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Tonight 1 Can Write 15

uge tecling» tat all loven have telt once througlout tine. This vere collection
is compoued ot twenty love 1ems and one song of despair that unites all conmon o
hees ol the previous powms. Throughout the twenty poems, it can be seen a
hanged in thene as it began deseribing the sensuuality and passion towards oe
o the author's lovers and lowards tle last
oms it changes
to a melancholy
tone, lovling regret anl loneliness, and to cloe "A Song of Despair", is bitter and
hopeles as the pxelic voie has a constant reminder of the loss of his lover.
Poem XX, "lonight 1 Can Write", joins love and despair as the poetic voice
goes through an inlernal battle about his current feclings towards his lover
while he realies slw is oe. "Toniglht 1 Can Write", brings out all the past
romantic leclingN Irom the previous poems, realizing, that the poetic voice is
alone with only memories of what his lover once was. The scenario of the poem
is a cold and clear niglht, where the sky is full of stars and nothing can listen but
the poctie voice lanwnls, "lonight l can write the saddest lines. / Write, for example,
1he night is shattered / and the blue stars shiver in the distance"(1-3), the first
three lines introcluces the readers to a melancholy mood, as the poctic voice
begins saying, "lonight I can write the saddest lines" (1), stating that he is no
longer with his lover, and that even the night is broken because she has left and
the small hoe left is slarting to dispel as the blue stars in the distance, witht
two lines the reader can have a vivid image of the place the speaker is in, realizing
everything is arrange for the speaker to have a constant reminder of the love he
has lost, as the blue slarsbring coldness and sadness to the line and the fact he
sees the stars shivering in the distance he may be hallucinating due to the pain
he feels (Saunders). There is a repetition of the first line ("Tonight I can write the
saddest lines" (5)), keeping the sorrow the speaker feels as he realizes how lonely
his life has become with the absence ofhis lover. In line 6 after the repetition, the
speaker declares how much he loved the unnamed woman but he still feels
heartbroken as he would never know if she loved him back as much as he did.
The night described by the poetic voice is later going to be compared by the time
the speaker was with his lover, "Through nights like this one I held her in my
arms/I kissed her again and again under the endless sky" (7-8), now the sky
seems as infinity where time does not fly only because he is with his lover, but
once she left, the night is a constant reminder of his loneliness and emptiness
(lines 2-3). From line 1-10, the speaker makes the first comparison between having
his lover with him and not being with her, "How could one not have loved her
great still eyes." (10), exposing how lonely and bleak he feels without her, and
only having his memories to survive. Along these lines, Neruda expose the
constant relation of love and despair, as he still loves his beloved which made
him be in constant madness knowing she is not coming back.Don't plagiarize,
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According to Saunders, Neruda finds his way to express in the most sincere
and direct way how his heart cries for his beloved, using unadorned simplicity
of expressions, in contrast to the poems before, Poem XX is meant to be direct
and implicit, sending a direct message to the reader of the broken soul of the

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