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Nama : Widiawati Kholifa

NIM : 3420190060

No Presen : 04

Kelas : PMTK B 2019

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

Tugas 2

Membuat narasi aktivitas di ruangan mengajar sekolah bertaraf


Hello, class! My name is Miss Widi and I will be teaching you mathematics
for this semester. I am new here so I hope that we could all get along
together. I hope that I could make this subject a little bit more fun for you

Now, for encourage you, I will motivate you on this beautiful morning. Polya
George says “Mathematics is the cheapest science unlike physics of
chemistery, is does not require any expensive equipment. All one needs for
mathematics is a pencil and paper.”

Well, we’re gonna get into our material today. Previously I will explain about
fractions. You can open the book on page 5 with the material on the
operation of fractions.

What is meant by franctions in mathematics is a rational number that can

be written in the form a/b (pronounced a per b), in the form where a and b
are integers, b does not equal zero, and the number a is not a multiple of
the number b. in simple terms, it can be said that a franction is a number
that a numerator and denominator.

The franction consists of a numerator and denominator. The numerator is

the dividend number and the denominator is the denominator.
Do you understand class?

For example I will write a franctions.

I will make a picture of bread. This is a full bread. I will divide into sections.
I’m going to cut it into quarters. And here I get one part of bread. So, can
you say I got?

Students: “A quarter Miss,”

Yeah, that’s true.

After that, can you guess the numerator?

Students : “Yes Miss, the so-called numerator is number one.”

And the denumerator?

Students : “The denominator is the number four,”

So, we can read this fractions with.

Students: “A quarter,”

Or, one-fourth. Do you understand class?

Students: “Yes I am understand,”

Do you have anything to ask?

Applause for us.

Next, to increase your understanding of fractions, I have something for you.

Can anyone guess what I brought?

Yeahh… I brought the bridge cards. What for? We will guess the pictures
one by one using fraction sentences.

So, let’s say the top is the numerator and the buttom is the denominator. I
will call you one by one to come to the front of the class according to the
present number to say how many fractions are. While I get to know you
guys better.
Are you ready?

Students: “Yes, ready Miss.”

Oke, I will started from number present 1ohh yeahh. Agits Lydyas please
come to the front of the class.

T: “Hello Agits, How are you?”

A: “I am very nice Miss.”

T: “What are your hobbies?”

A: “I love to dance,”

T: “It’s very beautiful hobbies. Well, now you have to answer my question
yeah? But, what do you feel right now?”

A: “Ohh, I am very nervous Miss,”

T: “No problem, we will study together here. So you have to relax. Okay
you can inhale, and exhale slowly,”

A: “Yeah Miss, that’s better. Calm my feelings. Okay you can started,”

T: “Take one of the card I hold. You think the answer in your heart and
when you’re ready. Try to show me by answering the fractions. Do you

A: ”Oke, the answer is, two third. Is it true?”

T : “You can show it to your friends.

Hello everyone is it true what Agits said?”

S : “Yes Miss, that’s right. The answer is two third,”

T: “Okay Agits, thanks. You can go back to the seat. Give upplause for

Prokk.. prokk… prokk…

Because all can answer correctly. I hope you can understand what I have
to say today about fractions.

Before class ends. Are there any questions? Otherwise I will give motivate
all of you.

“In mathematics you don’t understand things. You just get used to them.”
(Johann Von Neuman)

Thanks everybody. After this, together we lowored our heads. Pray

according to their respecyive beliefs. I hope what we learn today is useful.

Start praying.

Alhamdulillah, good afternoon class.

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