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it i on!!! This guy mad money

First throgh buying a lottery
ticket and their is no
looking back for him.
Read more about how
he has had his life
and how it can happen
to anyone even you

Why buying a lottery

ticket could be a good
investment. read more
about which tickets
1/2 price addition
to by to always win
somthing even if its not
the jackpot 4

1 Million , 1 lucky Day


Travel Story’s:
Best places to go on a budget,
I went to plymouth and it was better
than spain!
Home away from home (europe edi-
Hot, sunny and they speak english
Hit the sloops in your bikini Lockdown through backs:
Sumer skiing, catch up on the ski at- world record toilet paper kepiups
mosphere that you missed during you will nerver belive how dig is score
this lockdown winter
36 was (look at our instagrame to see a
photo of the atempt) 6
165 million views on a work out video
how this girl become a celebrety just by
showing how she was keeping fit. 17

The photo above is an instagrame

story swent from Archie who was stuck
in portugal with his famaily and shared
his instgram story with us via instagram
This was sent through by Brian who managed
to go on a holiday with his family to France.
A letter from
the editor:
Win next issue for free
Hi there and welcome to the all by going to our insta
new eclipse magazine. We will be
relising a new copy each sesson to
keep you fully up to date with it all.
whether your pasion is travel food
or some wierd and crazy stories. if
you’ve ever heard of taker a break,
smash hits, empire or womens
weekly but you feel like its missing
Food and Drink
Life hacks to get that summer body
that realtble touch to you. Bauer me-
dia is a german company that wasa
eat whatever you want and you can
still achive your body goals
been leading the magazin game in
the UK for years and we are about
to take it to the next level! best recipys sent in by you the viewers
send in you food and recive a 250
pound reward if we use your recipe.
yo can dm us on instagram

Archie lockett the main edditor of eclispse.

This was sent to us by Marnie and you can
see the full recipee on our saved story on
instagram or on page 19

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