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he First Impression

When setting the stage, the first impression is a key component. This
helps our clients recognize that we really want to understand what their
first impression about the situation is. We don't want them to be too
analytical and to be sitting there and considering it or thinking about it
for too long. If they have time to overthink, will happen is they will
want to get things exactly right and so they will start filtering things
out. A good way to get them to the first impression right off that bat is
to say something like "Quickly, first impression. Three, two, one... Is it
daytime or nighttime?" Be quick and to the point, to help them get there
quickly as well.

Hypnosis Pre-Talk

Conducting a hypnosis pre-talk is a great way to prepare your client for

age regression. This will help them be able to get to those first
impressions quickly and accurately without taking time to overthink
things. When I am doing age regression with a client, I conduct
hypnosis pre-talk that involves practicing the first impression. I start out
with something like:

"Today's session is going to be even more interactive. I'm

going to be asking you questions, and I want you to respond
with your very first impression. So, I'm going to ask you a few
questions right now. Doesn't have to be the right answer. Just
your first impression. All right, here we go. Black or white?"

After they answer, I just continue with quick and simple questions (i.e.,
red or yellow, up or down, car or truck, cat or dog, sun or moon, etc.) to
help get them accustomed to answering quickly. After that, I'll explain
why we did that exercise. I say something like:

"So if during the session you hear me say just your first
impression, you'll know that I mean I really just want your
first impression. It doesn't have to be exactly right. Is that
okay with you?"
Conducting a hypnosis pre-talk and doing an exercise like this is a great
way to assure that your client can answer quickly and reach that first
impression. This will help prepare them, which will then help the age
regression process go smoothly and ultimately help them achieve

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