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Date: June 2021

To: Employees on Work from Home Modality
From: Operations Team
Subject: Sustainable Work from Home Model

Over a year after we started dealing with the ongoing outbreak of the Covid-19 Virus, the option to
work remotely has proven to be key to keep us safeguarded and close to our families. At the same
time, we have also come across new challenges to ensure that our client’s information is secure and
utilized only for business purposes.

Therefore, it is crucial for us to develop the necessary practices that ensure a sustainable work-from-
home modality, to allow for you to perform at your best, stay safe and minimize the risk to the
business and our customer’s information.

This is possible only if we have the active involvement of each team member. Here are some of the
actions we need from you:

1. Work From Home (WFH) Employees should only use the equipment assigned to them by the
company. If you are using your own device, you cannot change the configuration installed by your
IT department.
2. WFH employees should not access VPN outside of their official work schedule.
3. You should only access your VPN using the approved gateway based on your site location.
4. Sharing of credentials such as but not limited to NT log in, Username, Password, PIN and answers
to Security Questions is not allowed.
5. DO NOT write or save your credentials in any shared folders or anywhere visible and/or accessible
by anyone. It is the employee’s responsibility to always keep his credentials confidential. Utilize
the password wallet in TAS to secure your login credentials.
6. For security purposes, please change your password regularly. If you find anything suspicious,
please immediately report the same to your immediate supervisor or to IT personnel and
request for a password reset.
7. Employees working on site should follow the seat plan assignment. In the event there is a need
to transfer to a different workstation, an approval from the immediate supervisor is required.
8. WFH employees are not allowed to access the Operations Area unless advised by the company
to report on site.
9. If any WFH employee is required to report on site, the immediate superior must create a ticket
to request the deactivation of that employee’s VPN access.
10. We will be auditing the connectivity of every employee as well as the transaction history, any
employee found accessing tools/flows outside of business hours may be subject to disciplinary
actions including dismissal.
11. Employees should not allow other employees to use their credentials to access any tool, or to
complete any transaction in behalf of other employees. Each employee is responsible for his/her
access to work related accounts, this is closely monitored by our Loss Prevention department.
12. If you suspect anyone who is sharing his/her log in credentials, anyone who is using another
employee’s log in credential or if you were asked to share the same, please report immediately to
your site Fraud Hotline. All reports will be made anonymous.

We count on you to keep our client’s information safe, but more importantly, to make the remote work
modality our new reality. Be safe!

Signature / Employee
Deyvis Flores
code: 103771

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