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Composite Blow Out Peventor

A TCS Blow Out Preventer (BOP), prevents production fluid from going past rams. It is the seal between the
polish rod and the tubing ID.

Technical Features

* Low overall height, giving a stable primary platform for progressive cavity pump drives

* Ram and ram stems are nitrided to prevent galling

* Offset rams provide positive alignment

* Ram seal is designed for easy replacement in the field

* Positive ram stop is incorporated so rams close in the center equally

Lower flange is designed for easy removal to facilitate adaptation or modification, thus
* reducing costs and unnecessary equipment
* Manufactured from NACE material to meet API 6A specifications


Top Connection (flange, Bottom Connection (flange,

Weight (kg)
studded) studded) Side Outlets Rams

3 1/8" 3M 7 1/16” 2M 2” and 3” LP 3” and 4” 48

3 1/8" 3M 7 1/16” 3M 2” and 3” LP 3” and 4” 43

3 1/8" 3M 9” 2M 2” and 3” LP 3” and 4” 62

3 1/8" 3M 11” 2M 2” and 3” LP 3” and 4” 76

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