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In this section, we will solve oblique triangles – triangles that have no right angles.

As standard notation, the angles of a triangle are labeled A, B, and C, and their opposite
sides are labeled a, b, and c.

To solve an oblique triangle, we need to know the measure of at least one side and any
two other measures of the triangle—either two sides, two angles, or one angle and one

This breaks down into the following four cases:

1. Two angles and any side (AAS or ASA)

2. Two sides and an angle opposite one of them (SSA)

3. Three sides (SSS)

4. Two sides and their included angle (SAS)

The first two cases can be solved using the Law of Sines, whereas the last two cases require
the Law of Cosines.

6.1. The SINE LAW

Study the triangle ABC shown below. Let B stands for the angle at B. Let C stand for the
angle at C and so on. Also, let b = AC, a = BC and c = AB.

a = BC
c = AB

A b=AC
The sine rule:
a b c
= =
sinA sinB sinC
In triangle ABC, B = 21◦, C = 46◦ and AB = 9cm. Solve this triangle.
We are given two angles and one side and so the sine rule can be used. Furthermore, since
the angles in any triangle must add up to 180 ◦ then angle A must be 113◦. We know that c =
AB = 9. Using the sine rule:

A. Given Two Angles and One Side – AAS

For the triangle below C = 102, B = 29, and b = 28 feet. Find the remaining angle and sides.

The third angle of the triangle is

A = 180 – B – C
B. = 180 – 29 – 102
= 49.
By the Law of Sines, you have

Using b = 28 produces


The Ambiguous Case (SSA)

In our first example we saw those two angles and one side determine a unique triangle.
However, if two sides and one opposite angle are given, three possible situations can
(1) no such triangle exists,
(2) one such triangle exists, or
(3) two distinct triangles may satisfy the conditions.

Given two sides and an angle across

a=5 A = 40o
b=7 B = 64.1o
c = 7.5 C = 75.9o
The Ambiguous Case
a=5 A = 40o
b=7 B = 115.9o
c = 3.2 C = 24.1o

How to determine an ambiguous case?

1. Is it Law of Sines or Law of Cosines
1. Law of Cosines – solve based upon one solution
2. Law of Sines – go to #2
2. Law of Sines - Is it the SSA case? (Two sides and angle opposite)
1. No – not ambiguous, solve based upon one solution
2. Yes – go to #3.
3. Is the side opposite the angle the shortest side?
1. No – not ambiguous, solve based upon one solution
2. Yes – go to #4
4. Is the angle obtuse?
1. No – go to #5
2. Yes – no solution
5. Calculate the height of the triangle
height = the side not opposite the angle x the sine of the angle
1. If the side opposite the angle is shorter than the height – no solution
2. If the side opposite the angle is equal to the height – one solution
3. If the side opposite the angle is longer than the height – two solutions


a. Determine the number of solutions available with the give 2 sides and 1 angle.
1. A = 30o a=5 b=3
2. B = 50o a=6 b=5
3. C = 80o b=5 c=6
4. A = 40o a=4 b=8
5. a=5 b=4 c=6
6. B = 20o a = 10 c = 15
7. A = 25o a=3 b=6
8. C = 75o a=5 b=3

b. Using the given sides and angle above, find the missing sides and angles of #5 to #8.


Refer to the triangle shown below.

a = BC
c = AB

A b=AC
The cosine rule:

a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bccosA, b2 = a2 + c2 − 2accosB, c2 = a2 + b2 − 2abcosC

In triangle ABC, AB = 42cm, BC = 37cm and AC = 26cm. Solve this triangle.

We are given three sides of the triangle and so the cosine rule can be used. Writing a = 37, b
= 26 and c = 42 we have
a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bccosA
from which
372 = 262 + 422 − 2(26)(42)cosA

262 + 422 372 1071
cosA = == 0.4904
(2)(26)(42) 2184
and so
A = cos−1 0.4904 = 60.63◦

You should apply the same technique to verify that B = 37.76◦ and C = 81.61◦. You should
also check that the angles you obtain add up to 180 ◦.

1. Solve the triangle ABC in which AC = 105cm, AB = 76cm and A = 29◦.
2. Solve the triangle ABC given C = 40◦, b = 23cm and c = 19cm.


The procedure used to prove the Law of Sines leads to a simple formula for the area of an
oblique triangle.
Referring to the triangles below, that each triangle has a height of h = b sin A.

height = the side not opposite the angle x the sine of the angle
A. Area of a Triangle - SAS
SAS – you know two sides: b, c and the angle between: A
Remember area of a triangle is c a
½ base ● height h
Base = b
Height = c ● sin A
 rea1/2 bc(sinA) b

Looking at this from all three sides:

Area = ½ ab(sin C) = ½ ac(sin B) = ½ bc (sin A)

Find the area of a triangular lot having two sides of lengths 90 meters and 52 meters and
an included angle of 102.
Consider a = 90 meters, b = 52 meters, and the included angle C = 102

Then, the area of the triangle is

Area = ½ ab sin C
= ½ (90)(52)(sin102)
 2289 square meters.
Note: This formula works when you have two sides and the included angle (SAS). But
frequently you have three sides of a triangle and wish to determine the area. In that case,
we have another formula that will determine the area of that triangle. It is called Heron’s
(pronounced Hero’s) formula.



1. 2.

3. 4.

B. Solve the following word problems.

1. A tree leans 7° to the vertical. At a point 40 feet from the tree (on the side closest to the
lean), the angle of elevation to the top of the tree is 24°. Find the height of the tree.
2. A hot air balloon is hovering over Valley Forge. Person A views the balloon at an angle of
elevation of 25° while person B views the balloon at an angle of elevation of 40°. If A and B
are 4000 feet apart, find the height of the balloon.

3. Two tornado spotters are on a road running east west and are 25 miles apart. The west
man spots a tornado at bearing N37°E and the east man spots the same tornado on a
bearing of N56°W. How far is the tornado from each man and how far is the tornado from
the road?


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