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Tutorials: IMDG

1. With reference to the IMDG code, list the precautions to be observed when loading and
discharging dangerous goods.

2. With reference to the IMDG code, sketch and describe the following terminology which
is associated with the carriage of dangerous goods on board

a. Away from
b. Separated from
c. Separated by a complete compartment or hold from
d. Separated longitudinally by an intervening

3. With reference to the IMDG Code, outline the statutory requirements relating
to the carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form with respect to the following.

a. Packaging
b. Marking, labeling and placarding
c. Documentation

4. List the information contained in the “Document of Compliance” for the carriage of
dangerous goods.

5. Describe the stowage and carriage requirements for the carriage of dangerous goods in
packaged form as per the relevant provisions of the IMDG Code (Reg 4)

6. List the general precautions to be observed during loading and unloading of explosives on
board a ship.

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