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Baytamo, Ton John L.

CWTS101- A13

Sustainable development goal no.17, the last goal, is about the global partnerships
and collaborations to achieve the 16 goals prior to it. I think this is the most important one
because without this, the rest goals will not be achieved. These collaborations include all
people especially the professionals of different fields. To make it into practice, it is
suggested to build a stronger relationship with other country and to explain all the
sustainable goals comprehensively so the majority will cooperate. As a student, the only
thing that I can do is to spread the complete information of all goals, which will be
accessible to all people around the world. Besides, I think there are still people who are
not aware about this, thus I will take this opportunity to spread awareness about it so that
everyone can fully participate and cooperate in achieving these goals in their own ways.

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