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ACI 347R-14

Guide to Formwork for Concrete

Reported by ACI Committee 347

1'<11t1~ L Berndt,

R(Jdnc) D Albms M.sry Bnru1 J Gol~,lJ H S l.c" C Suvaros

J\, r,clci.
Bordtk'J-Tancl Goot¡;,., Tiruolh) 1' Hayes G:tnlll,.'f Roben G .M cCraclcn Dan,.,¡ B Toon Ralph
Otatnou P Hlllst Ene s r.-~r,.m H Tulas
E.amono F Co!IIIOlly Jeffery C facl. S1ctfd Plppig
fa,,,.,. 1' Corncll U Da,id W John,100 .Manht.'\\ J f'oiscl Cu.uult,ng AJ~
Jack L Da,ld Ro~" S JohnslOft Jx,ugl:i., J SdioonO\,ct Saru11CI A G1c,,nh..,rg
AUbrL') L Dunham Roben G Kcttl A11ad Shapn.t R. Kork GJ ~ory
Je m,.,y e &..oo 1'.ei.,ui R. Knogle J<llln .\1 Sunpsoo
1'o.!1 J Cnnlt1'!! J,m E Kreu RolfA Spshr

Objecttves o/sofel)', qualitv. and eco11on1y ore11n-e11 pnority CHAPTER 2-NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS, p.
III these ffUidelmesforformwork. A sec11011 on contract 2
documents explams the kmd and amount o.f specificouon 2 1 l\ot.auon.. ¡l 2
guuJJJ1rce 1he engineer/ archuect sbould provtde for lhe
:::!.:::! Detimuons, p :::!
comractor /7re remamder of the ffUide advises the formwork.
engineer/comroctor on the best woys to meet the specificanon
reqmre.ments safely and economscallv: Separase chapters deal CHAPTER 3-GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS, p.
wuh design. construcuon, and matenals for form.,.orl; 3
Considerations specific to archuectural concrete are abo 3.1 Ad11e\ tng econornv in formw ork, ¡> 3
ouüined III o .repara,e chapter: Other secnons ore devoted to 3.:::! Contract documents. p. 4
formworl.for bridges, shells. mass concrete, an.d
underground work: 1 he coeciudmg chapter on formwork for CHAPTER 4-DESIGN, p. 5
speao! metlrods of constructton tncludes slip/onmng. 41-<i.:neral, p. S
preplaced-aggregate concrete. tremte concrete, f"'l!C'DSI 4.2- Loads, p 6
concreie, and prestressed concrete.
4 3 Member eapac1tÍe!., p 9
Kf')111onl,:: anchors ateb11ec:1.ur,d coecrete, cosríngs, -1.4-Saf~t)' lac101s for accesso11es, p. 9
cottilflJClion.; 4 S Sho,e~, p 10
co=i,on loaJ., c-ontract do..·urocnt.>, f.ab.:.,.o,l. ror,11 ues, locm,. 4~ D1ac111ga111Jlacmg,p 10
fom>• 4 7 F ounda 11,lns for form\\ 01 l., p I U
-.otl, foonduions, qua.lit) 00111101, 1""1«1ng s.houng, shpfoem
i:<iru.truc• 4.8-.Settlement, p. 1 O
non, SJ)<!CúknlOOOS, tol.nn.-
5. 1-Safety preeautions., p. 1 O
OONrTENrTS 5.2-Col:!Struclion practices and workmansJiip, p. 12
5.3-Tolerances, p. 13
CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE, p. 2 5.4-liregularilie.'I. in formed surfaces, p. 14
1 . l-l11tmduction, p. 2 5 .5-.."ihoring and centering. p. 14
1.2-.."iro¡ie, p. 5 .6-lt1Spec1io11 and adjusbnent of fonnwoflk. p. 14
2 5. 7-R.emoval of forms and supports, p. 15
5 .8-Shoring and re.'l.horing of multistmy stru.c11.1res, p. 1 7
AC!I Cemmittee Reparts, Guidcs, and CamIDCJl]tarics
intended fer suidance in p!a□ni□s, c!C'.~is,ii□s, executing,
l'IICI l.f7R-14 •upe,aei!eo ACI 347-04 ...:1 w"" odop,..:1 and JU1llllilt..:I Ju'ly
inspectiins consuuc non, 'ffti:s OOCUIDCJI]! is inte□decl t'oc !he 2014. Cqpy,igllt 0 :!014, Am..-.:oB Cnn.::mo lmtilut..
u~ ..,....,..,¡
hll rigftt, in.::htdi"'8 n;s!tt, ofro)lClldnclioo ond mo in ;my fomt .. by
cf individuals wha are eornpetent ta evaluare thc 1111y
sisnificancc m~s.. in.:ladiDI¡! t!Je lllilklinB oí capier; by illl)" phdo ~ ar by
and limitations of ils coruent and recommendanens and ~l~tmDIC' oc• mocftanic.a'I deYice, [JHim'IM, ,a,ritt,m, ar a-al. ar moordir1¡5 [1.T mund DI'
wha ,risUill rcpmdlJ'CII lioo m fnc- us.~ :in m1y lkoowleilg~ DI' rietrie,,•al sy,tm, ar de•i1it~..
will acc,c,pt l'e~pa□sibiliry far thc npplic.atian of the maíerial W'll15.5. ¡permmioo :in
il ca□lains. The American Can.mi~ Institute discfaims rmy ,.·ritmg" ohtun..:I fron lit• cqiyrii!l>I pmJDOOO
anc! all FCSjXlli5Íh:ilily far the stated principlC'!i. Tbe lmliilutc "·
shall not be liah!e far any loss oc clamase aiisi.ns ~from.
lkfc:rcncc ID lhi:s documeru ~hall 001 be made in contract
decuments. lf it=s fou□d in ~bis documeru are desired by
the A.n::hitccllE□;¡¡ ID be n par! af lhc oant:n!lcl c!
aclIJTlC'.□ls, they shi!dl be l'eslalcd i.n ffiil.J]datory Lansuag.c far
by lhc Ardbiteoo'E n!J.incc
2 GUIDE 1'0 FO R'MWO RK FO~ CO:N:CiR'ETE ,jAOl 347R-14)

011APTER 6-MATERIALS, p. 18 fimdamental to the ac1hi.eve,men1 oí safety and eeonomy

ó. l=-General, p. 11! o,í formwork and oí the requlred fonned surfaee quality
ó.2-Pmpei1ie:s ofmaleJfals.,p. 19 of the ceeceete,
ó.J-Aooessories, p. 19 The palred values stated ill mch-pound and Sl units
ó.4-fonn coatings and release ageets, p. 21 are usually not exact equivatents. Therefore, each
sys.tem is to
011APTER 7-ARCHITECTIJRAL CONCRETE, p. 21 be used i.ndependently or llhe
7.1-ltt1mdL1ction, p. 21 od,er.
7.1-R.ole ef archuect, p. 11
7 .J-Materfals and aecessones, 1>. 2J 1.2....Soope
7.4-De:sig¡r~ p. lJ This guide covers:
7.5-Consbuclioi~ p. 24 a) A of info:rmation to be íncleded in tlie comract
7.ó-Fom1 removal, p. 25 documents
b) Desiga c;riteria tor horizontal!. and vettkal loam mi
011APTER 8-SPEOIAL STRUCTURES, p. 25 formwork
g. 1-Disoru:sion, p. 25 e) Design oons.iderallio:tL~ includiiig safety factors für
ll.2-Bridges and viaduets, lacluding h1gh piers, p. dererm.ining tlie capadties of formwork
25 g .J-Sbuctures designed fer composlte actíon, p. aooesso:ries
25 d) Preparatimi o,í funmvork dra,;,ri.ngs
IL4-Folded plates, min shells, and loeg-span raef e) Co:t:1.,.¡~rucllion aiid. use of fumiwmt, inc.1uding
sjruc- mres, p. 2ii safet.y cousideralJion.,¡
ll .5-Mass concrete síructures, p. 11 f) Mate.rials íor funnwork
g .ó-Underg¡rom1d structures, p. 21! g) Fonmvorik far spedal structllres
h) Fonmvollk far special methods. of oons.trucüon

chemi:stry ooefficienl
9.1-Sl.ipfmms, p. 29
9. 1-Preplaocd-aggregale concrete, p.19 Ccp- ooncie,te lateral press.ure, lbltP (kPa)

9.J-Pennanetlt forms, p. J l
9.4-F orms fer presnessed concrete construcuon, p.
- unit weigbt ooeffident
slipform vibration factor, lbltf (kPa)

32 g gravit:ational co1is1ant, ó.él0\18 l kNll::g
9.5-F orms fer s1tc precasting, p. 31
aepth of Huid or plasllic com,rele iroin top of plaoe-
9. 7-F orms fer 0011c1e1e placed under water, p. JJ 1nenl to poinl oí co:nsid:eration ill funn, ft (m)
R rate of placeme.nt, ftlli (nt'hl
OHAPTER 10---RE!FERE!NCES, p. 34 r lemperawre of cmiorel:e at llime of plaoement, •·F
Aufüored references, p. JS (Qq
w uuit 1veigh1 of ooncrete,
CHAPTIER 1-IN11RODUCTION AIND SC,OPE fil lblfl3 densi.ty of conc;rete,

1.1- 2.2-,Definitions
ln,troduction "fhe 2014 ACI Conctete ·rem1i1io.logy (http:/Avi.vw.
Mat1y mdividuals, ñrms, and companles are usually co!lcrete.orgfrool:s/Concretelerminology.aspx) provides
ínvclved in die design oí d:te facili.ty lO be built and ill a cmnp.rehemive li:st of de,f\nitions. The d:elinilliom
die design and oons.tructicm of ~he formwork. Tbe provrded herein cmnplemenl d:!al sou11ce.
fadl.i1y tl'am typicailly invo.1.ves. snucmral engineers aiid. bot>.k..d10res-s.hores left in place or shores plaoed
architects wbo determine the reqnhemems for the concrete snugly under a ooncrete slab o:r s~rucrural member afte,r
sttsu.cwre to be lmilt. Far simplicity, the füdliiy design dte original
team w·ill. usually be referred to as. 1he engineer/a:rchitect, formwork aiid. shores beeii removed. llrom a small
ahhough they rnay be referred lo S!Cparately in seme area, withool aillowing dte entire s1ab or me1111ber to
situations.. 'Ihe form• wo:tik ream may include 1he de,tleci or suppott its self-weighl and oons.truction loadit
general coneactor, fomiwork specialty subcontractors, brllce-slructural member used. to p:rovide lateral support
íonnworl: englneers, form 111:mu• faeturers, and form for another member, generailly fur the p11rpose of
ensuring stabi lity o:r 1res.isting lateral loads.\. ne panicipalling oempanies and firms also
ce,nte,rin:g-fail:seworl: used in die oo:nsm:te~io:n of
have fom1 designers and skilled werkers execunng many
aidies, s.hell:s, space s~ructures, o:r aiiy oon~inuou-..¡
detaíled tasks, For simplicil.y, the fomiwork team will
s~ruclllre wite11e die enti11e íalse,ororik is lowered (struck
usually be referred to as tlie formwork engineer/
or decentered) as. a unit.
contractor, alihou~ they may be referred to separarely clin1bin:g forrn-fonn lhat is rai:sed vettk-ally fur
in some siru:a~ion'.l s.ucceediiig l.itls of cmic;rete in a. giiven
Thís guide is based on the premiS!C diat layout, s.trucrur-e.
and construction oí formwork should be the
res.po:nsjbil.ity of the formwork engineerloontraotor. This
is. betieved to be

Amerfcan Gancrale lnstilu!e - CqP'Jrighted O Mate1ial - www.C1H001eta.o19

GtllD E ro FORMWURK FO F'I 00:N:CRETE (ACI 34l'R-14) 3
~rn¡p-ltead s!l!ore-shore wtth a bead duu can be The engineerlarcihitecl can imp:rove die overaill
lowered to remove fonning eempenents widiout removing eoo:no:my ofrue swucture by platming sothat funnwork co!
die shore or ch:mg¡ il:s suppnrt fur ihe floor s;•stem. Sls a11e miui-
e11:gi1te~r/111tt!llif.ect-1he engmeer, architeet,
engineering ñn11, architec.rural li:m1, or oiher agency
iss.uing projeci plans
and speciñcatieas fo:r llie permaeent !11ru00111e,
the work under contraer dorumeuts, or
fal!i!e1'!i'Ork-temporary stmcmre e11ecied. to support
work in ~he proees:s of eonsnucnon; eompesed of or vertical pos.tirig and lateral bracing for
formwork for beams and slabs,
tlying fomH-lar,ge, p11efab:ricated, mechanicailly
handled secnons of lloor system fo:rm,vo:tik designed für
multipl.e reuse; Ereque.utly including supporting nuss,
beam, er
shocing assemblíes comple tel;•

form-temporary strucnrre or mo.l.d fur llie suppnrt
concrete while it is seJJting and gaining sufficient st11eiigtl1
to be
formwork-s-total system of sapport for llres.hly
concrete, íncluding the mold er ~heailiing diat ccntacts
di.e concrete as. well as. suppordng members, hardware,
and necessary bracing,
formwork enginee1i"/<101ttraet.o:r-engirieer of the
work s.yste.m or connactor i.11 eharge ofdes.ignared aspects
formwork des.ign and fu:rmwo:tik
gangoo forms-large medianically hoisted
with specíal l.ifü.ng hardware used for funning
surfaoes; also celled "gang
ho:ri:rnntal ladng--lmlii.zonral bracíng members
anaehed to shores m reduce Eheir unsupparred leagth,
diereby mcreasing load capaclty and stability.
pres!bores~ed shnres placed snugty under
seíected paneís o•f a decik-fo:rming system befare any
primary (o:rig• inall) sbores are removed.
res.ho:res-shores placed. s;nugly under a stnpped
slab or other strucrural n1einber after the original fcnns
and shores have been removed feom a full hay,
11eq11iring dte new slab or snuetural membee to deflect and
support üs own weight and eKisting oon~truction loads to
be applied befare mstal lanon of die reshores.
sea:ffold-teiiipo:rary stmcmre widi an elevated
platform fo:r s11pporting workers, loo.Is, and materiajs,
s!l!olt'f-vertkal or inchned s.uppo:rt meinber or
braced Erame desi!'jtted to c:-arry the weighl of lhe
formwork, ooncrete, a:nd oons.truction l.oads..
sti1iform-a forro thal: is pulled. or rai!red as concrete
is placed.
sullfaee air voillls-s.mal 1 11egular or irregular c:-
avities, usually not eKreeding 0.6 in. (l5 mm) i,i
d.iameter, 11esulting Erom entrapmenl of air buhbles in
llie s.urface of funned ooncrete durfog plaeement imd


3.1-Ach.ievi ng eoonom,y in
mizeit The oos.t o•f formwork c-an be greaLer llian balf of one s.tandard d.epth wherever possibl.e Vi1ien
dte rn1al oost ofthe ooncrete structu11e. lliis inve:stmem cm1m1erciailly
requires careful dio11glit and plaim ing by the available formfog sysiems., s11cih a.,; olle- or t\\•o-way
e~igi.neffi'arcihitecl when and specifyi,ig die ! jois.t systems, are usect.
11ructu11e an.d by die formwork engineerloontracror wheii f) llie s.trucrural d1es.ign shoold be p11epared si1nullat1e•
des.igning and co111Stn1ciing Efte formwork. Fonnwork widi llie arcihitectural desi!'íl1 s.o lliat dimensiolls c:-
drawirigs, p11epared by the formwork engineerloontracror, an be better ooo:rdinared. Mirior chaiiges in plaii
caii identif:,r potenllial pmbl.ems and shou!d give projeot dimensio:n,.; to better fü furmwork layout ean resuh in sign
,ite employees a dear pictu11e of\li1iat is required aiid. liow ificaiit 11ed111Jtimis in furmworfk oo:s K
lo achieve it g) Tite engineer/aro1titecl should. 001:1Sider arcihitectural
The followiug guideli.nes. shmv liow the fearures., dep:ressio:tL~.• aiid ope.rüngs for mecihankal or
erigii.neerla11d1iteci caii plan the s.trucrure so lliat formwork elec• trical worfk \\1len de rue Slnlcturail. ~ystem,

economy may bes.t be acihieved: with die aim of acbi.evi,ig economy. Vari:u:ions. in die
a) To simplify and permit maximwn reu!re of stru001rail. system caused. by such items. should. be shown
formwork, the dimensio:tts of footings, columns., and mi the s~ructural pla:its.. \Vherever poss.ible, d.ep:ressio:tts in
beams s.1tould lhe tops of s.labs shou!d be mad1e witl1011t a
be o•f S1anda11d 1n:al'flrial. muhiples, and 1he number of break in elevatimis of the soffit:s of dabs, beams, or
sizes shou!d be minimized. joisis.
b) When tnterio:r oolumlls a11e llie saine width a.,; or h) Embedme.rits for attacil:rment to or pene nrallio:n

sm.aller th:m the giraders d:tey support, the oolmmi form

becomes a simple reciaiigufar or square box ,,,idiout
the ooncrete structure shoold be desi!'jtted to
boxouts., aiid dte minrimi:ze randoin penenra~io:t1 ofthe furmed s.urface.
si.ah form does not h::we lo be rut out at eadi oo:mer of i) Avoid oolumns or walls, even fura rew
di.e ool11mn.
e) Wlien all beanL<; a11e one depth (heams.
\\1iere diey would. interfere with the use of large
framing into girde.r!: as weH as beatns. into formwork
columns.;J, die s11ppo:rtmg s.tructures. fo:r the beam forms
sbo:ring units in otherwise clear
can be camied on a level platfunn supponed on s.ho:res.
d) Co:mid.1ering available si:zes. of dressed lumber, bays..
j) Pos.t-rensio:ning s~uences should be ca~ried. out in
plywood, and other ready-made form,vorik oomponents stages and plan:ned i.n a wa;r thal: will minimi:ze rue need
and lreepi ng beam aiid. joisl si:zes. cmista:nt will. reduce for
labor oost and impmve m:aterial use. addidorial shoring lh:U: m.ay be due m
e) The desi!'jn o•f the struc1111re should. be bamd mi 11he redis.trib11tio11 ofpos.t-tensio:ning loads"

American Concrete llllSÍitulle - C-0py1ighled O Ma!erial - www,concre1e.!org


3.2-Contraot documents: lWo-way joist systems, plans should be drawu to make

use The oontracl deeumeets sbould set funh the tolerances of availab!e shapes and sizes, Some varlatlon fmm
normal requíred in 11he ñnished structure but shnuld not auempt lo toleranees shnuld be permined by the
specifleauon: a) for s.;pedfy die means and methnds by whicih die formwork eugi- connections of form units lo odter
framing,; and. bJ to rellecl neer/conllractor desiges and buílds die fürmwork to achieve normal installanon pracnces
and typical used oo:ndilli.on o,f
die reqaired toleeances, die form t;ipe
The layout and desígn of the formwork should be a 3...'.LlFl.11ls.hofe..~pMedcMcl'l'!'re-
jeint effo:rt of the formwork engieeer and the formwork ceaceete surfaces should be desc:;ribed in measurable
terms cennactor, Tbe formwork ceasnuedea in eompliance with as preeisely as. practicable. Refer ro 5 .4,
7, and ACI die formwork desígn is the respomdbility of ihe formwork 347 .3 R.
cennactor, Wlhen furmwork deslgn is 1iot by the ceateactor, 3.2A De.tlgn, ln.tpec(/on, ~e,,•. dlld ap¡m:J'vai
formwork desigu is die respomibility of the formwork w:a.,·k-Aldiougfi die s:afety of fo:mm•ork is the
eug¡i.neer. This approaen gíves die necessary lireedom to ofthe cemractor, die engineer/arohi~l or
agency use skill, knowledge, and hmovatien to safely ccnstruet ;:ui may, under cenaíe cireumstanees, decide to
review and eeonoraieal stracture. By revie,wing die funnwmt drawings, apprnve di.e formwork, including drawíegs
and cakulanons, die engineer/arohi~I ean understaed how the formwork lf so, die e.1ig¡i.neerla11chitert shcmld.
c-,all for sueh review or engineerscontractor has mterpreted di.e comract documents, approval in the contraer
Sorne local jursidirtioris have legal requirements defi:ning Apprnval migbt be ~ui11ed for unusaal ly
compíicated die s.;pedlk of d1e engineer/arohiL'ecl in strucaires, strucnires whose designs were
based on a partic- formwork design, review, or approval, ular medtod of censnuetiea,
snucmres in wl:üch d1e fümts
3.2.l lttdi'll!dt,ol .f/Jffykario1H-Tihe specíficatlon fur i1n;par1. a desired architectural firnish, eertain post-
formwork will. affect the overall. economy and quail.ity ofthe s.trucmres., folded piares, dlin s.hell:s, or long-~n
rnof fi:nis.hed work; dierefo11e, ilshould be lailored fore,acli panic- s.tructures..
ular job, de,arly irid.icare whait is e;x¡pected of lihe conlraDtor, "íhe following itei11i..¡ should. be cfarified. in the
:md. ettsure econmny and s.afoty.
A well-Iwitten fo:rm\,•o:lik s.;pedllcation tends. to ~uali.ze a) Who will desigii the fom,work
bids for the wo:llk:. Vague or overly res.tricuve ~uirements b) \Vho w·ill. determine s.eque.rice
a1id can malre it diffic111lt for bidders to underst:md exa.ctly whal s.uppott -needed for redislribution of loads.
resuhing. fmm is experted_ Bidders c-,an be overl.y cautious. and overbid or operntions
m.isinterpret 11equi.remeuts and undernid. Using. standard e) Who will desigii shoring. attd the sysi:em
s.;pecilk,allio:ns s.uch as AC I Jll l diat m¡;¡ny input sourc~ d) Who will. inspect the s;pedllc featu11e of
fünnwork :md
in developmenl c-,an mitigate pos.sib!e prnbl.ems. wl:ten will. the ÜL<¡pectio:n be
A weJI-Mitten fo:rmwotik specilkatiori is ohaluenot o:nly e) What 11eviews, approvals, or bodi, will be
~uited fur:
ro, 11be owuer and the oo:ntracror, but als.o to the fie.Jd repte- i. Formwol1k: drmvings., cailculations, or
boih sentative of the eng¡i.ueer/a11chitert, apprnving ageiicy, :md íi. Pos.t-rensio:ning s.upport
die suboontractors of othe.r trades" Some ~ui11ements c;:ui iii. Res.horing
bewritten to allow dis:cte üon of~he oonlraclorwl:tete qual.ity
iv. Formwork pteplaceme.rit
of f\nished. concrete work would. ttot be im;paired by ~he use t) Who will. give such reviews., appmv::iil:s, or
of ailtemative rnaterials. and methods.. 3.2.:5 CoIurac1 docume.11t~l1ie conm-act
Consideraition of ihe applicab1.e general ~ui~emeiits s.hould indude ali information aboul die s.trucmre
~ugges.ted. herein a11e not inleuded to rep11esen1 a oomplete s:ary fur the funmvork engineer to design the fonn!A•ork
a1id s.;pedllc-,allio:n. Requ.i.rements. should be added fur acrual ptepare fum1wolik drawings and for die formwork
oontraclor mate.rials, füi.ishes, a1id. olher iteiits peruliar to and neces" lo, bu.i Id die forn1wotik sudh as:
s:ary fur die i.ndividual strucrure. The e.rlg¡i.neerla11chitert ca1i a) Number, location, a1id. details ofalll coustruciion
joiiits, exelude, call s.;pedal aittention to, strengdien, or malre mote contrac,tion joints., and exparuio:n joints wil
I be ~uited
lenie1it any ge.riera! tequ.i.rement lo best fü the needs. of the for llie parllicular job or pans
of it
panicular projert. Furdier detailed infümli31lio:n is give.ri in b) Seque.rice. of cmic:;rele place.ment, if
AC I SP-4. include pour strip...¡ and lian;iiag,
3,.2.2 Formv.'Ork m.a.rerlaL~ a1rd .ic-ces.wrie1-ffdte panic- e) Tolera1ice.s. fo:r ooncrete oottstruclio:n
ular desigia o:r desired f\nish ~ui11es speciail. aitterition, the d) llie l.ive !oad. a1id superimposed dead load für
\\1iich the e1ig¡i.neerla11chiteci: can specif:,r i.n the oo:ntraci: docwnerits s.trucrure is desiglled and 21iy l.ive-load
teduction used
die fo:m1wotik materfals a1id. any odier fearure nece.s.<. ¡ary to e) JntermediaJte s.u;ppo:rts. uttder s.ta;•-i.n-place forms,
suc4i attain the objec.tives. lf 1he engilleer/architect d.'oes. ttot call as metal deck used for funrn;. and. perma11ent
fo:rms. of other for specific materials or, dte fonnwo:cik engilleer/ materials s.upports, bracing, or bodt,
required by die s.truc- cmilrac,tor ca1i choose any materials. tliat meet the oontract tural engineer's. desi_g¡n für
cmii;posite action~ attd any other
11equ.i.rements.. s.;pecial
Wheu s.trucru:ral design is based mi the use of cm11mer- t) llie loc,allio:n a1id. oro:er o,feraertion and remova1
o,fshores cially avai lah!.e funn units i.n s.ta1idard si.zes, suc4i a.¡ o:ne- or for coni;posite oomtrucllio:n

~ l!.mertcan Gancra!e IDS1ilu!e - Cqpyrtghtect O Mate1ial -

ülJJDE 110 FORMWUFUll FO~ ODN:l.'RETIE {At., 34,TIH 4) 5
g) Minimum concrete,mg,th requlred before removal communk,allio:n ofthe loads, it sbould be clear whether
of shering and any proj ect specifie res.ho:ring requirements ~hey are semi ce loads or factoJied. loads..
h) Special provisimis esseeriaí für formwotik for Throughmn ~his. guide, the terms "rles.ign", "des.ign
speclal oonstmction me~10tfi and for special seucmres load·, and "desig,ri capadty" afie us.ed to refer to desig;n
sueh as shells aed folded piares.. Tbe basic gemnetty of ofthe fo:m1- worík. Wliere refeJience is. made to design load
such seuc• rures, a_,¡ well a_,¡ the4.r reqaíred camber, für the perm:a• nenl s.trucrure, s~rucwral des.ign load,
should be givee in sufficienl detai I to pennit llhe s~cblral rlead. load, or sorne similar term is used to refor
formwork coniracter to hui Id the fü1111,¡ to unfarnoJied loads (dead and liYe loadsl on d1e s~rucblre.
i) Speeial requirements for post-tensioned concrete Load e,ffects mi lliese tempo• rary struc,rures. a:ru:I tlieir
members.. The effect of load teansfer aad assoeiated iiid.i.vidual oompone..iits should be deLermi.ned by aroepred
move• meets tensioning, of post-teesioned members methods of strucwral :;
ean be critical, and dte eontraetor shm.dd. be advised of 4.1.J Bas/c obj!!C1ivé's-Fonnwork shou!d be designed
:;uiy special provisions that should be made in die so that concJiete slabs., walls, :;uid ollier members \'l'ill.
farmwork für this condition haYe ilie oornect rlimension_<:, s.hape., alignment, elevatio:n,
j) Amount of required camber for slabs or oiher :;uid pos.i• tion witllin established toleranoes. Fo:rmwork
snuc• rural members lo compensare fur deflection nf the shmdd airo be
strucnire. Measurements of eambee artaíned sheuld be des.igned so tlut it will saMy su;pport all vertical and
mada at füe soffil level afrer initfal set and before lateral loads thal. mighl be appli.ed until. ~u-ch loads c:;ui be
removal o,f formworL:: supports supported by tlie collcrele struc,rure_ Vertkal and lateral
k) Where ehamfers are requhed or prohibí~ loads. s.hould be ca:~ried lo the ground. by the fonnwork
throughout the project at all element eomers, such as s.ystem or by ilie in-place construction diat ha.,¡ ad:equate
door openings, window openings, beams, cohnnns wall s.tmugtli for lliat purpose. Reij:IOl:1:Sibili.ty for llie d.esign
ends, an.d slab edges I) Requirements fer mserts, ofthe formworL:: rests witli ilie oo:ntractor or ~he
watersteps, built-in frames for openiags and notes ~hrou~ fonnwork engineer by ilie
concrete; similar requiJietnents wheee the w·ork o,f otlier 0011traotor to design and be tespo11sible far the
teades wi II be artaehed to, suppened fimnwork.
by, or passed 1hroug,h fü11nworík 4.1.4 De:sig11 deflC!!!11c!!!.-Some design deficiettcies
m) Si:ze and locatiou of formed ope..iii.ngs through a tliat c:;ui to unacceptable perfünnance or s~rucwral
snuc• rural slab or wall should be shown ori die strucniral failure
drawings ti) Wliere archltectural features, embecded are:
1te11L-<;, or the work of o~her m-ades oould ch:;uige llie a) of allow:mce in design for loadiiig,s s11dt as
loc-.alli.o:n o,f strucmral meinbers., such a_,¡ joists in eme- er concrete pressures, wind, power buggies, placing,
two-way jorst systems; sueh changes or condltiens should equip•
be eoordmated by ihe ment, :;uic temporary :m:nerial
engineerrarchltect storag,e
o) Locations of and details fo:r architeetural b) lnadequme design, reshoring,, or
ceneeete: when architectural detaíls are to be casi intn bachhoring e) Jnadequare provi:sion,.¡ to prevenl rot:nion
strucniral concrete, they sheuld be so mdieated or 0U1eam forms wbere the slabs Erame into ~f1em on o:nly o:ne
referenced 011 ihe sttu-cblral pl:ms because iliey can play a side (Fig,. 4.l.4) d) lnsufficient a:nchorag,e against up1.ifi
key role in ~he seuc• rural rles.i1m of die form. due to battered fo:rm faces. or componen! o,f
bracing, ÍOJice on sing,1.e•
1CHAPTiER 4- sided fom~
DE:S'.IGN e) ]insufficient allow:;uice für eroentric loading due lo
placemenl seq11euees
4.1-G.ene t) fai luJie to i.tnres.tigate be,aring s.tresses between
i.nrlividual formworL:: elemeiits. a:nd hearing- c:anadrv of
ral s1mnrutin11 soils g) Failure to design p:ro¡per lateral
4.Ll Piann/J1g-AII formwOtik should be well planned bradng or lacing of
befoJie cmistructimi begins. n1e ammmt sho:ring will depen.d on d:1e si.ze, complexity, an.d b) Failure to iuves.tigate the sl.endemess r:nio o,f
importanee(eonsid• cotnpJies•
. ering, reuses.) ofthe fü11n. Fo:rmwo:lik: shoold be desig;ned sion members
for strengdi a:nrl Sefll{k;eability. System s.tabi lity and i) ]nad:equare prolllisio:n,.¡ lo tie comers of
member shoold be i.nves.tigated. i.n all cases. intersecting c:;uitil.evered fo:rms. toge~her
4.1.2 D!!sig11 method.~o:rmwo:rk is mad:e of many j) FailuJie to aroounl for loads imposed o:n form
rlifferent materfals, and llie eommonly us.ed design ha:rd\Ji,are
pracliGes fo:r eacb material. are ro, be followed (refer 10 anclio'rages during closuJie offo:rm paneJ. ga:ps when aligning
Chapter 6 ). For examp1.e, forms. are des.igned. by either - fo:rmworL::
altowable stress des.ign (ASD) metho:tfi or load. :;uid k) FailuJie to acoount for elasnc shortening during
Jiesistance factor des.ign ( LRfDl me.thods. \Vheu the pos.t-tensio:ning
Goncrete s~rucl.l!re beco:mes a par! of die formwmk 1) Failure 10 acoount for dhangi1ig, load pattems due to
suppon sysrem, a_,¡ in ma1i;• multi• sto:ry buildings., it is. pos.t-tensio:ning transf'er
impo:rta1it for ~he formwork engineerl Gontra.cror to 4.1.5 Form.v.'Ork drav.-l1tgí a1td calcu!atlom:-Befo:re
Jieoog;ni:ze th:n the Goncrete s.trucrure Itas. been des.igned. oons.tructing, fomts, the formwark engineer/oontra.ctor
by the strenglli design method. Aücord.i.ngly, in ,nay be required to submit detailed drawing,,.¡, rles.ign
calculatimis, o:r both, of proposed. fonnwork for review
:;uid. a:pp:roval by the engineerlarohitecl or a:pp:roving
ag,ettcy. [f s.uch draw• ings afie not approYed by ilie
engineer/a:rchitect o:r a:pp:roving ageucy, the formwork
engineer/oo:ntractor should make s.uch
Ame1ican Coocrete lnslittllie - Gopyiigl11ed O Male1ial - www.ooocrele.! org


IIR!ORR~ """" íOilió -~,u

ltOT.liTI •ttUi IUil jllJMMt • rN (In
DIII~ 11101! J.NCI IIUl·CI~ Uii MOT COII RGT: ■JUICllNG 'l'iHFlli •DR• ,:,RO!
fí.ftOYIOID'. II RDTHl4[:II lilJL.lltlOWH, :U.,1,11 ~illJ!!H lfi B!
lliONl.'t OltEl!IIDe.


·C:Olt lll!C,TI llli T0 p:ol!l\:,I QR M1T
'fQ l!'i[11Ta:i. MM F',a!MIT IIO'lli!li!MT. tanN TU TitltDifaH N'i'til ftl.!:t..

Flg. -I.IA-P1-evenrio11 ofmw.tlm, ir lmponmu whiN'i! sfa.bfra111eJ {/Uo beam/01m illl
011e .rlde.
cihlrnges. a_,¡ may be requíred before the start o,f h) Soreeds and grade siri;ps
oons.tnmtioll of llie fonnwo:cik. i) Loeation of exrernal vibrator moun~ing.,¡
The tevi.ew, approval, o:r boru, of the fo:nnwod:: j) Crush plaees ot wrecking piares. w!1ete socippi,ig. can
draw• damage concrete
i,igs <loes. uot teJieve d:te oonlraclor of rhe k) Removal of spreaders o:r temporary blook:ing
re~ibil.ity for adequately censnueting and 1) Cleanout holes and inspection openings
maintaining llie forms so, tliat they will. funcnon properly. m) Constmction joints, contraction jcints, and expaesion
Des.ign values and lcadieg cenditiens shmdd. be shown on joints. in aroorda1ice widi oo:ntracr documents
formwork drawings.. As related to form use, diese include rn) S.equeuce of coiic;reLe placement a1nd. minhnum
füm1v.•orik design values of censauedou live load, allowabl.e elapsed llime benvee1i adjacenl p1acemellts
venk-al or lateral concrete pr,ess.ure, maximum o) Chamfer s~rip.s. or grade strips. for exposed coruers
equipment load, requir,ed. s.oil bearing. capadty, material a1id construcrion joints
s.;pecific.allio:n, camber required, and ether pertinent p) Revea.Is (
information, if applicable. ~)Camber
lrn additlon to spedt')rj ng types of materials, sízes, r) Mudsills or ollier foundallioo provisions. fo:r fonmvork
l.engd:t'.\ and connecnon details, fermwerk drawings. s] Special ¡mivisimis, sudh a_,¡ s:afe.ty, tite, drai.nage,
should provid~ for appl.icable details, sueh as: a11d pmtecllioo Erom ice :;md deb:ris. al water cross.ings.
a) Procedures, sequence, and c;rireria for removal of t) Spedall. fo:rm face tequi.rements.
forms, shores, reshores, and backshores and fo:r u) Notes lo, formwork etertor showing size a1id. localli,oo of
retracri,ig. and reseugging drophead shores to allo111 slab to condu.its and pipes projecting lliroug.h fürmwork
delfoct :;md s.up;pott its own weight prior 10, cas.ting of next ,,) Tempornry openings. o:r :inadhmetil,¡ für climbing c;rane
level or ollier material ha1idling equ.i;pment
b) Design aílowance for consnucnon loads on new
slabs 4.2-,Loads
1vhen such alíowanoe wil I affert the develepment of 4..1.1 llert!cal iood.t-Verllical. loads. consist of dead.
s.ho:ring schemes, resboring schemes, or bo~h [refertn 4.5 a11d loads. Tilte 1veight of forrnwork plus die weight
and 5J! für of the r,e;Jnfo:roemenl and fteshly placed co,ic;rere is dead
~horing and reshoring ofraulüstory load. The l.oad indudes the wei~tt of the work.ers,
strucuires) equipmenl., material storage, runways., and im;pac.t.
e) Ancliors, form, shoees, lateral bracing, and
d) Means. to adju."'lt forms for all.ignment and. grade
e) Waterstops, keyways, and insetts
t) Wmkirig scaffoíds and runways
g) Weep1to!es er vlbrator boles, where required

rcicñ A.mañean Goncra!e lnstilule - C,qP'frighlect O Ma te,ial - www.cono1ete.o,g

G' IJJ D E 10 FO R M WO JU C FO R o o:N: CR ETlE (ACI 347R-14! 7
Venical lollfil assumed for shoring and teshoring
des.ign for rnultis.tory construcdon should mclude all
loads trans• mirted fro,n the tloors. above as dictated by c-'fil!!!!.
die preposed oonstrucnon schedul.e (rel"er re 4.5).
The fünnworfk should be designed for a live load. of .
not worpg
less ili:m 50 lb/fr (2.4 kPa) nf horizontal projeetion,

\\1ien teduatimis are allowed iri aceordance wi11h E,;¡uival,.nt ,,' Te:st
37. When motorjzed carts are used, die hve load shoeld
be less tlian 75 lb.lfr (3 .6 kPa)
,, '
The unfactored design load for ccmbmed dead :;m d Hve head, wh • Data
loads should not be less dian 100 lblfil (4Jl kPa), or l. 25 , '

lb/ tP (6.0 kPa) if motorized carts ate used, J

4.11 iaterot p17!sst,r2 ofconerete-«The design of ~'
vertical formwork is determined by llhe lateral pressure , ,,
exerted by the fresh concrete, wlücli in tum is J

determined by ~he rnohifüy characterisucs nf lihe concrete ''

and lite merhod of
con.olidating the concrete. R.ese.ardi (AC! Commmee
1957, 1958; Gardner and Ho 1979; Gardner 1980, Maxlmum concrete
1981, pressure trom Ec¡.
1985; Clear and Harnson 1985; Jebnston et al. 1989~ or
Bnnsh Cement Assocíanon l 992~ Dunston et al. 1994;
Bames and Jchnston 1 \l\l\l, 1(1(1]) has assisted in developíng Fig. 4.l.1-( "011crece !111erai pressure dl.tttlhuriM.
recommen• danons fer lateral pressures of eonvennonal
concrete, (4.2.2. 1 a(al)
Methods of concrete iriclude rodding or
spading (no longer used or reeommended for large
ments], interna] vibratiee, and externa! vibration. The
sity aed depth of intemal vibration affeet the lateral
press.ure exerted by ,,b:rated coeceere. O l'ren, ehemleal Ccp..._,_ - e.e. 150+- (4.2.2. la(bl)
admíxtures ate used in coaveetlonal concrete to facilnate
eonsol rdation.
900-_0-R] [
In recent, coeeeete reehnology has evolved with
use of suppíementaí cementitious. materíals and specialty wi th II m-i nimmn of 600C. 1 b.lfi1, but i.n no case .!?ireater ~han
chemical admixtures, Coaventional concrete with slump wh
values less than 9 in, (225 mm) are typically vibrated
ensure pmper eonselldatlon, Witli ihe ineeease tn s1ump 43 400
Ca- -C~Cw l:iO+
2800R] ' -t (
beyond 9 in. (225 mm), il is preferable to determine [ -T-
ihe síump tlow spread of'the concrete (A!HM Cl61 l/Clól -r-
rallier llian dump. Concrete mixjures wtth slump ñow
widi 11 m:inimum of 600C. l.bfftl, but in no case !'¡reater ~han
spread between 15 and 24 in. (400 and 60,S mm) rnay need
1,·h, where C, is. dellned i.t1 Table 4.2 .2 .1 a{b) aud C~ is
,,ibration to consolidate sensfactonly; dtis. depends on ihe
dellned in Table 4'.2.2.1 a(c).
plaeement coadítlons and eharaeteristics of llie structural
4.2..2.I h Sl 1¾!1·s/on- llie lauiral p:re~11re o•f comcreLe,
element. Self• con.olidating co:um~te (SCC) is a da~
Ca• (l<Pa), cau be detennined in acoordance with the
o.fhigh-perfo:m1aJ1ce concrete fual can co11solidate under
app:rop:riate equatimi lis.ted in Tali!e 4.2_2_ J li_
its own mass. Such concrete c;;ui be placed. llrom die top
of die fo:rmwork or
be pum;ped from die ba!re willhout mechanical oons Ca=pgh (4.2.2. lb(al)
(ACI 2l7RJ_ w
"íhe lateral pressute of concrete in fom1work can be
a.... ~ T+l.7.8 für cmiveutional concreteo:r forSCC are
reptesented as shown in Fig. 4.2.2. Unless. 1he conditions. of C
-CC 7.2+- (
1S5-R ]
fo:mnvo:rk should be desi!íned for the hydrnstatic pressure of acteristics., Eq. (4.2.2. la) sho11!d be used. un~il the effecl on
the newly placed cmiorete giveii in Eq. (
Wheu witli mixtures using newly inlroduced
adm.ixtutes tliat inc;rease se t time or increase sluin;p

wi.tli a minimum of 30C,.. kPa, b11t in no case !íreal:er ~han
fo:mnvo:llk is under:stood by, e_ª- - e_ e [1.2+-l 1-5ó-. (4.2.2. lb(c)), orboth.
4.2. .2,.l.i!J 11rc:h-powul l'el"Sioo-llie lateral p:res.,.;ure +-24-~ 4R
w -] 7'+17.1!
concrete, Ca, ( lblfr), c;;ui be detennined iri acoordance wi.tli a minim11m of 30C,.. kPa, b11t in no case !íreal:er dtan
with the app:rop:riate equation l.istall in Table 4L2. l. a(a). pgh, where c. is defüied in Table 4.2.2. la(b) aud c.,
is dellned.1.n Table

American Concrete llliSÍ iltde - Cop y,ig~ O Malerial - www .ooocre1a.J CHg
tOCI •
B GUlaE TO FO RMWO RK FOR cm.tCRET E ,(ACil 947R-14)

Table a(a)--Applicable lateral pressure equatlens for concr,ete other than SCC - lnch-pound version,
Slump,· 1·11H:Hal ,•Ellnlloi, lf<pth [lemmt Ralo id p'l'aeo:1ttent Pn,,<11re oqiJj¡tJ,m
Grealllr tllM 7 ilf. Any Allly /\lf}'
le!;S. l~ari or equal ia 7 in. C.=oor 1ha111 4 ft A111y /\lfY
Cal11mn/ /\lfy a(b l
Wall' les, ,1.,,n or e!J""I ro 14 ft tall le:ss.~a1117 fl.ob a(b l
le,s, 1~ari or equaí ia 7 in. Less ,1.,,n º''""""' ro-1111 wans g=1~1 1han 14 il 1311 lesa 1ha111 1 fL'11*)
7 ia I.S fl/11*)
Greaier tl111111 S fllb
"slump far dl!l5mi~ l!IH~~I prei!!iiUN! ,;li:dl 111! mr!mur:ai .afls íhl! .a:ld itMJni '1í:ill admi1:ttlr8
l"f.OI' l:!,i: PUCJIOSie'afihB dncument, oolumni,; m!! mru,~ m vertecal i!!lemenls. 'ilrith na ¡pbni dimemioo. ex.Cl!edilll;! 6.i fl
~DI' th: purpo,!liC' iafihlli dncumml, Wil lh are' dc6n~ lll. ws;bc¡¡J demcrits v.-itb ill lt:a l e-ni: pli1n i:imc:ns:inn i:xOttding 6 5 fl

Table coefficien,t e~

C;111i!11t lypo Slais: Fl]'HII Retardi!H" cr
N4lll1B 1.0
l. u.or rn None N!oote
lneludsd 1.2
Noru, 1.2
~s ,1.,,n 70 perc;!rrt
le!;S.~a:n4Op;i:mml lneluded 1.4
N4lll1B 1.4
Grea1er tllM er e:qµal lú 10 pereent G=oor 11\ar, or equaí ia 4@
lneludsd I..S
i1t1:li1r-di:n inr.:tu.:h: any Ddmixt1111t:, :md, m a retlJ:ii:r, rctmir:i!, Willt:r rei:iJ-CCZ", J"idmding miil-mnEJ= wralt:r~rcch.1:ini¡s Ddmatu:n:, m biE,h.-:mns.1: wdl~•m:lucing llilml!du1%., th,;u
setting ef con:t't!ll!

Table a(c) weight coe,ffici:en,t C..

l•~l1-poo.11d , usloo SI \'t!Hliin

Unlt ..-el~lít o:r ..,.,,.,.,..,, ll>JnÍ c. Dmd~· ol <5onemi!', kafnr' Cr

rn')] JIO D.S[ 1 + (,,•/14S lb.'fl')I O.S[ 1 + (,,•12120 kg/
k'< 140 but 1,m ·¡e:,,,¡ tl\ar, (UU) p <2240 bu1 nat ~!;S. man O
140:::; ..-~ I.SO I.O 2240 ~ p ~ 2400 1.0
,,,> ISO "~ IAS 11>/ftl p>MOO ..m20 lglm'

Table b--Appli,cable lateral pressure eqIJ,aHons for ecncrete other than SCC - SI version,
Slm1t,11 ln:li!mall "ibnlilon d~pllí l!lml~lll R:a1~ o;r pfacffl!~.111 fl'MIIDl'e i!ipiallu1'
Gn!m~J ,1.,,n 17.S 1nm Any /illy /\lfY
h(aj Le!o• than ar o,qµal to 175 rmro C.reooor 11,;w 1.2 rn l\Jt;y A!fY
4.2.2.lh(_a¡ ColWllm~ /\ny
wau: ~~ ~a:n or equal ia U rn lall Less tlJM 2.1 mllL,(b)
t.ess than or o,qµal to l l.S nml les, ,1.,,n or ~I ro 1 .2 ni Wall' greaoor d!a111 A.2 ~i toll Less then 2.1 ntllt b(c¡
2.1 lú 4..5 lfüb b(c¡
C.reaoor than 4..S m/b b(a¡
"slomp fa del5111 imí KKl l!lnater.d prea; LJrie shilll be mr!Zllium.:I afls lile a:ldibnn ahll iJdmi,.:ture;
'li'DI' ~ pur:;posei aflhll'i dncurneril, oolmnm ~ ~fina:l 11 verteal elemerils. wilh na ¡pbni dimem;ioo ex.~illli!j ] rn
:;,.DI' th~ pur:pose" aflhlli dncument, Willk ere definOO iJ.5, ,"ffllCill elems,ts v.-ilh illl l~t i:m~ plim timens:inn ex~ing .!

4.2..2.2. Wheu w.orkillg wiru on-site measurements. Ofien, laboratory tests ate needed
ooncrete, a_,¡ a precursor to mi-site mo:nitrnfog tests. Severa!
1he lateral pressm;e fur d:es.ign should be d:te fuH I iquid methods für esllimai:ing lateral pressure of nonvibrared
hea.d unless dte effect on fürmwork pre~ure is SCC have beeti pmposed (Gardner et al. 2Cll 2; K.hayat
Ullderstood by and Omran 2011 ; et al. 2008; DIN l 1!211! :2CII CI-CII ;
meas.urement or pliio:r s.tudies and experienoe. Tihe .. DIN Standard 011
lateral Fonm,•ork Pressures Upoo!ed" 201 O; Proske and
¡m:!ss.ures. developed. by SCC ate dete.nnined. by Graubner
2008) and cmitinue to be developed as addilli.o:nal data
eriug die rate of oo:ncJe te p1acemeut to tlie rate

of beoome available. Experienoe willi diese metl:tod:s i:s

development of oo:ncJe te stiffness/stieng.d:1. Any method
ptesently wme• wbat limited. Tihu.'\ evalua~ion of
eslimared pressure on the
lo indude a ineasuie of 11he stiffening cl:tarn.cte~i:stics of
SCC :md. should. be c-.apahle of being e.asily checlred
1~ l!.me rican Gon craie lnstilule - Cqpyrighl:ect OMate1ial - WWYUJCHOOJete.019

m.JJDE ,ro, FORMWURK FO R 00,N:CRE'lfE (ACI 347R-14) 9
basis of'more than one method is advisahle unnl pres.mre but not less dian 1 S lbltV (0.72 kPa).
satisfacrory performance is oo:nfirrmed. far Ehe range of Consideraiion shou!d be giiven m pos,ible ~.nd uplii: o:n
parameeers asso• ciated wirh die p:rojeot. the füm1work.
¡m~ssures during place• ment and adjuslJing the rate of 4.2..3.2, For elevated. !loor fomiwork, the appli.ed value
plaeement lo control praes• sures withim llhe capacity of of hori:zo:utal. lood due to w·ind, d\J:mpin:g oí conoret:e,
llhe forms can be a wise ptecau• tioii \\1ien using unproveu i.ndi.ned placemenl of ooncte-re, and equipment acting in
SCC mixnires, Researehers and contractors have used any direc• tio:n at floor line should produce effecn not
pressure cells inserted thmugh the form faee and load less d:ian d:1e effert of 100 lb/limear ft (1.5 kN/m) oflloor
oells on form with 11ressure based on tributary area as edge or2 percent of total dead load on the fo:rm d.isocibuted
methods of measurement (Jolmstou 201 O). as a urnifon11 lood per linear foot (meter) of slab ed¡:e,
SCC placement pressures bave the potential to reaeh whidhever is gre,at:er.
fu! 1 liqu.i.d head pressures. General ly, concrete lateral 4.2..3..3. Fo:r Ivall. a,id. oolmtm form bracing des.ign,
pressures v.~ 11 not reach fu11 equivalent líquid bead d:1e appl ied value of hori.zonlal lood d1.1e to, wi.nd .:uid.
ptessure but agita• doii of the alre,ady-placed. coneeere in eccen• tric vertk,al loads should. pmduce elfects not less
die fü11n will. cause fonn ptessure to increase. Tihete dtan die effert of l. OCl IMinear i: ( 1 .5 kNlm) ofwall le.rig~h
are site and plaeemeut condhlens that will ineeease or column
furm pressure, Si1e condírlens that can transm it \vi.dtb, applied al d:1e
víbrations to the fteshly-p1aced concrete can cause it to top.
lose its interna! struenne and reliquefy. He,avy equipmenl 4.2..3.4 F 011nwork ill lmmic.:uie-p:ro:ue regions ~hould be
opeeanng close to 11be forms, or connaued work on dte given s.;pecial cmisiderallio:n i.ti aocordanoe \\~th
forras, wil I transmir villration. Dropping concrete Erom ASCEISEI
die pump hose or placing bucket will airo aghate the m- 37.
4.2.4 Speda/ foad.~-llie fü1111work ~hould be designed
place concrete, ConoreLe pumped into the bottom of a
for any special condi.tioms of 001tsurucllion likely to
form wi II always oreare p:ressures higher than ful! ocrur,
liquld head, such as unsymmetric-,al plaoement of ooncrete, impact of
4.2..l..3, Alternatively, a method for either machine-J:eli.veted. ooncrete, uplift fliom conoreLe pliessure,
coaventlonal upli ft Íliom wi,id, oonoeuttat:ed loads of reinfotcemeni,
or se.:If--0onsolidating ceneeete based on app.rop:riare fo:n11 handling loods, .:uid. sto:rage of cmistructiou materials.
ex:pecr• imental data can be used to, determine Elle lateral. Fo:rm d:es.igriers should pmvide far s.;pecial
pressure used for form d:esign (Gardner and Ho 1979; C oonditions, s.uch as Ivalls constructed over s.pans of slab.s.
ardner 19&0, o:r beams ihat exert a different loadin¡: pat.tem before
19gs; Clear and Hamson 19&5; British Cement
hard:ening of conorete ihan that forwhieh Elle suppo:rtmg
mt1otu1ie is desi§ned.
19'92; Dunston el al. l'.l'.14; Bames and Jobnsron lmposition of any construotiou loadL.o¡ on the paniailly
2003) or a pmject-specitk proeedure can be oomple.ted s.tructulie- should not be al lo,ved, e::roept as
implemeuted to co1ittol field-measured pliessures. in i speci• fied in fü11nwork drawings o:r wi11b Elle approval
nstrumented fomis o,fthe engi• ueer/aJidlitecL Refer to 5.& fur speciall
to the ma:ximum pressure for which the form was conditions pertai.ning to mullli:story work.
designad 425 Pos1-lt>11sJ011/,ig loam,-8,ho:res, res:f10:res., and
(Johnston 21l un backshores need. to be at1alyzed für botli ooncrete p!
4.2.lA ff eonerete is pumped from the base of die ace• meni loa.ds and fur al I load tmisfer that takes place
form, the form should be designed für full hydrostatic d:uring post-t:ettsio:ning.
head of
concrete \i'h (o:r pgh) plus a minimum allowaace of 25 4.3-,.,Member capacites
percent for put11p surge pressare, Pressures ean be as high Member capacities fur u.<. :e i.n the design of fo11nworik,
as the faoe pressnee of d:te pump piston; dn:tS, press11me exclu• sive of aoces.:sories, are de termined by the

s.hould be mo:nitored .:uid. conlrolled. so th:JJt 11be desigm applicabl.e redes o:r specifications listed in Chaplet" 6. Whe,ii
pre!'.!:1.1re is ttot exceeded. fabr-Jcated fürm• work, s.holiing, or s;c-,affo.lding units are
42.2. .5 Ca.ution is necessary and additiona! al lowance used, manufaoturer's recommendations fo:r worldng
for pressure should. be oonsid:eted. when using extemal capacities should be followed if supponed by engineerfog
vibration o:r oo:nct1Ite rii.ade witli shliinkage-compe.risating c-,alculations or test liepmts of a qualified and reoognized.
or e-xpm:tsive oements. Pressulies in exoess. of die Lest:ing agemcy. llie effeot:s of cumu• lait!ive load. duration
eq1.11ivaleut hydrostallic head c-,an ocrur. s.hoo!d be COJlsidered i.n actol'dauce wilh lhe applk,able For slipfo:m1 lateral pressures., refor to 9.2 . design specifü:ation far 1he marerial.
4.l..3 ffori:omal !lltlds-B.races .:uid. s.hores. s.hou!d 4.4--,;Safety factors for
be acce.ssorie.s
d:esigned. to resis.t all hori:zo:ntal. l.oods. s.uch as. wi,id, cahl.e
Tahl.e 4.4 shows ~ommended. minrimum factors of
te.risions, i.ndi.ned suppmts, dumpin¡: of concrete,
safety, based on committee and industry experience,
for formwork aocessories, sudh as fürm ties, fü11n auehors,
starting and stopping ol' equip1nenl \Vind loa.ds mi
and form h.:uigers" ]n sel.ecting diese acres:sor1ies, d:1e
euelo• sures or odier wind breah at.ta.ched to !he fonnworik
formwork desigrier s:f1ould be dtat materials.
~hould be cousidered in addilli.on to, these loruk
fumi:shed for ~he job meel ihese minimum ullimate-
4.2...J..l Fo:rm\110:tk e-xposed. to Elle elemenlS should. be
d:es.igned. for whid. p:ressures. dererm.i.ned i.n aocordanoe stlietigru sal'ety• ments oompared to ihe unfactoted.
wilh load. Wlhen man1.1facrur• er·~ teoommend:ed factors of
ASCE/SEI 7 wiih adjusbnenl as provided in ASCEISEI safüty are greater, ~he manu• farturers fecommend:ed
J7 for s.ho:rter lieru~rence iriterval. Altemarely, fomiwork wo:rking capadties should. be used.
may be des.igned for die local bu.i ldi,ig code;..required
lateral wind
Ame1ice111 Concrete lnslitlllia - CopyrignlEct O Male1ial - www.ooocre19.!org
10 GUlaE:1'0 FOf!q'MWOl'IIC FU~ CO:N:O~ETE,(AOl 3471'1-14)
Tabl'e 4.4-Minimum safety facators of gu.ide Elle s.ho:ring amd. dming coristruction (Noble
fonnwork aeeesscrtes 19'75).
Atti!sitiry r...,oo,· ~.... of <50fi<lnt<:lilon1
Foom lie 2.0 Ali applicati=
2.0 Form\\'OO"k anchors sul1J)Ol1i~ llmn \\'t!ig!tt,
cooclt1e pressures and wi1nd l""'d
Fomi a:ndrnr
1.0 Form\\'OO"K a1ncl!ors sul1J)Olli~ llmn \\'t!igl11,
concreta pressures, wind l""'ds, coosD1K:tio11
per,rnrmel live loads, aftd impact
Fmm 2.0 Ali applicati=

Ancli11rin;g 2.0 l'lecw.:oncraie paneh \\'OO" used as.

i=ru. 11:SOO foml\\'OJ'k
¡]¡S, fatrn l ríes
"safl!!ly fa-.:1nr.s. are hue;:I oo tite 11ltirni:Jbe' !l.'lfMIS tb afíhi! a:-~v.·hen
'!~"facb."l.rsof'-lfe!l_yilN!!equi re;:llhyO,SIIA 19'1-b farv.-arl:¡pbtfD11J1 im~.

Sheres and reshores or backsheees should be designed
to ca:~ry alí loads traesmined to diem. A rarlonal
(ACI l47.2R and ACI SP-4) should be used to detennme
11he numbee of fleors to be sho11ed, reshored, or
and to derermime die loads lrattsmitted 10 the lloors,
shores, and reshores er baekshcres as a resuh of the
oons.truction requerice.
The analysis should. eonsider, but should not
necessarily be l.imited. to:
a) Structural. design load. of llie slab or member
including load, panitio:n loads, and other leads für
which die engi• neer of füe permanent snueture designed
the slab. Where llie engineer indud1ed a reduoed
load far d:te design of certarn mernbers and allewaeees for
ooastrucnon loads, sueh vaíues slimdd be shown on the
structural plans and be takee into oonsideratíeu whee
perfo:rmirig Ehis anaíysís,
b) Dead load v.<ei!lhl o,1' Ehe ceaereie ; md fürmworik
e) Consmrction tive loads, such a.~ die placíng erews
equ.i;pment or stored
d) Specíñed design strength of concrete
e) Cyde time berween 11he placement of'suecessive
t) So:englli of concrete at die time it is required to
s.horing loads mm1
g) The d.isocilmllio:n oí loads between lloors, shores,
and reshores or backshores at d:te time of pladng concrete,
strip• ping fü111nworik, and removal of reshoring or
bachhoring (Grundy and Kabaila 1963; Agarwal and
Gardner 1974;
Snvaros and Halvorsen 1990)
h) Sp;m of slab er stracnrral member be 1\\'een 0

i) Ty¡pe of fünnworik sys.teu1s., that is, ~n of
horizontal fomiw.ork cmn;ponents ;md i.ndividual s.ho:re
j) Minimum age of oonc11e,te wlieti creep de,flection is a
k) Loads app1ied. due to pon-rensioni,ig cransrer
Cornmerdally availab!e load cells can be placed
under sela:ted sho:res. to rnonitor acrual s.hore loads to
Field-oons.truc,red buu or lap ~!ices. of timller Proper found!ation.~ on .!?íround, such as rnudsil!s,
shoring are not reoommended. unless they are made wid1 s.p:read foolli.ngs, or pile footings, s.hould. be p:rovided_
fab:ricated hardware devices. of demoristrated. strength Fom1work foolli.ngs aJld b:racing anchors should. be
and. stability. U plywood or lumber ~lices are made fur des.igned. to res.ís.t the loads imposed. willhout exoeeding llie
~imbe.r s.1mring, they s.hould be designed 10 prevetit al low·able soi I bearing capadty, without inrutTing
b111dkling. ; md bending of the s.horing. excessive se ttlernents affectimg die forrnwol1k structural

Befo11e oo:nslruclli,o:n, an overaill plati for saheduling integrity aru:I stabil.ity, and withmn devialling ftom the
of specified oonc.rete e.J.evation. lfsoi I under mudsills is or
s.ho:ring aru:I or bachhoring, and ca!cu!.allion may become i.ttcapable of supporting supe.r• int;posed
of loadls tnmsferred to the slructure, s.1:tould be prepaied. loads wi11bout app11eciabl.e ~ulemem, i.t s.hou!d be
by a quail.ified and experienced fünmvork desigrier. The stabili:zed or otlher meaiis oí support shoo!d be
struc• ture·s capadty to c-,arry these loads should. be provided_ Mudsills sbou!d be protec,ted frnm loss of
reviev.<ed or approived by the e1igi.needa11chitect. The plan soil. bearing streiigd1. Causes rnight include soour due to
:md. responsi• bil.ity für i.a exerution remai.n with 1he running water, nearby excavations., or d:te increa.~e of
contractor. rnoiSllllre content camed by die supponing soil becoming
wet or saturated. No concrete sho111!d be placed o:n
4.6-Bracin,g and fo:rmwo11k supported ot1 1l1'0l!eil
racin.g _ground
The fo:mnvo:llk system should be desiiµied lo b'ans.fer .
hori20:ntal load!: lo the .!?íroutld or to oompleted
construction in such a manner as to ensure safuty at all
Fo11n,vorik shou!d be designed. aiid. construci:ed. so
times" Diago:nal bracing s.hou!d be pmvided i.t1
ver11ical and horizonlal planes. v.1iere to 11esist
lateral loods. and to, prevent instabili.ty o,f i.ndividual vertical adjustments can be made to oomperisate for
members" Holii.zontal lacing CaJl be considered in design anllid•
to hold. i.n place and inc11ease the budkling s.tmigd1 of pated ialre-up, e!astic defomiatioris, aJld.
individual sho11es aud res.ho:res. o:r back• s.ho:res.. Ladng
s.hould be prnllflrl:ed i.n whatever di11ections a11e nece~1ny
to produce die corra:l slettdemess. ralli.o rtr für the load
s.upporiled, v.1iere / is 11he uns.upported. l.engdi and r is 00N:STRUCTION
die l.east of gyration. llie braoed. s.ystem
should. be aJlchored lo en.<mre stabrlity o,f d1e total 5.1...;Safety precautions
system. Fom1wo11k en1:i1ieers and formwork
4.7-,Foumdations for
follow all state, l,ocail, and federal codes, ordinanoes,
fonnwork aiid regu!allio:ns pelilaining to forming and s.ho:ring. l1t1
addition to
American Coocrale lnstlule - Cqpyrighted O Material - WWYUJCHOOJete.o¡g
GI.JJD E ffl FORMW OJUC: FOR oo:N:CRETlE (ACI 347R- 14 ) 11
the very real moral aad legal to 1mi11tain a)An inspertioll prooess.
safe oondi1ions. for workers and the public, safe fo:rremol\li.ngdamaged
construcnon is, in ~he fi:nal analysis, more eoonomical o:r wom materiail(sl, aooess.o:ries, or otlier form.iug
thaii any shon-teem cost savings fmm ruuing corners on equipment having lower s~rengdi thaii ~uiJied
safety pmvisions, b) lmuffidenl nailing,, weldi1ig., or
Arteetion to s:afoty is pirntirularly s.ignificant i.n fa,;tening e) lns.ufficiem o:r improper laterall.
formwork b:racing
constmcnon dial suppo:11:s. tlie ceaeeete during its píastie
state and until rue concrete beccmes s.truc,rurally self-
Fo.1 loti•ing the design criteria eontained in thris guide is.
essen• tial fo:r eesuring safe performance oftlie forms, AII
snucmral members. and ceenecnons should. be carefujly
planned so that a sound determinatieu of loads may be
aceurately made and stresses calculated,
In additien tothe adequacy of'jhe funi:m'Ork, special
suuc• tures, sueh as muhistory bu.ildings, reqnhe
ceesíderanon ef the llehavior of new·ly oempíeted
snuemral eleeients that are used to s.upport formwork aad
otlie:r censnuetlea loads. Note that ~he sm-engtli ofttewly
eompleted strucmral eíements will be less tlian the4.r final
design s~rengtli.
Formwork failures. can be atínbuted to substandard
rialls and equipment, human e:rro:r, and lnadequaey in
d:es.ign. CaJieml. supervísíe» and eontinueas inspertion of
formwork during ereenon, concrete plaeement, and
removal can help preveat aceldeers,
Consnucnon procedures should. be planned in
to eesure ~f1e s:afüty of personnel and tlie integrity of
ilie lini:shed struemre. Sorne of ~he s:afoty provisieus tliat
should be considered include:
a) Erecllion of safe:ty s.igns aiid. barríeades to keep
thorized personneí olear of ateas in which ereetíoe,
placing, or s.tripping is under
b) Prnl\liding experlenced funnv.'Ork personnel wuh
oommunlcatiea mea:n:s to ~he placi,ig crew, to c1osely
watch during concrete plaeement to eesure earty
Jiecoguillion ef possibíe fonn díspiacemeet or poteetlal
faílures: a s.upply ef extra sbores or otlie:r ,naleriall. and
equípment diat might be needed in an eme,,-ge:ncy should
be readíly avai lable
e) Prol\lisio:n fo:r adequate illuminallio:ti of ~he
and work atea
d) lndusio:n of l.ifmng points in the d1es.ign and
de of all forms. diat v.~ 11 be hoisred by c.ranes. or

other lifting equip111enl This is es.peciallly irnportaut i.n

flyin¡: fo:rms. or climbing furms, in the c-,as.e ofwall
furmwork, oon:sid:eration should be given to an
i.nd:epe.tide:nl work platfonn a.dequalely fas.te~ied to tlie
previous l.ifi
e) littúorporation of scaffu!ds., working platforms,
guafidrails. into funnwork design and alll fonnwork
drawings f) lncorporallio:n ofprovis.ions. fur
aiidhorageoffüll pmtec• tio1i devioes, such as. personal
füll all\est srstems., safe:ty net
sysrems., and personllel pos.illioning devi.oe
g) A pmgram oflield s:afoty ins.;pections. of formwo:llk
5.1.1 :Ft1nmi-ork ctmsm1c(Jo11
oommon oon:swc~io:n delicieucies that rnn l.ead. to
formwmk failures. indud:e:
d) Failure to oomplywidi maiiufücl.Urer 1) Failure to recognize and Jiesolve foJices at l,ocaJ:ions.
'srecommeudatiolls e) Failure to oons.truct fonnwork in in the formwork where lateral pres.sure is 1iot resisted by
acoord!ance !A•idi ~he fo:nn ties., s.uch as. at l"-inte:rsecllio:tL-.¡ of wall Is. and at
fo:rm drawings outsid:e oomers m) lns.talllation of lateral bracing at
f) Failure toobtain fonmvork erig¡ineer's approval steeper angles ruan d:e.s.igned, res.ultlng in an inability to
forlield modilic-,alliom mai.ntai.11 lateral s.tabi lity,
g) Lacik of proper p1iepour fieJd ins.;pection by plumb, and all.ignme:tlt ofdie fo:rmwo:llk
compel:e:ttt pers.ons. to e:n:sure dial fonn desigii has beeri n) Pladng collc;rere i.n sudi a mmmer thaJ:
ptoperly inter• preled by form bu.ilders unbala.iired
h) FailuJie to ins.;pect funmvork dul1iug attd afier oo:ttcJiete foroes afie appl.ied. lo w·all. opening blockoul~ causing
plarement to de tect abuonnal d:eflections. or odie:r s.igns.
of immine:nt or porential failuJie dial should. be conerted don or dis.plareme:nt of die blockout form
S.LLI E_~amp!e.t of deficle11cles {11 ver/leal o) Failure to prol\lide adequate b:racing Jiesulting ill
atrempts to plumb forms against cmic;rete weight, wind.
Con~truction d:elkiettdes some:times fouttd in venicall
load:s, or od1e.r hori:zontall. fo:roes
fom1- work includ:e: p) [nadequat:ely s.upport:ed. wa11 furm or column form
a) Failure to cmilrol rate ofpla.reme:nt ofooncre:te paneJs
wiiliout regard. to design pa:rame:ters 'l) lnadequate fastening of tlie fo:rm to, p1iel\/ÍoIL-.¡
b) lnadequately tighrened. or s.ecured fom~ or ooncJieJ:e
harrnvare plaremenl or fu1mdatimi
e) Form dainage in excavallio:tL-.¡ res.ullliug frnm ernbank• S.1.1.2 Example.~ ofdefu::Jencle.r /11
melll foiluJie ho1°l=o1ualformwm·k• Constructio11 deliciencies
d) Use of extemal vibrators. on forms nol designed for some:times. fuuud. in horizontal fo:rms for eil.evated
the:irus.e s.trucmres. indud:e:
e) Deep 1\/ib:rator penelration of earlier semi-liardened. l.itls a) Failme to properly regulate the sequenoe of placing
f) lmproper framing ofblockouts concrete to al\loid unanllidpated. loadings on die fonmvocik
g) lmpmperly located. or oo:nswcted pouring pocke:ts. b) Sho:ring 1iot ph.1mb, d1IL,; indudt1g lateral loadillg
h) ltiadequately supported bulkhe,ads. o:r oons.truction and reduci ng vertical load capacity
joittt fo:rmwork e) Locldng devii:;es o,i meral s.horing nm locked,
i) lmproperly aiichored top fum:L-<¡ mi a sloping inoper•
j) Failure to, assess and cmilrol co1ic;rele, or Safety nails on adjustable
and I.W(l •

adm i:nure effeots with res.pect to conorel:e lateral pres.sure piere wood s.ho:res.
k) Failure to proivi de adequate s.uppo:11 fur lateral d) Failure lo aroounl for villration from adjaoe,it
pressuJies on formwork moving
!oads or load ca~riers
Am erican Coocrete IIISl irulB - Cop y1ig!l!ed O Ma!erial - www ,concre1e.! org

AIQl'llli CLP- . [ ----=U::P.:U=I;F:

f IClli 1

¡~ u',i
e) Forms should be suffidently tighl to minimi:z:e less of
mortar from the coeerete
t) Pour wlndows or peckets m.ay be neces.,.;acy ill watl
Ftg. bearlng under forms or other bigh, narrow fonns to f.adlitate concrete
nu1dsiil. placemem and villraJ:ion.

e) Inadequately tightened. or secured sheres and.

reshores including bardware or wedges
t) Leesening er premamre removal of reshores or back•
shores under ñoors
g) Premature removal of suppons, especial ly under
h) lnadequate bearmg area or unsuitabie soi] under
mudsilts (Fig.
i) Mu.:bills placed on lro!ZCn ground sebject to
nr mi samraied ground; mudsñls placed prior to a large
rain event during whieh water aecumulates and washes
ihe soil out fton1 under 11be sill
j) Conllecllion of sheres to joists, smngers, o:r wates
are inadequate lo resist uplift or tersien ar joinls (:refer
Fig. H.
k) Failute !O cons.ider effeets cif load transfer dial
oceur during pos.t-tensio:ning (tefur to 5.!
1) Failure to pertorm, decament, and füllow up
ptep1acement fonm1•0:tik
m) Kirik.ed, beat, or odierwi:se damaged shoring
n) luadequate sboring and braemg o,f compos.ite
eenstnicñon o) ínadequate llracing für horizontal loads
due to, wind or
other honzental

5.2....Construcli.on praetlees and wor~manshi p

5.2.1 rabr/ca1fo11 and a.m!:111hly de:taJll/,----The
are examples of good cousíructien
a) Pmpe.rl.y splieed snids, wales, stmngbacks, shores,
otber meeibers of'two o:r mote
b) Shores should be installed phnnb wit1hin dte
allowable ties
e) Spedned size a:ru:I capacity -of furm er
cfamps should be used,
d) Al I form ties or clamps should be irislalled and
llig¡hteued as specilled. AII thtea.:b sbould fully etigage
the mil or oouplin:g_. A double nut may be required to,
de.velop the full capacity of the tie,
si:z:es s.o tliat it is not trapped behi.nd lile lieiinfo:rcing
.. s.teel. By doirig ~l:tis., füe formwork can be removed more
ea.,;ily aiid, in sorne cases, te.osed_
5.2~2.3 When required by the comr.act dorume.nts,
Flg. 5.1. J .lb-Upllfl efformw.ark Connec:lltm ef beveled insem ait oontro.l. or oo:utraction joints. should be
shores ,o
jol.m {JJU/ strlnger.~ .tho11id hold shores 111 place: whe:11 l.eft uiid.i:s" lmbed wheii forms ate s.tripped, a:nd dten
t1pllfl remo\'ed only after tlie ooncrete ha.,¡ been s.ufficiently
1W ltw.tlon cured.
OCC'ltl'l'. 5.2~2.4 Wider wood featute snrip.s., teve.als, or
g) Fabricate ganged fo:mnvo:tik, tables, and columt1 inserted fo:r alicfliitecturall. tt'eaitmeut be keñe.:1 otl dteir
furms baek sides so a_,¡ lo allow for expansimi 10, take place in
,m a füilable pfatfunn, ho:rses, or other mean<.; of the wood:en piece a_,¡ a res.uh o,f moisture absorption.
supporl to a.,;sulie co:~rect and square geometry, s.traighl hori:zo:utal. to 1 vertical sllould be proiyiífed I\l'illl a top
fonnwook ed:g_es, a:nd the absenoe o,fbu.ilt-11 warp witltin torm
to.l.eraiices. to, llold the shape of the oo:uc~e.te durin:g_ pfacement, utt!
5.2.2 Jo/ms In ,CO IICfi'! (I!' ess. it ca:t1 be demo:n:snrated thait the top fo:rms. can be Co:ntraction joittts, ex¡pansion joints, contlfOI omine.:!.
joinis, s..2A Fm·mv.'Ork i1Hpe:crlo11-TI1e impec1lio:n
cmistructimi joints, and isolalli.:m joillts shoul.d be ins.t:iil should. be perfo:m1ed. by a persoti certilied as. an ACI
led as specified in the coiillrac,t documents (Fig. Concrete Cons.truction Special [ns;pecto:r or a person
o:r as raequested by the oontractor aiid. apptoved. by the baving equiva• len! formwork trnining attd lrno\\1.edge.
engineer/ arohitecL a) Fo:rmwol1k sbould be inspecied. for com;plianoe wiih
5.2~2.2 Bulkheadls fur construcllion joinl:s s.hould the
ptefur• formwork
ably be mad'e by splitting ~he sbeathing allo:ng tlie li drawings.
nes of tlie reinforcemetit (eitlier ve.nically or b) Forms sliooM be i.n:specred and checl'Jed before lihe
ho:ri:z:onrally) pa.,;sing tl1rough the lllllld1ead, and rei,i•
installing the supports sucfi tíhat the slie.atlii.ttg steel is. pfaced to confirm tliat ~he dimensio:ns
materiall is supporred almig these cuis aiid. is aud. tlie locaúon of ~he üoncrete members wHI. conform to
supponed frequetitly enough to limit its deflectimL the s.tructural pfans..
Cons.truction joint formwork s.hou!d be made in s.uch ñean Can craie lnstiluie - CqP'lñfllled 0 Ma terial - www .oono
G' IJJD E 'l'O FORM WO J!UC FO~ OO NCR EliE (ACI 347R- 14) 13
ADJACEtfT SPAN IS PL.ACED. TO PREV5N'1' OL".lt.l!!l ffllJC'lll l'.l:N .IL".lllff
:, .m- . •T .. ,, ,. -~ .. . vr1- .. ► .i ""· I
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rlg. 5. 1.1.1-Formlng and .Morlng 1-es1ral11t~ ar con.ttn.1clio11 Jol11t~ {11 .rnp.poned slabs..

e) Blockouts, inserts.sleeves, anehors, Table 5.3.1-Perm.irted abru,pt or gradual

andotherembedded items should be properly identíñed, irregulari:• ties in1 fonned surfaces as measured
positioaed, end secured. d) Fo:nn1vo:cik should be checked a 5 ft (1.5 m) ren.gth with1 a stmightedge
fo:r required eamberwhen speciñed in the contraer
documents or shown on tlie fonn• work dra\" A B C D
Formwork eambee should be measured aJter casung but 1111 in. (J n11n) 1/4 i!III. (6 mm) 1 /2 i•- l 13 1,mo) 1 im. (2S nm,)
before post-tenslonmg and ~tripping nf shcres.
Permanent eamber shoald be measured al soffit both The cmilractor shou!d set and maiutait1 ooncrete
before forms, indudmg. any s.peciñed c-amber, ro 1msu11e completed
and after stripping. work is wttlii.n the rolera:nce limhs..
S.2.5 C1~t1lt1Ip a.nd coatingr-Fonns should be thorooghly s.J. I Recommenda.tton.~ fM e11gimterla.rch/1ec:1 a11d
cleaned of all dirt, mertar, and fu:reign matter and coor11·ac100--Tdlerances should be specified. by llhe
eoated wilh a release ageut befere each use. Wlhere the engii.neert architect so that the oontractor wiH know
bottom of the fmm is iuaooessib1.e from wlthm, aeeess predseJy \\1iat is requíred and can de.~igJl aiid maintain
pa,iels shoull:I be províded ro pennit tho:roogli removal of the fo:rnm•orl:: acrord• ingly. Spedfying. rolerances more
exnaneous material before píacing concrete, Jf surfaee than needed can increase eo1istruc1Jio,i oosts. lt
appearance o-1' tlie concrete is. hnpertant, fenns shoald not s.hou!d. be ooted that roleranct>S fuund in
be reased if damage from previous me would cause cons.truction s.pedficallious, sucli as tliose in ACI l l 7, are
impainnem l:O concrete surfaces, for the a~-lmih conm~te memben: and not the fo:nmvork
Form ooatings. shoujd be appli.ed in aceordaace with used to shape these member-s. F onmvork sho111ld. be
the manufacmrers' mstrucdons before placi,ig o-1' oonstrucred \li111h s.uch diu1ensions so the resultlng
reinfurcing steel and should not be used in s111dh quanntles coricrete members alíe within the ,pedlied dime.nsio:nal
as to run o:nto bars or concrete conseucnon jeints. tolerances..
5.2.6 Comt11tc:l!OJ1 opera1l/:mJ; on 1he/orm.i,.T1/'t- The engineer/architect should. spedfy or
6uilding materials., i.nduding concrete, should nol be require performa1ire appmpriate to• the t)'pe of
d'.ropped or pil.ed on lhe furmwork in sueh a ma1mer as. to oonsttuc•
damage or overíoad iL Runways fur movirig. Ntuipment don. s;pedfying rnlerances mofe stringem thaJl oommonly
should. be ptovided \\~th struts or legs as required and ob1ained. fur a s.pedñc type of constructioll should be
should be supported .:limltly on the formwork or suucrural avoid:ed, as. this usually resul.ts. in .:lis.;putes amo:ng the
member, They should not beer cm or be supported by the p:mies in,'01.ved. Fo:r example, permitt:ed
reinfürcing steel unless special bar supports are provlded, irraegularities more s.tringent ruan ~hose allowed. for a
Tite furmwork sllould be suírable for the suppert of sucfi Class D surfare ('fab!e S.l. l) is. i.neompatible with most
runways \lioithout sigmñcant detlections, vibrations., or oonc11ete o:ue-way ( lap pan.,¡) joi~t oons.mmtion
lateral mevemeets, techniques.. As a maner of prac• tica! con~truc.tion, lap
5.2.7 Loadlng' new slaltf~Overloading of new slabs by pa1is will not provide Cla!.s. D in all 1 cases, pa:rtioolarl.y
teui;porary marerial. s.tocl:piling. o:r by early ap:plic-a~io:n of \li~ien subjec,t to feuse mi a project.
permanent !oads s.hould be avoíded Loads, such a_,¡ Where a p:roj,ect invol111es katures s.ensitive lo• ihe cumu!
aggre• gate, lumber, reinfurcing steel, masonry, or a• tiw effect oí roleranees o:n i.ttdividual portio:ns, tlie
n.i.aciii.nery should ,iot be placed mi new eonstrucjíon in engineerl a11cbntt>el should aiitidpate an.:I pmvide fur
such a manner as. to damage or overload iL this effec,t by setting a tolerance. Wlhere a
panicular situation in1110.l.ves. severa! types. of general ly
5.3-To!lerances accepl:ed lo.l.eraiires. on items sudl:1 as oonc.rete, location
"íolerance is a perm.issib!e 111ariation fmm lines, grades., or ofreinfurrement, a1id. füb:ri• cation of teinfo:ooement,
dimensio:n,.¡ giiven in oonlract dooomenK S.ugges.ted. \\1i1ich become mutua!ly i.noompat• ib!e, the
roler• engineer/ardhit:ect s.hould aiiticipate the difficu!ty and
ances fur oonc11e te s.tnmrures. CaJl be found in ACI
0 s.ped fy speciail. IOleram:ies or i.ndicate whicb lol.erallre
117. govems. Tite project spedlications sbould dearly state
diat a permitt:ed 111ariatio11 i.n olle pa:141 of tlie co:nslruclio:n
or in

Ame1ican CC>11 crete lnsl ituile - Copy,ig!lied C, MEile1ial - www.10CHJ>CralaJarg

eme secnon of the specifieations sbeuld uet be coasnued exposute. lfpermitted irregularities are dHferent írom
a_-,¡ tliose g¡iven i.n ·rabi.e 5.3. l, diey shou!d be s.pecilied by
pennitting violanon of llhe more srn-ingent requiremeets the engineerlardhitecL
:my otlier pan oftlie ceastmcdon or in :my otlier sueh
fícarion section,
The engineerrarehltect should be respons ible for coor•
di,iating 11he teíeraeees fur ceaeeete wo:ik wiru llhe toler•
aeee reqiurements of odier lrad:es. whose work adjoins
the concrete constructica. F or example, die connecdon
deta]] for a bu.ildillg's füf,:ide should aceommcdate tlie
tole.rance nmge for the lateral alígnmem and el.evaJtion of
11he perimeter ceaeeere member.

5.4,..., lrr,e gurarities ini formed

ACI 347.JR prn/1/ides. detaited guidance and medt~
pmducing and evaluaJting concrete formed surfaces, Tbis
section pmvides. a summ.ary of ways of evahiatiug
surface varfallio:n-.,¡ due to furming quality but is. uet
intended far eval• uaJtion of surface defects, such a_-,¡
surface veids (bugholes a.lld. blowholes), and boeeyoomb
artnbutable to, placillg and comsolida~i.on deñciencies,
These are more fu! ly explained by ACI l47.JR and ACI
Jll9.2R. AHowable inegu!.arities are designared eitlier
abrupt or gradual. Olf~ts and fins tesulting fmm
displaced, mismatched, or misplaced forms, s.heaJt!ling, or
lillers, or fmm defects in forming marerials are
censidered abrupt hregulariaes. Jrregularities resulting from
!A>arpillg aed similar unifom~ varianons fmm planeness
true curvanrre are ooasldered gradual
Gradual sbould be ehecked with a swaighl•
edge for plaee surfaces or a shaped templare for
curved or warped surfaces, [n measuring irregulanties of
plane surfaces, ihe straightedge can be plaeed anywhere
on the surface in a.iiy direcnoa,
Four elasses of fmmed surface ate defüied in AC 1 117-1
4.8.J (Table 5.J. l ). Tite engineer.farchitect should
\,rhicli elass is iaiuirred fur the work being speeiñed or
cate 011her irtegu!arity limits where needed; or 11he eoacrete
surface toleranoes as specífied in ACI 301-1 O,,
with fo~-facillg_ materials meenng llhe requirements of
ACI JOl-lO, 2.2.U, should be fullowed.
Class A is suggested far surfaces prominently expesed
lo public view where a.ppe,:ira.iire is of special
Class B is mtended fur coarse-,te-xrured, concrete-
s.urfaces inreooed to plasrer, srucco, o:r \Vainscoti1ig,.
Cla,;s C is. a general standard. for perma.iiently e:i::pored
s.urfaces \\1iere other fü1i:shes arre nol specified_ Class. D is
a minimum,-qu:ality tequ.i.remeut for s.urfaces where
- is not objectionable, u:sually app1.ied. \\1iere surfaces will
Co:ns~ruclli.on mediods sucli as. using metal fürm
prnvide a f\nish uruque to itself and s.hould be given
special cmisiderallion by the engineerlardhitecl
Specia!. liinits on can be needed for surfares. llowing waJter, drainage, or
5.5-,.:Shorin.g and cen,ter'ing joist construrtion to prevent loca!. overloading whein a
5.5.l SJui;-lng-The desigJi pr,ocess and cons.truction prac• heavily load:ed s.ho:re rests 011 a. llhin s.lab.
llices should. be in acoordance \,•itli AC 1 347.2R. Shoring Ve.nical shotes s.hould be erected so diat tliey ca.imot lli
s.hould be supporred mi satisfartory foundallio:ns, sudh a.-: ll a.iid. shou!d have a nm, [nclined shores shou!d
s.;prea.d fuotings., mudsil Is., slabkll:t-,¡i;round, piers, c-,:iiss.otts, be serurel;• against slipping, sl.iding, o:r budklillg_,.
or, as discusred in 4.7. "íhe bea:ring ends of shores s.hould be squarre to ~he
Shores res.tirig mi inlermed.iai:e slabs. or odier construrtimi s.upported member. Wedges may be rut and iustalled
a!.rea.dy in place need. not be located. dirertly above shores to acbi.eve ful!. mi sloped surfüres. or wi~h
or re~ho:res. below, uuless. ~he slab thiclmess a.iid. tlie loca.• inclined. suppon members. Co:nnec,tions. of shore he,:ids.
Ilion of iis reillfuroement arre inad:equaJte to take die revers:al lo otlier framillg should be adequate lo preve-1it tite
of momems a.iid. sbe,:ir_ llie reversa!. of bending shores fmm fa! lillg out
momenl:s i.n tlie s.lab over ~he shote o:r reshore befow rna.y 1vl:ten reverred causes upward delfoction of
ocrur a-,¡ shown in Fig,. 5.5. la. If reshores do llOt aligJi witli the
die sbores above, the-1i calcu!ate for revers.a!. o,f momenK forms (tefur to Fig.
Ci-enerally, ~he moment illdured by llhe dab dead loads. 5.l.l.2b).
will nol be teversed by die effecl ofhaving die upper shote S...'.i.2 Ci?1Uer1Jr~When ce-1iterillg is used, lowering
off~l ill locaJtion fmm llhe teshote below. Reshotes is generall.y aooomp1hhed by ~he u~ of sa.iid. jadks,
s.hould be ptevented. fmm by sucli meatL<¡ as spring jad:s, or
clip.s. at the lop o,f reshores and positively aJttaching 1vedges beneaJth die supportirig membiers. Fo:r die s.pecial
perimeter reshores 1.nto die interio:r of die s~ructure pmblems. ass.odated. ~fte ootts~rucllion of rentering
wiih app:rop.riate lacing or bracing,. The res.ho:ring pla.ii fur folded piares, thiri s.hell:s, and. long-spam roof structutes,
should be s.ub:mitted. to the engineerla11chitert fo:r review refür
10, l!.4.
telared to effecis o:n permanent s.truc,tures.. Multi-tier
shorillg-sing,1.e-pos.t s.horing in two or more tiers-is a
5.6-lnspeotioni and adjustm,ent of fonnwork
dangerous praotice aud is not recommended (tel'er to Fig.
5.5.1 b). l-lelpful information about fumts befare, duriing, and
\Vhere a slab load is. supponed ori orie s.ide of ~he be,:im afte.r cmic;rel:e placemenl ca:t1 be found i.n ACI SP-2, ACI
only (te-fer to Fig,. 4.1.4), edge bemn forms. should be c-,:ite• SP-4, AC I J l l.4R.
fully planned to prevenL rotaJting of tlie bemn side form due 5.6.1 Be/ore cr»rcl'l!te p!aceme1t1-Tellta!.e devfoes
to, un~ual loading. Ali members should be s.trariDtt a.iid. true should be ins.ta! led o:n s.hores or fümL-,¡ to detert
witliout nvists or bends. Speciall aJtte-1ition should. be fürmwork move• ment~ during conc;rel:e placeu1enl and
given lo be,:im and slab oon.,;truc~io.n or a.iid. two-wa.y wedge~ used fur final

Ame rican Can craka lnstiluka - Oq py righ tect iD Ma te,iBI - www .con<> Iele.o,g

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Ftg. 5.5. la=Reshore tnstaltauon. Improper postuomng o/ shore from ftoor 10

floor can create bendtng stressesfor 11 h,ch the slat: 1rns 1101 designed.
alrgnrnent befare concrete placernent should be secured
posmon before the final check.
Formwork should be anchored to the shores below so that
undesired movement of anypan of'tne formwork system
will be prevented dunng concrete plaeemem, Such
anchorages should be mstalled m sueh a way as ro allow
for anucipared take-up, seulement, or deñecuon of the
formwork members. Addmonal height of formwork
should be provrded to allow for closure of fonn jomts,

seulements of mudsills, shnnkage of lumber, and ~
elasnc shorterung and dead load deñecuons of form
members. Where appropnate, the dimen• sional value ofthe
expecied shorterung effects may be stated
m the formw ork design draw 1 ng..~.
Posruve means of adJusunent (wedges or jacks)
should be provided 10 pennn reahgnment or readpisunent Fnime Shorintl In stacked Shores
of shores Bnicecl Towers
1f settlement occurs. AdJusm1ent dunng or after
concrete plaeement shoutd not be performed,
5.6.1 Dunng and afier concrete plocemenr-Dunng
and after concrete placement, but before uuual set of F,g. 5.5./b--Jáll .1hor/1rg should be fully braced.
tlie lWcked single sl,ores III Mo or more uers 1s dangerous.
concrete, the elevanons, eamber, and plumbness of
work systems should be checked using telltale devices.
sequences of erecuon and removal of shonng and
This informauon 1s useful for the next ume the forms are reshonng
on Lhe fonm~o1 k draw-
used 1n a smular conñgurauon, Fonnwork should be ings.
conunuousty watched so lita! any correcuve measures
5. 7 .2
found necessary can be promptly made. Fonn watchers Recommendatló/lS
should always work under safe condmons and estabüsh in TI1e eng111eerlarch11ec1 should specify the
advance a method of commumcauon wuh the placmg crews nununum streneth of the concrete tita! should be
m case ofernergency, Sm11e eorrecnons may h~ possíMe reached before
are sto¡pp'tng excess leakage, slowi11g die rate of po111r for remo~al of forms or shores. The strength can be
vertkal membe;rs 11l111 show signs ofdísness, adding nes or determ111ed by tests. mi field.-oored specimens or on in-
hraemg from rhe outside of bulgi,ig forms, llig¡htetií.ng place co:ncre te. Other cmic<rete tests. ar pmcedures. (refer to

bracíeg, adrling b:radng, and ACI 228 .1 R) c-,an be used. sucb a.,; die maturity mediad,
adding shores 10, preven! additlnnal pene.ttation, or p11! !out tes1S, but 11hese methods.
dellection. should. be oo:~related. to ~he acrual co,ic;rete mixture used in
the ¡moject, period.ical1 ly veri• lied by jo~uted. specimens.,
5.7-iRemoval of fonns e.nd :su,p ports and a:pp:roved by die engineerl ardütecl The
5.7.1 Dlsc1,ss/o-Althm1gh the coatractcr is engineer/a:rchilec,t should. s.pecify who will make 11he
generally responsible fo:r desigu, constractlon, ~hnens. and who will perform the tests.. Resutis of sueh
andsafetyoffomiw.ork, tests, includillg such values as q1.inder oomptes•
concrete strength, age critería, or all, for remeval of snrengdi, eyli.ttder size, a:ud cylinder \veiglil, as weH as.
forms or shores should be specifi ed by die teoo:rd'.s o.f \li<e.adier condithms ad odter pertin1mt infur•
e11gineer/arcl11tteci:. Tihe fo:nmvo:llk erigi neerlco1111racto:r matiom should. be reoorded by ihe co:ntracior or ~he
shou!d oommu111kate specific person
Ame1ica111 Coocrele 1111SÍil!tde - C-op11igh1ed C Ma1e1ial - www,concre1B.CJ1!1


r,<'l)lllf STR P

..;.., .

r 1

F/g. 5. 7. 2.1-Smppmg sequencefor IWO-ll'á)' slabs.

designated m the contraer documents. lt should be sent, The temperamre ofthe concrete whrle eunng, not
clearíy stated rf a rmrumum time after ptacemeer is a the ambient arr ternperature, 1s an imponam factor m the
requirement to stnp forms m adduion to the normal strength gam of concrete fhe cunng ume and concrete
1mn1mu111 compressive strength requrrement, temperarure récords can serve as a basis to asstst the
Deternunanon of the ume of' form removal should engmeer/arclutect wuh revrew or approval of form
be smpptng
based on the resulung effect on the concrete. When 5.7.l.3 Because tl1e nurumum smppmg ume is u_-.
forms are stnpped, ihere .should be no excessrve ¡ually a funcuon of concrete screngtlt, tl1e pret'erred
deñecuon or disroruon and no evidence of damage to the metllod of deterrrumng smpp1ng ume 1s a compa.nson
concrete due to euher removal ofsuppon orto the of the actual strengtll gamed 10 the strength requ1red for
smppmg operanon (F1g. stnpp1ng Lhe element. Walls, column.~, and beam s1des
5.7 2.1) lf forms are removed before the speerñed cunng can usually be stnpped at fa1rly low concrete strengths.
1s completed, measures should be taken to connnue the Soffits or slabs, beams, and otJ,er elevated wori need
cunng and provrde adequate thermal proteeuon for the grea1er streng1h to be self-supponmg and carry tmposed
concrete. Supporung forms and shores should not be COllSIJ1JCIIOll load..~. ACI 301 hsts tests of Job-cured
removed trom beams, ñoors, and walls unul these structural cylmders, severa! tests of concrete 1n place, and
unus are strong enough 10 carry thetr own \\e1gh1 and any evaluaoon by u,e matunty method as ncceptable methods
approved super• unposed load. In no case should of detemrnung field strengtlL When Lhe contrae!
suppornng torms and shores be removed from horizontal documents do no1 spec1fy the mm1mum concrete
members before lhe concrete has achreved the stnppmg strength requ1red at Lhe orne ofstnppmg, 1he engmeertarch1-
str-ength specified by the engmeer/ arclutect, Shores lec1 should be consulted and metltods d1SCussed m ACI 301
supporung post-tensioned consirucuon should 1101 be should be used for determming appropnate form
removed unul sufficient 1en.~1011mg force 1s applted to removal criteria. The elapsed times shown tn Table
suppon the dead load, formwork, and anucipated may be
cousíruetiea loads, used as guida:nce fo:r dererm.iuing s~rippirig time ror
As a general rule, die vertical fonm for coíumas, ge~ieral
walls, planning purposes. "íhe times. sbown rep:resent a
beam sides, and piers can be removed befo:re ho:rizolltal cumulaJtive
forms fur beams and slabs.. Fo:rm\vo:llk aad shoring m1mbe1· of days, or hoors, nol ttecessaliily conserutive,
s.hould be censnueted so dial each can be easi ly and safely d111ri1ig, whidi ihe temperature of die air surmundillg the
tenrnved without impaci or shock, and pemlil die concrete co:ncre te is ahove 50"'F ( IOºC). lf high-e,arl;r-strength

ID c,arry its share of ihe load !'iradm1l ly aad un1i fo:nnly. cmic<rele is used, diese periods ca:t1 l>e teduced as approved
S. 7..l.2. The removal of furm.~ supports, and by die engilleerl arclütecl Conversely, ifambi.enl
pml~tive enetosures, and lhe disconnnuanon of heaJting lemperatures remain befow SCl"F ( 1 O~C), or if 11e tarding

and eurmg shoutd follow the reqnnements o,f dte agents ate 111sed, dien these perioos should. be incteased
contraer documents. When standard. beam or cylinder tests al dte .:lis.cretimi of die engi• neerlardhi~L Shoner
ate used to de te.mline strípping times, test specimens
stripping times listed for Uve !oad to d:ead. load ratios.
should. be cured undee eondi• tions that are ,iot more gre,aler d1a:t1 1.0 a11e the tesult of mote tesetve s.tretigd:i
favorable than die most unfavorabte coedírlens for dte availab!e fo:r dead load i.n absetice o,f load at die
ceeeeete that the test specimen-..¡ repre- time of s.tripping. 11 is important to note dial die
tempernru:re of the co:ncte.te is tlie key to s.t11e1ig,di gain,

Amertcan C-011crale lnstilule - Cqpyrfghl:eod O Material -

mJJDETO FORMWUFUC FO~ 00:N:CREli E {AC I 347Ra14) 17

To.ble for stripping time when contract documents do, not specify sttii,pping time
or a•ippin.g strength requi md
Slntcln..,;ll ll,·e l,;a>d nil'.I fl'l!at,,~ S111u<flm1JJ1 [lve l,;•d ~ illler th••
Strn,¡¡tnrlil ~tliM!•I ~ppon ell d1•• il]fD<lttifill 11..,;¡.d lüJi.d strn,¡¡tnrlll ll,;•d l~•d
\\'ali, 12 ha11r:s 12 hours
Colt1outi" 12 ha11r:s 12 hour s
Sides ofbeam.,, 01,di ginfilr" 12 hrn1r:s 12how.!l
l'on ji>i•t lbrrn,t
30 in. [7611 mrn) "ido or les• ) doys ) doy,.
Owr )O ¡.,_ (760 OIDI) wide 4 ,do}'S 4 doy,.
Arclt eerm!f!! 14 day• 1 doys.
Jaist, 11ea,n 0/f guoor sam1,
U~ 1 O ft l1 1n) cíear •PI!•
betwee. saruc,w,al •uPJJOrl• l day,: 4 doys.
IO to 20 11 (3 la 6 m) et.!or span bea,.""" strum,rol su¡,p,,ru. 14 ihys.: 1 doys.
Owr :20 fl (6 m¡ cleer spar, l>e1v.•ee:n struetura! supporl• 21 ihys.: 14days
Oti e-v.•ay ftoi>r •i,,bs
Ullikr IO ftl1 m) clear •PI!•
beN•ee. S1ruc1w,al <uPJJOr1• 4 day•: ) doys.
IO to 20 11 (3 la 6 rn) e!;,ar span bew.""" srnocrurol su¡,p,,ru. Owr :;o fl (6 l days= IOohys.; 4 doy,.
m¡ .::loar spa• l>t!:1"'••,m s11Ueturnl supporl.~ 1 doys.
'Iwo-way sial> sym,rns1 Rer,1,.,,al 1irne• ara 00111rnger,i or, placen>eot ofreshi>re• ~ere required,
RE:"11üre.s sl1üulll be plaeed •• soon a• pectic:ob'lo aftm sarip¡,iog operatio11S ""'
00111ple10 lltJt
~t laiet llla:n die md of LOO "'Olki•g .day in "'llii!'h sarip¡,ir,g eccurs. \Vltere
are req11ir.:d 1a u..p!.!1ne:ni ea1ly strippíng whllo minimizing !1.!l!l or ereep trotlll!:l'
than ll>r di<1ñbutioo of •LIJl"'irnpos,d ei>11S.1ruc1ioo li>ads "-• oov....i ¡., Sj¡l,
c:o¡"'city ....i SJl<l"lll;!!, i>fsui>h res11üre.s sliould be dl?sig1>ed hy iha fmmwo.,k
aoo ..,..,¡.,.,..,.¡ by die
l'o,;1 c.,i,,ioi,ed •i,,b <yst...11 M s:oon as. po,;r-00115.Íooi•g opermioos l"'w b""11. co1'1Jlleied and Ol'J'l' O~-.d
'V.'l'lierc .suchi ÍDmt5.illsa .ni¡:p.,:rl ínmn. ot fur steb DI' bewn .sm&ls.. th~ TffllMiill lirm'Ji oí l~ httl!r .ihool d ga\ '-1511

tor~ l)pe lftnit Cml be ren eved Wlithmil tis tlab:in~ ÍIMim iTij!: m shDfiing .
tv.'b.erc faJ111!li CiJD be rern,m•.e::l 1,1,ithm.111 diJ'lurnlll,5 .sh.,,es., use half cd",ilhle,¡
.ihi:n.11 '0011 nnt l~ titan 3 dilys

'JR,efer ta S«t1<m i:S far spocizd oornlitaau, ilff~i:ta,g tt.e- rmrnl:fl' Dfflncn; to cm1aini sheeed ar reshL'imd.
not die amblent air temperamre, Ambient alr loads will be ammag all members oonnected
temperature is. onlly used ill llhis. case to show a miniumm by res.ho11es.
ambient air temperarure dial \\•ill still allow concrete Mulltistory work presents. SJ:l'Cdal oonditions.,
temperanires to be adequate for proper cemenl hydratian. parllicularly
Co:nc11ete tetti.perarure in,ide forms c:m vaiy depending on in :relatrma tci the remoival offorms and shci11es. Reuse
die ty¡pe of fürms u!red and :my medioos diat are emp1oyed offo:rm material aiid. shores is an obvioos economy.
to 11edure heat los, ftom unformed. surfares., s11ch as. the Furthermore, the s.peed of co111structimi in this ty¡pe of
top of a wall or to¡p of a s1ab. ACI 305R and ACI JlláR wo:llk pemlits ollher tr:i.des to follow collcrele phcement furdter disc11s,icin o,íliow ambienl air lemperatu11e ciperations llrom lloar to
affects oonc11ete s.t11e1igdl gain.. !loor as dose.Jy as possib1.e. lhe shoririg diat s11ppom:
5.8=-Sh.or'ing and r, of placed and low-strength early-age ooncrete, however,
mul,tistory is s11ppa11ed by lower lloars diat were rmt ci11iginailly desij!
slructures ¡ned specifically for lihese loads.. The lciads i:mpoored
This s-ec,tion discus!res. methods of shoring attd should nat exceed the s:afe capadty of each lloar providing
res.haring of multis.tory s.trucrures and gelleral s11pport. For this reason, shori,ig o:r reshoring s.hould be
gu.i.:!!ance and consideratimis. ACI l47.2R e-xpand,.¡ 011 prm,jded für a s11 fficietit number offloors to distribute lihe
these cmiceplS and slim.dd be consulted íor furtlier iinposed oo:n<.ittsuc• tion loads to !reveral slab levels
guidance on shoririg and res.ho:ring practires.. witlioot causin_g exre!<Sive stlles.!res, e-xres.<.iive slab
5.:8.1 Dlsctt.!'.tlo-sbores o:r failsevmrk a11e verlíicall cir dellections, or both (Crundy and Kabarla 1 %l~ Agarwal
incl.ined s.upport ntembers des.igned to carry the Il'fig_bt ami Gacrduer 1974; Slivams and Hal11orsen l 990l
of formwo:llk, cotlorete, and cmistructioll loads, and 11esho11es Res.horing is used. to distliibute =~rue• llion lciads to llhe
are sliores placed snugly u!lder a sllripped. concrete slab or lowe.r tlciors..
slirue• tural. rnember after the origillal forms. aiid s.ho:res. lt1 a cmnmo11 mediodofa1:1al;•sis (ACI 347.2R~ACJ SP-
llave been remoived íro,n ait le.1s.t ful I bays.. This requires 4), while 11esllmfag remai.lL<i ill piare al grade leve!., e.1cli
the new slab cir sm:icwral member to dellect and s.uppart level cif
its own !Areight and exislling cmistruction loads. appli.ed 11esho11es carries. lhe wei~ht of only die llew slab plus.
befüre the ins.tal laitron of the res.hares.. ll is a~umed that o~her
ihe reshores cmry ,io load at the llime of installallion. cmistructimi !ciads. Tite Vi<eight of intermed.iate slab.,¡
Aftetward, add.i.tio:nal oons.tnmtion is not illcluded. bec.111~ slab carr1es ils. ov..-n w·eighl
11esho11es are put in
Ollre die tier cif 11esho11es iri oontact w·id1 J?irade ba.<i
11emoved, ~fte assumption is made ruat the system of
AmeiiCSl!l Cc.ncrele llliSÍituie - Copysig~ C Maie1ial - www,cllOCl"ele.!1119

1B GUlllf:ffl, FORMWORK FUR CO:N:ORETE,[ACl 347R-14)
be!iaves. elasncally The slabs intereonnected by resheres s.hores. befow, an s.hou!d be made to determine
will de,t1ert equall;• durmg add.i.tion o:r removal of loads, l'.rl:te11her or not d:ebiimemal stresses are prnduced ill the
Loads will be distributed amo:ng the s.lab.,; in preportion to slab. Tihis. cond.itioll seldom oocurs ill res.ho:ring because the
iheír developed stiffness.. The deflertion of ceeerete slab.,; stresses llom~Hy c-aus.-ed by tlie o.ff:~l reshotes
can be considered elasnc, that is, neglectmg shrinkage and ate nol large e11ougli to overcome tlie soces.'1- resulting
creep. Caution sbould be exereised \\1ien a oomp~essible írmn the slab c-arryillg its o,wi dead load_ Wihel'ie slabs.
wood s.horing s.ystem is used, Such s.ystems tend to shift al'ie d:es.igned for liglit I ive loads or ori long span-..¡ whete
most o,f 11he loads on the s.hores. ate heavy, care should be e-
11he impesed oons.truction loads to the upper fíoors, 11,rl:ücli xerdsed. ill pladng the s.ho:res. so tliat die loods o:n the
have less strength.. Add.i.timi or removal of loads may be s.ho:res. do not cause exoessive
due to eons eucnon activity or to remevtng sheres or puncliring shear or stre~ i.n the
reshores in slab.
11he sys.tem. Shote loads are determined. by NJ1Uilibri11m Whil.e teshorillg is under way, no oons.truction loads
o,f s.hould be permitted. on rue new oons.tructimi unless. it
forces at each ñoor ha,;
level, been determ.i.ned by die formwork engilleer/oontractor
5.:8.2 Ad.·muages of n:-shorlng-Sm-ippiug formwork ~hal
is more ecoeemlcal if alí die material ean be removed al 11he llew oons.truction ca1i s:afoly s.u;pport the
~he same time and moved. fmm rue atea befare pladllg cmistruction
reshores, Slabs are allowed to s.u;ppo:rt dieir own weiif¡ht, loadit
redudng the load in tlie reshores, Combluatloa of shores Whe.ti placing reshores, care s.hould be taken not to
and resheres us.uaMy requires fewer levels of preload
intereonnected slabs., ruu.-..¡ fteeing more areas for other tlie lower floor and not to remove rue normal deflertioll
lf pteführicated. drep-head shores are used, tlie sheres 11he slab above. llie teshote is simply a s.trut and
can beeome die reshores if a large area of shoríeg is should be lli@:ltetied onl;• to 1he e-xtenl neres:sa~y to,
unloaded, permiuing the stnrcniral members 10 d:eflect achieve good
and support bearing oontact wiiliout tra1isfenfog load. between upper
11heirown we.ii@:lt. The drop-head shere has a bead that can :md lo,wer l'loors..
he lowered to remove fonning cemponents wimout 5.8:S Removo.i of l'I:'shorlng-Shores s.hould nol be
removing removed unl!il tlie supported slab or member lia,¡
11he shore or cha1ig¡ its support for the ñoor system, attained sufficient stre11gth to, support itself and al I
Later applied load.,;,_ S.ho:res. sliould be :removed or relea.sed
11he shore may be retraeted and resnugged to act as a
before teshote temoval. Premature re~ho:re removal. c-an
be dangemus. as il can tesult in die slabs
ll ean also be used as. a baeksbere or
above. Re.noval o¡pera• llion.-.¡ should. be canied oul i.n
accordance with a planned s.o that the
il-3 01he1· me11IM's-Od1er methods of suppo:rting
slructute supported is. not s.ubjert to, impact or
:no:nsymmetric load pattems.
consnueden are less widely used aad involve leaving
5.8.6 Pos1-ren.rlon/J1g effecN oo .tho1-l11g o.1ui 1-
the original shores ill place or replacieg 11hem
illd.ividually (badkshmfog and presboring), which prevents
llie des.ign :md placeme.tit of shoraes :md. reshores fur po!
the slab Erom det1ertillg aed ca~rying il:s own weiglit.
Preshnres and the p;;mels. they suppert remain in place Sl• lensio:ned oonstrucllioo tequi.res. more consid:eration dian
until rue remai.nd:er of for normal :reinforred cmic;rele. llie stres:sing of post-
11he complete bay has beee stripped and backshored, a tens.ionillg tendotL-<¡ caii c-.1use overloads to oocur in
s;mall area at a time. These meihods are not recommended s.hores, raeshotes, or odier tem;porary s.u;ppo:rts.. The
unless performed under careful supe;rvi:sio:u by rue stressillg sequettoe lias. the gteatest effect \Vheti a s.lab is.
formwork engi• neerlcmim-actor a1id. wiru l'ievi.ew by rue pos.t-lensio:ned, die fotce in
11he tendon generally produces a doM1ward l,ood al 11he
engineerlarchi~l beeaus.-e e-xces:sivel;•highslab be.1m.
andshorestres:sesc-an develop.
lfrue beam is. ~ho:red, dte shorillg should be desigiied to,
5.8.4 Placl11g 1·e.rlw1~.t-\Vlhen us.-ed ill ruis. secllion, the
wo:rd "s.hore" refers. to either reshores or die original 11his add:ed load_ llie magiii.rude o.f die load. can appmadh
shores.. Reshoring is one of 11he mos.t critic-.11 operatiom the
i.n fonn• w·o:lik; cmisequently, die pmcedure should be
dead load of hal f the slab ~n ori boru s.ides of the beam.
platmed ill ad.vanee by die for:m,vork engineer/contractor
U tlie tloor slab is. tensioned. before die supporting bea1tL<¡
and s.hould be tevi.ew·ed or apprnved by the-
e.tig¡i.nee.r/al'icbitert. Operatimis s.hould be performed so :md girders, a c-areful. anal.ysis of tlie load tra1isfer to rue
tliat afea.,; of tiew 0011:swcllimi wil.l nol be l'iequired to be.1m or güd:er s.hores. or teshotes wi!I be required.
Sllpport combilled dead and oons.truction loads in excess Additionally, s.;pecial attetition should. be give.ri to locatimis
of 1heir capadty, a,; d1etermi1ied by des.ign load and \\1iere a post• let1:sio:ned bea1n intersects a po:st-stet1:sio:ned
developed concte te strengtli at rue time of striipping a1id.
gitder witli llO• col.umn al 11he intersection..
reshoriing. forces. at these poillts due to a.ccumulated dead l,ood
Shores should nol be located s.o a,¡ to alter the pattem tra1isfer can be subs.ta1i•
of ~ial and s.hou!d be aocounted for i.n the reshoring
stress. d:etermined in rue s.trucru:ral analysi:s o,f die desigll.. Sim.ilar load tr::tllsfer siruallion.,¡ oocur in po!Sl-
completed tensioned bridge cons.truction.
s.trucrure o:r induce tens.ile stresses l'.rl:tel'ie l'ie4.nfo:rcillg
bars are not pMvided. Size and numher of s.ho= and 1CHAPT&:R 6-
bracing, if requil'ied, should. prnvide a supporting s.ystem MI.ATBAJALS
capabl.e of
ca~rying anticipated loads. 6.1--General
\Vhere practic-.11, shol'ies should. be loe.11:ed in rue same posi- "íhe ~lecllio:n of materials suüabl.e für fo:rmwol1k
lli,o:n o:n each lfoor s.o that lliere will be oontilluous s.upport be based. 011 the price, safety during cons.truction, and
the fMm !loor to lfoor. When sliores above ate llOt direcdy over qual.ity requi~ed ill rue llnis.hed pmduct. Approval
of fomi-

<aciJ l!.merfuan Coocrale lnstiluie - Cqpyrfghteod O Material -

m Jlll E ,ro FORMWO RK FOR OON:CRETlE {ACI 347R-l4) 19
work llll:lt.erial-: by the eiig¡ineerlarcl1iteci, if required by e) Dimensional a,:,curacy aiid.
dte comract documents, should be based on how the stabili.ty
quality of material, alfects die quality of ñníshed d) Workability for c.utting, dril ling, and auaching
worl:. Whe:re dte concrete surface appearatlúe is. fasteners
critkal, die enginee:rl:m:ihi• teet should define their e) Weaight
expectations in die contraer docu• meers and refereace t) Cos.t and durabi
speciñc leeaaons where ~he critica! appearanceís] lity
applies, Refer to Chapter 7 fo:r arehitecmral coacrete g) Ability ro a,:,cmnmodaite contours and
prevtsions, shapes.

6.2.....Propenies of materials
6.2.1 Grmtral-ACI SP-4, Formwo.,·k fm·
describes die fürmwork materials oommonly used in
lfnited States an.d provides extensive related data for
forrn d1esign. Useful speeiñcanon ami. desigo
i1ifümll:lllio:u is. also available from manufü and
suppli.ers.. Table 6.2.l indieates specific seurees o,f
d.esign and speclñcatleu data fo:r formworL:: llll:lt.erial'l
This tabulared infümll:ltioti should not be imerpreted to
exclude dte use of any other materials that can meet
quality and sarety requirements eS1ablished. ter the
f\nished. work,
6.2..2 Sht'a!h/11g-Sl1earohing is the supporting layer
form1vo:llk dosest ro, the concrete, lt ean be i,i djreet
eontaet with the concrete or separated írom it by a
fenn hner, Sheathing consists oí wocd, píywood, metal,
píastie, nr other marerials capable of lran•.;f-erring
imposed eonseuc• tion leads to s.uppo:JStimg members,
sueh as joists o:r snids. t.íners are made ohvood, plasuc,
metal, cloth, or other mate• rlals selected to alter or
enhance llhe surface of the fi nished
concrete (ACI J4 7..JR).
lrn seleciing and using sheathing and lining
matenaís, important eonsiderations i,iclude:
a) S:neiigd:1
b) Stitlhes.s
e) Release
d) Reuse aed eost per
e) Surface eharaeteristics im;parted to die concrete such
as wood graín nansfer, decoranve pattems, gloss, or
1) Absorplli.veness. or abih.ty ro drain excess water írom
g) Resistance to meehanieal damage, such as foom
tors. and abrasion from
b) Wolikabili.ty fo:r curting, drillirig, and anaching
i) A.d!ap1:abili.ty to weatlie:r and extreme field.
temperamre, and
j) Weight and ease of
6.2..3 Strt,c:lural .rnppo.ns--,Slrucl.Ural suppon
syslems should meet maiterial st11e1ig~ requi.remeuts ro
carry the imposed. cons~rucllion !oads that have been
lflntsfe~red thrnugh the shea~hing.
lmportant considerations
a) Strengd:1
b) Stiffnes.,.
6.3-- lo suspe~id formwmk loads llrom s~ructural steel,
Aocessori:es pteeast concrete, or odter member:it "íhe~• may be
6..1,.1 Form 1le.i-A fonn tie is a tensife de\lfoe us.ed fab:ricated. from wire, llat metal pr~es, plasllic, o:r
to oombillations of lites.e materials.
hold. ,:,oncrete forms. agaimst spreading apart due ro die 6..1,.4 ReJ11forr:i11g bar .q,acer.~A reinfurcing bar
lateral ptessure of ooncre,te. l1t1 general, it cmisists of .pacer is
an i.nside tensite member and extemal holding devfoes. a device diat Hll:lintains ~he desired di:stance between a
Fmm ties are mad:e to a range of sp~ificatimis, fo:rm aiid. aii ilitemal. embedded or encased. el.emem. t-
depe:nding on the manu• fü.rtute.r. lliese manufü lori.zonral reinfo:rci,ig. bar spaoers are ured a.-: reinfotcing
ailso ¡,ublish tecommen.ded wo:llking 1.oads on ties fur use bar supports. Botli factory-made aiid. job-site-f.abrieated
in form des.ign. Tiheir suggested worudng loads range deviúes barve been suruessliully used. Advantages. aiid.
fmm 1000 to more dian 50,000, lb (4.4'5 to 222.40 kNJ. disadvaiitages of die diffetetit ty¡,es are ex:plained. in
M.anufaüturers produ,:,e n111merou:.~ types of ACI SP4 and ill CRSI (2009) and RandaH and Counois
fordiffenmt forming oonditions.. Referto ACI SP4 for (1976). Con:sideration should be giiven to at1y
a desclii;ptimi o,f oommonly avai laMe llie s.ystenis_ envifonmental effects on 11he rein• fo:rcirig bar .pacer
6..1,.2. Form airdw1'l'-Form anchms are deviúes material, sudi a_,¡ co:~rosio:n, 3lid. lli:sibility o:n dte ex:pos.ed
used. to co:ncrete s11rfaoe. Spa,:,ers may atfeci ~lte surl'a,:,e nrlli:sh
sec.ure formworl: to p:reviously placed ooncrete of ap;pearanüe of the co1icrete.
adequate 6.3:S R'ecammendailo11.-The recmmneudoo füctors.
~t11eiig.d1. llie devi.ces a11e normally embedded. in a of safety for ties, attchors, aiid. hangers are giiven in 4.4.
p:revious comcrete plaoemenL or drill.ed in o:r fastened. ro, l"ite
a p:revious rnmcrel.e p1acemeiit o:r other suitable roo- or baiid-ty¡pe fünn tie aiid a ho!diiig dell/loe engagii ng
soouctural member. llhe actual. load-ca~rying capadty of ~he
tlie ancliors de¡,ends on dieir s.hape attd material, ~he exre:rioroftlie form, witli a suppleme,ital p:rovisiou for
S1rength aiid ty¡pe o,f co:ncte,te ill !A~hidi diey are main• tainirigthe.:li~taiice be:tweeti form faces, i~ the mos.t
embe:dded, the area of oontact between concrete and com:mon type lL-s;ed for ligfit ,:,on~trnction.
anchor; .and dte depth of embedment and loea• tion i.n "fhe dtreaded intemal dis,:,onneciimg ty¡pe of tie, taper
the membe:r. Wben attchori,ig to other elements, ties,
whether concrete, timbe:r lagging, sheet, or H- o:r deeved 1hroogli-rod. (alw called ihrougb tie) ate
piles, rnmsideration should be giveri to effects of die o,íten u:sed fo:r co:n~. oouctio:n as well as hea\lj'
loads tmis• feroed. to di.ose elemeiits. Matmfacrurers 00:tts~ruc• tion, sucih as. heavy fuundatimis, bridges,
puhlisb des.ign data aiid. tes.t infürmallion to a~sist i.n the power liouses, rocks, dams, aiid. ardhitectural concrete.
selec.tion o,f proper form ancil:tor de\/ices.. Removabl.e portio1is of all shoo!d be oh type dtal
6..1,..3 Form ltangen.-.Form hang.ers are devices can be read.ily removed without da1'1:1:age to dte concte,te
and dial l.eaves the snll:llles.t practicable holes ro be fil led_
Remo\'ab!e portions sbould be
American C0<1crete lnsíit!Jlia - C-<>p'f,ighle<J 11> Material - (acíl
20 GUIDEffl F0RMWO RK FOl!l: CON:C:RETE (AOl 347R-14,)

Table 6.2.1-Form, materiats wtth dala seurees for desi,gn and specification,
M':ll.t,;rl:t!• P,r;nclp:ol •• .. D:Jil:11!1011~

PS20-IO; U.S. Deporu,,eot af Ag;ri~11l1we

Sa=·lunM Fom, hming, ,b..,hms. ru,d ,i>oring

(:201 O),. Ameri""o Woodl Coueeil (201 l),
ANSI/ AWC NIDS-20l2; A11,eriear, Dls.l illm,
CllllSlnmioo (2012), llilyer ffi al. (2006)
[r,ginem,d woo.:f Fom, frarnir,g ar,d ,h,ming Smul,ti ( 1997); CSA-Ol!tí-~84
l'lywoodl Fom, ,1,...1,ing and pa:nil, l'Sl-00; APADSIO; Al'A VSIO. APA
Panel fnuning and hrae
A[SC 125-1 l;AL<;I 0100·08
Hoavy fonn., ood fsl"'"'GJK
Cohm,o a:rul jois.1• ANSI A411. I; ANSI M8.2. CRSI [20091
S!eel S1a~-in-plloco Ject furm s ASTMA446
SlIDñog SEll}O.Uli'.l
S11!il jois.1, used as. lto1izo1nol •lwing SEII }01.00
Expanded rneial bulld,oa<fs, si•gl~-,idJ!d flmru. S!ee:l fois.t !nsli1uli! [2010)¡ Hurd (1997b)
Forn, I""'"" '1Iid fum, fu,"tiog tlli>rn "-8
Al11n1iJwn11 Tho Al11mio11n, M<oci31too 1201 O)
HoriZOJllal and wni""l "110ñog ~nd bracing
Rocoos.tiruJ•d wood panel produce;.: l'om, lin= :md sh""1hir,g ANSI A20&.I;
PSl0.10 los-tLlation maierials: Siay-in-pa~ fbnn lin;,rs ar shea1"ing
•) \\'ood libar 01 g'lass libar ACI SP-
b) OJher eemmercial producís Cold-weather prn1;,c1ioo ft>r lh,,J1001,c:'1!1e
Column and besm forn1,
l'iltl'l' ar la:miru1e;:I pspi!r pra!:Sl!d
lube, or ACI SP-4
farnt< \'oid fum,• fbr slah•, OO!llll.S., girda, 011d preeast
piles lnl@rnal ;111d under-stsb void fimll<
Carru!!"üld cardboasd Void forms i• beams 011d girders tnorrnany llil!!d ,. id, Ziverts (19641
ime:mal egg-craie
Siay-in-placo fbml!.
Ooacrece ACl.ll8
Molds fbr precas. !
Re3d)'-tlwfe rolwnn forms

Dim,e:s ood psns fbr eoncrere

G'las, liber-re:i•fbrcw pllosatic Hurd (1991,
1997a) Cu,1ili,1,rna,l\> fbml!. fllr •l"'C'iol OJchL1eierural effi>f:e;.

Fom, i;.,
l'om, lining and ins~fa1it>n
Cellular p1..,.,,. ACISP-4
S1ay-i~plaee Mll
O!lier plassies, iocllidíog ABS, poly. Perm li•ers. 0011! rigid and fl~:ci!lle, fllr ofueGJ,ati,•o coeereta
pro1~yl~JLO, polyetlly~,,., polyvinyl Hurd
c,hlaridB, poly,¡relha:ne Cbamll!r and nmi.,,.cion fom,er<
Holll fonnwü1I: socwe agoin.'!t lllifl ds and pre<sures ftom
Fmm úe<, oocll<11s, a:nd 1~1~ Saf\lcy fa~r< 1teomn1mood io 4.4; Hurd
elllll.cre1e aBd! 00B:S1ruc1l0Jl !ICl¡""¡tie:s.
Ma:in"'in eom>d disiaooe""• re:infbre<>lllJ>ru and f,mn
Side foon spacelll Randoll ai,d Courioi, (

1916) C(ll,'E:J fur
provide speciñed eimcr•••
PlaiSler Wa~e 11wld, fbr orcl!ic.eru:ral concrete ACI lll1R. ACI
RJ>l"'""" "®'fil' and pm,ec,ti..., film,
H~lp praserve ftllrn fi!cing and fkllirsto relese Hurd
"Stru,:mral oompmibe' ]umber paducts ilI? ¡pmplil~tuy ilnd IDliqoe"lo il ¡paliti.cubr manufacttllff' Theyc.mnn~ be :inl:ftt!.han~ industl)-.wtd~ CMnmin gmdes. b."J.,-c [li).'I lbesl
e,;rabli YlOO lxl .s.e~ i!li a hi!!iis fi.T equi y.jJ~n~

'"Sboulcl b:- n::iJdily wt:liiihle- iUld pmlootcd nszrim'I E.ill'llílDIC' ill:tlo.n ilLl:h: ¡poai1 ad°oontJ.ct v.lth :i;tcc:L lfru,-.ied il!li ill. íacing milh:rial inainlllCI wilh frc;h ooncrde., i~ :i;hoo1d be: Dan~c•
ln'!e' to ooncmle or oonc.retle' eooi\ainmgc.alcium m'lmriile-.
~C~d smfil~ mfflilM"l 'a'itti wel ooncreffe
Nnb?:: ).-fanufJMturtni' J'e'ClXll meaditin m., whrm ~by te511 ,data md 6e.1d ex~ri~noe., ~ il [Pfimal}· snur:-oe fa miln:t,· fmm m.lbmi1ls. bi addlllion, ~ tmuAonb, .stilndu:ds,
•¡:,,cilic.wn115, and od,,. iht, """""" cih>i b.en,io hotod 111 l1lllrO dotoil io IICI SP-4 and ., O.. roíer,,noe, citd in Cl1J111ter ~ ond Cho¡,tor I O aílhio
A.mañean Gancrale lns1lt ule - Copyñgllted ID Mate1ia1 -
G'IJJDETO FORMWURIC FO~ oo:N:CRETlE (A<:I 3471'1-14) 21
removed unlessthe comraet documents to arohitecrural ooncrete. Additional. information is avai
perm.i.ttheirrermining in píaee.A mínimum speciñcation fo:r labl.e
form tie, sheuldrequíre thaí the bearing area of exteruaí in ACI Jlll, ACI JOJR, attdACI
holding deviees be adequate ro prevent exeessiee bearing 347.3R.
Slrie~ in the furm mesnbers. lt is import:;mt IO, ,uiuiímize This cliapter identifies aJ1d. emphasizes. ad.dillional
mottar leakage at fonn ties. factors that can have a crillicall influe~ice on fo:rm\vo:cik
Fmm hangers should suppert a! 1 co1istructi01i fo:r cast-in• place arcl1itectural concrete. Tilt-up, ptecas.t
lcads imposed on the funnwork supported by the hangers, arcliitecrural ooncrete, and 00:ttcrete receiving ooallings
For:m hangers sbeuld be symme-trically arranged on dte or plaster. diat hide the surface co.lor iilld. texblre a11e not
supporting member aed loaded symmehiica! ly, considered herein. Concrete receiving ooallings or
dtrough proper seqnencing of the concrete píacemeet, lo plasters d:tat hide the surface oolo:r and t:exrul\e is riot
miriimize rnristing or rotation oí the hanger or oons.idered al\chiteci:IJra!.
supporliing members, For:m hangers sbeuld c1osely fü die 7.1..2 Facrors affec(lngfor,m,'Glhl--Atcliri.tecturail.
lfange or bearing surface of the supporting member so oonc11ete is ooncrete dial ·11~ 11 be pe11mne-1idy exposed
d:tal applied !oads are transmiued properly as per the to view and therefore tequire, speciail. cal\e in d1e
manufaeturee's instructimis. seJ.ection of dte ooncrete ma.teriah, for:ming, placing, a,id.
Where the concrete surface is exposed and f\nishing to obtain the desired atchitectural1. appearanoe.
appeariillce i, important, die p:roper type of form ne or A11d1ite00Jrail 00:ttcl\e,te
hanger wil I not sbou!d be spedllcally desig¡tiated as such in 11he oontract
!eave exposed metal at die surfaee. Nonoorresive docm11ents. Partioolar care sho111ld. be talren in the
materials should be used when lli.e holes ate left unpatehed, s.elec• tio:n of materials, desi!'ít1, and ootis1Jrucllio:t1 of die the tie to possíble eorrosion formwork, and pladng aJid. oonrolidatioii of die
concrete to eliminare bulges, offüets, or ollier unsigbtly
6.4-Fonn and release featul\es in dte 6:nis.hed surtfaoe and to niaintain the
agents i.ntegrity of dte s.urface texture or conf\gura.tion. Tiie
6.4.1 Cot1//11gs-Forn:1 coanngs or sealers are usually characl-er of die ooncrete surface to be proouced ~hou!d
applíed 1.n liquid form to ceatact surfaces eillier duríng also be oons.tdered wheti ibe fom~ materials are selected.
manu• facture or in the ñeld to serve one or more of die Speciail. auenlli,on sho11ld be gi.ven to dosure ted:migues,
fu! lowing
oonceahnenl of joints im formwork materials, and to the
purposes sealíng oí fumL-.¡ to minimize manar leal::ag.e.
: 7.1.3 Fac10n f1, addirlM rn fonm,1:0J'k-Many
a) Alter die texmre of the contact sarfaee factors
b) lmprove dte durahíhry of'the eontaet surface other tlian furmwo:rk affecl die architec,tural effects.
e) Facilitale releas-e fmm concrete dunng Sl!iipping achiered in roncre te surfaces" Tiiey starl at tlie design

d) Seal die oontact sutface of ~he form from intrusion s.tage and carry dirougb to dte oompl.el:ed pmjecL
of moisture Facto:rs atfec,ting the surface appearance of die oonctete
6..4..2. R'efe:tl!l~ agenn-Fonn release agents are applted can airo iudude dte mixtul\e proportions. or aggregate,
to ihe :me,thod of pladmg die l)(lncrete, the oonsolidation
the fonn coetact surfaces lo prevent bond. and thus rechnique, and the curing proce• dure. Cbemkals can
radl.i• tate stripping, Titey may be appl.ied. permane.mly bave an el'feci: mi the final product,
lo eenam form material, during manufacrure, but al\e \\1ietber used. as addi1ives in the mixtute~ a:pplied
normal ly appli.ed to the form before eaeh use. Wlien d.irecdy to the ooncrete, such as curing cmn;pounds~ or
applying in the field, be careful lo aveid coatíng a.:lja.cenl appli.ed iru:li• rectly, such a.~ form release age-tits.. Eveti after
construcnon joint surfaces or reirifurcing steel,
dte smucblre is oomple ted, weather and air pollution will
6.4. .3 Mam!filc(1.rers'

recomm~ml't1tlmu,_:,\ilanufact111\ers' al:Tect ihe appear• ance of tlie ooncrete. Tites.e aJid. odter
recommeedatiens should be followed in die use of coat• i.11fl11end1ig factors sbould be idenllilled attd dieir effects
ing,, sealers, and release agents, lndependeut evaluated during die inüial des.ign stages. Tite single
veeiñcarion of produci perforuiance i, reeommended
most impo:rtaJit factor for the succes.-..¡ of atcfii.tecturail.
before use. Wlhen concrete surfaoe oolor is crillical1.,
00:ttctete cmis1ructim1 is quali.ty workmaJiship.
7.1.4 U11/form con.ttn.c1ion procea'ures-
effeets of the ooa.ting, sealiug, and release agent,
should. be evail.u:ated. Wbere suñaoe lreatme-tits s.uch ooncrete s.hould :minimize oolor variallio:ns a!ld
as paint, til.e adhesive, sealers, or othe r coollings are to
differenoes in surfaoe f\rii:sb. Tite best way for the
be appfüd lO for:med. coricrele surfaoes, be sure d:tat oontractor !o achieve
ad.hesion of such surface tl\eatments will not be this unifumlity is to maintain oonsis.te-ticy in all.
irnpaired o:r preve11ted by use o,f the coatirig., sealers, or oonsm:tc• tio:n praclliües. Fo:rming materials s.hould
releas-e agent Also, oons.ider bo:ru:!ing requirem1mts remain d1e saJne througbout ihe project, and tel.ease
ofsubse• quent oonc11e.te placements. Fo.How· the agents should. be appli.ed unifunnly and oo:n~. i:stentlly.
manufac,ru:rer reoom• Plaoement amd. oonrolida~io:n of the concrete s.hou!d be
:meudations \\1ien applying form 11elease age-tits.. A s.taJida:rdi2.ed ro d1at uni fo:rm density is. achieved.
common proble1n is applying too much material, whicli Slrippillg and curi.11g sequences sbo1dd be oonsistent
c:m nega• th'ely affect ihe s.urface ofthe oo:t1c11ete. dtrou1:hout the wo:llk to 111ini111iz:e oolor variatimis.
7.1.1 P~plmm/ng-Architectu.ral ooncrete is o.ften
7.1-lntroduction rnral., but the formed oonctere s.urface genera! ly desited.
7.1.l Ohjeai-ne 1:eneral requireme,il,¡ fo:r formwmk al\cbi.tecrural oonctete is ofa higherqualityihaii what
is cypi- pres.enLed ill p:receding cfiapters fur dte most pan also apply cal1 l;r s:alli:sfactory for s.trucmral concrete, and
mote cosdy.

Ame1ican Ccnciete lnsliluie - Copy1igil1Ed O Maie1ial - www.ooncre19.J atg (cici'l

22 GUll!lETO FO¡¡q:MWQRliC FU~ CO:N:Ol!I.ETE,(AOl 3471'1-14)
Tbe arnhiLecL can use the lates.t informaticm available in 2.01ital lo:ng-span member is s:agging_l Tite al'tlütecL should
the art oí and concrete technolegy dunng ihe he aware 1hat horizo:uta1 rnetnbers. a11e chedlred for compli•
d:es.ign pmcess to keep plaes in hne wid1 ~he budget fur a1ice v.rith ro.l.era1ires. attd camber befo11e lite removal of
~he struc• tare. lnlricacies and il'Jiegullarities, however, can the forms and s.ho11es.. De.termitting dte oorrect amouttt of
raise the hudge t to a point dial outwe40L,¡ tlie aesthedc
camher is not an exacL sciettee. 1 f die c-alrulated c-amber
oonmbutions of dte ardhirecrural concrete. The al'tlliLecL für a specific memher does nm 11esult i.n i1s d:ellection to a
can make form reuse possible by standla11dizing straig¡ht line, the
elemeats sueh a_,¡ columns, beams, and wmdows, and by 11esult v.ri II be a couvex o:r concave c011c;rete
making unintenupted form áreas the same size wherever surfüoe.
possíble ro fücilitate tl1e use of S1andla11d furm gangs. or 7.2.• 5 Jol1m mui J~tafü-Loc-allio:n, numher, and
modules. Tbe ineeeased size oí diese unintereupted areas details of items. ruch a_,¡ opetiings, con~ction joinls,
wil I cmilrihute to furming eoo:nomy and g11eater oonstruc• lli.o:n joints, and expansio:n joinl'i should be
uniformity o,f appearance. A prehid conference witll s.howu 01i the desig¡i drawings. or ihe al'tltitect shoul.d
qualíñed contractors \\•ill. bnng out many praetieal s.ped fy a review of the pmpos.-ed locaJtion of all of dtese
eonsideratiens before ~he desige is f\nalired. d:etails as. shown m1 die fü11nv.•orik drawfog.-.. (Some
7.2.2 ü:mtrm::1 docttme11is and amiance: approval.t- gu.idance mi joint locallio:n.~ can be fomtd in ACI 224R,
The arehnect should p11epare cmilract documents that 303 R, and 332. 1 R.) Because il is impossibl.e to disguise
li'ully instruct tlie bidder as. Lo dte leeanon aed desired dte pres.ence of joints in dte form füce, il is important fo:r
appearanee of architecnrral surfaces, as. we! 1 a_,¡ odier the4.r positions. to be p11edetennined a1id, ifpo.'isibl.e,
specifie require• ments listed in 7 .2.J ro 7 .2. 7. Specifying_ platmed as pan ofthe architec,rural effect.
a preoeastnreden moekup prepared and finished by tlie The architect can pl:m joittt locatious hetv.<een surfüoe
contraetor for approval by dte arehitect using p11opos.-ed on a se.ale :md. mod:u!e su.itabl.e 10 tlie si.ze of
furm materials; jointing tecb• niques; aud. form surface available
treatments such as. Ivetting, oiling, or lacquerjng should be materfals a1id. Cio:t!Slruclio:n p:ractices" Jf dtis. is.
a requirement fur alí archhectural coeeeete. Once such a nol aesdtellicailly satisfüctory, dummy joinls caJi he
mockup bas been comple ted. to dte s:allisfactio:n of tlie
0 inm'Odueed ro, give a smaller pan-em. Artuall joints between
a11cl1itect and owner, it should 11e11iain al tl1e síte fo:r ~fte sheathing materials c-.:in be masked. by means of
duranon oí die work as. a standard with wh icli tl1e rest oftl1e rusllicaJtion strips attacihed lo the form faee. R1.1sllicaJtion
work should eomply s.trips at horizontal a1id. rerllicall oonstruction joints cat!J also
Design refereeee samples, which are smaller craeate oris.p edg,es aroe1ited by shadow lines inste.:id o.f
specimens the porenllial ragged edg.e oí a coustructioii joint left
of concrete 1\•idi the proposed surface appearance, may e;x¡posed to ful I view. Spedal care should he tak.en during
also he created fo:r appreval by the arcJiitect that can help plaeemenl and vihriilion to mini• mi.ze surfaoe votds
define wl:tal is required fo:r dte modkup. Small samples (bugholes) attd honeyoomhing. that form when air is
like dtese, kept al die joh site fur refereeee, are not as. trapped beneath horizo:utal rustrcations.
good a_,¡ a ful 1- scale moekup, hut can be he.Apli'ul i.n d:efining Smtte.times oo:nstructio:n joints in beams. cat!J be oo:noealed
mockep reqnne• mena. Tbe samples should be lar-ge above the support columtL,¡ and joints. in floors above
enough to adequarely represent dte surfaee oí the dteir suppo:11:ing_ beams. insLead of in 1he mo:re oo.stomary
ooncrete des.i11ed_ Tihe sa111ples are to be u~d as. a 11egiio:ns of low shear in beams attd dabs, us.uaMy die
hasis far the mockup o:nly. Several s:ftould be made to middle dii11d o,f tliespan.
repres.enL tlie variations. dial c-an oocur in the final 7.2.•6 'fi'e.f m1d lnserl.,-Form ties a1id. aecompanyillg
füiish. lt would he he!pli'ul fur all architecrural c01ic;rete to lli.e holes are a1i almo!SI. i.ttescapable patt oí wal I
include a required. modkup so dtaL the cmim-acto:rs can surfaces. Alrchitects fre:iuentlly inregrate lli.e holes into die
d:emorisLrate they are capahle of pmdudng the desi11ed visuall desig_n quality oí 111:te surface. lf this is plaimed and
11esults. Tite mockup s:ftould be apprnved in writing by a1iy effects or materfals other dian thos.-e provided. in 7.J .4
the al'tllitecl attd ow1ier. a11e desired, they s.hou!d he clearly s.pedñed as. to hotli
lt can be he!pful to, specify viewi.t1g oonditions under l.ocaJtion aud. type..
wlücli tlie oonc11e.te surfares. will be evalluated fur oompli• \Vhere lli.e ho!es. a11e to he patcihed or fiHed, die arohitecl
alllce witli ~he approved mockup. s.hould specify tlie treabnenL d:es.i11ed attd s.peci fy
7.2.3 1oleram:es-The arohitect s.hould specit'Y examples ofdie patdhes. as. pan ofdte modkup.
dime1i• s.ionall ro.l.era1ires. considered esse1itiall lo the 7.2.7 ür,1er owr rel11fatrl11g sre:ef:-Adequaite oove r over

suecessful execulli.o:n oí dte des.ign, keeping in mind dt:il 11e4.ufo:roemen1, as. requi11ed. by codes, is needed. far prntec•
tolerattoes in exre~,¡ oí dto.'ie specified. i.n AC 1 11 7 need llio11 of s.teel attd long_-term durallil.ity oí the ooncrete.
to he necess:ary, adhievable, and economicailly fe.asible. Refafo:roemenL tliat is. properly located is. important in the
ACI 303R a1id. 117 may he oo:nsulted. fo:r furtlier corilrol oí suñaee cradking. F or positive oonlml. of
discuss.ions. ooncemi,ig toler• alllres. fo:r a11chiterturall requi11ed cover, the a11clütect c-an specify app:rop:riate side
ooncrete. fü11n s.p.acers as defined. i.n 6.3.4.
7.2A Cambe.r-The oontractor shmild. c-.:imber The a11chitect should. specify sufficient oorer to allow
form• for a1iy roouctio:n that will 11esult Erom die incorporation
wol1k to compens:ate far d:elfoction of die fo:rmwol1k o,f gmoves or indented. de tails and li'rom surfaoe t11eatments.

d:uririg_ sucl1 as aggregale exposu11e attd i:ooling. llie maximum

couc;rete llie architec,t should, however, thicikin~ of at1Jy material to he removed s.hou!d be
spedfy any addillio:nal camber to oompens:ate far added to bas.ic tequired col\ler.
defüction or optkal sag (die illusion dial a períecllly

Ame rican Con crala lnstilule - Cqpyrtghteod O Material - www

GlJlDE'ro FORMWURK FOR oo:N:CRETlE {ACI 347R-i4) 23
7.3-Materials and is. a chance tllat tlle leg.,¡ of the sp:aoers can lea ve imprillts
aecessorles in
7.3.1 ~"itfi!athlng ru· fon» /ddng-Arcl:i.ita:rural 1he she:athing dtat will rresult in visible spaoers. There is.
concrete also
form shoald be of appmpriate guality to main• a ~lanoe tllat dle funmvork itseff ca:1:JJ be dis.torted by
tain the specified uniformity of ceeeeete surfaees diese forces. With arrcllite001rall funnwork, it is
thmugh multiple uses and to control deñectien widlin advisabl.e not to
specified limits, P1lywood, steel, glass fiber-:reinfo:rred
plasnc, ajuminum, and othe.r s.uitable marerials can all be
used as. s.head:1ing or facing materíals, tlle grade or
class of material needed for p:ressure, framing, and
deñecdon reqnjremenrs. Be sure tllat the ehosen material
meets die specification requiremems for the eoncrete
surface texmre, Proeedures for oontm1 ling die ru-sting of
steel forms shnald be carefully fo!lo\ved.
7.3.2. Stri1c111mlji"dml11g-f'orm facing ca:1:JJ be supported
with lumber, steel, or ailuminum members siraight and
rugid eneugh ro meet the architeetural speclñcatíces.
7.3.3 FMm ll11ers-A form liner is. a material
artaehed to the i.n.<dde face of die form to alter or
imprnl\fe surfaee texnne o:r quallity of the concrete, U is.
not required struc• turally. Wood, rigiid plasdc, elastomene
materials, and glass fibe:r-:reinfurced plastlcs are alí suitable
liner materials when carefully detai led and fabricared,
Plasncs shou!d be handled and assembled wírh care to
avoíd distoruon caused by daiily temperature cyeles ;JJt the
[ob slte,
7.3.4 FMm 11~-Fo:rm-lli.e assemblles for arehltecmral
concrete sbculd pennit of fumL<: and leave no
metal eloser to the surface ruan 1-1/2 in.. (]8 mm) fur
steel ties and 1 in, (2.S mm) fo:r stainless steel ties, The tles
should not be füted with lugs, eones, washers, or otller
deviees tliat wi II leave depressions in the concrete less
than ~he diameter of the device, unless speciñed, TIes
should be tight fitting or tie holes in the fom, should be
sealed to minimize leakage :at the holes, lf te-xturred.
surfaces are to be furmed, ties should be carefujly
evalaated with regard to fil, p;JJtte.m, mortar leakage-, and
7.3.:5 Side form spacers-, form spacers, as
in 6.3.4, are parllicularly importanl in architeerural
concrete to maíntain adequate eover over reinforacing
steel and to prevent development o,f rust s.treaking Oll
ooncrete suñaoes. Plas.tic, plastic-prntec,ted, rubber-ri;p:ped,
or mher noncor• roding ~ce:rs should. be attached. to die
rreinforcing bar so th;JJt diey do llOt beoome dislodged oo:ncrrete plare• me.rit and vibrallio:n. Tihe number
and locai:ion of lile side fonn ~cers should. be adNtuate
for joll cmlditiolls.
A oo:ntributing factor to reinforrcing space.f"S being
al ex¡posed ooncrete s.urfaces is tlle amount of load
exisls be,tween dle reillfurcing s.teel, tlle spacer, :md
die fonn fadng. lf d:te reinfurcing steel is. install.ed
s~raight, attd wid1 lile oo~rect spacing v.rllere it
p:rotrudes írom prreviou.s.: c-as.ti1lgs, lhere should not be :m
extraordinary amount of furce required bet.ween diese
eleme1lts and ~he spaoer s.hould be di.erre only to prevent
the rreinforcing bar írom being dis¡ilaoed. concrete
plarement operatimis.
1 f, 011 die odter ba:nd, die fo:nmvo:llk a.lld. spaoers a:re
u.sed ro furcibl;• push die reinforrdng bar into pos.i~ion,
start e.rrectillg or formwork unllil tlle reinfurcing 7.4.2 La.rerol ¡,l'f!.m1re ofco11cre1-Arohitecrural
s.teel is. i.n its corrrec,t l,ocation, i.n a relaxed st:ate-, so thal: rom:rete can be subjec,ted to extema11. vibratioll,
it does not re.Ay Oll tlle furmwork to, pus.h it into 0011rect revibratioll, set retardillg adm.ixtures, high-nmg,e
position. Contract:ors are encouraged to experiment v.~th 1vater-:reducing admix• rures, and slumps. grealer 1hat1J
difl'erent types of spacers for difl'erent exposed. elements tho~ ass.umed fur deter• mi.ning tlie lateral pressurre as.
tci de,termine v.•hi ch are be!:I. für die various. applic;JJtions. noted in 4.2 .2. Parllicular care sbould be exerrci:sed in dlese
on a pmjec,t. Tite same sparers dtat wil!. be used. 011 the c-a~s. to desigll tlle fum1:s for die increased li!Jteral1. pressures
fi:nis.hed wolik s.hould be irncorporated in die modup. ruat may result frnin diese effects, higll rates ofpour, or
7.J,.6 Rfi!l11forc/ng acceuorlfi!s ami rlfi! \1•/.re- ímin othe-'1' effects lloted in 4.2.2.
Monoo1.U1Sive 7.4.3 cruis!demrlon.i-Because deflections.
types of tie wire :md accessories should be u~d for in the colltact surfare of die formwork diraertl:,• inílue1lre
arohi• L'eclllral ooncrete-, especia! !y wl:ten close to or in die
oo:ntac,t with tlle forms. Su.itabl.e marerials include appearanre of ñnished. s.urfaces viewed under varyhlg
s.tai.nless. steel, epoxy• coated. material, lif¡ht conditimis, forms for architecrural c;o:ncrre,te sho11l.d be
niaLeria!; useoftllese items needs to be specified. St:ainless calcu• l;JJte.d and eval1.uated c-arrefully to minimize
s.teel is often die best choire as wire sllli;p:pings often fall. dellecllio:ns. In mo!:I. cases, delfoctions. gol\fem desig¡n
into the forms and arre difficult to rremove before placing rather tliat!J bending (flexura! s.trress.) or she:ar. Deflec,timls
collc;reLe. of s.heathing, st.uds, and wales should be desig¡ned so tliat
ihe llllri:sbed meets the architecrural specificai:ions.
'24- these dellec• tio:ns.: to l/400, wherre i is die dear spa:1:JJ betv.•een s.uppo:rts., is satisfaclory for 111os!
7.4.1 S¡,ec/al ct.m.slderarlons-Tihe ge1leral desig¡t1 arolüta:lllral fo:nnwork (rrel'er to ACI
prore• 301 :md.ACI Jll]ll). Fom1s bow witll reuse; dlereforre-, mo:re
dure v.rill follow the prirlciples outl.ined in 4. bulging v.~11 occur in die formed suñaoe after several
Tite fo:rmwork e1lgfoeerloontract:or, hol\rever, will. uses of the s:ame fu1m. T1his. effect should. be oo:nsiderred.
Erequelltl)' need. to work willh limit:atim1s im;posed by lhe wihen desiiµling forms.
arohiteclllral des.ign. Some of tllese 001tsiderai1:ions. \Vhetl tie size and ~dng arre l.imited. by tlle arrcliitert,
include lli.e spacing and s.íze, form fadng preferenoes, the fo:rmwo:llk e1lg¡it1eerloonlracror may have to trelrer~
locatioll and special tre:at• mellt of fonn joints., s.pedal die usual pmcedure to arrive al a bal1anced fo:rm des.ign.
tole:rances, and use of admix• rures. Because these- Ghren the cap:acity of ihe avai!able lli.e and tlle area it
facrors c-an influe1lre funn design, 1hey sbould be fully supports, die formwork engineerlconlractor can find dle
rreviewed ;JJt die beginning ofdie fo:mi design p.rocess. allowable ptes• sute, design s.up-po:rti1tg me.u1bers., alld. a rate of ooncrete placing.
Am eiican Concrete lnsi itulte - Cop ysighled O Ma!eiial - www ,coocre1B! org
cumc "° ro l'tldWORK ro~ co:N:mu:n: ,¡ Am !!l<l'!'R--1.t)

\Vhere wood fonns. are used, stress-graded lumber lWo-way joist systems) in ateas that are consldered
( or equ.i,vale:ut) li'ree of nvists and warps. should, be used, archi• tecmral, the architect and engjneer should
for s.truerural members. Form niareriall, should, be s.iz:ed a1id eoordinare dteir requirements to be sure tlie arehitecmral
pos.i• llioned to limil d1e~ections. wi.thin the re.iuitements effeet is. eonsistent w·itli dte forming mediod and material
o,f the pmjecl .;pedllc-.alli.o:n. Joints. of sheathillg materials speeiñed,
should be badk:ed witli strucillrall, members. rn miuimi.ze Fonns diat will be reased should be carefully insperted
offseK aad cíeaned after each use to ensure dial ~ey have nol
7.4.4 ne ami rea1u:lmr des!gn-11e layout should, beeome damaged, dísterted, d.isassembled, or otherwlse
be unable to perform as designed
planned. lf die ho.l,es are rn be ex¡posed a_,¡ pan o,f tlie 7.5..l Shet11hl11g mul Jo/11(/ng-Contart surfaces of
archi• teclllral concte te, 1ie plaoemenl shmlld lle
symme witli respec,t to the member formed. [f tie
formwork should be carefully installed to produce neat
holes are not to be exposed, ties should be located, at and symmetrieal joint paneras, unless otherwise specified
rustk.allio:n mal1ks, co1iocol joints, o:r otlier p.oints \,rhere dte Joints should be elther vertical or horizontal and, where
visual elfert will, be miuim.i.zed. pos.-sible, should be staggered to maintain strucniral
Extemally braced fomis be 1.1sed, ins.tead of a1iy of continui,ty.
the Mailing should be done with care using hammers
afuremetitioned methods to avoid objertimiable widi s.mootli and well-dressed, beads to preveet maming
lllemishes iri the ll:uis.hed surfüoe. Eicteru:ially braoed of the form surfaces, Whe.ii required, box naíls should be
fo:rms, ho\!,\ever, can be more difficult and more oos.tly to used mi die oontact surface and sheuld be placed in a
huild_ neat p:lJttem_ Screws are o,ften used re fasten rhe
Con.,;ideration should be g¡iven to fumL-. sbe.atliing. Badk: fa,;tening should be used if die imprints
¡ ill
fmm nail or sctew heads are objecnonable,
ptereding or adjacenl p1acemeuts to adii,eve a tight fü
Wherever pesslble, sbeathing ar panel joints sbould be
pos.ilianed at rustlcatioa s~rip.s. or o~her embedded
miuimi.ze ~rout leakage al diese poi,iK ·nes should, be fe.alllres diat can cenceal or minimiz:e the jojm,
located a_-.¡ clase as p.ossibl,e to the co1istrurtio1i joint to Construction joiats sbould be formed witli a grade
fadli• late the funn rn adjace:ut plaoemenl:s. stdp
7.4.5 Jo/1I1.r mul detalls-ln architecrural cmicrele,
anaehed to the form to defíne a clean socaight l.ine en
s.hould, \li~ie:re, be locared al the juu0tiou of the jeint of the formed surface, Fo:rmwol1k sheuld be
the tighlened ar a censuuetioe joint befare the nexr placement
formwork p:mels.. AJt coiilraction -or cmistrurtimi joints, to minjmize seepage of water and martar betweeu the shiips s.hould be provided a1id, faste:ued rn die form and preví• placed, concrete surfaces,
faoe or badk:-fastetied to the forms. Arehhecmeal concrete fonas should be desígned to
Co:mers. should be c-.ate-fully detail,ed lo, minimiz:e 11tini•
gmul mize water leakage- and avoid d.isoo!oration. One metl:tod
le.akag.e. Sharp oomers. s1tould, wherever poss.ible, be- to
elimi• nated ~• llie use of chamf'er MJ:l<.¡ exce:pt \li1ie:n minimize water [oss from llie concrete al die joints
prohihited by pmjecl specitic:lJtions.. between secnons of the fu1mwork and ar ceusnuetion
7.4.6 1olerimces-The formwork enginee,r/oontractor joiets is. to
s.hould dheok fo:r dimensional, to.lera1ires. s.pedlled lly the attadh a gasket ofllexible mareríal to the edge of each
arcltitecl dial ca1i llave a bea,fag o:n die des.ign o,f dte panel. The gasket is compressed wben dte furmwork is.
fom11t [f no special toleraooes are !!Jiven, dte formworfl:: assembled or placed agaíest dte existing ceaeeete. Caulk,
engineer/ cmim-aetor ca1i use ACI 1 17 tol,emices fo:r tape, joinl cempound, or eombieatiees ef these ean lle
s.trucrural oonerete. used to seal
7..5-ConsD'uction joints, [n ali c-.a~s.. un.,;upported joinls be tween

7..'5.1 Gé'11erol-Forms s.hould be carefull;• bu.ilt to res.i,t s.heets should be badk:ed by framing. 11-i~t forms
re.iuite die p1essures to !A'hidh diey wil!, be subjevted, and, to l.imit more care during vibration lO remove eutrapped,
air llhat ca1i defle0tions to, a practicable minimum Ivithi.11 the rnlerances cause surfaoe voids (bugho.l,es).
s.pecHied. Joiut, in strucillrall, members s.hould be lrepl to a ·rextuJied, surfaoes on 11mllli,-lift cmistrurtimi shou!d
miuimum and, where necessary, S:!1ould be suitallly spliced s.eparated wid1 rusticalio:n soci_rs ar b:road revealls
be.:;ause or ollie:m~se constructed to maintaim continuity. accumu!alli,o:n of con~truction to.ler:mces.,
random le:ictures, Pour podk:ets for vibrating or placing concte,te should be or bodt, preve.rits te-xrure matching.
Furthenno:re, tlie gfout platmed to facilitate careful p1aceme.rit attd collsoli&allio:n of ~all, between dte botto:m of a
textured liuer a1id, the rnp of die cmmrete to, minimi.ze se!!¡regation, honeycomb, sattding, die previous p1acemenl is
in:i;p:racücal wi.thm.11 llhe rusticatiou
orce.Id joiuts. in dte roncte.te. 11 shoulld lle noted dtat if pour ,trip.
pookets. afie re.iuited on the furnL-.¡ für architecmral ooncrete, 7_u, Ciean.i11g. coal/Jrg, and l'Ttlea.w agtms-Fonn
lliey wil I normall ly leave a mark on the ll1ttished ooncrete. ings o:r releasing a~nts sbould be appli,ed befote
11ie !ocation of pour pockets. shou!d be oooJidinated, with ihe steel is placed and s.hou!d be appli,ed carefully to
arcltitecl coutacting adjacenl oons.trucüon joints o:r
tefafo:roe,menl Altadhmeflt of i.n.<1erts., s.trips, and ornamental Tiie fo:rm coating to be used s.hould nol
stain llie ooncrete or te1iefs should be plattned so diat fumL-.¡ can be tetnoved im;pair tlie adl:tes.ion ofpaints o:r
o~er s.urface m-eatmeuts and
widiout eKerting ptess.ure Oll these attadhments. or c-.ausing shou!d be sullmitted to die aJichitect for approval.
da111age to the fumts" Fonn sea!ers should, be tes.ted, to ens.ure thal they \li~ 11
\Vhere .;pecial fo:rmirig systems. are .;pedlled by dte engi- ad,versely affecl ihe textute \li1ien a funn
material is neer of dte project fo:r ,true.rural p.uiposes (sudh as one- and used.

{acfJ Ameñcan Cancra!e lnstilule - Cqpyrighte,d O l.lale1ial - www.oot001ete.0Jg

G'IJIDElO FORMWURK FOR: oo:N:CRE1iE (A<ll 347R-14) 25
Ties thar are ro be pulled from the wall should be place, 11:tmvever, ilie ~he ooncrete Il"ill beoome. Tlhe
comed with no:n<.itaini ng bond breaker or encased in engineer/architec,t s:ftou!d s.;ped fy wltat ooncte te s.trength

sleeves to faci1- ltate removal, is required beforre stripping can !aire placa~.
Forms should be careful ly cíeaned and repaired between
uses to prevent deterioration of the quality of surfaee
Film or sp1atter of bard'ened concrete shoutd be
oompl.etely removed.
7.5..4 Urnamemal Unen tlll.d detal!-Olltlamentail
eoncrete is. usually fenned by elastemeríe molds or
wood, plasnc, or plaster waste molds, Members makmg
u;p weod molds sbeuld be kerfed mi die back whetever
such members can beceme wedged betweee p:rojertions in
füe ornament, Molds sbeuíd be coastmcred so 11hat joint:s
will not be opened by sl.ight movemeet erswelllngof'dse
woed, J(lillts in themolds should be mad'e íeeonspicueus
by realing.
The molds should be eareful ly set in the forms and
held in posíríen to reproduce the design shewn en 11he
\Vhere woed forms adjo,in molds, the weod sbould be
ñtted to the prnfile of the mo!d :md. ail I joints sheuld be
fi:tlly seajed, Tbe molds and tlie adjaceut wood forms
shoujd be detañed so tliat the wood forms can be
strípped wídiout
.:li,t11rbi1ig ~'he molds, The edge of tlie mold or pauern
strip should be tapered to a slight draft to pennit
removing the de1ail material wi.thmn damagmg ~he
concrete. Speeial provismns should be made for early
fo:nn removal, retar• danon, or bcth, when saudblasnng,
wire, or other treatments ate requlred,
Fonn liners shoutd be attached seeurely witli fasteners
glue recommended by ilie manufaemrer. The form
behind the liner should hotd die fasteners, The surfaces
shculd be cleaned and dri.ed lltoroughly so lhat 11he glue
will bond. Do not use glue at temperarures. lower dian
these reeommended by the manufü.oourer.

7.6.....,Fo rm removal
7.6.1 Altdidlngdamage-When ceneeete surfaees are to
!eft a,¡ east, it is importan! not to damage or scar the
tace durillg shiipping. Forms shoutd be supported so
they do not f.all. bad: or against dte ar,cbiteOOirail s111rface.
Tite use of pry bars and odier s~rippi,ig tools ~'hould be
s~rictly supervired. [n no case should. pry hars be placed.
directly agaittst ~he ooncrete. Evet1 ~he use o.f1vood or
plastic Ivedges does. not ettsure that dam.age will not
occur. Ouce formwork is. removed, the ar,c1bite001rail.
surfaces. should be prntected Erom continuillg
rottstruction operations. as. specified ill ihe oonlract
7.6.2 Ct»re~te smMg1h-lL is. desirable far
rural ooncrete to have a higher com;p:ressive s.treugd1
dtan no:rmail. far s~rippillg.. nis can be acoompfühed hy
adjusting the mim.ire p:ropo1.41ioris or lt-avillg fürm.<i i.n
place longer. lf conc;rere is. ttot s.trong enou~h to
overoome the adhes.ion between tlie form s.urface and die
ooncrete, ooncrete e;an ~aile
o:r s.pall. Therefo:re, a gooo quality surface m.ight requite
fo:rms. to s.tay i.n place longer. The lo:n§Cr the fümts stay
7.6..3 U11ift»"mlry-fo maxim:il!e surfüoe quality, oons.tructed, aru:I maintained. in aocordmtce
unifür• recommen• d:ati ons. in Chapters 1 to 6. Tilis clhapter deals.
mi.ty i.n s.tripping llime and curing p:ractices arre wiffi the adcli• tiornal requiremenl:s for formwork for
essential. several speciail. dasses ofworlc ACI J72R and J7JR
\Vhere die objertive is. to produce as. corisi:stent illl cmitain informatron on des.ign and COJ1<.itruclli0ti of
appear• ance as poss.ible, it is betielkiail. to p:rotert tlie circular pres1ressed---0oncrete structu11es.
conc;rete by fearving die fon11worik in place somewhat
longer tlian normal. Ea111y expos.ure of COllürete rn 11be air 8.2-Brid~s an.d viaduots, incr.udi ng hig,h
affecis die millirier in piers
\\1ücli die ~urf.ace dries" Ambieut oonditions. :md. U.. l D1.~e11n/on-T11e oons.truction and removal
sunli~ht ofform• worlk sbould be plillmed in advance. Fo:nns. and
exposur,e can i1iflueuce die eve.rirual color of die supports shou!d lle suffidentlly rigid to ens.ure iltat ~'he
ooncrete. finished. slJruc• tl.lre w·il! fillfil!. its intend1ed structurail.
7.6.4 A'rm!dfüg lhermal .rhock-Cold.-weather filnction attd tliat exposed. coric;rete finishes will prese~it
co:ncte te

a pl.easillg appt>arillice to ihe pulllic.

placement requires that s.;pecial attenlli,o:n lle paid. to U..2, Sltorlng ,md ,cemen'11g-Reoommended. practice
~'he sudd1en temperarure chillige of co:ncte te. "fa avoid
iliem~al shock and cmisequent crazing o,f llie crnic;rere 5 .5 and 5. 7 für e rec1lion ancl removal should be

surface, ~he chillig_e in temperarure of the coric;rete should. füllmved. lrn continuous. s~ruclllres, support should. ttot be
be oontmll.ed widi1it1 tlie limits outli.ned in ACI JOJll_ released in any s.pan mitil. ilie first illld. recond. adjoinillg
T1his. can be accom• pli:shed by heating llte wo:rk ar,ea, ~pans. mi each llave reached tlie s.;pedfied str,e~igdi.
lt>avillg die forms in place to oonlain the hea.t For pos.t-tettsi.o:ned bridges, tlie shore design ~'hou!d
o,fhydrallion, ar by i.nsulating ilie co:ncte te atl'er die
consider dte tesulting redistrilmllion of loads on ~he
forms have been temmred (refer to ACI JCl6R). Po- shores s.imi lar lo tlie effecl:s discusred in 5.1!.6.
sitive s.teps shoold be !airen to i.n<. ¡pecl, record, illld. docu• 8..2..J, Fonm-Fom1s can be of any of a lar§C
ment ilie p:rooedures ured to rure the conc;rere. ]t s.'hould mmmber of materialls but ilie mos.t common ate wood
be noted that it is dte remperature of dte conc;rete that is. or metal. They should be built mmtar-tight of s.ouncl
impor• t:mt to proper curing, llOt the ambient aü material s.trong enough to preven! d.isto:lilimi during
temperarure. pladng and. curillg of the ooncrete.
CH!APiER 8,....S PECfAL STRUCTU 8,,3,...;Structures desig,ned for composi.te
RES action
8..J,.. l Re1eo111me1rdari01a-Strurturres o:r members that
8.1- are des.igiied so that the coric;rete acts oompositely wiru
Discussion, otlter mate.rfals or with odter pa1.41s of dte strurtute
Fonnworlk für ali slrucrures. should. be
p:rerent special prnb!.ems tliat should be
anllicipated. i.n ihe de:sigii of

Ame,ican C<>ncrele lnsl ilule - Copy,ightE<:t 11) Malerial - i

26 üUll!lE 110 FO RMWURlt. FUR lJUN:GRETE ,fAGI ,347R-14,)

tlie strucnrre. Requirements fer shoring or odier deñecnon Where cambe.r is. required, a. dis.tinctiom should. be
control of llhe formwork should be clearly presented by 111:ade ben\'een d1e part thaLisan allowarire fürsettllement
llhe e,iig¡ineen:udiítert in llhe speeiñeatlons. Where ord:eflec• llio:n of fo:rmwol1k or s.ho:ring and llhe po:rtioti of
suceessjve placements are to acr compositeíy in die camber lihaL is p:rovided for desig¡n loadings. llhe fonner
eompleted struc• mre, deñecnon cmittul beeomes critieal, s.hould generally be dte respousibility of tlie fo:rmwo:llk
Sboring, witli or witliout cambenng porlJio:n..¡ of 11be engineer/contractor
snuc• ture durfog placemeet and. curing of'the ceacrete, ,vho d:esigns. the fünm and. suppons unless füch camber
sbcuíd be allalyz:ed sepa.rately for tlie effects of dead is s.tipulated by the eugineer/ardiriteot. Mea.sureme,iit of
load of newly placed ceeerere and für the effecL ofother camber pmvided fo:r strurn1rail. d:es.ign loa.dings should be
construetlea !oads 111:ade afler hardening of llhe concrete bUL before removail.
11bat can be imposed. befüre llhe concrete artains its of die supports (tefer to 3.2.5). Tilis. is ~a.use the
d:es.ign stre.ngd1. srouctural deflertion ocooi1ring u;pon temoval of the
8.3. .2, De:sig11-F ormwork members. aed shores should. suppons is a ñmotiou of the s.trucnural desig¡n and catmot
be oo:utmlled by tlie contracL-or.
desigiied to limit deflertimis Lo a praotic-,al minimum 8..J.4 Remom.1-F orms, supports, or both, should
cousis• tent with the strucniral member being eonsuucted be te.moved only a.fter tests :md. specífied curing
Where ca:mber is specíñed für installed operalliou..¡ ind.icate, to tlie sa.tisfüotiou of die
compo:nents of eugineer/aichitert, llhat die mos.t iece.ntlly
11be snucmre, allowance should be mad:e for die couorete has. attained die sttengtli to d:evelo¡p
composite action, and the-1i only afler approival o,I' the
pteloading of 1he sbores before application of the dead
l.oad of ceaeeete. eugiineerlaichitert. Tite sequenoe of suc1b temoval
ln members consnucted in several sueoessive should. be appmved. by the eiig¡ineerlaichitert.
such as bm:-girder snucmres, fürmworli: cemponeets
be sized, positimied, supported, or alí diree, to minimi.ze 8.4-sFolded prates, thín shells, and long-span
pmgtess.ive increases in deñecnon ofdie snucture diat would
exeessively pteJoad 1he rei,iforcing steeí or odter portions of 8.4.1 Dl.f!:u.t.fio11-For long-s;pan and s;pace
11be oompesite member. tequ.i.ring a complex, duee-dime-1isiotial desígn analysís,
ln 11ttullli:s1ory work where shoring of composhe members p1ese-1iting tbree-dimensional. problenL<¡ in furmwork
design, is requited, considerallion should. be give.u to the number o,f erecnon, and. remeval, fonnwork
should be done storíes o,f sbores Decess:ary, i.n conjullrtioll wíth tbe speed o,f by formwerk englneers having
t1ecessary special censnuetíen and concrete sireagths, to miním.i.ze deJl!ertimis fications. a1id. expeeience. Tbese
f-ormwork engieeers should dae to suceessive loadiags, Di:stinction should. be made ill cousult and cooperare with
llhe engiDeeriarchitect to make such analyses between shores posted to relallivelyunyieldí1ig sure íhat the resulting
surfares. will conf-onn to llie engineer.f SUJ)'po:rts., such as fo1mdatious, and shores pos.ted Lo, smic- ardlilecl's desig¡n.
ruresor members lliat are alre,ady elasllicailly supponed (refer 8.4.2, ~.r/gn-The fol!o\\~_ng are items. ihat
s.hould. be
to 5.l!J_ included i.n the oo:ntrart
Co:mpos.ite cmistrurtioll can incorporate beams. of te.fa- a) The engiineerlaracbitert sbm1!d specify values
lli.vely light c;ro:ss sertiolls dtat are fill!y a.deq;ume whe~i :;md. direcdons. of the tea.ctive foraces when llhe
fail:sework is construotimi is comp1.ete. Durillg oousuucllio:n, boweiver, S.UJ)'ported. by the pemi:anent smicrure.
11bese beams may require laterail. suppon mim 1he formwork. b) Whe-1i applic-,able, die engineer.farchitect shoo!d
llie engineerlardhitecl s.hou!d ail.en die oontraotor to this a. d:ecentering sequettoe plan 'l'lrith the bidding
documents a_.¡
cmidüiom ge-1ieral notes. on die s.mmural dr11\\rings. or in a basis f-or die desig¡n o,1' die forming and suppon
s.y:srem m notes on applic-,able dra,vings \\1iere this oornfüion exists. be used. ~' 11he cmilractor.
llie formwork erigiinee.r/ocmlraclor slmu!d be alert lO this e) [n 11he laterail. forces acting on llhe
form- po~ibili.ty and. provide shoring or laterail. suppon ,vb.e~e ,vollk, the wind. load sbou!d be calcu!aLed on llhe
basis of a. need:ed. minimum of 15 lblrtl (O,_ 72 kPa) of_prqj~ted
vertical area
8.3.3 Erecrlon-Co:nsúrucllion of permanent elemenL<;, as sp,edñed for wall. forms. im 4.2.3. For structures
such a.~
erecllioo o,f fo:rmwol1k, or botb, for oomposite oousúruc- domes, forces. d:ue to surtion c;reated by the
lion follows. ba~ic teoommen.d!allio:n..¡ oontained i,i Chapter on die feeward sid:e ofdie srou.cblre shou!d be
5. of members lh:it wil I act cmnpositely wüh ~he d) Tite recommeridations of 4.1.1 aud 4.J s.hou!d
comc;rete to be plared should. be dome wid1 gteat c-,ate to followed in formwork
etisute suffidenL bearing, rigii.dity, and tighhl~ to praeveut Formwo:llk design load:!: s,hou!d be sho\Vrn mi die
seLtlemenL or dellecllio:n:s beyo:nd allowable limiK Wedges, drawi,igs. Cm11.;p!ete stress analyses d1ould be
ptepared ~' s.hims, ;md jaciks should be pmvided to, permit 2djustmelll if strucrural engineers experhmced in diese
types of soocrures, tequired befote or d:uring concrete plaoemenl., as v.<ell as to ;md the maximum and minimum
v211ues. o,f sttes.:s, imcluding permiL te.rnoval witliout jaming or i1npacting the con1.;ple ted
0 reiver:sal of stress, shmdd.
be s.ho\\1i für me.mber for comstrurtion.. Provision s.hould be fo:r read.i ly checldng die mosL seivere
loadi11g roudillio:n,.;,_ Co:nsid:eration should tlie aocuracy of position and. grade placemeut. Eren be giiven to
unsymmetriical. or eooetilric loa.dings that mighL tlioogh adjustment of fo:rms. may be possibl.e or after ocoor
during cmic;rele p1acemetit aud during erecllio:n, dece1i- pladng, it is not recommended. ;md ni:ay o:nly be aLtempted
tering, or 1noving oftraive!ers. llie venical or laLeral d:eflec- prior to initiall set oftlie concrete.
tioo ofllhe fo:rms. o:r 1raveler.,., as. well as die stabifüy

~ American Cancraie lnsfiluie - Cq pyrtgh ted 0 Material - www
under vanous loads, shcmld. be i11veS1Jiga1ed to oeañrm to ACI 334. IR, 5_2.J). DecenLering should begin al
11hat the fo:nmvotik wil!. ñmction s:lJtisfac,toril;• and diat di.e poinls of mmdmum defilecllio:n :md. pro.r¡ress towalid points.
sped• fied tolerances will be me-t. of minimum d:ellection, widi die of edge
Pa!Jlirular e-afie shmlld. lle take.ri in the desiga and members p:roceeding willi ~he adjoining
de of indiviidu:al members and connecdens.

Wihefie miss
systems are used, connecdons should be designed IO keep
8,.S,.,-sM:ass ooncret.e
eceemncities as small a.~ possible Lo!e
deftections o:r distornons, 8..5.1 Dlsct,.ulon-Mass roncrnte occurs. iii heavy
Because die 1veight of the formwork c11:11 be equal to civi 1
or e11gi1ttee.1fog cmistruction, sucih as in gravity dlams, arch
greater rhan the design live load ofdie snueture, fo:rm dlam.,.;, waills., locl:: walls, pmver-plant
details should be designed to aveid the formwork sliruc• tures, attd larg.e building found:lJtions. (AC [ 107.1 R).
h:mg¡ing up and overloading die snucune duriug Special p:rovisimis afie u~uaHy made to rontrnl lite
tem;perarure ris.e in the ni.a~.¡ by the use of ceme.rll or
Due to the special shapes involved, tolerances should
ceme.rititious. mmrial combin:lJtions. low or
speciñed by d:te engineerlarcliit:ecl i,i the bidding moderate characteris.-llics., by pos.tcooling
decumems, ( di.e fresh ronc1ie te) or by plac-ing sequence. t-

8.4.3 Drdw·i11g:~~Whet1 required, the funnwork leal rise i.n ,ii.ass oo:nclie-te is rnos.t ofte~i rontmlled by
engineerl connacter should. submit detailed dmvings of replaceme.rit o,,f cemeut with pozzol::ms, parti.cularl;• lly
di.e formwork fo:r apptovall of 1he engineerlarchirect. ash.
These drawings should show the proposed concrete Fomm•ork for ll:ta!'.!. concrete follls into two disnncl
placing sequence and the resuhing leads, fo ensure íhat cmgo•
the ries: low l.ifi aJld high litl. lo•w-lift funnwork, for
struetare can assume in. deflected shape wiihout damage,
the decentenng or handling sequettoe of ~fte fmmwork of S to l O ft ( l.S to J m), of mu111i-use
should be s.howu on dte drawirigs. The fo:rmwo:lik des.ign, s.teel cantilever fum:1 units diat inoorpo:rate thefr ow1i
drawings, and proeedures sheald oomp1y widi federal a,id work plat• fo:rms attd, on ooc:asio:n, li fting devices. t-1i~1-
local sal'ety laws., as. well a~ dte contract decuments, lift formwork is. comparable ro the s.ingle-suse wood fum:L~
Defilecllion o,f diese struetures can cause binding ured extensively fo:r structural conctete.
between the form and the concrete during decentering. F 8.5..2, larerol plT?.ls11re o/ c-,mc1~1e-Ti1e l:lJteral
ormwork drawings. and fum1 d:etails sheuld be planned to press.ure formulas. for coucrete placed in waills. c-an be
prevent bindhig and facilit:ate socippirig of forms, used fur m:ass concrete (rerer 1:o 4.2._2.). Tite funnwotik
Drawings. should show such detaíls as 11he iype oi engfoeer need:s to carefully review dte concrete m.ixtulie
inserts and joints in, where spreading of'the pmpol"llion to deter• mine the ap¡p:ro¡p:riare fommla from
4.2.2. additives or cement s11bs11i .tu1es can
form can resuh in the fo:rm becommg keyed mto the
eoncrete, rmp:rove he:lJt geueralli.on clharaoter• is.tics., bul the same
8.4.4 Appr,wal-The engineerlarcliit:ecl should m:lJterials. c-an incliease cmicrete s.el tinte and inclieru:e
review the deslgn and drawíngs fo:r di.e funnwork and lmra1 pre-.sures..
die proee• dures. fur cmistructimi 10 ensure ~fte smicmral Co:nsideration should. be giveu to p1acing sequenoe in
inte.r¡rity of dte permanent stracnire, Tite d:te
engineerlarcliit:ect shou !d app:rove in Wiri1fog the loads determinati.on ofp:ressure. Frequen11ly, ooncrete is layered
imposed by lhe funiiwork, di.e s.eque~ice of d:te concrete in such a way d:tauhe llres.h cmic-;rete rate o,f placement
placing operations, and ihe lim ing and proce• dures. of locall ly is. s.ubstanllially glieater dtan die average rate of aad s.tliipping. placement. Local laternl pressures ca:t1 be greater i1tan
8.4-~ Connn.c1lo11-Jn planning :md. erecting would be esti• mated. on tibe b:asis o,ftlie average rate
formwork, provisions s.hould. be made far adequate means ofp1acement. l1t1 addi• do:n, lite use of large ronc1e te 0

ofadjustment during placing where neress:ary. buckets wir1h rapid d.iscll:targe of concrete can c-aus.e high
sbou.ld be install.ed to check aligiimenl :md. .r¡rade during impaot load:s near die fonns.
8.:5.J, Deslgn cOJ1-sJdero.rlon.t-M:ass concrete formi,ig
placemenL Where dte fo:rming ~ystem is. based. on a
oertairi placirig sequence, diat sequence s.hould be ran require s.;pecfal funn tie and aJlclho:r desigii.. Forming
clearly defi:ned by di.e formwork engi• tteerloontractor sloping sui.faoes liequires ties or andiors ro resist
and adheredl to i.n the field. praesfüres. th:lJt are perpendicular 10 the face of di.e fum:1.
8.4.6 Removt11 of /t1rm¾'OH:°-Formwork should Therefo:re, only horizontall ties wi!I l.eave the ve11ic-al
be remol\led and. decentered in aocordanoe the oompouent of pliess.ure unli.ed. Vertical (hold.-down)
pfocedure and sequerice s.;pecilied on the furm anchors should be used_ Forms tied or artcho~ed. to, a mck
drawi.ngs or mi di.e conlracl dorume.rits.. Decenlering face require palilicular care. O lren, rock anchor.~ afie
methods. used should be plamied so a~ 10 prevenl placed befure the fumis are erected. This requires. the
unanticip:lJted concentr:lJted lieac• tions o:n the permanent fonn d:es.igner to a.ccommodlate de alld. anchor
s.tructulie.. Due to the la:rg.e defilec• timis attd tlie high misaligJimenL llie fo:m11A•olik engineer/rontractor s.hould
dead !oad.-ilO--live load ratio oommon to this type of check ID a.sure th:lJt load:s res.ulttng fro:m dte tie spa.cings
s.tnmrure, deoenlering and fo:rm removall. s.hou!d ttot be do ttol exoeed the working c-apacity o,f the mok auchors..
penniued until. specified. tests demo:nsnrale th:lJt di.e Bendirig and of hi§1:1-,te1isil.e-s.tfiengru sreel
ooncrete sirength and the modulus. o,f e1as.ticity specified li.e
in oonlracl documenls have bee,ii lieached_ Altliough 00th should nol be permitted. \\'lthout the ap¡m:wall of the
liequired lli.e
mam:ifac.rurer. Any app:roved we1ding s.hould be by a
welder oenified. by rue Ame.rican Welding Society
oompressive may all.ready have been appMved wriin-en welding procedufies.
s.tfietigd:t~. :lJttained,
moduli. o,f e1as.ticity can conm-ol time o,,f (refer

Ame,ican CC>11crete lnslituiie - ~,igh1E<:t C Ms.t.,iel - www ~

The capaeity of anchors and form tles embedded in die p:res.sure should be compallible widt the p:ressures
previ• placed concrete is dependent on die strength discusred under ve:rtk,al loads. in 8.6.2. L
of the ceneeete, whidh is. ve:ry low at early ages.. The 8.6.3 Dm11•/11gs-ln addition to tlie prnvisiotL<:
embedded stJie-1igd1 slimi!d be sufñcient to sust:ain design ofCh:apt.ers J, 4, and 5, die fü11owing data should. be
loadi,igs Erom die new ptaeement aed i.nillial bol.ting inch1ded. on the drawings for specialized formwork attd
stresses. formwmk for wmiels.:
a) AH pliesrnre diagrams used. i.n the d:es.ign of tlie
8.6-Underground form,
svuctures including diagrams fo:r upl.ift, unhalanoed. lateral or
8.6.1 D/sct1s.tlon-Undergrmmd snuenires differ Erom \'e:rtk,al loru!s, pliess.urized ooncrete, or any otlie:r load
cerrespeedíng sarfaee mstal lations in dtat die to die parllicular ins.tal lation
eonsnuc• non takes place mside an excavatíen mstead of b) Reconrme.rided rnedtod of suppleme.rital strutting
in die open, p1iese-1iting uneque problems in haud.ling or llr:i.cing lo be employed in areas Ivl:tere form
and supponirig formwork and in the assocíared plaeement pliess.ures. can
o,f concrete. A.,¡ a result, four faetors usually make ilie exceed di.ose listed d'ue IO ab:no:rmal
design of formwork for underground snuennes e:ntirely oondiliom;
diífereet ihan fo:r 111:1.eir above-ground oeunterpans. Firs.t, e) diagrams a1id. proredures
coeeeete to ll II otherwise inaocessibl.e areas can be placed the
pnemtll:lllical ly or by posi• dísplacement pum.;p and ptoposed me-di.od of handling die farm during eJieciiou
pipe.J.ine. Seeond, rock is sorne• limes used as. a form or inst:allation fo:r ooncrete plareme:nt plus ~he method
b:i.ciking, perminíng the use of rock anehors and tie rods o,f llracing and. attchorage dming normal operatimi
instead. of externa! bracing and sheres. llii.rd, die limits of d) Co:ttcJiete pl:i.remenl method :md, for lmmel aJicli
die exc-,avation demaud. special handlirig equipment tliat fontL<;,
whetlie:r the design is. has.,ed on tlie bulkhe:ad s.ystem
adds partirular emp!iasis to ilie removal and reuse ef
forms.. Foul1h, reek surfaees can someomes lle used for
attadhing hoísung deviees, cmicireLe plareme:nt or di.e oonti,mously advandng
Wheri píacement is done by pneumanc or s.lope method
e) The capadty a1id. wo:rking p:res.'.,llre of ~e pump aJid• ment pump and pipesline rne iliods, the plastlic

s.ize, le~iglh, and maximum emlledmenl ofdie discharge

concrete is forced under inl:O a vold, sueh as the line when placemenl by pum;ping is aJitkipatecl
crown of a umnel Fer more inform:atrmi cm the 8.6.4 Cmmruc{lon-The two basic rne-dtods of
pumping precess, Jiefer to ACI J04.2R. pladng cmicireLe in a m:mnel arcli e:tttai I pmblems. in die
8.6.2 De.tlgn lrlrlds cotistruciiou of die formwo:!il,: thal re(J¡UiJie special. Venlca/ foads~Ve:rtic-,al and construcnon p:rovisions. to pennit proper reus.,e_ Tiiese two basic
methods. are commonly lmovm as the bulkhead method
assumed tn ~he deslgn of formwmk for undergmand
and the continuoudy dope metliod.
snuc• The fonner is usecl excl:usively \\1ie:re poor grmmd.
mres afie similar to tliose fo:r surface strucaires, widi oondi•
the exrepllion o,funus.ual vertical loads occarnng near the
lliotL<: exis.t, Jieguiring tlie lining to be placed
crown of arch or runneJ forms and l'lm:atiou or ooncurre:utly witli wmiel d.riving operations.. Jt is also
lluoyruicy effect lle.rie,atli nmnel fonns, used when some factor, s.uch as. dte si.ze ofilie runneJ, ilie
In placing eoncrere in die cmwns of tunnel forms, inlroduotiou ofreiri• fordng steel., or the loc,allio:n of
plies• sures up to JOOO lb/IV (l44 kPa) have beee induced in oo:nswcllion joints predudes die advancing slope 111.elliod.
ateas of overbreak and near vertical bulkheads fmm llie a.dvancing slope melliod• a ootttitmou.-s; mediod of
concrete placed pneumatieally or by posítive
plareme:nt-is usual ly pliefurred for wmiels. drive:n thmugh
displacement pump (ACI SP-4). Overbreak is the oornpetenl rock, ra1ig¡ing between 10 a1id. 25 ft (3 and 8 m)

excess Jiemoval of rock or other excawted nll:lteriail in diamete:r and at l.east I mi ( 1.6 km) in lengtli_
above the forms beyond the rutmel
The aJidi fonn fo:r the bulkhe:ad meiliod is. u.--iually
dii.ckness.. Ut1til. more definite Jieoom• mendallion.,¡ crui be
fabri• cated. into a singl.e unit be:twee.ri 50 and 150 ft (15
rnade, di.e itll:lgnirude and disocillutio:u o,f pliess.ure sbould and 45 m) long, whicih is stripped, moved ahead, and
be d.etermined. by the formwork engineer. Tile a,¡sumed re--eJiecied using scJiew jacks or hydrauHc rams.. These are
pressuJie should ttot be less. dtan 1 500 lll/ft2 (72 kPa) ac.ting perma1ie:utly attacihed to tlie fom1 and supponing
norm:all;r to llhe form plu.-s; tlie dead. !Areight ofthe collcirete traveling gaJitty. The arrh farm fur llhe continuously
placed pneuitll:lllically or by pump (ACI SP-4). adwndng slope metlmd us.ually oo:nsi:sts ofeight or morae
- .
8.6..2.1 UJleral /aa.dr-For s.hafls and e!(IBrior rections. ~hat ra1ige betweeii
walls . - . . . .
against mok, ~he values. listed in 4-2.2 s.hou!d 15 aJid 30 1
ft (5 and 9 m) in lengtlL lliese afie
apply. stripped or collapsed, telescoped. ilirough die other
Wheu die sltafi form on the single s.hear value seclion.-.;,
o,f embedded. anchor.~ in ilie pfevious placeme:m as a
a1id. re-erecied. using a form
of suppo:rt, the minimum time lapse between
Ahhough ilie minimum socippirig time fo:r runnel
sucres.shre plaoemenLS (or minimum ooncrete strength) aJicli
ruid. m:aximum al !owable ! in additio,i to di.e dead
forms is. us.ually established on the hasis of experieure, it
weight of ihe form s.hould be specified.
caJi be s:afely predetermhied by res.ts.. At die stan ofa
For arch forms and portion-. s; of llm.nel forms above
the runnel aJicli concirete plaremettt operallio:n, the
ma:ximum ho:rizontal dime1isimi or spring line o,f dte recommended rninimum s.tripping time is 12 hours. for
exposed surfares. ancl 8 hours for co1isnütian joi11K Jf
the specillcations pmvide far a fedured minimum
s.tripping time based. mi site experienoe, such reducllion.,¡
sbould lle i.n llime increments of J(I minutes
Ame rican 0:m crale lnstilule - Cqpyrightect O Ma terial -
or less and sheuld be estabfished by laboratory tests, form, ]lljection pipes spaeed 5 to 6 fl (LS to Ul m)
visual mspecnon, aiid. surface scratching of sait1ple apart, peneaan ng the faee of dte for:m, requlre that llhc
areas exposed by opening llhe fonn access eovers. Afcli fo:rm be cheeked for smrcmral inleJ?¡ril:y as well as a
forms shosld not be stt'ipped. ¡,11emat.urely whet1 uaveated means nf plug• ging er slmttillg off the o¡pcnirigs when
groundwater !reepage lhe i.nj,ectio11 pipes are removed. Sorne of diese
00111d beeome llrapped between die rock surface and probíems are redaced where mortar ca,i be i11jec.ted
venrcally in open top forms_
concrete Forms:, tíes, and bradng should be designed for the sum
l.ining.. of:
8.6.5 Matertals-«The choice of.rnarerials fur a) The lateral p:res:_~ure of the coarse aggregate as
uaderground deter• mi1ied from the equivalent fluid lateral p11ess.ure
formwork is lypical ly predlcated 011 the shape, degree of the dry aggregate using the Rankine or Coulomb
of reuse and mobility ofthe form, and die 111:agnirude of theories for fíl"aD• u!ar materials, or a re.Jiab1.e bin acaon
pump or pneumanc press111es to wihicii il is subjected. tbeory (refer to d1eo• ries aiid refereeces preseuted i,i ACJ
U~ll::llly, nmne.J. and shaft forms are made of steel or a J ll)
oempesue of wood. and steel, Experíence i~ imponanl in b) The lateral and uplift pres:sure of the injected
the design and fabrieanon of a satisfactory nmnel form menar,
d111e to 11he namre of die pressu11es developed by die asan equivalen! lluid; die mortar eonnally weJ!?Jhs 130
coeerete, placmg 1edh11iques, and die high degree of lblfl1
mobili.ty required, 1 3
(21 kNl'm , blill can weigh a.,; much as 200 lb/fl (.32
\Vhe.ti reuse is not a factor, plywood and long11e-- kNl'm1 ) )
and• for hlgh-densíty
groove lumber are somethnes used for exposed mortars
surfaee firnisbes_ High humidity in undergreund "lhe lime requir,ed. für die inicial. set ofthe fluidized
ccusrruction usueíly alleviates normal ~hrinkage and mortar and die rate o,f rise should. be ascertained_ 11ie
w-arping of wood form n1arerials. maximum height ofíluid. to be a~,;umed in determining
the lal-eral pr,es• sure ofthemomrr is 1he product ofthe
CHAP11ER 9--SPECIAL METHOl>S OF rate ofri~ (ft/h (m/h)) and die lime of inilial set in
CONSTRUCTION hours._ 11ie lateral press1111e for the desigri offurmwork
:i.t :my poillt is the ~um ol' die pr,es• sures dete.nnined
9.1-Preplaoed-aggr,egate from Step,; (a) and (b) fo:r lhe giveri hei!?Jl:tt_
conor,ete 9.1..3 üi1m111c1/0J1-In addi.tiori to die
9.l.l Dl.tcu.m",:m-Prep1.ace<l..agg11egate oo:nc11ete is i.nfo:rmaiion
madc p:re.senle.d in 5, ihe fo:rms should. be
by injecting (i.tttrudillg) mo:rtar inlo the voids of a and effertively vented because p.replaced.-aggregare
preplaced n1ass of cleau, graded aggregai:c_ For nomtal roncr,ete. cnlails fordng mortar iuto the voids a:rouud
0011,trueation, the preplaoed agr¡regares: are vilnared ihe ooarse aggregate.
llhowuJ?¡hly inlO forms and arouud reirifordng aiid. dten 9.1.4 Male1·Jals for /ornn.. -ork-For
we tted and lrepl wet until the iujertion of into
0 s111ríaoes, mortar~tiglit fonns. of steel or p1.)'\\'0od. are
die voids is rotnpleted_ in under• aoce,ptab!c_ Absorpti11e füm1 lming~ are ,iot
\\'ate.r oo:ns~rucli.o:n, the motilar displaces the water and 11eoommende.d bec-,au!re they permit the coorse aggregate
fi lls the 1roid_~ In both lypes of oo.tis~ruc~iot1, ibis to indent die and fonn an inregular rurface. Fmm
proce~ c,an create roncre re widi a high conrent of
lillings, sudi a.,; bardooaid o:ti oommmi sbeadiing, are
ooarse aggre.gate_ nol ~uocessful became diey do ttot n-an~mil die externa!.
'.íhe iujerted mortar contairis water, füie sand, forni villration nomi:ally used for cns.uring a \'Oid-free
portlland finished surface_ Fo:nmvo:rk sllonkl bie de.s.igne<l fo:r the
oe1ucn1., po:zzolan, and a cliemical admixtme de,igned to effecis of externa!. ,•ibmion_,a~ the pene tt'allion aiid. pumpabi lity of the monar_

The socucwral coarse aggregate is similar to coarse

aggre.gate for
conventionall co:ni:r,ete._ Jt is well washed aJid.fíraded fmm 112 9,,2----:Slipforms
in_ (1 J mm,) to die largest s.i2.e. practicable.. Aier cornpac,tion 9.2.1 DüctL~S!tl'1~ efer lO ACI J lJ for silo
in lhe fomis, it usuallly ba~ 11 void oontenl rangi,ig ffom JS to !io:n. Sl.ipforming is a quasi.-coritinuous forming p:rooes,
45 petcent (ACI 304.1 R). wbicli a special. form assernbly slips or moves in the appm-
9.1.2 .D<!sign cOJ1slde:ro.1Jon.'í-Due to the medtod ol'pl:i.ce- p:riate d.irection, le:i.ving die fo:rmed. concrete in
place_ 7rihe me.nt, die lateral. prer.sures o:n form"•ork are oons.iderably p:rooess is, ill some ways, to aii
extrusiori pmcess_ difforent from diose developed fü:r oo:nvenlional oo:ncr,ete., Pfaslic co11r,rele is. placed in dte
forms, aiid ihe forms cat1 bie as. des.:sribed in 4-2-2_ llie fo:rmwo:rk cngiiieer/oo:ntraotor tho11ght of as. moving dies
to shape die oonc.rete_ l.lhe rate of sho11ld be ale.ned to the unique problems diat may occur in movemelll of dte
fornis is. regulated. so the fomL<; l.eave ihe p:replaced. aggregate plaoemcnl:S_ lltl mass placements., heat concrete ori
ly al'ter it is. stiffcnough to, retai.t1 its s.hape whil.c of hydration and drying shrillkage are importan! constdet"-
s11pporting its own weiJ?¡1lt aiid llhe lateral forces c,aused by
alion,. Ditfe11eutiall. pr,es~ures. 1my occur in die fonn ~true.rore wi nd and. ~uipment_
\\1ien motilar illjection varies g11eatly from one form face to "fhe vertical o:r bori.zonlal movemcnl of forms.
c-,an bie a
anotlier_ For add.itional inforniatio11, 11efer toACJ 207J R and contin11ou, proces.,.; or a plan:ned s~uence of finite
place- AC[ SP-J4_ Becauseo,ftheprer.sw-e crealedd'uring aggrega.te ment.. Slipfurms used on s.trucru~ sucfi as
nrn:ncls and padking and mortar pumpi1ig, fümL<; dial mo:tstar is injected sbafls ~hould follow 8 .6. Slipforms
used rni mas.,.; oouc11e tc lhm11gh should be aiidhored and braced far more !recurely
strucrures., sudh as d!ams,
s.hould follow ILS_
lhaii fo:r oradinary corierete. Particular altention should bie 9.2..2. Venlca/
paid 10 uplii: pressures cre,aled in baucred. fumis_ Pmvisions 9.2...2.1 SlipfomL<; c-,an be med for ve.nical
strur,tu11es, s.uch sbo11ld be made to prohibit even dte sli~htest uplifl: of the as ,ilos, storage bins, b11.ildillg
oor,es, be,aring walll b11.ild-

Ameiica111 Coocrete llllSÍituie - Cql11ig~ O Maleiial - www_ooocre!aotg ~

30 GUI.DETO FORMWORK FOR CONCRETE (ACI 347R-14) Destgn and construcuon considerauons-«
Shpforms should be designed by engmeers familiar "1111
shpfonn construcuon.. Construcuon of the shpform and
shppmg should be carned out under the immediate
super• vssion of a person expenenced m shpfonn work.
Drawings should be prepared by a shpform engrneer
relamed by the contractor, The drawmgs should show the
jack layout, form• work, workmg decks, and scaffolds. A
developed elevanon of the structure should be prepared,
showing the locanon of all opemngs and embedments. The
shpform engmeer should be expenenced m the use of the
exact brand of equipment to be used by the contractor
because l11ere are s1gmfic.an1 vana• uons tn eqwpment
bet\~een manufacturers. l'er11cal load.'i-ln addmon to loads, hve
load_~ asswned for me des1gn oí ded.s should not be
less llian the tbllowmg:
Shea1hing a11d JOlSlS, Of con~mra1ed buggy \\heel loads,
"luchever is grea1er -·-------·-------·-------·-------· 75 lblff (3_6
J...Pa) BerullS, rru.~es, and wales so lblft1 (2-
4 kPa)
Ftr sftefs'
Sco'fcfó L1ght-ducy fin1shers· scaffoldmg 25 lbJ!P ( 1.2 J...Pa) Lateral pr~ssure o/concre1e--The la1eral
pressure offresl1 concrete to be used m des1gnmg fom1S,
bractng, and wales can be calculated as follows_

(lLS cus1omary umt~)
6000R --

Ftg. 92-]_ l-Tip1cal verucul shpform wuh tleck and

work where c1 - 100 lb!ft1
platforms supported 011 524R
wales. e -e+--• (SI unns)
cp -
mgs, piers, clumneys, shaft hnmgs, commumcnuon and
observanon towers, nuclear shield walls, and sumlar "here c1 - -k8
struc• nires. Vemcal shpforms, wnh concrete placed kPa
wh1le nsmg, are usually moved 1n small mcrements by The value of c1 - lblft1 (4.8 kPa) 1s JUst1fied
jacks that propel themselves on smooth steel rods or because
mbmg embedded in or anached 10 the hardened concrete, v1brauon 1s shgh1 m sllpfonn \\ork, me concrete 1s
A verucal slrpform sysiem (refer 10 F1g_ has placed
five main eomponems. sheathmg, wales, yokes, jacks, and in shallow layers of 6 to 1 O rn. ( 150 10 250 nuu) with no
jack• rods, and working or storage decks and rev1brat1on. For some apphcauons, such as gas-ught or
seaffotdmg. The sheatlung or verucal forms can be wood contammenl structures, addttlonal v1brauon can be requ1red
staves, plywood, metal, glass fiber-remforced plasnc, to achieve max1mum dens1cy of l11e concre1e. ln such
wood, ora combmauon of'these matenals. The füncuon cases, l11e value of c1 should be increa_~ 10 150 lb/ft~ (7 2
of'the sheaihmg 1s to contara and shape the concrete. kPa)-
wates have three mam functíons: 9.2..2.5 Tolera11cl!l-Prescnbed for shpfonn
a) Support :;md hoid the siieatiitng ¡n place cons1rucuon ofbwldmg elemenis are hsted m ACI 117.
b)Transmiuhe lifting furre fmm 9.2..2.6 S/1d111g opertwon-The ma'(tmum rme of
~heyokestothesheathing shde should be hm11ed by 1he rate lbr wh1ch the
and to the o~her eíements of'the forms are des1g,ned. In addmon, bo1h mai,.1mwn and
füm1 m1111mum rates of
e) Provide support for various platforms and scaffolding slide should be determined by an ex:peJJ"ienced slipform
Yokes suppon the wales at tegular intervals witli theír supeJJ'• visor tíl acoommod!ate dhanges i,i Iveadter,
legs, 001tctete slump, initial set of oottctete, wotikabil.ity, :;md
1ran.,;mi1 d:te l.ifü.ng forces fMm the jacks to the wales, the rn:my demands tliat arise during 11 slide and cannot be
and acc.urately predioted befürehand_ A person expe~ienced in
resíst the larerall forre of plasllic concrete within the dipform coiistruction should be presenl mi the deck at ali
form, Tbe jadies, mstal led mi the yoke·s beams, climb up llimes during the sl.ide operation..
d:te jack• rods and pmvide die force needed ro raise d:te IJuriing d:te initial. ohhe concrete i.n d:te
ennre sli.pfomi system, Variou,.; píarforms, deeks, aad sl.ipform,
scaffolding complete lile slipfonn system, Tbey pmvide die pl~dng rare shou!d nol exoeed that for whicli d:te
space for storíng concrete, tefofo:rcing steel, aed form
embedments, and serve as a worudng area for placiug and I\'OS designed. ldeally, ooncmte should be placed. i.n
fü approxi• mately 6, to S in_ ( l 5CI to 200 mm) lifts
drrouf)tout the slip• form operation.
-rhe level of hardened. co11crete i.n die fürm should
cliecked. fre,:iuendy by the use of 11 probing rod to
l!.mertcan Cancrale lnstilule - Cqpyrtghtect O Mate1ial - www.C1H001eta.o¡-g
lish safe lifting rates, Form.s shmlld. be leveled befare 9.3,.l .lks!g,r c<ll!s!d~ro.,io,u-lhhe sta.y-in'i)lace funn
llhey are füled and should be maintained level uníess is not covered in 11he specification,.; bee;au~ it
otherwise requlred for eut-of-tolerance eorrecnons. Care has no function i.n die finislied structllte., the form
should be taken to preveet drifüng of die forms ful1n rnaJmfacrurer·s specific-.allion,.; should be u~d; lhe
alignmerit or designed dlmensions and te! prevent torsíonal manufacfürer·s terom• merided practice s.hould be
movement, followed for size, span, l'asten• ings, an.d odter special
Experience has shown diat a phmib lille, optical rearures pertinetit ro diis type of form, s11ch a.,; bieing
plummet, laser; OIJ' combinallion ofthese u~ in eonjuneticn water-repelle111 and pmtected again.,;t diem• ical auacik
with a water level s.ystein is effeetíve in maimalning dae from 1vet cmicreLe (iefer ro Chapters 4 aJid. :5).
form 01i lille and grade and fur pos.itioning openings end Particular e.ate s.hould be taken i.n d:te des.ign of sm:h
embedded ítems. fornas by die formwork engineerfconb'acto:r ro, n:1ini1nize
The ali.l?itlnleiit and píumbness ofa snueture should disronion o:r deformatimi ofthe form or supponing
prefer• n1embers uiider die oonstructio,i loads..
ably lle cheeked every 2 heurs b111t at a minimum ouee
The etiginee.r/aicbitect who specifies die u~
during every 4! hours diat the slide is iri operation, ln
ofpermaJient rigid forms should. corisider ill the
work dial is done i.n separare intemiittent slip¡ping
s~rucrural anallysi.s both the construction dead and
operations, a check of alignrne.rit aad plumbnes.,.; should
load.,; mi llhe form a.,; we:11 as. d:le slrucblre ·s. S1abili.ty
be made ar die beg¡i.nning of eaeh sl.ipping operaaon.
during cons.truction, in addition to conüde-ration of the
More frequent readlngs should be taken 011 síngle tal
1 fonn ·s perfomll:lllce in tlae fi:nislted structure.
snucmres wilh relatively small plan sectlons, a.,; the
Whe1i metal. deck is u~d as a permanent form and d:te
fo:rm system in diese suucmres tends lo twist and go out deck wi!I beconie aJi integral par.1 ofthe, die
uf'plumb more readíly, deck's shape, d.epth, gauge,, physkail
dh11ensions., pmpe.r• ties, and intermed.iate tem;po:rary
Suffident ehecks of pfumbness should be pmvided to
sup;po:11 S:l:tould be a.~ e;al!ed fo:r in contract dorumetits. 1 f
read.ily derect and evalúate movemems of the form fo:r
structurail. coutinuity is a!:S111t1ed in d:le desrgn of 1'.he
all siipformed structures so tliat appmpriate adjustme.tit
form, the engineer of the permaJient structure shmild
can be made in suffieient time by experienced personnel,
spedfy llhe req11ired number oí pem1aJient suppo:tts. O\lef'
Detai !ed reoords of bodi venieal aud lateral. form
whicll die fomi mate.fiial s.hould be oontirmous. Whe~i
oomposire me,tal deck req111ires shoring to minimize
ments should be rrnintairied throughout the slipform iL,; deflectroii d111e tCl the ooncfe!e plaoemenl, 11he camber
operation, of
9.2.J Hortzonta! Jl/p/or,m-Hori20J1tal the members the oompleted. oornpos.ite slab
slipfunning lends itse.:lf to con orele snucrures sueh as and d:eck sbould be cons.ide,red. lf d:le supporlling
tunnel l inings, water condaits, drainage channels,
members are cambered for d:1e load o,f the
precast elemenrs, canal lirlings, highway mediaJi baníers,
ci:morete, aJid thait load is preve.tlled. llrorn being applied to
pavemeets, curbs, sboulder barríers, and retaining wajls,
the supporting member.s due to the presence of Éhe
Horizontal sl ipfomis generally move on a rai I system, shoring, diere may be excess camber lell: i.n tl!e
tractor treads, wheels, and other similar means resting o,i a members. The engineerlaichitect who
shaped berm, \Vorkirig and storage decks and. fi:nisher·s.
des.igned the sooclllre sliou!d consider d1is effect and
scaffo.l.ding are attaehed to and camed by die nmvirig
adjust the camher appmprfately.
9.J,.J, Jnnallo.tlem
The general provlslons of 4.1.4 should be met and ~he
9.J,.J,.l Shop drawl11gs-'.l"he fonnworik engineerl
formwork engineerlconlractor should submit drawings
oon~ractor should. submit fully detailed shop dra1vings. for
of the slipfurm for revlew and aJ)'proval by ~1:te
aill permaneiil deck fornas to die etigiineerlarohitecl for
engineerlarcl:1i• tect, These drawíngs should show ~he
rae.view, appfoval, orboth, as tothepmject
handling díagrams, die placing procedure, and die
provisions íor ensuriug attain• meat ofthe required. Shop drawings
oonctete surfaces.. sbould slmw aill fomi ruicikllesses, metal. gauges,
phys.ical dimensions and pro¡, acces.sooies:, llnishes,
melllmds of attadimeril to die various. clas~s. o,f die work,
91.3,....P,e rmanent forms
and tempo:rary sboring tequ.i.rements..
9.3.1 Dl~i:'IL~S!<ll!-Permanent fomu, or sta:,r-i.n'i)!ace, Fa:~1e11./11gI~Tlie pentll:lne~ll deck fom1 sho111ld
forms., ate forms left in place dial rna;r or may not
be properly fas.te~ied to aJld to
become an inte§ral pan of die structurall frame. Tihe~
adjacent secli ons. of deck forna aJad pr,operly lapped, iri
forms. be rigid,-sucli as. metal dedk, praec-.ast cmicrete,
accoradaJice widi manufacrurer.s' raerommetldallions, lo
wood, plastics, and various types. ofl'\berboard-o:r 11he
pmvide a li§ltt Joi.nt diat wil I pievettt loss of 1110:lilar
flexible ty¡:,e-rnch as. reinforced, water-repellen!,
dmfag tlie placement of roncte te. Witete required, etid
corrugated paper, or \ mesh witli waterproof paper

clo.,u; res fo:r ooftrugated or fluted. fornas s.hould be

\Vhe1i die permaJient form is. 111~d as. a deck fo:rm, it provided, tog.ether wiih fill pieces
\\1iere a tight fil is required. To preven!, allow
for e>::pansion of metal. decik forms after and
supporred fro:m the maill structural frame with o:r
widiout an i.ntermediate system o,f tempo:rary supports. U
temporary supports are under, or to p:rovide slability for, d:te structurall Erame members. Lo placement.
Ffo>::ible types of furms (diose diat depe1id. 011
support d:1e weifiht of the fraesh concrete without
e;ausing exoessive deflectimi or member i.n.stabifüy, s11cl:i
informatiou should be specilled by the engineerlarchitecl members for lateral s.tiffness.) should be tightily joined.
for propet' inS1allatim'.L Adeq11ate temporary bracing or

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92 GUlaf::ffl, FORMWORiC FO.~ CO:N:O~ETE,(AOl 947R-i4)
shoutd be prnvided i.n 1he píane of dte 1o¡p ehord of dead load. of the memher remajns en 11be fo:rmwo:llk during
the s.uppo:tting members to preveet laiteral bucklíug and presiressiug, displaee.ment of ~he dead. load towani. eed
rotatiori of diese supperts and to 1tiaintai1i dte requaed s.uppotts. should be censídered tn design of lile funns
tens.ion i,i the flexibl.e form, and s.ho:ring, illcl11di1ig si!ls. or other füulldatimi support.
Paper or metal forms used lo fo:nn voids in concrete 9.4.3 ConnructJon acce.r.rnr/ttl,-Ho!d-do11m or
cousnuctien should be prnperly placed and anchored to the push•
teinforoement and IO sille or decik forms wi~ wire down devices fur deflected cables or sjrands should be
or odier app.roved. methods to prevent di~lacement or pmvided tn che caslling bed or fonrnt AH openings.,
llota• non placing of concrete, Waiter should be o,ffse ts, braekets, .md ali o~he.r ítems required ill dte

preveeted from entering voids. \Vhere water intrusion is. ccneeete worl( should be proiyiJed for ill die formworl(_
possible, \li'eel) holes should be provlded to reduce Bearing plates, a1idho:rage assemblies, presnessing steel,
emrapment of'water. eonduas, rabe eeelosures, and lifl:ing deviees shown o:r
9.3.4 Dejlec/Jrms-The vertical and lateral deñecnons speeifíed lo be set in concrete should be aecurately
of located widi fümm•orik templates and anehored to
11he pennaneet furm betweea supports under dte load. of remaiu wi.thill the tolerances gíven ori cmim-act
fresh ceeeeete sheuld be investigated by füe deeumeets, Quali.ty and s~rengtli of these aeoessorles
e.tngineer/arohitecL Temporary supports, suc;h as shorfog should be as speciñed,
and smngers, should be specified, if necessary, to keep 9.4.4 Tole1·anc.-.s,-Prescribed ranges of tolerances
deñeetion widiin desired für
toleranees. job-site preeast and plant-manufacrured preeast-
·9.4--sFonns for pre.sU'essed concrete con.sU'uctioni concrete members are given in AC 1 11 7 and PCI
9.4.1 DJscttnlon-The e.ngi1ieer/archite0t ~ftould. indi• MNL
cate in dte contraer doeumeets any speelal requirements 135--00.
fur presiressed eoncrete ceusnuction, 9.4.5 Ctrr/ng-\Vhere meeess:ary to, allow early ~euse
lt may be neces.sary to provide ap:prop:riare means of forms, prnvisions. s.hould be niade to use aroelerared
of or 11emoving the formwmk before full. curillg pmcesses sudl:1 a_,¡ c11ri1ig, v:i.ruum pmcessing.,
preslres.-..¡ is appl.ied Lo prevenl damage. P11e tens.ioning or
or othe.r apprn...ed medtods.
pos.t-tensioning of strands, cables, or rods. can be doue 9.4.6 ffi:irker safery-Sa.l"ety shi.elds sbo1.1lcl be
wiru or wi.thmn side p:rovided
ait end anchorages of pres~re~ing beds or wil:tete
necessa11y for the p:rotertimi of workers or equ.i;pme,it
against po..sib!e
forms ofthe me,1nber iri place, as in 9.4-2. Boltom breakage ol' presmming strand,, cable,, or othe-r assemblies
forms and supponing sho11es o:r fals.ework should. retitaill durillg preslres.sing or oper:JJtions..
in pla,:;e unllil the membe.r is. c.ipable of its
a1id. anticipated co1istruction 1.oads, as well as. any formwmk ·9.5-sForms for site
ca~ried. by dte memlle.r. 9.5.1 Di.«:u.rsion-F omis for s.ite p:recasting a11e 11sed.
The eoncrete placement !rel'.jlle.iice für eertairi strurtlllles ptec-as.t eoncrete ilems thait can be eidte.r load.- or no:n-
load.- s.hou!d al~o be pla1med so dtat is nol subjected lo bearing members for s.truc,mral or archirecrural
be.uding socess c-au!red by detlertiou of ~he formwmk. 9.5.2 Ü:mMn,c1lo11-Exte.liio:r braoes o:nly shoold be
9.4.2 Des/gn w1hen exposed. m1e1al or fü!ed.-in pocke ts res11hillg frmn

the Wliere dte side füm~ cannot be couvenie~itly us.e ofmelal lies would p:res.ent a1i objeclio:nable
appearanee. te.moved fmm the bottom o:r sofüt form afte.r oonc11e te has 0 ·ro ens11re uniformity of appearance in die
cast members set, sudi forms s.hou!d be desif'itted slip joints or v.rith or units, particularl.y in adjace.rit units
Ivltere differences added panel a1id. cmmecllio:t1 strength fo:r addillio:ttal axial or in texwre, colo:r, or bo~. would be
wsib!e, care shool.d be be.iiding loadls thait ca1i be supe.liimpos.ed mi durillg the taken tliat tlie ,:;ontact surfaces. of
fo:rtm o:r fo:rm li.ners. a11e of p1estressirig operallion. unifunn q¡uality a1id. textllre.
9.4.2..2 Side forms that terttaill ill IJ1ace durin~ tlie tra1isfer Fonn oi 1 (no:nstailli.n~. if req.11iredl_ should be ª1!1?
1ied force s.hou!d be des.igned to al low fo:r vertical unifürmly and i11 :i.uotd:mce wid1 manufacrurers.·
reeom- a1id horizo:utal movements of dte cast member dte mendallio:n.,¡ fur 1his parllicular da,¡s ofw·o:tk.
praestressillg o¡pe.raition. Ti1e funn s.1tould be desif'illed to mini- 9_'\.3 ,kce.l'.rnrJ,;,s-'Il is. pattirularly intporta1it i.t1 lli:is
mi.ze tlie res.traint lo ela~tic shortenillg i,i ~he p:res.t11essing of work dtat and rigid. devices be 11!red to
e1is1111e operatimL For examp1e, ~mal I furming cmnpo:nents ~hould proper loc-allio:t1 of reillfurcement. Ali
o¡pe.nings, cllbluts, be pla1med for removall to, reli.eve load. o:n s.ide fo:rms. as offsets., in~rts, lift rings., and
eonnertimi devices to
!Arell as. to eliminare dieir testraint d11rfog ]n be set in eoncrete should be aecurate1y located. and
all cases, tlie restraint to s.hrinkage of oonc~e te s.hould be
0 a1idhored i,i ~fte
kept to a mi.nim11m, and !he detlertiolls of due m The finis.hed s11rl"aees of me.mbers s.hould be t-ee of
ptestressillg forace attd die elaslk deformatimi of fo:rms or ri11gs attd otlter erec,tion items. 1vlte.te it will be
exposed, fail:sework should be oo:nsideted. i.n die des.ign and remov-al illterfere witli die pmpe.r pladng of ptec-ast or other oftlie fonns. mate 11als, or be s1.1bjec,t lO mnosion.

S11ch item_-.¡ should

9.4.2.J For reasons. of safety, \li1ien usillg pos.t-tensioned, be temoved so that ,io, remaining metail. will be s11bjec1
cast-in-place el.evared s.labs, the oontrartorshould be careful
lo ens1.1re thait s1.1pporting ~hores do not faill out d1.1e to lifting The q¡uali.ty a1id. sirength oftliese should be
of tlie s.lab during tensio:ning. For large s.tructures whete the tequired by die oontract dooumeuts, b111 the li fti,ig
de vices or

(acj'J Ame ñcan Goll craie lns.tilule - Oqpyrighl:ed O Ma teriBI -
GllJJDE TO F0RMWORK FO R 00.N:CREli E {ACI 347R-i 4) 33
other aecessories not ealled für in the contraer documems the interface betweeiii form p::11iel and snructure coricrete;
are 3) a combinaition o,f ltems. l and
the responsíbiñty of tlie 2; ami. 4) use of paint-mi or spray-on bondirig
comractor; cbemicals.
95..4 Tofitronet's-PJiescribed toleranoes for
concrete eonseucnon afie listed in ACI 11 7.
95..5 Remo11t1.l ef/omu-PJiec-a,t members or uaits
be removed ñom forms on!.y after the ceeeeete has
a specified slrengtli, as determined by tlie ñeld-cured
cylinders or beams and job histo:ry of concrete
\Vhere required lo al!ow early reuse of fonns,
sions can be made 10 use aceelerated eurmg proeesses
such as. steam curing or other appreved metheds.
Methods of lifting preeast units from forms should be
approved. ~• the engineeriarchitect

9.~se of preeast con.crete for forms

9.6.1 DJsctts.tlon-Precast ceneeete panels or molds
been used a.~ forms for east-ie-piace and preeast
concrete, either as. pennaneet forms, integrated forms, or
as remov• able, reu:sab!e forms, They ha\'e been used für
bo1h smic• rsraí aed archlteetural concrete, designed as
snuetural ly composire widi the cast-ie-place material or
to pmvide a des.iJied. qu:aMty o,f outer surface and, iu some
cases, l'O serve both of ~hes.;e purposes, Concrete form
unlts can be plain, rehifereed, or prestressed, and eíther
east in die fac,to:r.y or al lhe [ob slte, The most ccmmon
u.~ of precast concrete fo:rm unas has. been fo:r elevated
slabs aenng oompositely with topping concrete, a, in
bridge ami eommercial or insti• tllllio:nal ceusnuetien,
Precast units are also common as ground-holding
sysrems iri a1id as. stay-in-plaee forms for
rehabilitalli.o:n of navigatlen lock Ivalbt Match casting
is a pmcess where a prevlously east element is used as. 1he
bufkhead fo:r the casnng of a subseqnem elemenr to
assure ~i~t fít, Match casnug is oñen used in tlie pfocess
of casting units for s.egmenlal bridge construction
9.6.2 Deslgn
9.6.:U Res¡,on.rlhlllty far dt!!.tlgn-\Vhere die
integrated form is to act compesitely with die strucrure
concrete, ~ forrn panel should be designed. by tlie
e.riginee.r/architeci, who shou!d also mdieate whar
add.itioual extemal s.u¡Jpo:rt i~ required fur rhe
permanem forms. Fo:r pennanent forms intended to
achieve a desired. architecrural effe.:1, dte
engineeriarchitect cau s.pecify s.urface llni:sb and
desired n1inimum diickne:s~ of allcliitemral 11~terial.
Des.ign and layo11t of temporary forms and
systems S:ltou!d normail ly be the re,;po:n~. ibili.ty of 1he
formwork engineert
9.6.2..2. Co1mec1lon.-cmme.:llio:n details. s.1:tould
pla1med to ove.f"COme probl.ems ofmaiting pfiec-as.t
members to each otlier and to the exis.ti,ig or cas.t-i,i-
place sttucbJre.
9.6.2.J, 8ortd!11g .com::r'itle form 10 cortcn1e
s1:rucri1re• Effeciive bond betweeu precast funn uniL
and the co:ncJie te s~ructure is e:ss.en~ial and caii be

adhieved by: 1 ) spedal treatment, sucb as. l?írooving or

rou¡jheni,ig the fünn face in co:ntact widi tlie slmcture
conc;rete; 2) use of ::11idho:ring devices. e-xtending acfiO!'.<.;
Lifting hooh in a fom1 ulllit can be des.igned to serve p!ug, e-xtends to dle bottoi111 of die area where concrete
also as is to be plaoed. l.lhis pipe is charged witli concrete from
::11iclho:rs or shear tlte surface. Once tlie pipe is fill.ed widi, ic is.
oonnectors. kept fu!I ::11id ir:s boirom s:l1ould be kept immersed i.11 the-
9.6.lA Code req1.tnme11l.i-PJiec-ast ooncrete fümts ñesh Cio:ttcrete.
used in compo:s.ite design with cast-in-place ooncJiete in In tlie s,econd. a1proacb, the fo:nm are fi lled \lirith
bu.i !dings s.hou!d be desil?ítted iri aocordance widlACI ooar:<ie aggregate, ,vhicli is then gmlilled so thaJt llhe voids
arouttd ~l1e aggregate are fil!ed, as disc111ssed in 9.1. 11ie
9.6.j, l)j1n·11g ami ajkr co11cre1e placemem J)írout is intro• dueed. at the bouom and the water is
9.6.j,.l nbra1io11-Tiho:rou~h cousolidalli011 of site-c- displaced. u¡n.-.,ard as. t!ie
§ffiUl ri:ses..
conc,rete is Jiequfred to p:reve..ill voids.; tliat woo!d
9.7.2 U1utt!!n,.'ater buckl!r a.mi rremie
intenupt tite bond of die funn lo s.lructure concrete, 9.7.2.l D;oslgn-Fo:ruL~ fur miderwateJJ' cmic;rere
but s111'fident care s.hould be u.:sed to prevent damage plare•
of co:ncJiete panels by co11tact \lirith vibratori. me.nt are des.igned with the s:ame corisiderallio:ns
9.6.j,.2, /'ro/ecl!r:m qf archileclural finüh-Care shou!d as other fünm covered in 4.2, except dial tlie den~. ity
of ~l1e submerged concfieate can be redured by die
!airen to avoid llres.h concrete 01i expo~. ed
weighl o,f d1e wate r displaoed. Bec-au~ of large local

surfaoes, aiid any spilled or leaked cmic;rere s.hou!d p:ress11res thait can devel.op due to 1he head of co:ncJie te

be dto:rou~ly removed before it ha.~ hardened. A fter in llhe tfiemie-, the loc-a-
couc;rete placement, pmtecllion of precast ardhitecrural
coricrete fom1 facings ma.y need to be considered. tion of the lremie and. poss.ible resullling loads on die
fo:rm should be evalualed by experienoed. persrumel.
9.7-,Fonns for concrete ptaced under l§noring llhe efiec;ts of s.ub:mergeiice wi II Jie:sult i.n a
water pracEicail. co:nsel'11' des.ign dtat is. s.tuJidy euough to
9.7.1 Di'sl'l1U!ill!-l1iere are two basic approadhes to wühs.t::11id. the extra rigor, of unde.JWaJter conditions.
~l1e pmblem of placi,ig concrete uuder water: die In tidal rones., fumts s.hould be desi§ned for dte low·es.t
ooncrete can be m.ixed iri die conve.rilional. manner po.~sible water level. c.1tanges in co:n-s~ruclion
mtd dten placed. by scliedu!e:s caii transfürm a plamied s.ub:me.rged placen1enl
~cial methods., or the pfiep1aced a~regaite me tl.od can
0 to mie above water, thus. die water
be used. pressuJie-.
In the- firs.t apprnach, placement cau be made by 9.7.2...2 G:>rtstn1c1lo1i-Unde.f'!...,aiter forms s.hould be
eid1er pump, underwater buckel, or lremie. Tile built o:n dte surface in large unüs bec-aus.e llrial is. a s.teel pipe s.u:spended verticall.y m the water positioning and lltuing 1"11en do:ne under water by divers
witli a hopper aittadhed to, the upper end above the water is s.low and coSllly. For this rea.~ori, fü1mdatious s.1:tould be
surface. Tihe l.ower end of die pipe, widl rui ejectallle kepl simple in shape,
Ame1ican Concrete illlSÍituie - Gop'fTigh1ect 11) Ma!erial - www.ooocre1e.!org

34 GUIOE ro FOf!q'MWO RIC FOR: CON:OR.ET E ,(ACI 3471'1- 14)
and fonns should be free oí complex braclng and eonnec• ACI JO\l-2R-\18-lde.titification and Gonll"ol of Visible
tio:n details, Thmugh-llies, t\lihicli could interfere with the Effeets of Consolidation on Formed Ccnerete Surfaces
concrete placíng, should be avoided. Forces imposed mi (Reapproved 2005)
preassembted forms during l.ifüng should be eonsidered in ACI 3 l l AR-05-(iuide fur Concrete
die form design, lnspection
Fonns sbould be carefuñy firted and secured to adj aeent ACI JB-9'7-Standarad Pracnee für Des.ign and
materials or consnuction lo aveid loss of mortar under pres• Construction of Conerete Silos a1id. Stadking. Tubes für
sure develeped 1 f 1here is any water current tlow past the Storing Gra1i11lar Materials
fonn, small cpenings in 11he form should be avoided, as ACI J 1&-11-Bu:ilding Code Requirements. for Struoru.ral
llhey Concrete and Commentary
wil! permit washing or s,couri,ig of die ftesh ACI 332.lR-06-Guide to Resi.tenllial Concrete
concrete. Construction
Whe4i it is íntended lo permit concrete to ove.rt"'!ow the ACI JJ4. I R-92-<..filtcraete SheJI Structuraes Prac,tice
fonn and screed it off to grade, it is esseetial that llhe a1id
form Commenta:ry ( Reappro,,.e,d 2002)
is positioned lo the ptoper grade and is. detailed so that the ACI 372R-03-Design a1id. Coustruction ofCircular Wirae
overflow will not mterfere with the proposed method and Stra:nd Wra:pped Pre!'ltressed Concrete S1ructures
and devices for stripping, ACI 37JR-97-Des;ign attd Cons.truütion of
Fenns should be well. detailed, and sudi details shoeld be Circular
scrupulously followed so that divers employed to remove Flresttess.ed Concrete Struc.mres with Cimm1ferential "fendo:ns
the form can visualize and plan their worik before ACI 347.2R-05-Guide for S11ori11glResbooiug
descending, of
Multi-11t<;e forms can have special devices tor posltioning Concrete Multistory Buil.:lings.
fonns froJ111 above water and special s~ripping devices, sueh ACI 347.J R-1 for Fonned. Concrete Surfaoes
a.<; ACI SP-2(07)-1\.tanual. ofConcrete
hydraulicpcks, diatpe1mi.t releasingtbe fonn fromthe lnspection
surface, ACI SP-4-Form,,•orik for (."'.o.t1cte te, seve.iillh

9..7.3 Preplaeed aggregtue edition

9..7.3.l Deslg,r-llie formwork should be designed whh ACI SP-34-Conc.rete fur N11dea.r Reactors
the same consíderanons as menuoned previcmsly in 9.1.2.
9..7.3.2 Ct111.-nrocc/on-lt is imponam IO ensere diat sllt Ame11ca1i J1u1Uwe o/Sreel Con.t1r11c!
is exeladed fmm 1he forms because stlt diokes 1he volds ion
i.t1 the aggregare and interferes wid1 the 1'11nv of grout. AISC 325-11-Steel Co:tmrucllio:t1 Manual
Silt, if left adhering ro die aggregate, ean reduce the
bond berween the aggregate and the grout. Ame11ctm Jron and
The mspecilon of llhe forms before concrete S1etl.füs1/1u1e
placement should ve.rify dial die perímeters ofthe forms AJSI. DI 00-08-Cold-.F ormed Stee1 aesign
are effeetively sealed agahist die leakage of grour or die Manual
intmsicn of silt or other fines.
Ame11ca1i Naii(ma/ SJa,1da1:ds
Comminee deeuments are listed ñrst by document number ANSI A4&. 1-19&6-Fonn.<; for One-way Concrete
and yea.r of publication foHowed by authored documents Joist
listed alphabetically. Con~truction
ANSI A4&.2-19&6-Fontu for Tw0-Way Concrete Joist
Ame11ca1i Ctmcre1e hmiln1e
ACI l l 7-1 O-S:pecilkallio:11 for ·ro.l.eranres. fo:r
ANSI A208. l-200\I-JPartideboarad
Cons.truction : md Materials. and Commenta:ry Ame1'/cmi Socltry ofClvil
ACI 207 .1 R-05-Guide 10 Mass Concrete (Rea:pp:roved Eliglneers
a1id. Odier Smucwres
ACI 224R-01-CmilrolofCrackingi.n ConcreteS1ruct11res
ASCEISEI ]7-02-0es.ign Load.<; mi Struct1111es during
ACI 22&. I R-O~In-Plare Me&od.~ 10 Estimate
Concrete Amerlcmi .Wood CouncJl
St11eiiig.dl ANSI/ AWC N aS-20 l 2-.'\ Des.ign
ACI 237R-Ol7-Self-Co11solidatirig ConcreLe Specificatioti for \Vood Constructicm
ACI 301-10-Specificatim~s for Strucrural Concrete
ACI 30JR-12--Ciu.i.te lo Cm-in-Place APA-l'lte Englneered ~:fuod As.todat/on
Architecrural APA D510-2012-Panel Desigll Specificatimi
Concrete Practire APA VJ45-2(112-0es.ign/Constructimi Grnide: Conc.rete
ACI 304.1 R-lfl--Gui.te for Use of Preplaced-Aggraegate Forming
Concrete far S1ructurail. and Mas.s Concrete APA Y5 10-1998-Pl;=od Des.ign S:pedlkallion
ACI 304.2R-%-Placing Concrete by Pumping Mediods ASTM h,1ema1Jo,1al
(Rea:pp:roved ASTM: A446- 76( 1 \18 l )-StaDdard Specification for
2008) Steel Sheel, Zinc-Cooted (Galvanrized} by die Mot-füp
ACI 305R-10-Guide to Hol Weather Cottcraeting Prnres.<. ¡, Strucrural (Phys.ical) Quali.ty
ACI 306R-10-Guide to, Ca.Id Wead:ter Concreting

(cicil Ame rican Can crsle lnsfilule - Oqpyrigh te.d ID Ma teriBI - www .CJOIOOf ete..o.rg
ASTM Cl6111Cl61 I M-09--Sta:ndard Test Me dtod 0
ofCons.tructio11, Depan• ment ofCivil Engineering, Nortli
for Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Oet., 90 PP-
Slump Flow Bames, J. M ., and Johnston, D. W., 2003, "Fresh
Co:nctere Concrete Lateral Pressure on Formwork,., Proceedings
of1he ASCE-Cl Co11.tlmctfo11 Research Congreu, S. pp.
CanadJa,z SM1tdaro.r A..~soclat/0,1 Brillish Cement As.,;ociariori, 1992, "lii-Rib
CSA-08.6M-84!-Engineering Design in Wood Permanent
Formwolik Triats," Repon aed Appendix
Deutsches hml/111fer Normw1g RELOJLOU BCA, Slough, UK, Feb., 22 pp., aad July, 9
D.IN 182li!:2010-01-Fliisdhbetomdrudk auf Loteecbte pp.
Schalungen ( Pressure of Fresh Concrete on B.ryer, D.; Fridley Jr., K.; and Poi !ock, K. C., 2006,
Vertical Formwork] Deslg11
o/ Waad Stl"t,c:lu~, s.ixdi edi~ion, McGraw-Hill, I02S pp.
I'rffa.r1/Pres1re.tied Concrete füsli/111e
MNL lJS-00-To.l.enmce. Manuall for Preca:st
Presteessed Concrete

&affoldll1g. Shorll1g. and Forming hWhtde

SH JOl-OJ-Horimntal Shoring Safety Rules
SH 304-00-Recommeuded Frame Shoring

U.S. Deparlmem of Commen:e, Na1Jo,1al hmil111e

Srn11dard.~ tmd
PS l-09-Cons.truc,tion and ]ndustliial Plywood
PS2ú- l O-Perfom1ance Standard for Wood-

U.S. Depanme11t of Labor, Occ:1,pa1Jo1111l Safe1y

OSHA l 926-07-Safüry :md Health Regularions

Aufflored references
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ACI Committee 622, 1958, "Pressures mi
A CT Jounra.l Proc:eed!"ng.~, V. SS, No. 2, Aug., pp. 173-
Agarwal, R. K., and Gardner, N. J., 1974, ~Form and
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"Modification Factors for Improved Prediction of Fresh
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Ame,icsn C<>11crete lnsl ituie - Copl'rigntad C Ma.le,ial - www.ooncre1e..otg

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