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Grade & Section ______________________________Subject: MATHEMATICS 9
Name of Teacher: __________________________________Date: _____________

I. Title: Law of Cosines

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities
LAS for summative assessment
( Written Work Performance Task)
III. MELC: Illustrates the Law of Cosines
IV. Learning Objective/s:
• Illustrate the law of cosines.
• Identify the missing parts of an oblique triangle.
• Find the missing parts of an oblique triangle applying the law of cosines.

V. Reference/s
Print Material/s:
• Mathematics Learner’s Material 9, Department of Education. pp: 497-500

Online Resource/s:

VI. Concept notes with formative activities

Law of Cosines
In any triangle ABC: with a, b, and c as its sides and A, B, C as its angle, the square
of any side of a triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides minus
twice the product of those two sides and cosines of their included angle. In symbol,
we have, C

a² = b² + c² - 2bc cos A
b² = a² + c² - 2ac cos B a b
c² = a² + b² - 2ab cos C
1 c
The side opposite to ∠ A is a, The angle opposite to side a is A
The side opposite to ∠B is b The angle opposite to side b is B
The side opposite to ∠ C is c The angle opposite to side c is C

The law of cosines can be used in the following situations:

• CASE 1 (SAS): Two sides and the included angle are known

Example 1:
Let us use ∆ ABC to illustrate the Law of Cosines
Given: two sides and the included angle
b = 12 b= 12
∠ C = 80°

Solution: A c B
To solve for c,

c² = a² + b² - 2ab cos C Formula to use to solve for a.

c² = 8² + 12² - 2(8) (12) cos 80° Substitute the given values
c² = 64 + 144 –[192 (0.1736)] Simplify and compute for the values of cos 80°
Using a scientific calculator
c² = 208 – 33.3312 Simplify the resulting equation
c² = 174.6688
√𝑐² = √174.6688 Take the square root of both sides of the equation
c = 13.22 Round to the nearest hundredths

To determine the measure of ∠ A

a² = b² + c² - 2bc cos A Formula to use to solve for ∠ A.
(8) ² = (12) ² + (13.22) ² - 2(12) (13.22) cos A Substitute the given values
64 = 144 + 174.7684 – 317.28 cos A Simplify
64 = 318.7684 – 317.28 cos A
64 -318.7684 = 318.7684 - 318.7684 - 317.28 cos A
Combine like terms
-254.7684 = (-317.28) cos A Simplify the resulting equation
−254.7684 (−317.28) cos A
= Divide both sides of the equation by -317.28
−317.28 −317.28
0.80297 = cos A Use the inverse cosine function to solve for
(Using your scientific calculator press shift,
then cos button, enter 0.80297, then
press = button)
m∠A = 36.58° Round to the nearest hundredths

Since the measure of ∠C is given and the measure of ∠A is now known, the
measure of ∠B can be computed using the equation ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°

∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°
36.58° + ∠B + 80° = 180° Substitute the values then simplify
116.58 + ∠B = 180°
116.58 - 116.58 + ∠B = 180° - 116.58° Subtract both sides by 116.58
∠B = 63.42°

The triangle with its complete parts is shown below.


b =12 a=8

36.58° 63.42°
A c = 13.22 B

Example 2. C
Given 2 sides and the included angle
Find the length of a a
Given: 40°
b = 21
c = 32 32
∠ A = 40°

a² = b² + c² - 2bc cos A Formula to use to solve for a.
a² = (21)² + (32)² - 2(21)(32) cos 40° Substitute the given values
a² = 144 + 1024 – 1344 (0.766) Simplify then compute for the values of cos
Using a scientific calculator
a² = 144 + 1024 – 1029.504 Simplify the resulting equation
a² = 149.505
√𝑎² = √149.504 Find the square root of both sides of the
a = 12.2 Round to the nearest tenths

• CASE 2 (SSS): Three sides are known
Example 1 A
Given: three sides
c = 20
a = 15
b =10
b = 10
c = 20 a = 15
Determine the missing parts of ∆ ABC B
a² = b² + c² - 2bc cos A Formula to use to solve for ∠ A.
(15)² = (10)² + (20)² - 2(10)(20) cos A Substitute the given values
225 = 100 + 400 – 400 cos A Simplify
225 = 500 – 400 cos A
225 - 500 = 500 – 500 – 400 cos A Subtract both sides of the equation by 500
-275 = -400 cos A Simplify the resulting equation
−275 (−400 cos A)
= Divide both sides of the equation by -400
−400 −400
0.6875 = cos A Use the inverse cosine function to solve for
(Using your scientific calculator press shift,
then cos button, enter 0.6875, then press
= button)

m∠A = 46.57° Round to the nearest hundredth

Using the formula b² = a² + c² - 2ac cos B, find the measure of ∠B

b² = a² + c² - 2ac cos B Formula to use to solve for ∠ B.
(10)² = (15)² + (20)² - 2(15)(20) cos B Substitute the given values
100 = 225 + 400 – 600 cos B Simplify
100 = 625 – 600 cos B
100 - 625 = 625 - 625– 600 cos B Subtract both sides of the equation by 625
100 - 625 = -600 cos B Combine like terms
-525 = -600 cos B Simplify the resulting equation
−525 −600 cos B
= Divide both sides of the equation by -600
−600 −600
0.875 = cos B Use the inverse cosine function to solve for
(Using your scientific calculator press shift,
then cos button, enter 0.875, then press =

m∠B = 28.96° Round to the nearest hundredth

Since two angles are already known substitute their values in the equation
∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° to solve for ∠C
46.57° + 28.96° + ∠C = 180° Substitute the values
75.53 + ∠C = 180°
75.53 -75.53 + ∠C = 180°-75.53 Subtract both sides by 75.53
∠C = 104.47°

Below is the triangle with its complete parts

46.57° c = 20

b =10 104.47° 28.96°

a = 15

Example 2 C
Given 3 sides
a = 27, b = 19, c = 23 19
Find m ∠A 27

Given: a = 27, b = 19, c = 23
a² = b² + c² - 2bc cos A Formula to use to solve for ∠ A.
(27)² = (19)² + (23)² - 2(19)(23) cos A Substitute the given values
729 = 361 + 529 – 874 cos A Simplify
729 = 890 -874 cos A
729 - 890 = 890 - 890 - 874 cos A Subtract both sides by 890
-736 = -874 cos A Simplify the resulting equation
−161 −874 cos 𝐴
= Divide both sides of the equation by -874
−874 −874
0.1842 = cos A Use the inverse cosine function to solve for
(Using your scientific calculator press shift,
then cos button, enter 0.1842, then press
= button)

m∠A = 79.39° Round to the nearest hundredth


Grade & Section ______________________________Subject: MATHEMATICS 9
Name of Teacher: __________________________________Date: _____________

I. Title: Law of Cosines

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities
LAS for summative assessment
( Written Work Performance Task)
III. MELC: Illustrates the Law of Cosines
IV. Learning Objective/s:
• Illustrate the law of cosines.
• Identify the missing parts of an oblique triangle.
• Find the missing parts of an oblique triangle applying the law of cosines.

V. Reference/s
Print Material/s:
• Mathematics Learner’s Material 9, Department of Education. pp: 497-500

Online Resource/s:

VI. Summative Test: R

A. Fill in the blanks. Refer to the figure to answer the following:
1. c =______
2. r =______ 29 ft
3. y =______ C
4. The formula to use to solve for ∠C _______________
5. The formula to use to solve for ∠Y ________________

B. In the figure below find the length of c. (Round your answer to the nearest tenths)
5 pts.

66° 13

C. In ∆ 𝐷𝐸𝐹, e = 16 yd, d = 12yd, f = 17 yd Find the measure of ∠D (Round your

answer to the nearest tenths) 5 pts


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