rinar dr3eo3a1)

tsrrr N.P(c) !o. 314 0f 2010

(rruh app1n. f.! ot !!d officd r6po's) ls/L/20\i

u! c- s. rajar,s!.adv
t l

E. Balajl, rdv.

I u!. abhiji! Dhaetacha.jee, adv.

!s, lebjarr las


d/s. suredh a. shroff & co.

u!. nrtn Raj, .dv.

Purlab x!. llay (apu., ^dv.

dr. sapan ErdvajlL veireii ndv.

Mr. s. thaNnjayan, Idv.

d!. Ajav PaL Adv

d r . R s n ) a ns u k h e l e e a d v

rrtlura x! Rltu Ral !rE{ao, }dv- roi

x!. copal sinsn, adw

u/' Aluprehs, *una & co

Ms xsrnr rdirw;L Adv.

Ur' Na-a'h 1' 6han:, adn.

M., Ealajl slrnivdsan, rdw.

M!, sarjay (hards, AdY. for

,!, siddharLh BhaLnaEar. Adw.



we hawe heald r,l!, Badavallabbu s. pattl,

reatned serio! cornset fo! rre appltcan! ard tr!, M.T.

ceolse, leair.d coqsel for the sta!6 of Karala.

dated septenbo! 7, 2011 passed by rxe covelmeur of

p€mlssron fo' ln6tatlarton o! 6tarue

!*-DePuLy speaker of

Asser$ly naar ro Ns).yarErnknla

in the Kanyakhali Nacional Hish*ay n€a!

w€ hav€ our doubt vhether such

nave beer graDled lry

installatlon rhe natioral htghvay.

until furthe. orders, {e di!€ct cna! tn€ €!a!ue

obLalnirq today, shcLI b6 natrtdlned in a1l

-espec!3 by a!l corce-led wiEh !6gard Eo th6 rrlangle

Island where shrr N. sundalan Nadar h!3

,reen lelhitted to b6 6anclloled.

for irsLalraEion

and othe! lublic

obviou6ly, !h13 o'de! shall nor alply Lo lnsral1ats1on

or con8truc!ton

Publtc !tlllLy 8nd

6harl arso alpIy to all orho!

stales and union rerrtro!1e6 Th€ c6ncertred Chtef

se.letary/adnini3rlato cohlriance of rhe

s=L.P._-LCl x!- 451e of ?006'

aruachal Plades]l, Naqaland, tr.T.

raweli & trakshadv€6p haw6 no! f11ed bheir lespedlive

'e f.nd rron Eh6 0-d€!

21, 2A\A that the arales of NagalaDd,

6lenpt6d froo

Thelefore' UElr arftdawrtB

filing replv efttdavt!s

!'" n"c".sa'Y-
u'1on tollibolv of Dadla & Naga! lraveti

vilhin l6u' q66ks'

iti!€cteil t6 f116 thoL! atfidsvits

treave tatitton alosE {rtb

LtE! tlre special

Petltlon after for! {6ek€'

tbe ltric

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