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About 70 % of medical error are related to interpersonal interaction issues; and

ineffective communication is root cause for nearly 66 % of all sentinel events
reported. Please tell that interpersonal interaction issues and give some example

Interpersonal interaction problems often occur in the world of health services, this can
occur between doctor A and doctor B, doctors and nurses, Residents and general
practitioners which will create conflict and will have a bad impact on patient
management or hospital development. Patients and doctors are gonna need eachother.
Communication is a competency that it must be have by doctors and nurses as well as
the other health providers, doctors and patients are certainly have differences in
understanding background, therefore doctors must be able to interact and
communicate with patients verbally to solve the problems and reducing the symptoms
of the patients. A doctor must be really understand what the patient's overall
However, what often happens nowadays, the increasing number of the patients who
has come to the doctor makes communication between doctors and patients are more
less. Doctors are only asking about patients symptoms superficially and as needed,
this can make a lot of information that can be gain more detail, will affecting the
patient’s management. Also, there’s a different language and dialect that can makes
the communication more difficult.
The difference language between doctors and patients can sometime makes patients
cannot speak up and asking more detail about their symptoms and treatments, also
there is a doctor who uses too many medical terms when explaining to the patients
which can make the patiens doesn't fully understand what doctors are saying and
make the patiens doesn't want to be more open to the doctor because they still
confused with what the doctors explanation.

Doctors not only need to know the current patient symptomts at the moment, there is
must be a sufficient communication between doctors and patients and the patient's
family, so that they can find out the history of previous illnesses, previous treatment
history, and allergy history that the patient may not remember, but this can be gained
in the family of the patient.

Good communication can also be useful for deciding alternative treatments given by
doctors, doctors will explain several alternative treatments and complications, and
communication goes without any hesitation and it will reduce risks and disputes in the
future between patients and patients' families against doctors and hospital. because of
the differences in understanding, or other matters that should be resolved with correct
and open communication.
Berikut Contoh kasus masalah interaksi interpersonal saat anamnesa antara
dokter dan pasien: p (pasien) D (dokter)

P: selamat malam dokter , anak saya saat ini berumur 1bulan 13hari bayi saya 3x
dikasih makan pisang dicampur susu sama neneknya dan sekarang tinja bayi
saya berlendir dan berdarah.

D: Sudah berapa lama perubahan warna tinja ini terjadi?

P: Baru beberapa hari ini

D: Baik, apa anak diberikan ASI secara eksklusif?

P: Tidak

D: Apa diberikan susu formula?

P: Ya

D: Oke, apa sudah diberikan MPASI?

P: Sudah

Dari percakapan diatas terlihar\t dokter yang selalu menanyakan secara close ended dan pasien yang
menajwab seadanya tanpa menjabarkan lebih lanjut. Hal ini menjadai hambatan saat dilakukan
anamnesa dan berpengaruh pada ketepatan tatalaksana

Holistic Hospital is a health institution that provides health services to individuals by holistic
approach that includes Emergency Service, Inpatient and Outpatient Clinic.

2. Please tell your opinion about holistic hospital !


Holistic Hospital is a health service institution that provides health services to individuals
with a comprehensive and complete management approach. Holistic can be interpreted as a
whole, in its application to health services it can help reduce patient symptoms and treat them
not only from the physical aspect and patient complaints, but also from a psychological
perspective and empathy for patients and their families.

Holistic Hospital is the concept of a hospital that will treat biopsychosocially, which means
physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually because this will collaborates to optimize
patient health, with the hope that this can provide complete services, making patients and
families comfortable to return to the hospital for treatment.
For example: patients who always come to the outpatient polyclinic or emergency room
every month due to symptoms of acute gastritis, in addition, it is also necessary to review in
terms of patient stressors, patient eating patterns, patient environment, any things that trigger
an increase in the patient's stomach acid , and patients are not only treated by internal
medicine specialists, but can also be consulted with psychiatric specialists if its necessary, so
that the patients can express their emotions and getting solutions for patient emotional calm,
doctors and nurses in the concept of a holistic hospital will of course be asked to increase
their willingness listen to patient symptoms longer, alertness must also be improved.

Because this will make the patient feel comfortable, thoroughly being cared , and if all the
factors that trigger the patient's complaints are known, it is very likely that the patient's
gastritis will gradually reduce its recurrence, then the patient will be satisfied with the health
services they receives, the quality of the hospital will also improve for the better

Another example: Inpatient rooms for patients nowadays can be modified so that the patients
become more comfortable and calm when in inpatient rooms, eliminate the stigma scent of
typical medicines in hospitals, because some patients don’t like the scent, the room can be
change into a more beautiful inpatient room or back to nature / nature themes, lots of trees or
plants that make them more comfortable, no vehicle exhaust fumes, minimizing disturbing
noise and cigarettes in the inpatient area, allowing patients to get maximum rest, as well as
families who waiting will also be more comfortable, and make the patient will not hesitate to
return to the hospital for control and will likely tell his family and colleagues about the great
value of a holistic hospital that is different from hospitals in general.

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