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Lesson Plans from Edumate

Grade 2

Lesson 2 – Expressive Elements: Dynamics

WEEK 12 

Bilingual/International Period 

(W)Song Study: "Music Alone Shall Live"

The students will study and sing the song “Music Alone Shall Live”

All things will perish beneath the sky

Music alone shall live. Music alone shall live.
Music alone shall live never to die.

The teacher will then write symbols (dynamic markings) and apply the specified  dynamics. 

And then the students will give their observation on what happened to the song when the teacher put
letters on it. 

(W) Introducing Dynamics 

The class will first watch a short video clip on the dynamic markings. 

The class will then be asked of the terms they have heard in the video clip 

Dynamics – refers to the loudness and softness of sound. It indicates the particular level of intensity in

which music or a sound is to be played or to be sung. 
Music dynamics include the following
(f)           forte                                                      -- loud or strong
(p)          piano                                                      -- soft
(ff)         fortissimo                                            -- very loud
(pp)       pianissimo                                          -- very soft

But aside from these four dynamics, the teacher will also ask the students to add in their vocabulary the
following words. 
( < )        crescendo                                            -- grow gradually louder
( > )        decrescendo                                       -- grow gradually softer
sfz          sforzando                                          -- sudden loud accent

To clarify the meaning of crescendo and decrescendo, the class will watch another video clip. 

(G) Group Singing and Application of the Dynamic Markings 

The class will be divided into two groups and will be asked to apply given dynamic markings on the song 
"Music Alone Shall Live." 


(W) Review of the Story of Red Poppy (10 minutes)

The class starts with a review of the music played last time and how they interpreted the music with their

Then the teacher will share with the class the story behind the music of Red Poppy.

(W) Watching of the Ballet Version of Red Poppy (15 minutes)

The class will then be asked to share what they know about ballet. 

Then the teacher will explain that the Red-Poppy was actually turned into a ballet. 

The class will then watch the ballet version of Red Poppy. 

(I) Individual Sharing (10 minutes) 

Individual students will then share their impression about the clip they have watched and if they found feelings
being conveyed by the movements of the ballerinas. 

Bilingual/International Period

Practice for Teachers' Day (Whole Period)



(W) Watching the Climax of Red-Poppy  (15 minutes) 

The class will watch how the story of the Red-Poppy (ballet-film) ended and how the flower symbolized
sacrifice, love and freedom.

The students will then be asked how the music express emotion on the film and how the music affected the
feeling of those who are watching. 

(G) Groupings and Creating Music with Emotions (15-20 minutes)

The class will be asked to pick papers. On the papers are writte the words 'happy' and 'excited'. 

Those who get the paper with the term 'happy' will form one group, and those who will get the paper with the
word 'excited' will form another group.

The students will then be instructed to pick one musical instrument present in the music room andr then return
to their group. They are not allowed to change their instruments once they had chosen already.

The musical instruments that they choose will be in creating music for each of the pictures that will flashed on
the screen. 

The teacher will then flash three different pictures (scenarios) expressing different emotions. The task of the
groups is to create a  30-second music for each of those scenarios. 

The groups will be given 3 minutes to practice for each of the pictures before they are asked to present their
music to the class. 

The class ends with the declaration of the winner in the challenge, and the teacher's explanation why the group


(W) Review of the Symbols and Meaning - Dynamic Markings (5 minutes) 

The class will first have a short review of the different symbols used in order to change the  dynamics of the

(G)  Group Aural Activity (10 minutes) 

The class will be divided into 3 groups and then they will have to listen to 5 audio files. When the teacher gives
the go signal, each team should raise their flash card of dynamic marking. 

Their first answer is their final answer. The group with the most number of correct answer wins the game. 

(G) Group Singing and Dynamics Application (15 minutes) 

The same groupings will be asked to blind pick a card prepared by the teacher. 

Each card contains a nursery rhyme, and on top of the lyrics of the nursery rhymes are dynamic markings. 

The task of each them is to sing the song twice, for the first time without any change in dynamics  (mezzo forte)
all throughout. 

But they will have to apply the dynamic markings, the second time they sing the same song as indicated on their

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