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NIM: 201332060




This is to certify that the Skripsi Proposal of Isnayatul Hidayah (NIM 201332060)
has been approved by the skripsi advisors for further approval by the Examining

Kudus, 28th of December 2017

Advisor I

Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd

NIDN. 0019126201

Kudus, 28th of December 2017

Advisor II

Rusiana, S.Pd, M.Pd.

NIDN. 0611118301

Acknowledged by
Head of English Education Department

Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd

NIDN. 0612077901


This is to certify that the SkripsiProposal of Isnayatul Hidayah (NIM:201332060)

has been approved by the Examining Committe.

Skripsi Proposal Examining Committe:

Dra. Sri Endang Kusmaryati, M.Pd. , chairperson

NIDN. 0631036102

Farid Noor Romadlon, S.Pd., M.Pd. , member

NIDN. 0602078301

Atik Rokhayani, S.Pd., M. Pd. , member

NIDN. 0601058402

Anknowledged by
The faculty of teacher training and education

Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd

NIDN. 0019126201

Table of Content
Approval of Advisors..........................................................................................ii
Approval of Examiners.......................................................................................iii
Table of Content..................................................................................................iv
Chapter I Introduction........................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Research............................................................1
1.2. Statement of the Problem................................................................3
1.3. Objective of the Research................................................................3
1.4. Significance of teh Research............................................................3
1.5. Scope of the Research.......................................................................3
1.6. Operational Definition.....................................................................4
Chapter II Review to Related Literature..........................................................5
2.1. The Expression of Love as Variation of Language........................5
2.2. Pragmalinguistic...............................................................................5
2.3. Speech Acts........................................................................................6
2.4. IMDb Top Rated Romantic Movies................................................6
2.5. Summaries of the Movies.................................................................
2.5.1. Titanic.................................................................................7
2.5.2. Home Again........................................................................7
`2.5.3. Beauty and the Beast........................................................8
2.5.4. Deadpool.............................................................................8
2.5.5. La La Land.........................................................................8
2.6. Review of the Previous Research....................................................9
2.7. Theoretical Framework...................................................................10
Chapter III Method of the Research.................................................................11
3.1. Design of the Research.....................................................................11
3.2. Data and Data Source......................................................................11
3.3. Data Collection..................................................................................11
3.4. Data Analysis....................................................................................12



In this chapter the writer discusses background, statements of the problem,

objectives, significance, scope, operational definition of the research.

1.1 Background of the Research

English is one important language to be mastered. Students in Indonesia

have been learning this language since primary or elementary school. It can
be claimed that everyone in this generation is learning English. However,
despite of it can be learned by everyone, many students are still not interested
in it. For teachers, teaching English is possible, but getting all their students
interested in learning English can be impossible.

Much attention has been drawn to movie as a media to enhance students

interest in learning. As stated by Yasri and Mulyani (2016) “Movies were
proven to be effective to enhance learning interest and learning outcome of
students.”. This also has been proven by the statistics of MPAA (Motion
Picture Association of America) rating system which shows that moviegoers
increased year by year. The largest amount of moviegoers was from Asia
Pacific and Indonesia was number 15 on 2016 Top 20 International Box
Office Markets. Therefore, movie is one of the best media to gain students
interest in learning English.

Movies come in many genres. One of them is romantic movies. Even

other genres such as action, horror, adventure, and fantasy movies are
featured with romance. This indicates that romantic movies can effectively
attract the moviegoers. By watching romantic movies, or movies in general,
students will be able to learn many things include pronunciation, vocabulary,
expressions, idioms, grammar, etc. One of expressions that massively occurs
in romantic movies is the expression of love. This expression is about how
the characters talk about love through structured phrases or utterances. “There

is always a theory behind a structure of utterance.” (Chomsky in Chaer,

People show their feeling by utterance. In attempting to express

themselves, people do not only produce utterances containing
grammatical structure and words, they perform action via those utterance.
“A theory of Language is part of theory of action.” (Searle, 1969: 17).This
kind of performance or act is called as speech acts. “The speech act or acts
performed in the utterance of a sentence are in general a function of
the meaning of the sentence” (Searle, 1969: 18). Then according to
Yule (1996: 47) “Actions performed via utterances are generally called
speech acts and, in English, are commonly given more specific labels,
such as apology, complaint, compliment, promise or request”. These acts
could be found in pragmalinguistics. Pragmalinguistics is the study of
“particular resources which a given language provides for conveying
illocutions” (linguistic actions) (Leech, 1983 : 16). Pragmalinguistics is a
branch of pragmatics in linguistic study. As the student of English
Education Department, the writer also learns this case from Macrolinguistics.
It is claimed that Pragmalinguistics (linguistic pragmatics, pragmatic
linguistics, internal pragmatics) concerns primarily on the study of
linguistic phenomena from the point of view of their usage. According
to Soler and Jorda (2007) “Pragmalinguistics competence refers to the
linguistic elements used in the different languages to perform speech acts”.

Because of this reason, there should be a research conducted about

expression of love in romantic movies to help us learn how pragmalinguistics
is applied in a movie as English learning resources. So, the writer decides to
browse one of the biggest movie database website in the world, IMDB, to
find 5 most rated romantic movies.

These movies are used in this research because they have been chosen
as best romantic movies, so we will easily find the examples of expressions of
love. Based on the background above, the writer does a research entitled “The
Pragmalinguistic Analysis of Expression of Love in Romantic Movies”. As

the conclusion we will be able to learn the pragmalinguistics applied in the

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background above, the problem of the research can be
determined as follows:
1. What are the expressions of love found in the movies?
2. What are the speech acts types of love expressions found in the movies?
1.3 Objective of the Research
Based on the statement of the problem above, the objective of the research
can be determined as follows:
1. To find the expressions of love found in the movies.
2. To figure out the speech acts of love expressions found in the movies.
1.4 Significance of the Research
This explanation below is the significance of this study.
For readers in general, this analysis provides an extend information about
expression of love and the pragmalinguistic analysis of it.
For English teacher, this analysis can help teachers explore their teaching
ability by considering these movies as authenthic resources in teaching
1.5 Scope of the Research

In this research, the writer analyzes love expressions in top rated romantic
movies. The writer chooses this study because she wants to enrich the
discussion of love expressions viewed by pragmalinguistic theory. The
reseacher only focuses on the expressions of love, the pragmalinguistic forms
of love expressions, and the speech act in love expressions in top rated
romantic movies based on IMDB. They are Titanic, Home Again, Beauty and
the Beast, Deadpool, and La La Land.

1.6 Operational Definition

Based on the title of the research, there are several terms that should be
explained, they are:

a. Expression of Love
Expression of Love is the expressions, utterances or phrases contain
the word “love” that are used by the characters in top rated romantic
b. Pragmalinguistic Analysis
Pragmalinguistic analysis here includes speech acts of love expression
found in top rated romantic movies.
c. Romantic Movies
Romantic movies are the movies that feature romance in their plot
story. In this research, the romantic movies refers to the five top rated
romantic movies from IMDb, one of the biggest movie database
website in the world. The movies are: (1) Titanic; (2) Home Again; (3)
Beauty and the Beast; (4) Deadpool; and (5) La La Land.


In this chapter, the writer discusses some references which are in line with
the topic of research, they are expression of love as variation of language,
pragmalinguistic, IMDb top rated romantic movies, summaries of the movies,
review of previous research, and theoretical framework.

2.1. The Expression of Love as Variation of Language

As social creatures, people express their feelings to others by

language. “The language is the arbitrer phonetic system that is used by the
social group members to cooperate, communictae, and identify themselves”
(Ahmad and Abdullah, 2012: 3). “Language is used by social creature to
socialize with society” (Sapir in Chaer, 2009:52). One of the feelings that
need to be expressed is love.

This one feeling is important and surely being faced by people. Thus,
expressing this feeling cannot be avoided.

To make sure our feeling, in this case love, is delivered through

language, our words should be structured. There is always a theory behind a
structure of utterances (Chomsky in Chaer, 2009:76). This theory of
expressing love is called the Expression of Love. In expressing love, people
use different utterance and act-outs depend on the current situation. For
example when someone says “I love you” while smiling to the listener.

2.2. Pragmalinguistic

Pragmalinguistics is the study of “particular resources which a given

language provides for conveying illocutions” (linguistic actions) (Leech,
1983: 11). Pragmalinguistics is a branch of pragmatics in linguistic study.
Pragmalinguistics (linguistic pragmatics, pragmatic linguistics, internal
pragmatics) concerns primarily on the study of linguistic phenomena from the
point of view of their usage. According to Soler and Jorda (2007)
“Pragmalinguistics competence refers to the linguistic elements used in the

different languages to perform speech acts”. “Speech acts are actions
performed via utterances” (Yule, 1996:47).

2.3. Speech Acts

According to Bach (1982) “Speech act is the performance of several

acts at once, distinguished by different aspects of the speaker's intention:
there is the act of saying something, what one does in saying it, such as
requesting or promising, and how one is trying to affect one's audience.”
Speech acts are classified into: declarations, representatives, expressives,
directives, and comissives.

Here are explanations of each speech acts classification according to

Yule (1996:53): (1) Declaration are those kinds of speech acts that change the
world via their utterance (e.g. Priest: “I now pronounce you husband and
wive”); (2) Representatives are those kinds of speech acts that state what the
speaker believes to be case or not (e.g. “The earth is flat”); (3) Expressives
are those kinds of speech acts that state what speaker feels. (e.g. “I’m really
sorry”); (4) Directives are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to get
someone else to do something (e.g. “Don’t touch that!”); and (5)
Commissives are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to commit
themselves to some future action (e.g. I’ll be back”).

2.4. IMDb Top Rated Romantic Movies

IMDb (Internet Movie Database) is an online database of information

related to films, television programs and video games. It provides the
information of any movies from every ganre and the response of
moviegoers.There is this feature that lets the netters or users to rate the movie
they like the most. In this research, the writer investigates five top rated
romantic movies of Internet Movie Database (IMDb) because romantic
movies are expectedly contain expressions of love. They are: (1) Titanic by
James Cameron which was released on November 1st 1997; (2) Home Again
by Nancy Meyers which was released on September 8th 2017; (3) Beauty and
the Beast by Bill Condon which was released on March 17th 2017; (4)

Deadpool by Tim Miller which was released on February 12th 2016; (5) La
La Land by Damien Chazelle which was released on December 25th 2016.

2.5. Summaries of the Movies

In this subchapter, the writers provides five plot summaries of the five
top rated romantic movies from IMDb. They are Titanic, Home Again,
Beauty and the Beast, Deadpool and La La Land.

2.5.1. Titanic

Titanic is telling a sad love story of ose Bukater and Jack Dawson
when they sailed on the Titanic. After winning a trip on the RMS Titanic
during a dockside card game, American Jack Dawson spots the society
girl Rose DeWitt Bukater who is on her way to Philadelphia to marry her
rich snob fiancé Caledon Hockley. Rose feels helplessly trapped by her
situation and makes her way to the aft deck and thinks of suicide until
she is rescued by Jack. Cal is therefore obliged to invite Jack to dine at
their first-class table where he suffers through the slights of his snobbish
hosts. Then, Rose asks Jack, who has made his living making sketches on
the streets of Paris, to draw her in the nude wearing the invaluable blue
diamond Cal has given her. Cal finds out and has Jack locked away. Soon
afterwards, the ship hits an iceberg and Rose must find Jack while both
must run from Cal even as the ship sinks deeper into the freezing water.
2.5.2. Home Again

Home Again tells about Alice, a widow that divorced because three
strangers that live with her family. Depressed when she realises that her
first potential client has basically been treating her more like general
hired help without taking any of her design suggestions seriously, Alice
is further thrown when Austen unexpectedly arrives in Los Angeles,
claiming that he is uncomfortable about having three strangers living
with his family. One evening, the strange 'family' have a dinner to
celebrate Isabel's success, with Rosie noting that the play was actually
based on their own lives.

2.5.3. Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast tells about a young prince who lived with bad
behavior. As punishment for his actions, the prince was transformed into
a monstrous beast by a mysterious enchantress. Only condition is if he
can learn to love someone and earn their love in return, the curse will be
lifted. Came a young bookworm Belle, who stumbles upon the castle and
is taken prisoner by the Beast while rescuing her father. With help from
the Beast's servants, Belle comes to appreciate and love the Beast all
while evading a stalking hunter who wants to marry her. Finally, Belle
and Beast succeed going through obstacles and being together ever after.

2.5.4. Deadpool

Deadpool is a love story about Wade Wilson, a soldier turned

mercenary whose devoid of emotions meets a woman named Vanessa
and he decides to settle down. But when he learns he has cancer, he's
worried about dying on her. But a man approaches him and says he can
give him a cure and also powers and abilities. he agrees and the man in
charge of him is a guy named Francis. Wade has the procedure and he is
endowed with healing abilities but is also disfigured. Francis says he can
fix his disfigurement but doesn't. Wade gets away from him and tries to
go back to Vanessa but doesn't because of how he looks. So he sets out to
find Francis by going after everyone who knows him. He makes a suit to
hide his disfigurement and adopts the name Deadpool. After a year of
hunt, he finally gets to Francis and successfully takes his revenge on him.

2.5.5. La La Land

La La Land is a musical romantic movie that tells about how Mia

and Sebastian met and fell in love while reaching their dreams. In
Hollywood, Mia and Sebastian are struggling to make it in their
respective respective careers, about which each has extreme passion. Mia
is an actress who dropped out of college and moved from small-town
Nevada five years ago to pursue her dream. Sebastian is a jazz pianist, his

style of jazz in the vein of traditionalists Charlie Parker and Thelonious
Monk. He has trouble emotionally playing music he doesn't like just to
get a paying gig. He dreams of opening his own jazz club, most
specifically in what used to be a famous jazz club that has since been
converted to a tapas-bar-cum-salsa-dance-club. Partly because of their
individual struggles and partly because of the situations, their first few
chance meetings are antagonistic. But they eventually become attracted
to each other largely because of the passion for their dreams that they see
in each other. They try to compromise each that makes in getting ahead
may change the person with whom each has fallen in love.

2.6. Review of the Previous Research

Previous research finding helps the writers if they want to conduct a
similar research. We may take some related theories to support our research.
For this research, the writer refers to three researches. The first is taken from
Razon y Palabra Journal by Simone Beli (2010) entitled The Construction of
an Emotion (Love) and its Relationship with Language : A Review and
Discussion of an Important Area of Social Sciences. He found that saying “I
love you” is understood as an emotional performance, even if well done, i.e.,
saying it while caressing the neck and the ear of the beloved. “I love you” is
an expression of the whole body, not just simple sentence. The way and form
of performance, like being shy for instance, influence the actual performance
itself. “I love you” said by a shy person is not the same “I love you” saidby a
person sure of himself. The words are the same, bet the two performances are
really distinct from each other. Since persons do not express their emotion by
just uttering it, but by uttering it in certain way.
The second is taken from The Social Science Journal by Richard L Dukes
(2003) entitled Expression of Love, Sex, and Hurt in Popular Songs : A
Content Analysis of All-Time Greatest Hits. They found that love expression
is usually affected by circumstances. Finally, the quality of love expressed in
song lyrics did not vary by period, gender, and race.
The third is taken from Journal of Language Teaching and Research by
Sahar Farouq Altikriti (2011) entitled Speech Acts Analysis to Short Stories.

This research has concluded that short stories can be analyzed pragmatically
similarly to other texts of drama and novel. That the distribution of speech
acts is random, there is no significant pattern that embraces the three selected
texts. It had also been concluded that the frequency of the illocutionaru forces
within each speech acts is varied from one text to another.
2.7. Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework used in this research can be summarized
from the main theories that are going to be utilized as a means of doing data
analysis. Here, the writer uses the theory of Soler and Jorda (2007)
“Pragmalinguistics competence refers to the linguistic elements used in the
different languages to perform speech acts”. Moreover, the writer chooses
the theory of Yule (1996: 53) to analyze the speech acts pragmatically. He
says, “One general classification system lists five types of general functions
performed by speech acts: declarations, representatives, expressives,
directives, and comissives”.

In this chapter, it will be discussed specifically about design of the
research, data and data source, data collection and data analysis.
3.1 Design of the Research
Research has two types, the first is quantitative, and the second is
qualitative. In this study, the writer uses the second type of research, it is
qualitative research. Denzin and Lincoln (2005) in Creswell (2007: 36) said
that “qualitative research is a study that requires studying things in their
natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in
terms of the meanings people bring to them”.
Based on Bogdan and Biklen in Sugiyono (2015: 21) :
There are five characteristics of qualitative research: the natural
setting as the direct data source, the instrument is the writer, it is
descriptive, it is more stressed on the process than the product, the
data is analyzed inductively, and the main attention is the meaning.
In this research, the writer analyzes the pragmalinguistic form and
speech acts of the expressions of love found in top rated romantic movies.
3.2 Data and Data Source
In qualitative research, object of the study consist of two things; they
are data and data source. First, “data are the informations that have been
collected by researcher in observing the field” (Miles and Huberman in
Rohidi, 1992: 75). So, the data of this research are the expressions of love in
romantic movies. And according to Lofland and Lofland in Moleng (1984:47)
states that data source in qualitative research are words, action, document etc.
So, the data source is Titanic, Home Again, Beauty and the Beast, Deadpool,
and La La Land movie.
3.3. Data Collection
“Data collection can be done in any settings, any sources, and any
ways” according to Sugiyono (2015: 308). The data of this research is the
expressions of love found in Titanic, Home Again, Beauty and the Beast,
Deadpool, and La La Land movie. The writer takes some steps to collect the
data. The steps of collecting the data are:

1. Downloading the movie of Titanic, Home Again, Beauty and the Beast,
Deadpool, and La La Land.
2. Watching the movie of Titanic, Home Again, Beauty and the Beast,
Deadpool, and La La Land.
3. Taking note of all expressions of love found in the movie of Titanic,
Home Again, Beauty and the Beast, Deadpool, and La La Land.
3.4 Data Analysis
To analyze the data, the writer uses non statistical analysis. Then the
data will be analyzed based on the following steps:
1. Writing down all the expressions of love found in Titanic, Home Again,
Beauty and the Beast, Deadpool, and La La Land movie.
2. Coding the expressions of love found in Titanic, Home Again, Beauty and
the Beast, Deadpool, and La La Land movie.
3. Describing the speech acts found in expressions of love found in Titanic,
Home Again, Beauty and the Beast, Deadpool, and La La Land movie.
For Example :
Table 3.1. Example of writing down the expressions of love found in the movies
Titanic Is that the going rate for saving the woman you 44:17
Home Again In my father’s obituary, the New York Times 01:37
called him a “comic poet”, a sentiment, I
assure you, no one would have loved more
than him.
Beauty and the I love you, Belle 30:56
Deadpool Wade, Vanessa loves you 58:09
La La Land I love her 40:55

Table 3.2. Example of classifying the speech acts found in expressions of love
found in the movies
No Speech Act Utterance
1 Declarations If he could learn to love another and earn their love

in return by the time the last petal fell the spell would
be broken.
2 Representatives And I think she’s in love with me.
3 Expressives I love you
4 Directives I want you to know that I love you very much!
5 Comissives I would love it

References (accessed on
20th of November 2017)
Statistics-2016-Final-1.pdf (accessed on 20th of November 2017)

Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatics. New ork: Oxford University Press

Leech, Geoffrey. 1983. The Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman Group


HP, Achmad and Alek Abdullah. 2012. Linguistik Umum. Jakarta: Penerbit

Searle, JR. 1969. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language.

Cambridge: Cambridge UP

Creswell, John W. 2007.Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing

Among Five Approaches. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications

Bogdan, Robert and Sari Knopp Biklen. 2007. Qualitative Research for
Education: An Introduction to Theories and Methods. New York: Pearson

Rohidi, Tjetjep Rohendi. 1992. Analisis Buku Tentang Metode-Metode Baru.

Jakarta: UI Press

Sugiyono. 2015. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif,

Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta

Moleng, J Lexy. 2014. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja


Soler, Eva Alcon and Maria Jorda. 2007. Intercultural Language Use and
Language Learning. Dordrecht: Springer

Bach, Kent and Robert M Harnish. 1982. Linguistic Communication and Speech
Acts. Cambridge: MIT Press

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