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Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609

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Study of the loss of bond in reinforced concrete specimens with

accelerated corrosion by means of push-out tests
Beatriz Sanz a,⇑, Jaime Planas a, José M. Sancho b
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Dep. de Ciencia de Materiales, ETS de Ingenieros de Caminos, Profesor Aranguren 3, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Dep. de Estructuras de Edificación, ETS de Arquitectura, Avda. Juan de Herrera 4, 28040 Madrid, Spain

h i g h l i g h t s

 Loss of bond due to reinforcement corrosion is studied by means of push-out tests.

 The specimens are slices of concrete prisms reinforced with a smooth steel tube.
 The prisms are uniformly corroded in accelerated tests up to several corrosion depths.
 Adhesion and friction are the main resisting mechanisms during push-out of the tube.
 Corrosion depth affects residual stress and a dilatant behavior is detected.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work, push-out tests are presented to study loss of bond caused by corrosion of steel in reinforced
Received 21 April 2017 concrete. The specimens are concrete prisms reinforced with a smooth steel tube, thus, interlocking of bar
Received in revised form 2 August 2017 ribs is avoided, and adhesion and friction are analyzed. The prisms were uniformly corroded up to various
Accepted 17 November 2017
corrosion depths. During push-out, widening of the main crack developed during accelerated corrosion
was measured. For the corrosion levels applied in this work, the corrosion level influences the residual
stress at the end of the test, and the stress and crack widening are related, showing a dilatant behavior.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reinforced concrete
Accelerated corrosion
Fracture mechanics

1. Introduction mens with deformed bars at four stages of corrosion, by means of

concentric pull-out tests and bending tests, and found that for
Bond between steel and concrete is crucial for an adequate specimens with a low degree of corrosion, bond strength (the max-
behavior of reinforced concrete structures. However, when corro- imum pure shear stress transmitted between the steel and the con-
sion of the steel occurs, an oxide layer develops that modifies the crete) increases, due to the generation of a firmly adhered rust
properties of the steel-concrete interface and diminishes the net layer, which increases the roughness of the surface; however, for
cross-sectional area of reinforcement, thus, reducing the ultimate high corrosion levels, bond strength decreases, due to development
strength of affected concrete members and the service life of the of a heavy oxide layer with a lubricating effect, degradation of bar
structure [1]. Moreover, cracking and spalling of the concrete cover ribs, which diminishes interlocking and bearing of bar deforma-
can occur, due to the volumetric expansion of the oxide with tions against concrete, and formation of longitudinal cracks, which
respect to the sound steel [2,3], resulting in loss of confinement diminishes confinement. Further work developed by Almusallam
and, thus, loss of bond. et al. [4] showed results in agreement with those in [1], and
From previous studies found in the literature, essential aspects assessed that cracks developed in corrosion tests and rib profile
of the influence of corrosion on bond behavior have been disclosed. degradation affect bond strength. They also explained that bond
For example, Al-Sulaimani et al. [1] studied the behavior of speci- strength increases in pre-cracked specimens may be due to an
increase in the reactionary confinement of the bar in the concrete,
⇑ Corresponding author. as the corrosion product develops an expansive mechanical pres-
E-mail addresses: (B. Sanz), sure on the surrounding concrete, and reported that hoop tensile
(J. Planas), (J.M. Sancho).
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609 599

stresses widen the corrosion cracks. An increase in bond strength between the steel and the concrete due to reinforcement corrosion,
for a given small amount of corrosion and a decrease for severe focusing on adhesion and friction. In particular, bond behavior is
corrosion were also reported for bars corroded under natural con- studied by means of push-out tests of smooth reinforcement, using
ditions before being cast in concrete by Maslehuddin et al. [5], for the experimental device developed in [19]. The specimens are con-
specimens corroded by immersion in a solution of Ca(OH)2 by Fu crete slices cut from prisms reinforced with a calibrated steel tube,
and Chung [6], and for specimens corroded under a controlled con- which were corroded under a constant current in such a manner
stant current by Coccia et al. [7]. Other authors have investigated that uniform corrosion was expected to occur along the tube
influence of stirrups for specimens reinforced with deformed bars length, as explained in [20,21]. Since in the cut slices the steel tube
and with smooth bars, as Fang et al. [8], and the influence of cor- does not protrude from the concrete, push-out instead of pull-out
roded stirrups, as Hanjari et al. [9] and Juarez et al. [10], finding was selected [19], which has the advantage of allowing using a
that loss of bond due to corrosion is smaller for specimens with simple loading device, as explained later in the paper. Moreover,
stirrups, since they are the main source of confinement after crack- since the reinforcement in the tests is a smooth tube, instead of a
ing of the cover, or have focussed their attention on the influence of bar, interlocking between bar ribs and concrete is avoided, and
the corrosion method, as Choi et al. [11]. As a summary, three main adhesion and friction can be studied. During the tests, the applied
resisting mechanisms are identified that contribute to bond load, the displacement of the tube and the additional opening of
strength: adherence, which is the chemical bond strength between the main crack which was developed through the cover during
the steel and the concrete and is limited by the weakest of the accelerated corrosion were recorded. This allowed analyzing the
strength of the steel-oxide-concrete layers, friction, which depends maximum shear stress, residual stress and loss of confinement of
on the surface characteristics and on the confinement, and geomet- the specimens. Results are presented for specimens corroded up
rical interlock, due to steel ribs. However, differences are found in to three different corrosion depths, as well as for virgin specimens.
the values reported in those works for the critical corrosion level, It should be noted that the reinforcement of this work differs
maximum bond stress and slip of the bars, which may be explained from that of concrete structures; thus, different values of the shear
by the differences in the conditions of the tests and in the geome- stress may be obtained. The geometry of this reinforcement,
try of the specimens, which also determine the resisting mecha- though, was essential in this study to disclose essential aspects
nism contributing to bond strength. For example, most of those of the bond behavior of the steel-oxide-concrete system. Further-
works utilized pull-out tests based on the ASTM-C234 standard more, the presented method could be applied to study the behavior
[12], either directly [1,5–7], or with modifications [8,9], but other of specimens for other test conditions.
types of test were used as well trying to reproduce more closely This paper is organized as explained next: following to this
the actual state of stress in the structure, such as bending tests introduction, Section 2 presents the main aspects of push-out tests
[1,10] and cantilever bond tests [4]. As a result, parameters and the design of the experimental devices, Section 3 describes the
obtained from a given experiment may not be adequate to repro- procedure of preparation of the slices for bond tests, including the
duce the behavior in other situations in which the dominating technique used for accelerated corrosion of the specimens, Sec-
mechanisms of bond potentially differ from those in the tion 4 discusses the results, and Section 5 summarizes the conclu-
experiment. sions of this work. Finally, details on the processing of results are
Another important aspect in the tests is the condition during given in Appendix A.
accelerated corrosion. As pointed out by Prieto et al. [13], current
densities much higher than those observed in natural conditions
may yield unrealistic values of bond strength, since density of cur- 2. Basis of push-out test
rent affect the type of oxide generated, as indicated in reference
studies of corrosion-induced cracking [14]. In this regard, in [15] 2.1. Context
limitations of accelerated corrosion tests in reproducing the actual
behavior of the reinforcement were pointed out and it was recom- Push-out tests presented in this work have been carried out
mended that such tests should be avoided, except for fundamental within the framework of a general study of cracking of concrete
research on the corrosion process, as in the case of the current due to reinforcement corrosion [19–21]. In that study, concrete
paper. Besides, other variables such as the humidity and the tem- prisms reinforced with a calibrated steel tube, as those sketched
perature also influence the corrosion process. In summary, corro- in Fig. 1(a) and (b), were artificially corroded under a constant cur-
sion introduces additional uncertainties in the determination of rent, using the experimental setup presented in [21], with such
bond-slip relationship, as explained in [16]. Therefore, it is essen- conditions that uniform corrosion was expected to occur along
tial to perform tests with repeatable conditions. the length of the tube, as further explained in Section 3. After the
To decouple the various resisting mechanisms and to study the tests, each specimen was cut into five slices, as sketched in Fig. 1
effect of corrosion on them, Cairns et al. [17] designed a test to con- (c); the two external slices were discarded, and the central slice,
trol the amount of confinement, using specimens with lateral steel labeled as 3 in the figure, was subjected to the push-out test. The
plates, to which controlled normal and shear forces were applied, two remaining slices were impregnated with fluorescent resin, fol-
and calculated the friction coefficient between the steel and the lowing the method presented in [20], to study the crack pattern of
concrete, finding that the prime factor for changes in bond due the specimens, which is out of the scope of this paper. During
to corrosion may be the confinement pressure of the bar, rather accelerated corrosion, a main crack developed through the cover,
than changes in friction characteristics. As another example, together with several thin secondary cracks, as sketched in Fig. 1
Ouglova et al. [18] designed specimens to avoid lateral confine- (d), which was assessed from the inspection of the impregnated
ment, with a polished bar as reinforcement and with a window slices under ultraviolet light. In parallel to the experiments,
to measure the displacement of the bar by digital image correla- numerical simulations of the accelerated corrosion tests were con-
tion, detecting interface opening normal to the interface for high ducted, using a model that reproduces the cohesive fracture of con-
corrosion levels. However, further work is required to characterize crete by means of elements with an embedded adaptable crack
individually the effect of corrosion on the mechanisms contribut- [22] and the mechanical behavior of oxide by means of expansive
ing to bond, which motivated this work. joint elements [20]. The comparison of the numerical and experi-
In the current paper an experimental study is offered with the mental curves of crack width, variation of inner diameter and vari-
main purpose of providing fundamental research on loss of bond ation of inner volume of the tube permitted disclosing the best
600 B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609

90 3

14.5 1mm thick
steel tube
(a) (c)


50 50 main crack thinner cracks
(b) (d)
Fig. 1. Sketch of the specimens before accelerated corrosion and dimensions in mm (a) and (b), cutting of the specimens into slices after accelerated corrosion (c), and cross-
sectional area of the slice used in push-out tests (d). Normally, the central slice—labeled as 3 in (c)—was used in push-out tests, while the slices labeled with 1 and 5 were
discarded, and the slices labeled with 2 and 4 were used in other tests out of the scope of this paper.

values for the oxide parameters developed under those test condi- in Fig. 2. This configuration has the advantage of allowing using a
tions [21]. simple loading device, which minimizes influence of anchoring
on the results. Besides, since the tube is smooth, interlocking
2.2. Geometry of the specimens between bar ribs and the concrete is avoided during the tests, thus,
bond between the steel and the concrete can be determined with-
Fig. 1(a) and (b) show the dimensions of the prisms from which out influence of the geometry of the reinforcement, focusing on
the slices used in push-out tests were obtained. The prisms had a adhesion and friction. It should be noted, though, that other con-
cross-section of 90  100 mm2 and a height of 90 mm. They were current mechanisms, such as interlocking and stirrup confinement,
reinforced with a seamless precision carbon steel tube compliant should be considered when studying the response of concrete
with the EN 10305-1 standard [23], 1.0 mm thick and 20 mm in structures.
diameter. The tube had its axis lying in one of the planes of sym- During the test, the displacement of the tube relative to the con-
metry of the prism, and a cover of 20 mm, to enforce a dominant crete was measured using a linear variable differential transducer,
mode of failure during accelerated corrosion, consisting of a single which will be referred in the text as the lvdt. Besides, the widening
main crack through the cover [20,21]. or additional opening of the main crack developed during acceler-
After accelerated corrosion, each prism was cut into slices, as ated corrosion through the cover was measured using a longitudi-
explained in Section 2.1 and sketched in Fig. 1(c). Normally the
central slice of each prism was used in push-out tests. It had an
average thickness of 20 mm, and a cross-section as that sketched
in Fig. 1(d), with a main crack at the cover and several thin sec-
ondary cracks surrounding the specimen, and the dimensions indi-
cated in Fig. 1(b).

2.3. Design of push-out test

Since the specimens in the bond tests are concrete slices and lvdt
anchoring of the tubes is not possible, a device was specially
designed and built to push the tube out of the concrete, as sketched Fig. 2. Sketch of push-out tests.
B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609 601

nal extensometer, which will be referred as the crack width crack width extensometer was clamped to the slice using elastic
extensometer. bands.
A more detailed sketch of the test device is shown in Fig. 3. To It should be noticed that the dimensions of the ring in contact
design the parts, some of the principles of compression tests found with the concrete were calculated so that the zone in compression
in the ASTM C39 standard [24] were taken into account. A steel was the minimum without introducing damage into the concrete,
cylinder (c) pushed the steel tube and had a guide to keep it cen- and the inner edge of the ring was as close as possible to the
tered. An auxiliary part (a) joined the device to a load cell through steel-concrete interface; similarly, the dimensions of the pusher
a threaded joint. A ball joint (b) was placed between the pusher were calculated so that the loaded cross-sectional area of steel
and the auxiliary part to ensure a good contact of the pusher with was the largest compatible with the tolerances of the tube; hence
the steel tube, in case the sides of the slice were not strictly paral- the importance of using precision steel tubes as reinforcement.
lel. To accommodate the ball, a conical seating was machined at Another observation is that the lvdt measured the displacement
the bottom of Part (a) and at the top of Part (c). Part (e) supported between Points C and D in Fig. 3, which were located as near as
the slice contacting the concrete over a ring, and was centered with possible to the sections of steel and concrete being loaded (Lines
the steel tube; a central drill allowed accommodating the lvdt, A and B), thus elastic deformation of the devices can be neglected.
which was held by a brace (f) and fixed by a screw; a circumferen- Finally it should be noted that in this test both the reinforce-
tial groove accommodated the tube when pushed-out and acted as ment and the concrete are compressed, in contrast with typical
a mechanical stop to protect the transducer from an excessive dis- pull-out tests. According to [16] the stress state is important for
placement. The set rested over Part (g), which had a lateral groove the serviceability conditions, e.g. for evaluating crack widths; how-
to access the transducer. Complementarily, a plate (d) was placed ever, the tests in this work are intended to investigate the adher-
below the slice as a security element in case the slice was broken. ence behavior of the steel-concrete interface and to obtain
All the parts were fabricated in steel for tempering. More details in information that could be applied to models that take into account
the experimental devices can be found in [19]. the actual geometry of real structures; thus, ideal conditions are
Fig. 4 shows a general view of the tests (a) and a detail of the sought for a proper interpretation of the experimental results. It
crack width extensometer (b). It should be noted that the lvdt should also be noted that the embedment length in this work is
was fixed to the test device using a brace and a screw, and the of the order of the outer diameter of the reinforcement, which is

Fig. 3. Sketch of the devices designed for the push-out test: parts joining the load machine (a) and (g), ball joint (b), parts loading over the steel (c) and the concrete (e) and
auxiliary elements for security (d) and to hold the lvdt transducer (f). The displacement of the tube was measured between the points C and D, which were as near as possible
to the sections of steel and concrete being loaded (A and B).
602 B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609

Fig. 4. General view of a push-out test (a) and detail of the extensometer to measure the additional opening of the main crack (b).

much smaller than that in the works mentioned in [16], and uni- sand were used with a maximum size of 8 mm, and calcium chlo-
form stress is assumed along the reinforcement, as commented ride was added to the mixture to produce depassivation of the
on next section. steel. Table 1 displays the mix proportions by weight of cement,
which were as those in [20,21], except for the amount of superplas-
2.4. Test procedure and analysis of results ticizer and for not incorporating set-retarding admixture.
Prior to casting, the tubes of reinforced specimens were cleaned
During the test, the applied load, the displacement of the tube following the method described in [26]; they were immersed and
and the additional opening of the main crack were continuously ultrasonically agitated during 30 s in an inhibited acid solution,
recorded. The test was run under displacement control, using the then rinsed with demineralized water, neutralized by immersion
lvdt output as the feed-back signal. in a solution of calcium bicarbonate, rinsed again with demineral-
The stress s at the steel-concrete interface was computed from ized water, and dried by immersion in propanol. With that treat-
the records of load and displacement, assuming uniform stress ment, the initial adherence conditions between the steel and the
along the length of the tube, and taking into account the actual sur- concrete can be assumed to be the same in all the specimens,
face of contact between the steel and the concrete, as: avoiding influence of the degree of cleanliness. The ends of the
tubes were coated with enamel to prevent them from corrosion
P during casting and curing, while keeping a length of 80 mm cen-
s¼ ð1Þ
pDðL  dÞ tered at the tube free to corrode.
Complementary specimens were fabricated from the same
where P is the load, D is the outer diameter of the steel tube, L is the batch to characterize the fracture behavior of the concrete at the
average length of the tube, and d is the displacement of the tube, age of 28 days. Particularly, the following specimens were cast:
which was measured by the lvdt. See Appendix A for details in six standard cylinders 150 mm in diameter and 300 mm in height,
the processing of results. and four standard beams with a cross-section of 100  100 mm2
From complementary simulations, which are out of the scope of and 500 mm in length. From those, three cylinders were used in
this paper, it was assessed that stress was uniform at the steel- standard compression tests to measure the compressive strength
concrete interface from the peak to the end of the test. The simu- f c , following the ASTM C39 standard [24], three cylinders were
lations were carried out within the finite element framework COFE used in diagonal compression tests to determine the tensile
(Continuum Oriented Finite Element), assuming elastic behavior for strength of concrete f t , following the ASTM C496 standard [27]
the steel and for the concrete, and a cohesive behavior for the and additional recommendations proposed by Rocco in [28], and
interface. the beams were notched and used in stable three-point bending
tests, to compute a bilinear approximation of the softening curve,
3. Experimental work following the method proposed in the final report to RILEM TC
187-SOC by Planas et al. [29]. Table 2 displays the fracture param-
3.1. Materials and fabrication of specimens eters obtained.
All the specimens were cast in steel molds. In the case of the
Ten reinforced concrete prisms as those described in Section 2.2 reinforced concrete prisms, polyethylene parts with the appropri-
were used in this work, cast from a single batch. ate holes were used to hold the steel tube in place. The specimens
A porous concrete was fabricated in laboratory conditions using were kept in the molds for 24 h in laboratory conditions, then
Portland Cement I 52.5 R, defined in the European Standard EN 197- taken out of the molds and stored in a bath of lime saturated water
1 [25], with a water-to-cement ratio of 0.5. Siliceous aggregate and in a temperature-controlled chamber at 20 °C until testing time.
B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609 603

Table 1 completeness of the text, while the details can be found in

Mix proportions of concrete by weight of cement. [19,21]. During the test, the specimen was submerged in a water
Water Cement Sand Aggregate CaCl2 Superplasticizer bath containing calcium chloride, resting over one of the sides per-
0:5 1 2:85 2:05 0:03 0.0055 pendicular to the axis of the steel tube, for the sake of repeatability
of the conditions in all the tests. To provide electrical insulation of
the end of the tube that would be submerged, a PVC cap was
Table 2
bonded surrounding it, and an epoxy layer was applied to the faces
Mechanical parameters of the fabricated concrete, where f c is the compressive of concrete perpendicular to the tube, to enforce plane field of cur-
strength, f t the tensile strength, E the elastic modulus, GF the fracture energy, w1 the rent during the test. With those precautions, uniform corrosion
horizontal intercept of the initial branch of the softening curve with the abscissas was expected to occur along the length of the tube. A main crack
axis, and rk the stress of the kink point of the bilinear curve.
developed through the cover, and several secondary cracks sur-
f c (MPa) f t (MPa) E (GPa) GF (N/m) w1 (lm) rk (MPa) rounding the reinforcement, as reported in [20] for tests with sim-
48.2 ± 2.8 3.33 ± 0.04 34.2 ± 1.4 110 ± 19 20.6 0.521 ilar specimens and conditions, and sketched in Fig. 1(d). For
specimens with smaller corrosion, fewer secondary cracks devel-
oped, and the width of the main crack was smaller.
3.2. Accelerated corrosion of reinforced concrete prisms The width of the main crack at the middle section of the spec-
imen, which was so-called main CMOD, was continuously recorded
After curing for at least three months, the specimens were arti- using an adapted extensometer; particularly, the crack opening
ficially corroded using the impressed current technique [2,30]. The was measured between the points labeled as A and B in Fig. 1(d),
specimens were corroded under a constant current of 400 lA/cm2, at 5 mm from the concrete surface, for a safe anchor of the exten-
up to a given corrosion depth, calculated according to Faraday’s someter. Other measurements were carried out regarding the inner
law, assuming 100% of effectiveness of the current. In particular, dimensions of the tube, which are out of the scope of this paper
three series of tests were carried out with three specimens being and for which details can be found in [21,19]. Finally, the electrical
corroded in parallel, up to final corrosion depths of 38, 25 and potential, the circulating current and the temperature were
13 lm. Table 3 displays the specimens and their nominal corrosion recorded using standard instruments. From the records of electri-
depth. For future convenience, other results that will be explained cal current, the corrosion depth at each time was computed, apply-
later are included in the table. ing Faraday’s law.
It should be noted that the applied density of current is much The loss of weight of the steel after corrosion was measured for
higher than the values observed in real structures [14]. Thus, other the tubes of the slices used in bond tests, after being totally
oxides may develop different from those formed under natural pushed-out. For the measurement, the bases of the tubes were
conditions. In order to reproduce the behavior of real structures, sandpapered in a polishing machine to ensure perpendicularity
in the literature it is generally accepted to limit the current density with the axis of the tube and the oxide was removed following
to 200 lA/cm2, as reported in [16]. Accordingly, many works are the procedure described in the ASTM-G01 standard [32]. Fig. 5
found in which the applied current was below that limit shows pictures of the corroded tubes for each final corrosion depth
[9,13,17], although we would like to mention other reference in order to illustrate the corrosion morphology. Fig. 5(a), (b) and (c)
works in which the current density was much higher than that, show the tubes before oxide removal and after being totally
as for Example 500 lA/cm2 in [18], 2 mA/cm2 in [1] and even more pushed out of the concrete. It should be noted that part of the oxide
than 10 mA/cm2, as reported for 12 mm diameter bars with 102 was adhered to the concrete surface. Fig. 5(d), (e) and (f) corre-
mm embedment length corroded under a constant current of 0.4 spond to the same tubes after oxide removal. It can be observed
A in [4]. This paper, though, does not intend to provide values for that the corrosion attack affected the entire surface of the steel
the actual structures, but to provide fundamental research on bond tubes.
behavior of the steel-oxide-concrete system. In the present exper- Table 3 displays, for each specimen, the absolute loss of weight
iments, the corrosion rate was selected to minimize the testing and the relative loss referred to the initial weight of the tube, the
time until a well-defined pattern of cracks was obtained, which experimental corrosion depth, the relative loss of diameter, and
was deemed essential to study loss of confinement during push- the crack width at the end of accelerated corrosion tests. In the
out tests. Such rate falls within the range for which Faraday’s law case of specimen P10, which was not subjected to accelerated cor-
has been shown to hold for steel corrosion in chlorinated concrete rosion, the average of the measurements of its three slices is dis-
[30,31]. played. For comparative purposes, the relative loss of cross-
The experimental set-up for accelerated corrosion was as that sectional area corresponding to a solid bar with the same outer
presented in [21]; only its main aspects are explained next for diameter as the tube is included in the table. It would represent

Table 3
Data of accelerated corrosion tests: specimen, theoretical corrosion depth x, experimental loss of weight Dw ~ g , relative loss of weight Dw~ g =w0 , experimental corrosion depth xg
determined by gravimetry, relative loss of diameter DD=D0 , relative loss of cross-sectional area DA=A00 calculated for a fictitious section of a solid bar with the same outer diameter
as the tube, and main CMOD at the end of the test.

Specimen x (lm) ~ g (g/mm)

Dw ~ g =w0 (%)
Dw xg (lm) DD=D0 (%) DA=A00 (%) main CMOD (mm)

P1 38 0.01998 4.28 40.4 0.405 0.807 0.296

P2 38 0.01991 4.27 40.3 0.403 0.805 0.277
P3 38 0.02006 4.30 40.6 0.406 0.811 0.309
P4 25 0.01412 3.03 28.6 0.286 0.571 0.228
P5 25 0.01458 3.13 29.5 0.295 0.590 0.251
P6 25 0.01628 3.49 33.0 0.330 0.658 0.236
P7 13 0.00919 1.97 18.6 0.186 0.372 0.129
P8 13 0.00962 2.06 19.5 0.195 0.389 0.122
P9 13 0.00901 1.93 18.2 0.182 0.364 0.134
P10 0 0.00050 0.108 1.0 0.0102 0.0204 —
604 B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609

Fig. 5. Tubes before oxide removal (a, b, c) and after oxide removal (d, e, f) corresponding to specimens with 38 lm (a, d), 25 lm (b, e) and 13 lm (c, f) of corrosion depth.

the loss of weight of a solid bar with the same corrosion depth as the surfaces of the slices were ground using a grinding machine.
the tubes. This value should be considered rather than the loss Next, the surfaces of the slices were sandpapered to eliminate
referred to the initial weight of the tubes when comparing the cor- burrs at the steel-concrete interface that were produced during
rosion level of the specimens with other data in the literature. cutting and grinding, since those could increment friction during
It should be noted that in most of the cases the experimental push-out, leading to incorrect results. The slices were sanded in a
corrosion depth was greater than the theoretical one, calculated polishing machine, using 80 grit silicone carbide discs and refriger-
according to Faraday’s law by assuming uniform corrosion along ated with plain water, until the steel-concrete interface was
the length of the tube, but was within the ranges reported by exposed.
Alonso et al. [14]; that phenomenon was explained by an acidifica- Then the slices were saturated until constant weight, following
tion of the media, which produces spontaneous corrosion, and by the ASTM C642 standard [33]. To avoid corrosion of the exposed
parts of metal that are not electrolytically dissolved and spall out surface of steel during saturation, rubber caps were inserted at
from the metal surface. The initial loss of weight during curing the tube ends and a silicone ring was applied around them. The
was of the same order as the error in the measurements, and can water baths were kept in a temperature-controlled chamber at
be neglected. Therefore, Faraday’s law was demonstrated to be 20 °C until testing time.
applicable in these tests. Finally, prior to the tests, the rubber caps were removed from
the slice and the bases of the tubes were cleaned in case oxide
3.3. Obtention and preparation of slices developed, maintaining the concrete surface constantly humid by
spraying water until the end of the test.
After corrosion, each reinforced concrete prism was cut into five
slices, as sketched in Fig. 1(c), using a low-speed radial diamond 3.4. Particular aspects of push-out tests
saw. As previously explained, the two external slices of each prism,
which were cut with an average thickness of 10 mm, were dis- In this work, nine push-out tests have been carried out using
carded to avoid border effects. From the remaining slices, which the slices of specimens subjected to accelerated corrosion, with
had an average thickness of 20 mm, normally the central slice various corrosion depths. Additionally, three tests have been car-
was used in the bond tests presented in this work. As a particular ried out using slices of a prism not subjected to accelerated corro-
case, a prism non-subjected to accelerated corrosion (Specimen sion, to obtain a reference value of the bond properties on non-
P10) was cut into slices, and the three inner ones were used in corroded slices. Table 4 displays a list of the tests and the charac-
bond tests. The slices were labeled with the name of the corre- teristics of the slices; for convenience of the text, results of the
sponding prism, followed by a number ranging from 1 to 5, as tests are also displayed in the same table, as explained in the next
sketched in Fig. 1(c), indicating the position from the top face, tak- section.
ing as a reference the position of the prism during accelerated The linear variable differential transducer measuring the dis-
corrosion. placement of the tube was a transducer SCHLUMBERGER model
To improve the smoothness and parallelism of the surface of the AG1.0, prepared by INSTRON to be plugged in INSTRON testing
cuts, which is essential to introduce proper loads in push-out tests, machines, with a range of 1 mm. The crack width extensometer
B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609 605

Table 4
List of push-out tests and main results: corrosion depth x during accelerated corrosion, initial length of the tubes L, initial stiffness s, load Pu , shear displacement du , shear stress su
and additional crack opening Dwu corresponding to the peak, and shear stress s1000 and additional crack opening Dw1000 corresponding to a shear displacement of 1000 lm.

Specimen x (lm) L (mm) s (MPa/mm) P u (N) du (lm) su (MPa) Dwu (lm) s1000 (MPa) Dw1000 (lm)
P1-3 38 20.54 35.27 3940 46.7 3.06 18.8 0.210 395
P2-3 38 19.17 92.26 4000 37.3 3.33 19.2 0.428 370
P3-3 38 19.56 58.02 3530 46.9 2.88 21.8 0.455 367
P4-3 25 19.28 59.11 3260 42.2 2.69 15.7 0.642 266
P5-3 25 19.46 84.69 3280 37.2 2.69 19.8 0.560 308
P6-3 25 20.01 68.83 3500 39.1 2.79 16.6 0.694 293
P7-3 13 19.14 67.28 3860 40.6 3.21 13.1 1.32 144
P8-3 13 19.80 61.98 3450 48.7 2.78 23.2 1.15 155
P9-3 13 19.63 69.48 3750 43.6 3.04 19.3 1.22 166
P10-2 0 20.69 64.12 4250 50.0 3.28 3.30 0.610 2.25
P10-3 0 20.81 70.34 3890 44.1 2.98 2.97 0.549 1.74
P10-4 0 20.88 79.05 3710 39.1 2.83 2.14 0.609 1.48

was a longitudinal extensometer INSTRON model 2620-602, with a residual stress at the tail of the curve was higher. It could be
range of ±2.5 mm, and a gauge-length of 50 mm. The extensome- explained by differences in the roughness of the contact surface,
ters were calibrated before each test, checking that the maximum but the main reason might be the difference in the confinement
error was less than 0.2% of their range of measurement. of the specimens, as will be discussed later.
The test procedure was as explained next. Firstly, a preload was Table 4 displays, for each specimen, the initial stiffness, the val-
applied to accommodate the parts loading over the concrete and ues at the peak of the load, the displacement, the shear stress and
the steel (Parts (c) and (e) in Fig. 3), and to center the devices in the additional crack opening, and the values corresponding to a
the steel tube. The preload was between the 5 and 10% of the max- shear displacement of 1000 lm of the shear stress and the addi-
imum load, which was up to 300 N for the specimens in this work. tional crack opening. Table 5 records the corresponding average
Then the test was run under displacement control. The displace- and standard deviation values for each corrosion depth. For future
ment rate at the beginning of the test was 15 lm/min, which convenience, also the results of specimens not subjected to accel-
was calculated following recommendations of three-point bending erated corrosion are displayed in those tables. It should be noticed
tests [29], with the criterion that the maximum load was reached that the maximum stress was reached within 37.24 and 50.02 lm
within 3–5 min. The displacement rate was doubled after 300 lm of displacement of the tube. For those values, the error for calculat-
of displacement of the tube. The test was stopped after 1.85 mm ing the stress considering the initial surface of steel in contact with
of displacement of the steel tube. During the test, the concrete sur- the concrete is less than 0.25%, and could be neglected. However, at
face was maintained constantly humid by spraying water. the end of the test, the error would be 10%, calculated for twenty-
Unloading and reloading were carried out in six tests (corre- millimeter length tubes and for a tube displacement of 2000 lm;
sponding to specimens P5-3, P6-3, P8-3, P9-3, P10-3, P10-4), after thus, considering the actual contact surface is essential for the
reaching the peak, at 200 and 600 lm of displacement of the tube. geometry of the specimens in this work.
The displacement rate during unloading and reloading was 15 lm/ It should be noted that the values reported in Table 5 differ sen-
min. sibly from those in the works mentioned in Section 1 [1,4–
11,13,16–18], due to the differences in the test configuration and
4. Results and discussion the test conditions, mainly the absence of bar ribs, the level of cor-
rosion, and the confinement of the specimens, which strongly
4.1. Analysis of stress versus displacement curves influences bond behavior.
Fig. 6(b) shows the curves of stress versus displacement, for
Fig. 6(a) shows the resulting curves of nominal shear stress ver- specimens not subjected to accelerated corrosion. A maximum
sus displacement of the corroded slices. The curves are plotted up stress similar to that of corroded specimens was obtained, which
to a displacement of 1000 lm, although the final displacement in indicates that adherence between the steel and concrete was not
the tests was nearly 2000 lm, since no significant changes modified for the levels of corrosion covered in this work. Notwith-
occurred from that displacement on. For all the specimens, the standing, for non-corroded specimens, a sudden drop in stress
curves display an initial steep slope, raise up to a peak, and then occurred after the peak with a marked instability, as indicated in
progressively descend with a decreasing slope; the residual the curves by dotted lines, followed by a steady descent. The stress
strength is considerable after a shear displacement well over 1 after the drop was smaller than that of corroded specimens, which
mm. It indicates that after reaching the peak, stress is still trans- could be due to an increase in roughness of corroded specimens, as
mitted between the steel and the concrete, as reported in previous pointed out in [1]. Accordingly, the stress at the end of the tests of
works [1,4,7–9]. non-corroded specimens was smaller than that of specimens with
No significant differences were found in the stress and displace- 13 lm of corrosion depth; however, it was greater than that of
ment of the peak regardless of the corrosion depth, which indicates specimens with 38 and 25 lm of corrosion depth, manifesting that
that no significant changes in the adherence between the steel and other phenomena, mainly loss of confinement, prevailed over vari-
the concrete occurred for the values of corrosion reported in this ation of surface roughness at the end of the tests for those speci-
work. The maximum shear stress of the specimens with 25 lm of mens, as also pointed out in [17]. It should be noted that the
corrosion depth was slightly smaller than that of the other speci- maximum stress obtained for non-corroded specimens differs from
mens, but this difference was within the experimental error and, the values found in the literature; for example, it was smaller than
thus, was not considered to be significative. Noteworthy differ- that reported in [1], but greater than that in [18], for reasons sim-
ences, though, were found in the evolution of the stress- ilar to those explained for corroded specimens.
displacement curves after the peak for specimens with different To obtain complementary information of the displacement of
corrosion depth: for specimens with smaller corrosion depth, the the tube, unloading and reloading were carried out in two
606 B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609

Fig. 6. Curves of shear stress versus shear displacement for specimens with 38, 25 and 13 lm of corrosion depth (a) and for specimens not subjected to accelerated corrosion

Table 5
Mean and standard deviation of the results of push-out tests for each corrosion depth x, of the initial stiffness s, the load Pu , the shear displacement du , the shear stress su and the
additional crack opening Dwu corresponding to the peak, and the shear stress s1000 and additional crack opening Dw1000 corresponding to a shear displacement of 1000 lm.

x (lm) s (MPa/mm) P u (N) du (lm) su (MPa) Dwu (lm) s1000 (MPa) Dw1000 (lm)
38 61.9 ± 29 3820 ± 250 43.6 ± 5.5 3.09 ± 0.23 19.9 ± 1.6 0.364 ± 0.13 377 ± 15
25 70.9 ± 13 3350 ± 130 39.5 ± 2.5 2.72 ± 0.056 17.4 ± 2.2 0.632 ± 0.068 289 ± 21
13 66.2 ± 3.9 3680 ± 210 44.3 ± 4.1 3.01 ± 0.22 18.5 ± 5.1 1.23 ± 0.085 155 ± 11
0 71.2 ± 7.5 3950 ± 280 44.4 ± 5.4 3.03 ± 0.23 2.80 ± 0.60 0.589 ± 0.035 1.82 ± 0.39

Fig. 7. Zoom of the unloading and reloading curves of specimens P6-3 (a) and P9-3 (b).
B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609 607

specimens with 25 lm of corrosion depth (P5-3 and P6-3), in two 4.2. Analysis of the crack opening during the tests
specimens with 13 lm of corrosion depth (P8-3 and P9-3) and in
two slices of a prism non subjected to accelerated corrosion During push-out tests, it was observed that the main crack
(P10-3 and P10-4), as seen in Fig. 6(a) and (b). Fig. 7 presents which developed at the concrete cover during accelerated corro-
zooms of the unloading and reloading branches for specimens sion widened, as illustrated in Fig. 8 for one of the slices. Such an
P6-3 and P9-3. Regardless of the corrosion depth, the unloading additional opening was quantified by the measurement of the
curves were almost elastic, and permanent displacement of the crack width extensometer.
tube was observed. The reloading curves were elastic up to approx- Fig. 9(a) displays the curves of additional crack opening versus
imately 75% of the stress before the unloading, but then smoothly displacement of the tube for corroded specimens. It is observed
curved, until recovering the monotonic curve after a relatively that the width of the main crack increased monotonically during
large displacement of the order of 25 to 100 lm. These curves indi- the test, with a slow growth before the displacement correspond-
cate that after reaching the maximum stress, displacement of the ing to the maximum stress, and then a significant increase,
tube is permanent, therefore debonding has occurred, and, thus, followed by a continuous decrease in the slope of the curves. It
stress is mainly due to friction between the steel and the concrete. should be noted the similarity with the results reported for direct

Fig. 8. Detail of one of the slices with 38 lm of corrosion depth, after sandpapering and before push-out (a), and after push-out (b).

Fig. 9. Curves of additional crack opening versus displacement (a) and curves of stress versus additional crack opening (b) for specimens with 38, 25 and 13 lm of corrosion
608 B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609

shear tests of dense sand (see [34,35] as reference works), in which  The maximum shear stress in the tests is not affected by the
the volume of the sample monotonically increases with the shear corrosion depth for the corrosion levels applied in this work,
displacement, a phenomenon known as positive dilatancy, and the which indicates that adherence was similar in all the
maximum strain rate occurs approximately for the displacement specimens.
corresponding to the maximum shear stress. Clear influence of  The residual stress at the end of the tests is influenced by the
the corrosion level on the additional crack opening was observed, corrosion depth. The residual stress of specimens with small
with higher opening for specimens with greater corrosion depth. corrosion depth was greater than that of non-corroded speci-
See Table 5 for the additional crack opening corresponding to a mens, due to an increase in the surface roughness. However,
shear displacement of 1000 lm. as corrosion depth increased, the residual stress decreased,
For non-corroded specimens, an extensometer was placed at due to loss of confinement of the specimens.
the same location as in corroded specimens, although they were  A continuous widening of the main crack developed through the
not cracked. For clarity of the graphics, the curves of additional cover during accelerated corrosion was observed, which resem-
crack opening of these specimens are not drawn in Fig. 9(a). An bles the positive dilatant behavior of dense sand. Moreover, the
opening less than 4 lm was recorded, with a maximum corre- additional crack opening was found to be related with shear
sponding to the peak of stress, then it decreased 1 lm and stress, manifesting that confinement of the specimens is essen-
remained constant until end of the test, which indicates that no tial after adherence between the steel and the concrete is lost,
cracks developed during push-out. and determines the stress transmitted due to friction. Besides,
Along the unloading reloading loops described in Section 3.4, crack widening was greater for specimens with higher corrosion
the variation of crack opening was less than 3 lm, which indicates level, which may explain why the residual stress of those spec-
that the additional opening of the main crack is permanent. imens was smaller.
To study whether there is a correlation between the residual
stress and the additional opening of the main crack during push- Funding
out, the curves of stress versus crack opening of corroded speci-
mens were drawn, as shown in Fig. 9(b). The curves overlapped, This work was supported by the Secretaría de Estado de Investi-
regardless of the corrosion depth of the specimens, assessing that gación, Desarrollo e Innovación of the Spanish Ministerio de Econ-
the stress and the additional crack opening are related. It should omía y Competitividad under the projects BIA2010-18864 and
be noted that the scatter in those curves is smaller than that of BIA2014-54916-R.
the stress-displacement curves of specimens with a given corro-
sion depth (Fig. 6a).
The foregoing results indicate that confinement is essential Acknowledgements
after adherence between steel and concrete is broken, in agree-
ment with the results in [17], and explain why residual stress dur- The authors gratefully acknowledge Oficemen, Grupo Cementos
ing push-out is smaller for specimens with greater corrosion depth Portland Valderrivas for donating the cement used to fabricate the
and wider initial cracks; moreover, crack widening during the tests specimens of this work.
was also larger for those specimens, which further reduces
confinement. Appendix A. Treatment of results

After the tests, the results of load, displacement of the tube and
5. Conclusions additional opening of the main crack were processed to treat the
records corresponding to the preload, taking as example some of
From the foregoing analysis of results of push-out tests carried the steps followed in the procedure of analysis results of three-
out in slices of concrete prisms reinforced with a smooth steel tube point bending tests described in [29,36], and the stress at the
and corroded under a constant current, the following conclusions steel-concrete interface was computed, as explained next.
have been disclosed: Fig. A.10 shows an example of a load-displacement curve (P vs

P (N) P (N)

Pu Pu
experimental curve experimental curve

AB: linear fit preload replaced by AC

P1 + 0.15Pu B

P1 A A

C δ1 C
δ (μm) δ (μm)
(a) (b)

Fig. A.10. Example of an experimental curve of load P versus displacement of the tube d obtained in push-out tests (a) and curve after being processed (b).
B. Sanz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 598–609 609

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