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Eurovision Song Contest

Zoë Peels
This essay is about the Eurovision Song Contest. In this essay I am going to talk about how the
Eurovision Song Contest came into existence, the changes that happened throughout the years
and about how it is possible that countries that are not located in Europe may join the Eurovision
Song Contest.

How it all started

After the Second World War more and more people started watching TV and in 1950 the EBU
came into existence. During a meeting Marcel Bezençon came with the idea to make an
international talent show program and it would be presented for every country. The music would
connect the countries after the war. The Eurovision Song Contest was the first big live television
event organized. Seven countries participated to the first Eurovision Song Contest.

In the past it was possible that more countries won in the same year. Now there is only one
winner. Also in the past only clear was who won, but not who became second and so on. That
also changed throughout the years.

What also changed is the amount of songs that you could do. First it was two, but now it is only
one. Also in the past it was not allowed to participate with more than one, now you can join the
Eurovision Song Contest with up to six persons.

For a long time, it was mandatory for participants to sing a song in the language of their country.
Now you can sing a song in what language you want.

I think this was a very good exercise to do, and I think it was interesting and educational. I think
that the idea that the music would connect the countries after the war is amazing.

Because of all the changes the Eurovision Song Contest changed a lot, in my opinion it became
better. And because of all the history and changes the Eurovision Song Contest is how it is now.
Without the changes and the history the Eurovision Song Contest would not be how it is now.

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