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Example-40 ‘r’(with normal) on the palne surface, bends away

from the normal and passes as BC in air.
A ray of light is incident on the surface of a
v Rays AD and BC meet at ‘I’ after extending these
spherical glass paper-weight making an angle
a with the normal and is refracted in the two rays backwards.
medium at an angle b.Calculate the deviation. v This ‘I’ is the virtual image of real object ‘O’ to
an observer in rarer medium near to trans-mitted
Sol: Deviation means the angle through which the
incident ray is turned in emerging from the
medium. In Figure if AB and DE are the incident 
œ’— ’  Š— ’  ......(i)
and emergent rays respectively, the deviation 
will be . 
œ’— ›  Š— ›  .......(ii)

Dividing eq. (i) and (ii)

Now as at B ; ’   and ›  
So from Snell’s law, œ’—    œ’—  ....(1)
Now from geometry of figure at D, ’   œ’— ’  œ’— ’
 ; According to Snell’ law  
œ’—  œ’— ›
So  œ’—   œ’—  .....(2)
Comparing Eqs. (1) and (2)      ¡
     
Now as in a triangle exterior angle is the sum   
v The distance of image AI is called apparent depth
of remaining two interior angles, in   , or apparent distance. The apparent depth xapp
                is given by
¡ ›ŽŠ•
Example-41 i.e., xapp 

A ray of light falls on a transparent sphere
with centre at C as shown in figure. The ray v The apparent shift        ¡ 
emerges from the sphere parallel to line AB. 
The refractive index of the sphere is  
v Hence the apparent shift       ¡
 
v If the observer is in other than air medium of
refractive index     .
›ŽŠ• Ž™‘ ›ŽŠ• Ž™‘
v Then apparent depth  
›Ž•Š’ŸŽ   
Sol: Deviation by a sphere is 2 (i – r)  
 
Here, deviation     (i – r) or i – r = 30°;  
r = i – 30° = 60° – 30° 30° 
 apparent depth  (real depth)
œ’— ’ œ’—  
   
œ’— › œ’—    
apparent shift      ¡
Apparent Depth  
v Case(1) : Object in denser medium and observer v Diagram shows variation of apparent depth with
in rarer medium. real depth of the object.
v When object ‘O’ is placed at a distance ‘x’ from A
in denser medium of refractive index  as shown
in figure.

v Ray OA, which falls normally on the plane Slope  Š—  

 
surface, passes undeviated as AD. Ray OB, which

Ray Optics

Note: If two objects O1 and O2 separated by ‘h’ on v Therefore apparent height of object (AI) =
normal line to the boundary in a medium of  × real height of object (AO)
refractive index . These objects are observed i.e., ¢Š™™   ¢ ›ŽŠ•
from air near to normal line of boundary. The
Apparent shift = AI – AO
distance between the images I1 and I2 of
Apparent shift = ( – 1) y.
v If the object is in other than air medium of

refractive index     . Then apparent height

O1 and O2 is   

= rel (real height) ; i.e., ya =  ¢

 
  
Note: Apparent depth of object due to composite slab v Apparent shift     ¢
is  
 
v Diagram shows variation of apparent height
¡ ¡ ¡ with real height of the object.
¡Š   
  
slope  Š—     

Note : If there are ‘n’ number of parallel slabs which Note : When convergent beam of rays passing from
denser to rarer medium as shown in the figure.
are may be in contact or may not with different
Real image is formed in rarer medium which
refractive indices are placed between the observer nearer to boundary than that of virtual object.
and the object, then the total apparent shift
     
œ  ¡   ¡   ¡
         —
     —
v Where x , x ... x are the thickness of the slabs
1 2 n
and 1,2 ... n are the corresponding refractive
L Object in rarer medium and observer in denser
medium : When the object in rarer medium (air)  
shift  ¡   
at a distance’y’ from boundary and an observer   ›ŽŠ• 
near to normal in denser medium of refractive
index ‘’. Note : When convergent beam of rays passing from
v By ray diagram in figure it is observed that the
rarer to denser medium as shown in the figure.
image is virtual, on same side to boundary and Real image is formmed in denser medium which
its distance from the boundary is  times the is far to boundary than that of virtual object.
object distance.
shift  ›ŽŠ•  ¡
v Since  > 1 image distance is more than object

  L Normal shift due to glass slab : When an object
v œ’— ’  Š— ’  œ’— ›  Š— › 
  is placed on normal line to the boundary of slab
v According to Snell’s law œ’— ’   œ’— › whose thickness is ‘t’ and refractive index ‘’.
v On observing this object (real) from other side
  of the slab, due to refraction, the image of this
    
  object shift on the normal line.
Ray Optics

v This shift value is called normal shift. Example-43

v This shift is towards the slab, if the slab is denser
An object is placed in front of a slab (m = 1.5)
relative to the surroundigs and shift is away from of thickness 6 cm at a distance 28 cm from it.
the slab, if the slab is rarer relative to the Other face of the slab is silvered. Find the
surrounds. position of final image.
v Then the Normal shift
    
         Sol:
     
 ›Ž•   
 
for   normal shift       .
 

By the principle of reversibility of light, we can

say if light rays are coming from the mirror
and passing through the slab, the mirror will
shift 2 cm towards right for observer in front
L Relation between the velocities of object and
of the slab. The position of the object from
image : The figure shows an object O moving
shifted mirror = 32 cm.
towards the plane boundary of a denser medium.

xap = x
v Differentiating the above equation with
respective to time, we get Vap = V
v To an observer in the denser medium, the object
appears to be more distant but moving faster. If
the speed of the object is v, then the speed of the
image will be  v .
(b) Simillarly to an observer in rarer medium and
object in denser medium, the image appears to So, the position of the image formed by shifted
be closer but moving slowly. mirror will be 32 cm behind it. Hence, position
of the image from surface 2 is 30 cm left to it
and 36 cm left of surface 1.

v Differentiating the above equaion with respective Example-44

to time, we get An observer can see through a pin-hole the
 top end of a thin rod of height h, placed as
Š™  shown in figure. The beaker height 3h and

v If the speed of the object is v. Then the speed of its radius h. When the beaker is filled with a
liquid upto a height 2h, he can see the lower
the image will be . end of the rod. Find the refractiveindex of the
 liquid.
 
In a tank, a 4cm thick layer of water  
 
floats on a 6 cm thick layer of an organic liquid
(m = 1.5).Viewing at normal incidence, how
far below the water surface does the bottom of
tank appear to be?
‘ ‘
Sol:        cm
  Sol: QP = QR = 2h

Ray Optics


 

or   

   
  
i.e.,  or

   

 

’ ; ST = RT = h = KM = MN
A diverging beam of light from a point source
so KS = ‘   ‘  ‘ S having divergence angle a falls symmetri-
cally on a glass slab as shown. The angles of
‘ incidence of the two extreme rays are equal.
 œ’— ›   ; If the thickness of the glass slab is t and its
‘ refractive index is n, then the divergence
œ’— ’ œ’—  angle of the emergent beam is
   
œ’— ›

A person looking through a telescope focuses
the lens at a point on the edge of the bottom of
an empty cylindrical vessel. Next he fills the
entire vessel with a liquid of refractive index
m, without disturbing the telescope. Now, he Sol: Divergence angle will remain unchanged
observes the mid point of the bottom of the because in case of a glass slab every emergent
vessel. Determine the radius to depth ratio of ray is parallel to the incidnet ray. However, the
the vessel. rays are displaced slightly towards outer side.
Sol: After the vessel is filled with the liquid, light (In the figure  &  & and  &  )
ray starting from the mid point O of the bottom
of the vessel as OA, after refraction goes along

 Applying Snell’s law, for the refraction at
An observer looks at an object kept at a
point A,
distance 30 cm in air. If a rectangular glass
œ’— ’ plate (m = 1.5) is placed between the observer
 ... (i)
œ’— ›  and the object with its thick-ness along the
line of observation, the object appears to the
  observer to be at a distance 25 cm. Find the
From  œ’— ’  
 thickness of glass plate. Position of the glass

plate is now shifted (i) from object towards

observers (ii) from observer towards the object.
and from  œ’— ’    
How does it change the apparent position of

the object as seen by the observer?
 From Eq(i) Sol: As a glass plate is placed between the observer
and the object, the object appears to be at a

Ray Optics

distance 25 cm in-stead of 30 cm. It implies that This actual position of bubble is at normal
normal shift due to refraction at the glass plate distance 18 cm from face ABEH or at a distance
is 30 - 25 = 5 cm. 12 cm from face CDGF.
 
Normal shift      L Concept of Refraction in a medium of variable
   refractive index :In the previous case, we have
    assumed that the refractive index of slab is
Hence      ;      t = 15 cm
    constant.
Since the plate has given values of refractive v This is not true in atmosphere. The atmosphere
index (1.5) and thickness (15 cm), if its position becomes thinner as we move up.
is shifted, it will not change the values of v When we move up form the earth refractive
  index decreases.
normal shif     . It implies that the object
  v We assumed the situation where refractive index
will appear to be at the same distance 25 cm changes only in one direction, medium can be
and its apparent position remains the same. considered as a collection of large number of the
thin layers.
v Let refractive index be a function of y i.e.,  = f
An air bubble is trapped inside a glass cube of (y) then the medium can be considered as to be
edge 30 cm. Looking through the face ABEH, made up of large number of thin slabs placed
the bubble appears to be at normal distance parallel to x-axis and optical normal at any
12 cm from this face and when seen from the
interface is parallel to y-axis. Similarly if  = f (x)
opposite face CDGF, it appaears to be at normal
distance 8 cm from CDGF. Find refractive then slabs are parallel to y-axis and optical
index of glass and also the actual position of normal at any interface is parallel to x-axis.
the bubble.

L Examples of variable refractive index

v  = f (y). Now the medium can be divided into
Sol: Let the actual distance of the bubble from the thin slices parallel to x axis and optical normal
face ABEH is ‘x’ then its actual distance from parallel to y axis.
the face CDGF is 30 – x. v Let 0 be the angle of incident in the variable
medium at point (–0, 0).
ŒžŠ• ’œ Š— ŒŽ ˜ ‹ž‹‹•Ž
v And  is the angle made by tangent with normal
›˜– ›Ž›ŠŒ’— œž›ŠŒŽ
But   parallel to y axis at any point (x, y) on the
™™Š›Ž— ’œ Š— ŒŽ ˜ ‹ž‹‹•Ž trajectory.
›˜– ›Ž›ŠŒ’— œž›ŠŒŽ
The apparent distance of bubble from refracting
¡ ¡
surface ABEH   .....(1)
 
The apparent distance of bubble from refra-cting
¡ ¡
surface CDGF   .....(2)
 

Adding Eqs. (1) and (2)


 , v From the snell’s law : 1. ’—   œ’—  
  Geometrically, relate the slope of this tangent to
we get  = 1.5 the angle  i.e.,
¡ ¢
From Eq. (1);
 or = 12  Š—      
 ¡
so x = 18 cm

Ray Optics

v Substitute for  from equation (1) and determine

¢ ¢
¢  Š—      Œ˜   
as a function of y. Integrate and obtain an ¡ ¡
expression of y as a function of x.
L Let us Consider a Situation  = f(x). Now the
medium can be divided into thin slices parallel
to y axis and optical normal parallel to x-axis.

Given that, ¢  ¡   ¡
[By Differentiating the above equation]
Œ˜   ¡ [From equation(2)]

  Œ˜œ ŽŒ   Œ˜    ¡

œ’— 
v Trajectory of light ray when  = f (x)
From the snell’s law : 1. Example-50
œ’—   œ’—    A ray of light is incident on a glass slab at
grazing incidence. The refractive index of the
[Since  = 1 at x = 0]
v Geometrically, relate the slope of this tangent to
material of the slab is given by  ¢  . If
the thickness of the slab is d, determine the
the angle of incidence 
equation of the trajectory of the ray inside the
i.e.,  Š—    slab and the coordinates of the point where
¡ the ray exits from the slab. Take the origin to
v Substitute  from equation (1) and determine be at the point of entry of the ray.
as a function of y. Integrate and obtain an Sol: Draw a tangent at any point (x,y) on the
expression of y as a function of x. trajectory which makes an angle  with optical
normal parallel to y axis
 '    ¢ 
Find the variation of Refractive index From the Snell’s law:
assuming it to be a function of y such that a
ray entering origin at grazing incident follows
a parabolic path y = x2 as shown in fig :

œ’—   œ’—  

 
Sol: Draw a tangent at any point (x,y) which makes
an angle  with optical normal parallel to y axis.
¢ ¢
From the Snell’s law: 1.  Š—       Œ˜   
¡ ¡
From equation (1) and (2) we get,
œ’—   œ’—   œ’—  


Ray Optics

axis (shown in figure). Find the equation of

¢ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¡ ray in the medium.
¢     ¡  ¢  ¡  ¢ 
¡ ˜ ˜
The ray will exit at point (x,y) where,
¡ ¢  ' ¢    and y = d

Due to a vertical temperature gradient in the
atmosphere, the index of refraction varies.
Suppose index of refraction varies as
Sol: Draw a tangent at any point (x,y) which makes
— — Š¢ , where n 0 is the index of an angle  with optical normal parallel to x axis.
refraction at the surface and ‘a’ = 2.0 × 10–6 m– From the Snell’s law:
1 . A person of height h = 2.0 m stands on a
level surface. Beyond what distacne will he  œ’— 
  ¡ œ’—  ; '  ¡     
not see the run way ?
 œ’—   .............(1)

Sol: Draw a tangent on the trajectory at any point

(x,y) which makes an angle  with optical
From the snell’s law:
— œ’— —  Š¢ œ’— 
Geometrically,  Š—  ....(2) ;
[Slope of tangent]
From equations (1) and (2) we get,
¢ ¡
   ¢   ¢ ¡
¡ ¡ ¡

A vessel of depth H is filled with a non-
homogenous liquid whose refractive index
 œ’—   ... (1)
 Š¢  ¢
varies with y as   . What is the
¢ 

Geometrically,  Š—      
¡ apparent depth as seen by an observer from
[Slope of tangent] From equations (1) and (2) above?
we get Sol: Let us consider a thin layer of thickness dy at a
¢ ¢ depth of y.
 Š¢     ¡
¡ Š¢
¡  ¡ –Š¡ = (2000) m

Example-52 Apparent thickness of this elementary layer

The refraction index of an anisotropic medium ¢ ¢
 
 ¢
varies as ¡  , where ¡ a. A ray 

of light is incident at the origin just along y-  Apparent depth

Ray Optics

(a) Express a relation between the angle of


  

• — incidence and the slope of the trajectory m, in
= ¢
 terms of the refractive index at that point m(y).

Sol: (a) If  be the angle made by the light ray with
Example-54 the positive X axis, then slope of the light ray
at any point P(x, y) will be m = tan
A ray of ligth enters into a glass slab from air
as shown in fig. If refractive index of glass Evidently, ’    
slab is given by m = A–Bt where A and B are or, ’      . .... (i)
constants and ‘t’ is the thickness of slab Now, refractive index for air is 1.0.
measured from the top surface. Find the Applying Snell’s law, for refraction at point O
maximum depth travelled by ray in the slab. and P, we have,
Assume thickness of slab to be sufficiently œ’—   ¢   œ’— ’   ’  œ’—   
large.   .
œ’— ’  
Now, from (i) Œ˜ ’  Œ˜   
 Š—   –

Œ˜œ ’  œ’— ’
Slope –  
œ’— ’ œ’— ’
Sol: The path of ray is curved as shown in figure.
As it travels successively into denser layers, it –  
      
bends away from normal and TIR takes place œ’— ’ ’ œ’—   

at depth where angle of incidence approaches
/2 L Lateral Shift : In figure consider a ray AO
incident on the slab at an angle of incidence ‘i’
and passing through a slab of thickness ‘t’.
v After two refractions at the boundary, the ray
emerge parallel to the incident ray.
v The perpendicular distance between incident ray
direction and emergent ray direction is called
Applying Snell’s law at interfaces P and Q, we lateral shift or lateral displacement (x)

œ’—     œ’— or     –Š¡ 

 
  –Š¡    
  

A ray of light travelling in air is incident at a
grazing angle on a large transparent slab of v From the figure, the distance PQ is called lateral
thickness t = 2.0 m. The point of incidence is displacement (or) lateral shift

From the traingle PQO, œ’— ’  ›  
the origin. The medium has a variable

refractive index(y) given by ¢  ”¢
  ¡    œ’— ’  › 
Where y is in m and k = 0.25 m x = OP sin (i – r) .....(1)
v But Œ˜œ ›     ....(2)
 Œ˜œ › Œ˜œ ›
from (1) and (2)
 œ’— ’  ›  
¡    
 Œ˜œ › 
for small angle of incidence œ’— ’  ’
œ’— ›  and Œ˜œ ›  œ’— ’  ›   ’  › 
Ray Optics

L Examples of Refraction : Visibility of two images

 ›  
¡   ’  ›   ’    Lateral shift ¡     ti of an object :
 ’   
v When an object in a glass container filled with a
liquid is viewed from outside at a level higher
than of liquid, there will be two images one due
to refraction through liquid and another due to
refraction through glass.
L Twinkling of stars : Due to fluctuations in
refractive index of atmosphere, the refraction
becomes irregular and the light some times
v Fig. Plot of lateral shift versus angle of incidence reaches the eye and some times it does not. This
gives rise to twinkling of stars.

Note : When ’  (grazing incidence) Critical Angle and total Internal Reflection :
   v Consider a point object O placed in a optically
¡ –Š¡  œ’—   Œ    ' ›  Œ  denser medium as shown in the figure. Rays of
Œ˜œ ›  
 œ’— ’  ›  light travel from O in all possible directions.
Note: The later shift ¡     can also be v When light is refracted at the surface into the
 Œ˜œ › 
expressed as follows. rarer medium, it bends away from the normal.
  v Therefore, as the angle of incidence increases, the
¡ œ’— ’  ›   œ’— ’ Œ˜œ ›  Œ˜œ ’ œ’— ›  angle of refraction also increases till for a certain
Œ˜œ › Œ˜œ ›
on simplification. angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90°
and light is refracted along the surface separting
  the two media. The corresponding angle of
Œ˜œ ’
¡     œ’— ’
incidence is called the critical angle (C).
 
   œ’— ’  v When light is incidence at any point beyond P,
Example-56 that is when the angle of incidence is greater
A parallel sides glass slab of thickness 4 cm is than the critical angle (i > C), then no light is
refracted, and the entire incident light is reflected
made of a material of refractive index .
into the same medium. This phenomenon is
When light is incident on one of the parallel
known as the total internal reflection.
faces at an angle of 60°, it emerges from the
other parallel face. Find the lateral displace-
ment of the emergent beam.

L Expression for critical angle (qC) :
v According to Snell’s law, at critical angle of

œ’— ’ œ’—    œ’—    œ’—  œ’—   
By Snell’s law,    
œ’— › œ’— ›
  
 œ’— ›  œ’—      
œ’— ›   
Hence, r = 30°
 v For R = 1,   
Lateral shift  œ’— ’  ›  œ’— 
Œ˜œ ›
Condition for total internal reflection :
 œ’—  v For total internal reflection to take place light
    Š— 
 Œ˜œ  must be propagating from denser to rarer

Ray Optics

Ex : Ray from water to air, glass to water. value of ‘’ occurs when ’  Œ and is equal to
v Total internal reflection will take place only if

angle of incidence is greater than critical angle.   i.e., –Š¡    Œ
v If the light incident at an angle ’  Œ as shown
   in the figure then the angle of deviation is given
’   with   œ’—   
   by     ’ The maximum value of  occurs
Note : Critical angle   depends on nature of pair of when ’  Œ and is equal to –Š¡    Œ .

media. Greater ratio greater will be the critical
L For glass-air :
 
    Œ  œ’—    Œ  
 
L For water-air :
  The variation of ‘’ with the angle of incidence
    Œ  œ’—    Œ  
  ‘i’ is plotted in figure.
L For glass-water :
 
    Œ  œ’—    Œ  
 
L For diamond-air :
 
    Œ  œ’—    Œ  
 
Note : In case of total internal reflection as all (100%) L Looming : This effect occurs when the density
incident light is reflected back into the same of air decreases much more rapidly with
medium i.e. there is no loss of intensity. This is
increasing height than it does under normal
why images formed by total internal reflection
are much brighter than that formed by mirrors
v This situation sometimes happens in cold regoins
and lenses.
particularly in the vicinity of the cold surface of
Note : Image due to total internal reflection is real, sea or of a lake.
lateral and inverted with respect to object. v Light rays starting from an object S (say a ship)
L Deviation of light under total internal are curved downward and on entering the eye
reflection: The figure shows a light ray travelling the rays appear to come from   , thus giving an
from denser to rarer medium at an angle i, less impression that the ship is floating in air.
than the critical angle C.

L Field of vision of fish : A fish at a depth ‘h’ from

the surface of water of refractive index  can see
the outer world through an inverted cone with

v The deviation  of the light ray is given by

v Since  œ’— ’  œ’— › therefore

  œ’—   œ’— ’   ’
v This is a non linear equation. The maximum

Ray Optics

v Vertex angle = 2C than the critical angle (42°). Hence total internal
reflection takes place and the rays emerge parallel
v Radius of the circular base of the cone formed on
to the base.
surface of water is given by
 
›  ‘ Š—   ‘ 
 
   
 
' œ’—   Š—    v However, on emergence the rays are inverted.
   Therefore, this prism is used for making an
   
inverted image erect.
v For water 2C = 98° and ›  Example-57
A ray of light travelling in a rarer medium
‘ strikes a plane boundary between the rarer
v Area of the base :  
  medium and a denser medium at an angle of
incidence ‘i’ such that the reflected and the
Total Internal reflection in Prisms : refracted rays are mutually perpen-dicular.
v The critical angle of ordinary glass is very nearly Another ray of light of same frequency is
42°. incident on the same boundary from the side
v If light is incident inside a prism at an angle of denser medium. Find the minimum angle
greater than 42°, then the light will be totally of incidence at the denser-rarer boundary so
internally reflected. that the second ray is totally reflected.
v This is achieved by taking a right prism
(90° prism) so that the other angles of the prism
are 45° each.
L Deviation through 90° :

Sol: Figure shows incidence of a ray at the rarer-

denser boundary such that reflected and refrated
rays are mutually perpendicular.
i.e., ›  ›   . or
›    ›    ’ [r = i, law of reflection]
L Deviation through 180° : Apply Snell’s law at the boundary,

 œ’— ’    œ’— ›

 œ’— ’    œ’—    ’     Œ˜œ ’

or  Š— ’ --- (1)

œ’— Œ     --- (2)

       
Using equation (1),

œ’— Œ 
Š— ’
 Œ˜ ’  Œ  œ’—  Œ˜ ’ 
Erecting prism (No Deviation Prism) :
v Here the rays of light are incident parallel to the Example-58
base. A ray of light travelling in a transparent
v After refraction they are incident on the medium falls on a surface separating the
hypotenuse face of the prism at an angle greater medium from air at an angle of incidence 45°.

Ray Optics

The ray undergoes total internal reflection. If

m is the refractive index of the medium with
case of optical fibre as ’ –Š¡  œ’—      
respect to air, select the possible value(s) of m  
from the followng. ’ –Š¡  œ’—       
Sol: For total internal reflection to occur,  
’  Œ›’’ŒŠ• Š—•Ž  ˜› œ’— ’  œ’—  ’ –Š¡  œ’—   
or œ’—  ˜›  ˜›   or   This is the maximum value of i. All light rays
 
with angle of incidence between 0° and
Example-59 will undergo total internal reflection.
A liquid of refractive index 1.5 is poured into
a cylindrical jar of radius 20 cm upto a height Example-61
of 20cm. A small bulb is lighted at the centre Light is incident at an angle a on one planar
of the bottom of the jar. Find the area of the end of a transparent cylindrical rod of
refractive index m so that the light entering
liquid surface through which the light of the
the rod does not emerge from the curved
bulb passes into air. surface of rod irrespective of the value of a.
Sol: Let S be the small bulb at the bottom of the jar. Sol: The angle incidence at the curved surface of the
The bulb is in the denser medium. The light cylindrical rod is given to be (90° – ).
from the bulb is incident on the water-air Light entering the rod at angle of incidence 
on one planar end will not emerge from the
interface. Light emerges for incident angles less
curved surface if angle of incidence (90° – ) is
than the critical angle. The locus of all the greater than the ciritical angle. Refractive index
points on the surface of the water that produces is denoted by .
an angle of incidence C is a circle of radius r.

  or 
œ’—  œ’—     

or   ; As a limiting case,
Œ˜œ 
In the   Š—   ;  .... (1)
‘ Œ˜œ 
‘ œ’— 
›  ‘ Š—  ›  According to Snell’s law,  
  œ’— 
The area of the surface through which the light 
If   as a limiting case on planar end of rod,
   or   ... (2)
  ›   – œ’— 
 From (1) and (2), considering the limiting case,
Œ˜œ   œ’—  ˜›   
An optical fibre is made of glass fibre of   
refractive index 1.68. The outer coating of the Œ˜œ
glass fibre is made of material of refractive Hence refractive index  
index 1.44. What is the range of angles of the
The least value of  so that the light entering
incident rays with the axis of the pipe for
the rod does not emerge from the curved surface
which total internal reflection inside the
optical fibre takes place? is .
Sol: We know that maximum launching angle in

Ray Optics


A rectangular glass slab ABCD of refractive

index n 1 is immersed in water of refractive
index n2 (n1 > n2). A ray of light is incident at
the surface AB of the slab as shown. The
maximum value of the angle of incidence
a max, such that the ray comes out only from
the other surface CD, is given by


Critical angle at A = C1

 œ’—       

Critical angle at B  C2
Sol: 
 œ’—      

Minimum angle of incidence for total internal
› ›   ›  › reflection to occur on both the slabs should be
› –Š¡    › –’—
and › –’—  
 ’ –’—  
(for total internal reflection at AD)
— — 
Where œ’—   ˜›   œ’—   Example-64
—  — 
  A ray of light incident on the horizontal
 › –Š¡     surface of a glass slab at an angle of incidence
‘i’ just grazes the adjacent vertical surface after
Now applying Snell’s law at face AB: reflection. Compute the critical angle and
— œ’—  –Š¡ œ’—  –Š¡ œ’—  –Š¡ refractive index of glass.
  
— œ’— ›  œ’—      Œ˜œ 
or œ’—  –Š¡  Œ˜œ 
—  Sol:
 –Š¡  œ’—   Œ˜œ  
— 
 —  —  
 –Š¡  œ’—   Œ˜œ œ’—    
By Snell’s law of refraction, at the horizontal
 —  —   surface
 œ’— ’   œ’— ›  œ’— ›  œ’— ’ ---(1)
Example-63 Apply Snell’s law at vertical surface,
What will be the minimum angle of incidence  œ’— Œ   œ’—  œ’—  
such that the total internal reflection occurs 
on both the surfaces ? From figure in BFD
›    Œ  ›

œ’—    ›    Œ˜œ ›  ---(2)

Ray Optics

From equations 1 & 2 Sol: At face AB, the ray of light suffers no deviation
 œ’— ›   Œ˜œ ›   œ’— ’ if the incident normally
At face AC, the light ray undergoes TIR, so
  œ’— ’ angle of incidence at the face AC is greater than
Critical angle is determined from critical angle

œ’—   

 œ’— ’

Light is incident normally on face AB of a
prism as shown in figure. A liquid of
refractive index m is placed on face AC of the
prism. The prism is made of glass of refractive
index 3/2. The limits of m for which total    œ’—   œ’—   

internal reflection takes place on face AC is
A beam of light consisting of red, green and
blue colours is incident on a right angle prism.
The refractive indices of the material of the
prism for the red, green and blue wavelengths
are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively. The colour
of light that comes out of the prism is
Sol: Critical angle between glass and liquid face is
 
œ’—   

Sol: The colours for which ’  Œ , will get total

internal reflection ’  Œ
or sin i  sin  c

or œ’—   
 
Angle of incidence at face AC is 60° of for which
For the TIR to takes place at the face AC, the  ˜› 
angle of incidence at the face AC, ’   Hence, the rays for which   will get TIR;
 For green and blue   , so they will suffer
  Œ ˜› œ’—  ˜›   TIR on face AC only red comes from this face.

Example-66 Example-68
What is the value of the refractive index for a White light is incident on the interface of glass
90° – 45° – 45° prism which is used to deviate and air as shown in the figure. If green light
a beam through 90° by total internal is just totally internally reflected then the
reflection? emerging ray in air contains:

Ray Optics

 
Sol: Critical angle   œ’—    A plane mirror is placed at the bottom of a
Wavelength increases in the sequence of tank containing a liquid of refractive index
VIBGYOR. According to Cauchy’s formula m. P is a small object at a heigth h above the
refractive index () decreases as the wavelength mirror. An observer O, vertically above P,
increases. Hence, the refractive index will outside the liquid, observes P and its image
increase in the sequence of ROYGBIV. The in the mirror. The apparent distance between
critical angle  will thus increases in the same these two will be
order VIBGYOR. For green light the incidence
angle is just equal to the critical angle. For
yellow, orange and red the critical angle will be
greater than the incidence angle. So, these
colours will emerge from the glass air interface.

A rectangular block of glass is placed on a
printed page lying on a horizontal surface.
Find the minimum value of the refractive
index of glass for which the letters on the page
are not visible from any of the vertical faces  ‘
of the block. Sol:     and its image in mirror is same
 
distance i.e., .

So the apparent distance is

A cubic container is filled with a liquid whose
refractive index increases linearly from top
Sol: The situation is as shown in the Fig, Light will to bottom. Which of the following represents
not emerge our from the vertical face BD if
the path of a ray of light inside the liquid ?
at it ’   or œ’— ’  œ’—  ; œ’— ’  ..... (1)

But from Snell’s law at O.
 œ’—    œ’— › and   ,
r + i = 90°, r = 90° – 1
So œ’—    œ’—    ’ 
Œ˜œ ’  œ’—   

But œ’— ’   Œ˜œ ’   œ’—    ..... (2)

Substituting the value of sin i from eq (2) in

œ’— 
     œ’—  Sol: Since, the refractive index is changing, the light
 
cannot travel in a straight line in the liquid as

Now as œ’—  
   
shown in options (3) and (4).
Intitially it will bend towards normal and after
reflecting from the bottom it will bend away
Hence  –’—  from the noraml so (1) is correct answer.

Ray Optics

Refraction at Spherical surfaces and by Lenses v As before, we take like in curved mirrors the
v A part of a sphere of refracting material is called
aperture of the surface to be small compared to
a spherical refracting surface. other distances involved.
L Some important terms related to spherical v Hence NM will be taken to be nearly equal to
refracting surface are given below: the length of the perpendicular from the point
N on the principal axis.
Š—   Š—   Š—  
v Now for  NOC, ‘i’ is the exterior angle.
Therefore, ’    
v Similarly ›         
v The point ‘P’ in the figure is the pole (P) v Now by Snell’s law  œ’— ’   œ’— › or for small
v The centre of the sphere of which the refracting angles  ’   › substituting i & r, we get
surface forms a part is called the centre of            ;           
curvature (C) of the spherical refracing surface.
   
v The radius of the sphere of which the refracting  
surface forms a part is called the radius of
curvature of the spherical refracting surface (R) v Here OM, MI and MC represent magnitude of
distances, applying sign convertions.
v The diameter of the spherical refracting surface
is called its aperture. In the figure, the line joining   ž    Ÿ   
A and B is the aperture of the spherical refracting    
surface.   
Ÿ ž 
v The line joining the pole and centre of curvature
v This is the Gaussion’s relation for a single
and extends on either side of the surface is called spherical refracting surface.
the principal axis.
v Though above relation is derived for a convex
L Sign convention:All the distances are measured surface and for a real object and real image, it is
from the pole of the spherical refracting surface. equally valid for all other conditions.
v The distance measured in the direction of the v If we move in the direction of light,  1 is the
incident light are taken as positive. refractive index of the medium which comes
L Refraction at Sperical surfaces :Consider before the boundary and 2 is the refractive index
refraction at a spherical interface between two of the medium which comes after the boundary.
transparent media. v If the object or image itself is present at a
v The normal at the point of incidence is refracting surface, refraction at that surface is not
perpendicular to the tangent plane to the considered.
spherical surface at that point and therefore, v It is note that with respect to real object convex
passes through its centre of curvature. refracting surfaces can form real image (for distant
object) as well as virtual image (for nearer object),
where as concave refracting surface forms only
virtual image.
L Lateral magnification or transverse

v Figure shows the geometry of formation of

image I of an object ‘O’ on the principal axis of
spherical surface with centre of curvature C, and
radius of curvature R. The rays are incident from
a medium of refractive index  1 to another of v From figure, the lateral magnification is
refractive index 2.

Ray Optics

‘’ ‘ ’
– 
‘   Ÿ  ‘’
–     
v From Snell’s law:  ž ‘ ‘
 ’   › (for small angles) Velocity of image is
‘ ‘’  Ÿ
’     or Vi  mt V0
v Therefore    ž
ž Ÿ
L Principal FOCI :
v Thus lateral magnification
   
‘’  Ÿ In the equation  
–     Ÿ ž 
‘  ž
v If the object at infinity i.e., ž  
L Longitudinal magnification at refracting
curved surface: If a small object of length ‘du’ is
placed on the axis, produces an image of length
‘dv’ along the axis of the refracting surface, then
longitudinal magnification
–  ;
   
v Since     
Ÿ ž   
Ÿ  Ÿ v From figure, it is clear that v = f2
v On differentiating, 
ž  ž  
 
 Ÿ  
 – 
 ž v i.e., The position of image corresponding to the
object at infinity, is called the second principal
 
v Longitudinal magnification –   –   . focus of the refracting surface. This is shown in
  fig (a)
v Where ‘mt’ is transerverse magnification.
v Similarly if Ÿ   , i.e., the object is so placed that
Motion of Object the refracting rays becomes parallel to the
L Along the Principlal Axis :
   
principal axis, then  
     ž 
Since  
Ÿ ž  v From figure, it is clear that u = f1
v As the object position changes with time, the  
 
image position also changes.  
v i.e., The position of the object, whose image is
 Ÿ  ž  
v Hence    , Ÿ  Ÿ  formed at infinity to known as the first principal
Ÿ  ž  Ÿ ž focus of the refracting surface. This is shown in
   Ÿ 
 Ÿ’      Ÿ  

   ž  Hence 
 
vi = (longitudinal magnification) v0
v It is easy to see that first focal length f 1 for
vi = mLv0 spherical refracting surface is not equal to the
v On applying proper sign convertion we get second focal length f2.
direction of motion of image.    
Further  
L Along Perpendicular (Transverse) to the Ÿ ž 
Principal Axis If the object moves transverse to      
     
the principle axis with the speed V0. If m is the Ÿ     ž     Ÿ ž
magnification, then

Ray Optics

Power of Refracting Spherical surface :

v Any distance divided by the refractive index of
the space in which it is measured is called a
reduced distance. (F,0)
v The refracting power of a spherical surface is
defined as the reciprocal of the reduced focal
length. If f1 and f 2 are first and second principal
focal length of refracting surface. converging line
 
v The ratios Š— are the reduced focal
  p= , if t is in m and p is in diopter
v Then refracting power
     
   œ  
      (F,0)

     
Power (P) = '    
     v By definition power of converging system is +ve
L Relative motion of object and image w.r.t and vice versa
spherical mirror surface :


     
  m=  ž
 ž 
 
  ž = 0
 ž
        ž
    –
   ž     
L Net magnification of series of spherical surface
sharing common principal axis :
B1 B2 B3 B4 Example-72
A small object stuck on the surface of a glass
sphere (m = 1.5) is viewed from the
h0 h2 h3
diametrically opposite position. Find
h1 h1 transverse magnification.
Sol: Refreaction will take place at side II of the surface
   
 
Ÿ ž 
‘ ‘
m1 = ‘ mnet = ‘ = m1  m2  ----- mn
m2 =
Power of given series of optical surface system
v It is defined as the ability of the system to
Here, m1 = 1.5, m2 = 1 and u = –2R
converge or diverge parallel beam of rays incident

to parallel axis.  
Ÿ    

Ray Optics

 The distance of the virtual image from the

   or v = –4R
Ÿ    surface is.
negative sign indicates that the image is formed Sol: A point object is at the centre of a glass sphere
to the left of refracting surface as shown. of radius 6 cm.
 Ÿ   
Magnification, –   ;  m = 3
 ž   
A solid glass sphere with radius R and an
index of refraction 1.5 is silvered over one
hemisphere. A small object is located on the
axis of the sphere at a distance 2R to the left of
The rays from the object fall normally on the
the vertex of the unsilvered hemisphere. Find
surface of the sphere and emerge undeviated.
the position of final image after all refraction
When drawn backwards, they meet at O. The
and reflections have taken place.
image will be formed at the centre O itself.
Sol: The ray of light first gets refracted then reflected
and then again refracted. For first refraction and
then reflection the ray of light travels from left
An air bubble in glass (m = 1.5) is situated at
to right while for the last refraction it travels a distance 3 cm from a convex surface of
from right to left. Hence, the sign convention diameter 10 cm as shown in figure. At what
will change accordingly. distance from the surface will the bubble
appear ?

   
First: refraction : Using   with
Ÿ ž 
proper sign conventions,
Sol: In case of refraction from curved surface

we have   Ÿ      
Ÿ     
 ž 
Second: reflection: Using    with
Ÿ ž   Here,        Œ–
proper sign conventions,
and u = –3 cm;

we have, Ÿ       Ÿ     
So    , i.e., v = –2.5 cm
Third: refraction: Again using    
   
  with reversed sign Example-76
Ÿ ž 
convention, we have One end of a cylindrical glass (m = 1.5) is given
 the shape of a concave refracting surface of
  or v3 = –2R
Ÿ    radius 10 cm. An air bubble is situated in the
glass rod at a point on its axis such that it
i.e., final image is formed on the vertex of the
appears to be at distance 10 cm from the surface
silvered face. and inside glass when seen from the other
medium. Find the actual location of air
Example-74 bubble.
A point object is placed at the centre of a glass Sol: Here     Ÿ   Œ–    Œ–
sphere of radius 6 cm and refractive index 1.5.

Ray Optics

    
    &   ;u= cm, R = –3cm and
 ž 

   Using Eq.
   
 
   Ÿ ž 

   
 ž   Œ– Ÿ  Œ–   Œ– 
Hence the air bubble is actually located at a
    
distance 30 cm from the surface and inside glass.  or Ÿ  Œ–  Œ–
Ÿ  Œ–   Œ– 
Example-77 or v = –1.2 cm
A transparent thin film of uniform thickness Thus, the bubble appears at a distance of
and refractive index n1 = 1.4 is coated on the 1.2 cm from the surface P inside the sphere.
convex spherical surface of radius R at one end
Concept of Slab when one surface is Silvered
of a long solid glass cylinder of refractive index
n 2 = 1.5, as shown in figure. Rays of light v Applying formula of spherical surface for pole
parallel to the axis of the cylinder traversing P1
through the film from air to glass get focused
   
at distance f1 from the film, while rays of light  
traversing from glass to air get focused at Ÿ ž 
distacnce f 2 from the film. Then, the 
magnitudes of f1, f2 are   
'    
   ¡
v Here, I1 behaves like object for pole P 2 (Plane
mirror): for this I2 is the image from refraction
through the plane mirror.
Sol: (1,3) For air to glass
v Again for pole P1, I2 behaves as an object, then
  apply
    
      
  (for pole P1)
For glass to air  ž 

    

 '        
¡   
     ¡    
(This is the final image formed by the combination)
A spherical solid glass paper weight of L Real and Virtual Object :If a surface is incident
diameter 6 cm has a small air bubble at a with a divergent beam, it means a real object is
distance of 1.5 cm from the centre. If the air placed infront of the surface at the position where
bubble be viewed from the side to which it is the rays are diverging as shown in figure (a)
nearest along the line joining the bubble and
the centre, find where will it appear.
Sol: Fig shows the relevant situation. O is the air
bubble which acts as the object and P is the
pole. The light ray travelling from the object
passes from glass to air.

Ray Optics

v If a surface is incident with a converging beam,

it means a virtual object is placed behind the
surface at the position where the rays appear to
converge as shown in figure (b).
v In case of image formation unless stated object is
taken to be real, it may be point object denoted
by dot () or extended and is denoted by an arrow
Note :
While calling the name of the lens we called first
L Real and Virtual Image : The optical image is a
the shape of the surface which has more radius
point, where the rays of light either intersect or
of curvature is to be considered.
appear to intersect.
v A thin lens with refractive index greaterthan that
v If the real rays after reflection or refraction
of surroundings behaves as a convergent or
actually converge at a point, the image is said to
convex lens if its central portion is thicker than
be real as shown in figure (a).
marginal one. i.e. it converge if paralle rays
v If the rays do not actually converge but appear
incident on it.
to do so. The image is said to be virtual. This is
v If the central portion of a lens (with    – ) is
as shown in the figure (b).
thinner than marginal, it diverges parallel rays
and behaves as divergent or concave lens.
Note : A thin lens is a lens in which the thickness of
the lens is small compared to the object distance
(or) the image distance or either of the two radii
of curvature of the lens.
L In case of thin spherical lenses: Optical centre
(or) pole O is a point for a given lens through
which any ray passes undeviated.
Note : The eye sees a virtual image as well as it sees a
real image. A real image containing light energy,
hence it can be seen on a screen and can be
photographed. On the other hand, a virtual
image can not be received on a screen.
Refraction by Lenses v If the lens has two spherical surfaces, there are two
v Lense theory : A lens is a piece of transparent centres of curvature C1 and C2 and correspondingly
material with two refracting surfaces such that
two radii of curvature R1 and R2.
atleast one is curved and refractive index of its
L Principal axis (C1C2) is a line passing through
material is different from that of the
surroundings. optical centre and centres of curvature of two
v If the curved surface (or surfaces) of a lens are refracting surfaces. It is perpendicular to the lens.
spherical, the lens is called spherical lens and if v A lens has two surfaces and hence two focal
its thickness is small the lens is called thin. points. First focal point (F1 ) is an object point
v Here we shall limit ourselves to thin spherical (real in case of a convex lens and virtual for
concave) on the princiapl axis for which image is
L Different types of spherical lens are shown in
formed at infinity.
figure (a) and (b)

Ray Optics

v Second focal point ( F2 ) is an image point on the     is +ve;     is –ve

principal axis for which object lie at infinity. f = (OF) is +ve
For concave lens as shown in fig. (b)
    is –ve;     is +ve
f = (OF) is –ve
L Rules for image formation : In order to locate
the image and its nature by a lens graphically
following rules are adopted.
v The distance between optical centre of a lens and v A ray parallel to the principal axis after refraction
the point where the parallel beam of light passes through the principal focus for convex lens
converges or appears to converge. i.e., second and appears to diverge from focus for concave
principal focal point (F2), is called focal length f. lens.
v To a lens, if the media on the two sides is same,
then first principal focal distance is equal to
second pricipal focal distance. i.e.,    .
Note : We are mainly concerned with the second focus
F2 because wherever we write the focal length ‘f’
measures second principal focal length.
L Focal plane : It is a plane passing through the
principal focus and perpendicular to the principal v A ray passing through the first focus F1 becomes
axis. parallel to the principal axis after refraction.
L Aperture : In referance to a lens, aperture is the
effective diameter of its light transmitting area.
The intensity of image formed by a lens depends
on square of aperture. i.e.,

 Š™Ž›ž›Ž 
L Sign convention : Whenever and where ever
possible, rays of light are taken to travel from left Magnification
to right. L Lateral magnification : Magnification produced
L Transverse distance measured above the principal by a lens is defined as the ratio of the size of image
axis are taken to be positive while those below it to that of the object. Here the sizes being
negative. measured perpendicular to principal axis.
L Longitudinal distances are measured from optical
‘ Ÿ
centre and are taken to be positive if in the –   
direction of light propagation and negative if  ‘ ž
opposite to it.
Note: While using the sign convention it must be kept
in mind that, to calculate an unknown quantity
the known quantities are substituted with sign
in a given formula.

When we apply the sign convention, for erect

(and virtual) image formed by a convex or concave
lens ‘m’ is positive, while for an inverted (and
real) image, m is negative.
Note : Linear magnification for a lens can also be
expressed as
Ÿ Ÿ 
–   
 ž  ž
For convex lens as shown in fig.(a)

Ray Optics

L Longitudinal magnification : Longitudinal L Lens formula : Lens formula is a relation

magnification is defined as the ratio of connecting focal length of the lens with the object
infinitesimal axial length (dv) in the region of distance and image distance. The formula is
the image to the corresponding length (du) in
the region of the object.  
  ž
v Longitudinal magnification –    Note : The above formula is valid for convex as well as
ž concave lenses and it is independent of nature of
the image (real or virtual)
v On differentiating equation  
Ÿ ž 
Note : To solve the problems, the above equation can
also be expressed as follows
Ÿ  ž 
    or Ÿ  ž 
 ž Ÿ Ÿž
Ÿ  ž  Ÿ ž Ÿ ž 
ž Ÿ žŸ
Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ] a) Convexlens
v Therefore, –      –
ž ž ž
v So, longitudinal magnification is proportional to
the square of the lateral magnification.
L Angular magnification of lens: The ratio of the
slopes of emergent ray and corresponding
incident ray with principal axis is called the
angular magnification.

Š— 
Angular magnification    Š— 

Note: When several lenses are used co-axially, the total

–  –  –   –— .
From the ray diagrams it is clear that
L Regarding convex lens: A convex lens will form
a real image for a real object when the object is
placed beyond focus.
v When the object comes with in the focus, then a
virtual image is formed for the real object.
v The real image formed is always inverted while
virtual image is always erect.
L Regarding concave lens :A concave lens always
form virtual image for a real object.
v The image formed by a concave lens is always
erect and diminished in size.
v A concave lens can form a real image as well as
virtual image if the object is virtual.

Ray Optics

b) Concave lens    
 
Ÿ ž 
For first surface
   
  .... (1)
Ÿ ž 
v The image I1 is acts as object to second surface,
and form final image I2
For second surface
   
  .... (2)
Ÿ Ÿ 
v So adding (1) and (2) equation, we have
   
           
Ÿ ž   
L Rules of remembering type and nature of image     
formed by thin lense kept in a give surround- or  Ÿ  ž      
 
ing medium.
    
i) converging lens  
  ›     
Ÿ ž   
˜‹“ŽŒ ›ŽŠ• œ’Ž Ÿ’›žŠ• œ’Ž
 
with › 

˜›   

v If object is at infinity, image will be formed at the
–ŠŽ Ÿ’›žŠ• œ’Ž ŽŠ• œ’Ž
i.e. for ž   Ÿ   , so that above equation
ii) Diverging lens
 
 ›     
       
Which is known as Lens-maker’s formula and

Lens Maker’s formula and Lens formula : 1 1 1

v For a lens it becomes   which is known
v In case of image formation by a lens, the incident v u f
as the “lens - formula” or “Gauss’s formula” for
ray is refracted at first and second surface a lens.
respectively. The image formed by the first surface
Though we derived it for a real image formed by
acts as object for the second.
a convex lens, the formula is valid for both convex
v Consider an object O is placed at a distance u
as well as concave lens and for both real and
from a convex lens as shown in figure. Let its
virtual images.
image is I1 after refraction through first surface.
Note : The lens maker’s formula is applicable for thin
So from the formula for refraction at curved
lenses only and the value of R1 and R 2 are to be
put in accordance with tthe Cartesian sign

and Graphs:
Ÿ ž

L Convex lens : The graph between and in

Ÿ ž
case convex lens is as shown in figure.

Ray Optics

¡ ¡
From above two equations 
 
¡ ¡    For f1 = f2

¡ ¡   is called Newton’s formula or lens user

formula. This relation can also prove by using
lens formula.
L Lenses with Different Media on either side :
v For real image:
Consider a lens made of a material with refractive
index  with a liquid a on the left and a liquid
   
Ÿ  ž   Ÿ ž 

v It is a straight line with slope - 1, for virtual image

   
 Ÿ   ž   Ÿ ž 
The governing equation for this system is
v It is a straight line with slope +1 Hence AB line
when the image is real. BC line when the image ‹    Š  ‹  
 Š  
is virtual. Ÿ ž  

L Concave lens: The graph between and in L Determination of the Focal length of a convex
Ÿ ž lens (or) Size of the object by
case of concave lens as shown in figure.
Since concave lens only from virtual image.

   
Ÿ ž  Ÿ ž 
It is a straight line with slope +1.
U and V Graph
L Convex lens: The graph between v and u is
hyperbola to convex lens as shown in figure.
v If the distance ‘d’ between an object and screen is
greater than four times the focal length of a
convex lens, then there are two positions of lens
between the object and screen. This method is
called displacement method and is used in the
laboratory to determine the focal length of convex
v If the object is at a distance u from the lens, the
distance of image from the lens v = (d – u), so
L Concave lens: The graph between v and u is
from lens formula
hyperbola to concave lens as shown in figure.
In case of thin convex lens if an object is placed  
at a distance x1 from first focus and its image is Ÿ ž 
formed at a distance x2 from the second focus.   u2 – du + df = 0
ž ž 
      
So that ž 
Now there are three possibilities.

From properties of triangles,to the left of the lens v If d < 4f, u will be imaginary, so physically no
position of lens is possible.
‘ ‘
 If d = 4f, in this ž 
¡  v   so only one position is

‘ ‘ possible and in this v = 2f. That is why the

To the right of the lens  minimum separation between the real object and
 ¡ real image is 4f.
Ray Optics

      
v If    ž  and A bi-convex lens is formed with two thin
plano-convex lenses as shown in the figure.
       Refractive index ‘n’ of the first lens is 1.5 and
ž  for these two positions of the
that of the second lens is 1.2. Both the curved
object real images are formed for surface are of the same radius of curvature R=14
       cm. For this bi-convex lens, for an object
ž  ž Ÿ ž  ž distance of 40 cm, the image distance will be
       Sol:   
   
v For ž  ž Ÿ ž  ž       

   
i.e., for two positions of the lens object and image
distances are interchangeble as shown in the    
f = +20 cm ;

 
Ÿ 

   ;
v So the magnification for the both positions of  Ÿ  Œ–

the object are related as –  Example-81

An object is 5 m to the left of a flat screen. A
converging lens for which the focal length is
i.e., m1 . m2 = 1 – –   
   0.8 m is placed between object and screen. (a)
v Therefore   where I1 & I2 are the sizes of Show that for two positions of lens form
images for two positions of the object and O is images on the screen and determine how far
size of the object. these positions are from the object? (b) How
v It means that the size of object is equal to the do the two images differ from each other?
geometric mean of the two images. This method
of measuring the size of the object is useful when
the object inaccessible.
v If ‘x’ is the distance between the two positions of
the lens. Sol:

Then   ¡
– –
Example-79 (a) Using the lens formula,  
Ÿ ž 
A biconvex lens of focal length 15 cm is in front
of a plane mirror. The distance between the We have,   ˜›  
ž ž ž ž
lens and the mirror is 10 cm. A small object is
kept at a distance of 30 cm from the lens. The ž   ž  ž   ž
final image is
or ž  ž  u =4m and 1m
Both the values are real, which means there exist
two positions of lens that form images of object
on the screen.
(b) – 
; – 
   and
ž  
From figure, the image is real and at a distance – 
  
of 16 cm from the mirror  
Ray Optics

Hence, both the images are real and inverted,

    
the first has magnification -0.25 and the second  • – • • –
-4.00. v In terms of focal powers of lens and mirror
Example-82   •  –  •  •  –
A point object is placed at a distance of 12 cm  
on the axis of a convex lens of focal length 10 with •     
 and –  
   
cm. On the other side of the lens, a convex
mirror is placed at a distance of 10 cm from the v Here P and P are substitued with sign.
l m
lens such that the image formed by the L When the plane surface of plano convex lenss
combination coincides with the object itself. is silvered.
What is the focal length of convex mirror?

Sol: For convex lens,  

Ÿ 
i.e., v = 60 cm; i.e., in the absence of convex
mirror, convex lens will form the image I1 at a
distance of 60 cm behind the lens. Since, the v Then, the focal power of the given lens is (Pm = 0)
mirror is at a distance of 10 cm from the lens, I1   •  –
will be at a distance of 60 – 10 = 50 cm from the
mirror, i.e., MI1 = 50 cm 
    
  
   
v Since  > 1, ‘P’ is positive, the system behaves as
a concave mirror with focal length

 
 
L When curved surface of a plano convex lens is
Now as the final image I 2 is formed at the object
O itself, the rays after reflection from the mirror
retraces its path, i.e., rays on the mirror are
incident normally, i.e., I1 is the centre of the
mirror, so that R = MI1 = 50 cm and
hence F = (R/2) = (50/2) = 25cm v Then, the focal power of the given lens is

Lens with one Silvered surface   •  –  

    
L When the back surface of a convex lens is v Since ‘P’ is positive, the system behaves a concave

v The rays are first refracted by lens, then refracted mirror with focal length
from the silvered surface and finally refracted by 
lens, so that we get two refractions and one v When the curved surface of a equiconvex lens is
reflection. silvered
v Focal power of lens P = Pm – 2Pl
 
   – 

 
 
      
  
v Behaves as concave mirror of focal length
v In the diagram if f1 and fm are respective the focal 
lengths of lens and mirror. Then 

Ray Optics

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