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Discipline is a learned behavior, that is needed in order for us to build character that is

fit for a member of the military force. Military training and discipline help us to have an attitude
or a state of mind which is founded by respect, loyalty and obedience to authority under all
conditions. It also involves self-control, efficiency, and selflessness, for us to promote a
common good and to achieve a common goal.

In the movie clip that we watched, we have witnessed an authoritarian type of

leadership from a senior officer or drill sergeant, training aspiring marine recruits, which is the
strictest form of leadership with a very high standards on orders that needs to be met, with
serious consequence or punishment awaiting if someone failed to do so. In the movie clip, the
drill sergeant uses hash language to the recruits, and one of them talks back to the senior
officer, which is not a good behavior especially inside the training camp. The other one namely
“Private Pyle” cannot maintain a straight face, hence receiving a punishment. Private also has
difficulty performing tasks, including Pull-ups, Obstacle Crossing and wrong execution of
commands when he is holding a riffle. During inspection, he also committed an undisciplined
act that a restricted item, which was a Donut, was found on his stuff, that says a lot about his
self- discipline. In return, his subordinates or classmates received the punishment instead of
him. This is to teach him a lesson that before he does a prohibited act, he must not only think
about himself, but also think of the others’ sake as well. His classmates get back at him that
sadly made him commit a crime. It shows us that before entering the military, a decision has to
be made wholeheartedly. One has to be strong enough not only Physically, but also, mentally,
psychologically, and spiritually.


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