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Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 18 (2006) 35 – 47

Perioperative Considerations in the Management of

Pediatric Surgical Patients
Mark J. Steinberg, DDS, MDT, Andrés F. Herrera, DDS
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Medicine, Loyola Stritch School of Medicine,
Loyola University Medical Center, 2160 South First Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153, USA

Most lectures and articles concerning pediatric [3], analyzed the same 95 adverse events in relation
management usually start out by pointing out that to the medications used during sedation. They found
children are not little adults. This certainly is true that the use of three or more medications in com-
and is the reason to include a separate discussion of bination was associated significantly with the devel-
pediatric management. Pediatric anatomy and physi- opment of poor outcomes. The addition of nitrous
ology differ significantly from those of adults and, oxide to other medications in a nonhospital-based
therefore, require special considerations in evaluation setting was the most commonly observed pattern
and perioperative management. This article high- associated with poor results. Both of these findings
lights the anatomic and physiologic differences that were associated with procedures performed in the
influence pediatric management. It also covers spe- dental setting.
cific disease processes that are common in the
pediatric population and may involve special man-
agement strategies.
Anatomy and physiology
In recent years, there has been an increased focus
by public media concerning the attention provided to
A thorough understanding of pediatric anatomy
children by health care practitioners [1]. Further
and physiology are essential when planning any
scrutiny has been placed on dentistry as a result of
treatment of this particular patient population.
various cases of adverse outcomes involving children
In any procedure in the oral and maxillofacial
in the dental setting. In 2000, Cote and colleagues [2]
region, the airway is involved by direct manipulation
reported 95 cases of adverse outcomes involving
within its boundaries and by indirect effect of
sedation. They found 51 deaths and 9 cases of per-
anesthetic techniques. The head in pediatric patients
manent neurologic injury. Dentistry was the specialty
accounts for a much larger percentage of the body
most highly associated with adverse events, account-
size compared with an adult’s head. At the same time,
ing for 33% of them. Among the dental specialties,
the external occipital eminence is more prominent
oral and maxillofacial surgeons were involved in 34%
and the neck is shorter. These characteristics make
of these cases. Drug interactions and inadequate
the pediatric airway prone to obstruction, especially
resuscitation were the most common factors associ-
when patients are in a reclined or seated position. In
ated with poor outcomes. The fifth most common
general, the pediatric airway is smaller compared
factor of the 95 cases was inappropriate preoperative
with the adult airway. At the same time, the tongue
evaluation. The same investigators, in the same year
size is proportionally larger than the mandible; this
structure is positioned more superiorly, as the larynx
is located more rostrally. Special consideration should
T Corresponding author. be made for children during mixed dentition. The
E-mail address: (M.J. Steinberg). presence of loose, ready-to-exfoliate primary teeth is

1042-3699/06/$ – see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
36 steinberg & herrera

a potential risk for aspiration and should be han- hypertrophy account for the most common cause of
dled carefully. sleep apnea and its comorbidities in pediatric patients
Hypertrophy of the lymphoid tissue at the level of [7,8] versus adult patients, in whom sleep apnea is
tonsils and adenoids, common in this patient popu- greatly associated with obesity. Cardiac abnormalities
lation, decreases the overall airway space further. often are associated with obstructive sleep apnea,
For preoperative evaluation and medicolegal docu- including hypertrophy of the right or left ventricle
mentation, it always is appropriate to classify the [9]. Obesity may or may not play a role in the de-
airway and the tonsillar hypertrophy. Mallampati and velopment of pediatric sleep apnea. Careful attention
colleagues’ [4] airway classification is the most should be paid to parents reporting patients who have
widely used. Four types of airways are identified history of snoring, presence of enlarged or pharyn-
based on the visibility of the uvula, soft palate, and geal lymphoid tissue, and elevated body mass index
oropharyngeal structures with the mouth open on an (BMI), as they may be at increased risk for sleep-
upright position (Fig. 1). Brodsky and colleagues, in disordered breathing (SDB) and obstructive sleep
1987 [5], outlined a tonsillar hypertrophy classifica- apnea [10,11]. In addition, Gozal and Burnside, in
tion according to the percentage of airway obstruc- 2004 [12], demonstrated that the upper airway col-
tion. Type 0 includes tonsils within the palatine fossa, lapsibility increases in children who have obstructive
not causing any airway obstruction. In type 1 +, there sleep apnea after the application of topical anesthe-
is a 25% obstruction of the airway; type 2 +, the sia. They propose that the maintenance of a patent
obstruction is 25% to 50%; type 3 +, airway airway during wakefulness in children who have
obstruction of 50% to 75%; and type 4 + more than SDB requires tonic activation of topical mechanisms
75% airway obstruction. In 1997, Fishbaugh and that induce the activation of the upper dilator mus-
coworkers [6] demonstrated the relationship between cles. In conclusion, SDB and obstructive sleep apnea
tonsillar hypertrophy and airway obstruction during can be potentiated pharmacologically by the use of
sedation. They found that 83% of the patients who sedative medications and topical anesthetics used
had enlarged tonsils developed apnea during the routinely in the oral and maxillofacial surgery setting.
procedure. In addition, 100% of the patients who had As discussed previously, the larynx is positioned
tonsillar hypertrophy evidenced significant oxygen more rostrally and superiorly. The narrowest point of
desaturation during sedation. Tonsillar and adenoid the airway, in children, is not at the vocal cords but
at the criocoid cartilage. This characteristic precludes
the use of cuffed endotracheal tubes in children
younger than 6 years of age.
The pediatric airway, compared with the adult, is
smaller in diameter throughout its extension. The
number of gas-exchanging units at birth is 20 mil-
lion per lung. This number increases to 300 million
mature alveoli by 8 years of age [13]. As a result of
this characteristic, the airway resistance in pediatric
patients is higher than in adults. According to
Poiseuille’s law, DP = V8hL/pr4 (where DP is airway
resistance, h is viscosity, L is tube length, and r is
radius of the tube), the airway resistance is directly
proportional to the length of the conducting tube and
inversely proportional to its radius at the fourth
power. Based on this law, any decrease in the airway
diameter as a result of secretions and wall inflamma-
tion, as seen in asthma and upper respiratory infection
(URI), has a significant adverse effect on the airway
resistance and, finally, on the gas exchange process
Fig. 1. Mallampati’s upper airway classification based on
[13].The ventilatory mechanics in pediatric patients
the size of the tongue and visualization of the pharyngeal
structures on mouth opening. Class I: soft palate, anterior
also is affected adversely by the presence of im-
and posterior tonsillar pillars, and uvula are visible. Class II: mature accessory muscles of respiration and by a
anterior and posterior tonsillar pillars and tip of the ulula more horizontal configuration of the ribs. Thus,
are obscured by the base of the tongue. Class III: only the pediatric patients depend more on diaphragmatic
soft palate is visible. Class IV: soft palate is not visible. breathing for their ventilatory requirements. In terms
management of pediatric surgical patients 37

of lung volumes, the pediatric functional residual the hepatocyte. Protein production, metabolism, and
capacity is lower because of the lack of elastin on the clearance of substances and medications all are af-
airways. A lower functional residual capacity means a fected during this phase. Abnormal glycogen and
more rapid oxygen desaturation in the presence of biliurrubin metabolism and biotransformation of liver
airway obstruction. metabolized drugs also are affected and should be
Cardiac output (CO) is determined by the heart taken into consideration when planning any surgical
rate and the stroke volume. The stroke volume is procedures or prescribing medications. Longer dura-
determined by the preload, contractility, and the af- tion of action should be expected for medications
terload. Up to age 2, the CO depends mainly on with high protein bindin, such as local anesthetics and
changes of the heart rate. Other factors affecting the sedative medications.
CO in infant patients are less effective than in The percentage of total body water at term birth
children and adults. The preload is dependent on is 78%. This value is significantly higher in adults.
the myocardial fiber stretch at the end of diastole. The This percentage decreases slowly over the first
immature heart of infants is less compliant and, 2 years of age to 60% of total body weight. This
therefore, increases of end-diastolic pressure are not characteristic may influence higher dosages of water-
translated as equal increases on the end-diastolic soluble medications, such as many antibiotics. Alter-
volume and fiber length. Lower concentration of natively, lower subcutaneous fat content and lean
contractile fibers and the presence of underdeveloped body mass in infants and children may affect the phar-
sarcoplasmic reticulum affect the contractility proper- macokinetics of lipid-soluble medications in which
ties of the neonate heart negatively. There also is an redistribution is the main mechanism for termination
autonomic imbalance of the infant cardiovascular of their effect. Longer duration of action should be
system. The sympathetic nervous system is under- expected when using these types of medication in this
developed and for that reason the heart is under patient population [14].
higher parasympathetic control and stimulation. Si- Mature renal function is reached by 2 years of
nus bradycardia is the most common response to a age. During the first 2 years, however, glomerular
variety of conditions, including hypoxia and hyper- filtration and tubular excretion and reabsorption are
carbia [13]. significantly lower than adult values. Neonatal glo-
After birth, the development and maturation of the merular filtration is 25% of adult values and the
gastrointestinal system continues, increasing the maximum urine concentration of infants reaches only
length of the intestine and the total absorptive surface 500 to 600 mOsm/kg versus 1200 mOsm/kg in adults.
area, the latter at the expense of the maturation of These factors are associated with poor tolerance to
the villous architecture and the formation of plicae dehydration and water overload in infants.
circulares [13]. Table 1 outlines the significant gas- Temperature monitoring and control are essential
trointestinal factors through different growth stages, in pediatric patients, especially during the first 2 years
which can affect the absorption of medications given of life. Larger body surface area (BSA), decreased
orally. Hepatic function also continues its maturation lean body mass, and subcutaneous fat account for
after gestational life. Hepatic function reaches adult the crucial differences in temperature regulation in
levels by late childhood. In the neonate, liver func- infant patients compared with children or adults. Heat
tion is altered by a decreased functional capacity of loss in infants mainly is a consequence of radiation,
convection, and evaporation [15].
Table 1 The energy requirements of pediatric patients are
Physiologic factors that influence the oral absorption significantly higher than those of adult patients.
of medications These higher energy demands are a consequence of
Parameter Neonate Infant Child a higher basal metabolic rate (BMR) and satisfy the
caloric needs involved in growth. Energy require-
Gastric acid secretion Reduced Normal Normal
ment levels decrease with age, equaling adult needs
Gastric emptying time Decreased Increased Increased
Intestinal motility Reduced Normal Normal once physical growth has stopped.
Biliary function Reduced Normal Normal An estimated BMR for term neonates is 45 to
Microbial flora Acquiring Adult Adult 50 kcal/kg/d compared with a BMR of 20 to
pattern pattern 25 kcal/kg/d in adults. Lower caloric demands are
From Michael D, Reed PG. Principles of drug therapy. seen in children who have an estimated BMR of 30 to
In: Berhman R, Kliegman R, Jenson H, editors. Nelson text- 35 kcal/kg/d. Higher energy demands are to be ex-
book of pediatrics. 17th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Science; pected in postsurgical, trauma and burned pa-
2004. p. 2428 – 32. tients [13].
38 steinberg & herrera

Patient evaluation sponding to the patients’ sex and age group. Growth
charts can be obtained from the United States Centers
Past medical history and physical examination for Disease Control and Prevention (Fig. 2) [16].
constitute the two most important tools in oral and These measurements are helpful in calculating BMI
maxillofacial surgeons’ armamentarium for the peri- and medication dosages. At the same time, devel-
operative evaluation of pediatric patients and sub- opmental, growth, and nutritional abnormalities can
sequent treatment. Details on history taking and be detected by the use of these charts. Childhood
pediatric physical examination are beyond the scope obesity recently has become a health care problem in
of this article and the reader is referred to other the United States, its prevalence doubling in the past
sources for their study. 20 years [17]. In 2003, the United States Centers for
During an interview with parents or legal guard- Disease Control and Prevention, in the Pediatric
ians of children, careful review of the signs and Nutrition Surveillance System, reported an over-
symptoms of the current problem should be ad- weight prevalence of 14.7% in children between
dressed. The history should include information 2 and 5 years of age. According to the American
regarding maternal habits during gestation, such as Academy of Pediatrics, children who have a BMI-
drinking or smoking. Maternal perinatal history for-age at or above 95% are considered overweight.
and vaccinations should be questioned, especially Children who have a BMI-for-age between 85% and
when evaluating neonates and infant patients. Gesta- 95% are considered at risk for being overweight.
tional age at birth, birth height, weight, and Apgar Cultural and environmental causes, such as the con-
scores should be obtained from parents or pa- sumption of high-caloric diets and sedentary life-
tients’ pediatrician. style, account for some of the common causes of this
Family medical history can be as important as the problem. Ethnic groups, such as African Ameri-
history of the present illness in pediatric patients. It cans and Hispanics, are at higher risks for childhood
can reveal medical details that can make physicians being overweight compared with white children [18].
suspicious for particular medical problems. Parents A dose-dependent relationship is found between
can report specific medical problems or provide sig- the development of childhood obesity and mater-
nificant symptoms affecting any of the family mem- nal smoking [19]. Childhood obesity is related to
bers. Anesthetic complications, allergic reactions to significant comorbidities, such as higher prevalence
specific medications, bleeding problems, and genetic of type 2 diabetes, increased blood pressure, abnor-
antecedents should be considered and investigated mally high lipids and lipoproteins, and the devel-
further to rule in or out conditions, such as malignant opment of SDB and obstructive sleep apnea [10,11]
hypertermia and blood dyscracias. and should be evaluated and considered carefully
Vital signs should be recorded on the first when evaluating and treating children affected by
appointment and before any surgical procedure. Vital this problem.
signs ranges by age are demonstrated in Table 2. Routine laboratory tests usually are not re-
Weight and height should be recorded routinely and quired for healthy children. Specific tests should be
patients’ values extrapolated to growth charts corre- ordered for children who have significant past medi-

Table 2
Normal range of vital signs
Heart rate Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure Respiratory rate
Age (beats/min) (mm Hg) (mm Hg) (breaths/min)
Premature infant
1 kg 120 – 140 36 – 58 18 – 38 40
2 kg 120 – 140 50 – 72 26 – 46 40
Term infant 120 65 – 80 30 – 50 40
0 – 12 moa 100 – 120 105 65 40
1–6 y 100 105 – 110 70 30
6 – 12 80 110 – 125 70 – 80 20
90th percentile.
Data from Magnuson DK. Neonatal and pediatric physisology. In: Greenfield L, Mulholland MW, Oldha KT, et al, editors.
Surgery scientific principles and practice. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001. p. 1901 – 31.
management of pediatric surgical patients 39

Fig. 2. Growth chart for boys between 2 and 20 years of age. (From The National Center of Health Statistics in collabora-
tion with the Center for Chronic Disease Control and Prevention and Health Promotion; 2000. Available at: http://www.cdc.
gov/growthcharts. Accessed April 8, 2005.)

cal or family medical history or positive findings complications [20,21]. This risk may continue for
on examination. weeks after acute symptoms have abated. The intra-
operative problems that occur usually are laryngo-
spasm and bronchospasm, causing hypoxic events.
System-specific pediatric-related conditions Children normally are at higher risk for experiencing
laryngospasm and bronchospasm. This incidence is
Respiratory increased with respiratory infections.
URIs, bacterial and viral, elicit an inflammatory
Respiratory infections response, which causes airway edema and increases
Children presenting with respiratory infections are airway secretions and decreased mucociliary clear-
at increased risk for anesthetic and postanesthetic ance; the net effect decreases the airway lumen
40 steinberg & herrera

diameter. Airway reactivity also increases, leading to zation for acute attack within prior year, history of
laryngospasm and bronchospasm. Airway hyperac- intubation, and prior treatment with systemic steroids.
tivity can remain for up to 6 weeks after URI. It Patients who have more serious disease who are on
is recommended to delay elective procedures 4 to steroids may need additional steroid support at the
6 weeks post URI. time of surgery. Steroids decrease edema and airway
Postoperatively, these children also may develop reactivity. Prednisone 1 mg/kg given at 24 hours and
atelectasis. Postintubation strider occurs in 2% of all 12 hours before surgery may be used in these cases.
pediatric patients; this increases in patients who have Elective surgery should be delayed for children who
URI. Tait and colleagues [22] show that children who are wheezing actively.
have URI have a lower incidence of bronchospasm Intraoperatively, patients should be kept well
when managed with a laryngeal mask airway as op- hydrated. The airway should be suctioned thoroughly
posed to being intubated with an endotracheal tube. before extubation. Nebulizer treatments for post-
These results suggest that sedations preformed with- operative wheezing may be given via endotracheal
out intubation may carry less risk. tube or mask. Postoperative analgesic medication
Patients who have severe lower respiratory tract containing aspirin should be given with caution as
infections present a greater risk. Children having in- 10% to 11% of asthmatic patients [24] may be aspi-
fections, such as pneumonia accompanied with fever, rin intolerant.
productive cough, or positive findings on radiograph,
should have procedures delayed at least 6 weeks after Cystic fibrosis
convalescence. In contrast, mild coryzal symptoms, Cystic fibrosis is a fatal autosomal recessive
seen in patients who have allergic rhinitis, usually are disease, resulting from an inborn error of metabolism,
not a contraindication to anesthesia [23]. causing dysfunction of all exocrine glands, leading to
thickened gland secretions. Although many systems
are affected, 90% of the related morbidity is pul-
Asthma monary. The lungs eventually become progressively
Asthma is a common childhood illness. The main hyperinflated and mucus secretions become thick.
types are atopic asthma, intrinsic asthma, and aspirin- This predisposes to infection and, ultimately, bron-
induced asthma. Although each of these types of chiectasis. Pneumothorax and pulmonary hemor-
asthma has a different pathophysiology, they all rhage are common complications. In addition to the
represent a significant anesthesia risk. Studies show increased anesthetic risk resulting from the pulmo-
that 1.7% of patients who have asthma and have nary problems, perioperative management is com-
general anesthesia experience a severe respiratory plicated further by malabsorption secondary to
outcome [24]. Because bronchospasm during a pro- pancreatic insufficiency, which leads to nutritional
cedure or postoperatively may be disastrous, it is im- problems and electrolyte imbalances.
portant to identify such patients with a thorough In general, patients who have cystic fibrosis are
history and examination. In children, diagnosis is not not candidates for office anesthesia techniques.
always straightforward. Occasionally, cough may be Careful preoperative evaluation is necessary to avoid
the only symptom. Young children may vomit or complications. Preoperative pulmonary function test-
have reduced appetite. Symptoms generally are worse ing may be a useful predictor for postoperative
at night; some patients may feel chest tightness in the mechanical ventilation in these patients [25]. Pre-
morning. Signs on examination include expiratory operative management includes, eradicating acute
wheezes and breathlessness. infections and treating bronchospasm with broncho-
Once identified, medical treatment should be dilators and steroids. Patients who have pulmonary-
maximized before a procedure requiring anesthesia. related heart failure need to be optimized with
Achieving optimal control is paramount in avoid- digoxin, diuretics, and drugs that decrease pulmonary
ing perioperative complications. Before surgery, pa- vascular resistance.
tients who have asthma should be asymptomatic by
controlling medications and environmental factors. Cardiovascular system
Medications should be continued and not held be-
fore the procedure. Prophylactic b2-agonist agents The depressant effects of most anesthetic agents
may be given preoperatively to children who have combined with the diminished ability of the pedi-
mild disease. atric cardiovascular system to compensate stressful
Factors that increase risk in patients who have situations makes preoperative evaluation extremely
asthma include emergency department or hospitali- important for children.
management of pediatric surgical patients 41

Murmurs with Marfan syndrome, von Willebrand’s disease,

Murmurs are common in the pediatric popula- and polycystic kidney disease. It also may be seen in
tion. Murmurs can be either innocent or pathologic. patients who have pectus excavatum and scoliosis on
Innocent murmurs arise from cardiovascular struc- physical examination.
tures in the absence of anatomic abnormalities. More Rarely, children who have MVP may have ar-
than 30% of children have an innocent murmur at rhythmias, including supraventricular tachycardia
one time in their lives [26]. Innocent murmurs are and premature atrial contractions. Ventricular arrhyth-
accentuated during high-output states, such as fever, mias also may occur. Surgical management concerns
infection, and anxiety. mostly are for prevention of subacute bacterial en-
The most common innocent murmur is heard docarditis (SBE).
along the left midsternal border as a short systolic
ejection murmur. Innocent murmurs that originate
from flow into the pulmonic artery are heard best at Preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis for subacute
the second left parasternal space and usually are a bacterial endocarditis
high-pitched and blowing type of systolic murmur. Children who have any form of valvular heart
Venus hums also are considered innocent murmurs disease, intracardiac ventricular septal or atrial septal
resulting from turbulent flow in the jugular venous defects, or intravascular shunts are candidates for
system. These murmurs usually are heard anterior SBE prophylaxis when scheduled for a procedure that
aspect at the of the upper chest or lower neck re- may cause a transient bacteremia. These procedures
gions. Patients having these types of murmurs, who include dental or oral surgical, sinus, genitourinary,
are asymptomatic and have a normal exercise toler- and gastrointestinal operations. Oral intubation is not
ance, typically do not have increased anesthetic risk. an indication for SBE prophylaxis; however, nasal
Pathologic murmurs include those that are dia- intubation is associated with a transient bacterima
stolic, pansystolic, grade III or higher, harsh, located [28] and requires preoperative antibiotics.
at the left upper sternal border, and associated with an As discussed previously, all children who have
early or midsystolic click or an abnormal second undergone surgery to correct a congenital heart defect
heart sound. Physical findings, such as cyanosis, must be premedicated before bacteremia-producing
weak pulses, and abnormal cardiac size on radio- procedures with antibiotics for life. Children beyond
graph, often are associated with pathologic murmurs. 6 months from surgical repair of atrial or ventricular
Children having these types of murmurs should be septal defects or patent ductus arteriosus do not need
evaluated further, as they may be manifestations of a antibiotic prophylaxis. Additionally, children who
congenital heart defect or underlying cardiac disease. have innocent heart murmurs do not require anti-
Previously undiagnosed murmurs in children also biotic premedication.
be should evaluated in the preoperative period. Be- The American Heart Association recommends
sides a thorough physical examination and an ECG, antibiotic prophylaxis regimens [11]. The indigenous
an echocardiogram usually is essential in working up flora in the field of surgery determines the choice of
these murmurs. antibiotic. It is important that prophylactic antibiotics
be used only during the perioperative period to re-
duce the likelihood of microbial resistance. Oral an-
Mitral valve prolapse tibiotics may be given 1 hour before a procedure.
The incidence of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is Parenteral antibiotics usually are given at the time the
approximately 2% to 3% [27]. In the pediatric intravenous (IV) line is started. Prophylactic anti-
population, this condition usually occurs in older biotics usually are not given after 6 to 8 hours after
children and adolescents. It is the result of myxo- a procedure [29]. It may be necessary, however, to
matous degeneration of the valve leaflets and chordae continue antibiotics in to the postoperative period to
tendineae, allowing redundant mitral valve leaflets to treat an established infection.
bulge into the annulus. It is considered idiopathic in
more than half of the diagnosed cases.
MVP usually is asymptomatic. Some patients re- Neuromuscular disorders
port nonexertional chest pain and, rarely, syncope.
A midsystolic click with or without a late systolic Children who have neuromuscular diseases re-
murmur, best audible at the apex, usually is heard on quire special consideration when planning a surgi-
cardiac examination. Echocardiogram examination is cal procedure. Anesthetics may add to pre-existing
common to confirm the diagnosis. MVP is associated muscle weakness requiring postoperative ventilatory
42 steinberg & herrera

support. Additionally, diminished airway reflexes muscle rigidity. As the condition progresses, there is a
and delayed gastric emptying increase the chance of dramatic increase in aerobic and anaerobic metabo-
aspiration and postoperative pulmonary sequelae. A lism. This results in an intense production of heat and
common group of neuromuscular disorders affecting lactic acid, causing respiratory and metabolic acido-
children is the muscular dystrophies. sis. The high temperatures are associated with
Muscular dystrophy is a group of skeletal muscle hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, and increases sympa-
disorders. They are determined genetically and thetic response. In the late stages, cerebral edema,
characterized by progressive muscle weakness. Gene disseminated intravascular coagulation, and cardiac
mutations encoding the dystrophin-glycoprotein com- and renal failure occur.
plex are believed to be the cause of muscular dys- Anesthesia should be approached with caution in
trophy [30,31]. These diseases are progressive and these patients. A history of delayed motor function,
usually manifest symptoms anywhere between in- even in female patients, may indicate an undiagnosed
fancy and adulthood. Many of the dystrophies are neuromuscular disease. Children who have history
present in infancy but may be undiagnosed until and symptoms consistent with a neuromuscular dis-
children develop further and the disease progresses. ease should undergo genetic testing for malignant
A thorough history, therefore, should be taken in hyperthermia associated mutations.
all children, including questions concerning delayed In vitro halothane – caffeine contracture testing of
walking and speech and other developmental issues. a muscle biopsy specimen also may be able to iden-
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is one of the tify patients at risk [37,38].
more common genetic diseases. It affects 1 in every Treatment for malignant hyperthermia involves
3500 males as a result of an X-linked recessive mu- the use of dantrolene sodium. Dantrolene admin-
tation. The disease begins in early childhood. Pa- istration is appropriate in cases of true malignant
tients usually do not live much past the second hyperthermia and malignant hyperthermia associated
decade. Death usually is the result of respiratory or with myopathies [39]. Both seem to share the com-
cardiac failure. mon final pathway of calcium-induced muscle hyper-
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is characterized metabolism, which can be reversed by dantrolene.
by severe proximal muscle weakness, progressive
degeneration, and fat infiltration of muscle. This
causes a gradual deterioration of motor function. Psychologic considerations in pediatric perioperative
Patients also manifest kyphoscoliosis and restricted management
pulmonary disease. These features combined with
sensitivity to nondepolarizing muscle relaxants [32] Preoperative anxiety
put these patients at risk for postoperative respiratory Patients experience preoperative anxiety approxi-
compromise and possible need for ventilator support. mately 1 week before surgery [40]; this can be a
Careful use of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants stressful period. Feelings of uneasiness, tension, and
is advised to avoid excessive postoperative respira- nervousness can be difficult for many adult patients.
tory complications. This also can be an intense time for children. Anxiety
Rhabdomyolysis with hyperkalemia, during gen- can cause an increased induction time and an increase
eral anesthesia, is another concern in patients di- in the amount of medication needed for induction.
agnosed with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Children may display preoperative anxiety in a va-
Succinylcholine and some inhalation anesthetics can riety of ways, ranging from subtle changes in be-
promote massive rhabdomyolysis. Halothane, iso- havior to exceedingly evident displays.
flurane, and sevoflurane all are associated with this There are many factors that have a bearing on
condition [33] and should be avoided in these preoperative anxiety, including age, temperament of
patients. Anesthetics with less risk include opioids, the child, previous medical experiences, and the level
propofol, benzodiazepines, neuroleptics, and ni- of parental anxiety [41]. Children between ages 1 and
trous oxide. 5 have the highest risk for preoperative anxiety. Some
One of the most serious potential complications children who have developmental delays may have
facing children who have muscular dystrophies and higher risks for anxiety beyond these ages.
have general anesthesia is malignant hyperthermia. The level of parental anxiety is a contributing
There is an increased incidence of malignant hyper- factor in children’s level of apprehension [42]. The
thermia in this population [34 – 36]. parental effect is not limited to just the preopera-
Malignant hyperthermia may manifest early as tive experience. It also can heighten postoperative
increased expired carbon dioxide, tachycardia, and anxiety in children. A British study of 100 parents
management of pediatric surgical patients 43

of children scheduled for surgery finds that 42% of Attention deficit disorders: attention deficit disorder
these parents have significant anxiety [43]. Mothers and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
are found more pathologically anxious than fathers in Attention deficit disorders are conditions char-
this study. acterized by an attention span that is less than
The type and quality of the preoperative prepara- expected for a person’s age; there often is also age-
tion by surgeons and he anesthesiologists can have inappropriate hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
a significant effect on the level of preoperative anxi- Because of increased awareness by educators and the
ety experienced by children. Many institutions have public, more children are being diagnosed with at-
programs to prepare children for surgical, anesthesia, tention deficit disorders. The disorder affects 3%
and hospital experiences. These programs take many to 5% of all school-aged children and is 3 to 10 times
forms, including tours of the operating room area more common in men than women. Attention deficit
and hospital children’s floors and videotaped instruc- disorders often may continue into adolescence
tion with teaching sessions of coping skills. Parents and adulthood.
usually are included in these programs, which also can Children who have a hyperactivity component
help diminish the parental effect of children’s anxiety. are diagnosed as having attention deficit hyper-
Although there is some debate over which type activity disorder. Other children who are primarily
of program provides the most anxiety reduction in inattentive and do not evidence significant hyper-
children, it generally is agreed that these prehospi- activity are identified as having attention deficit dis-
talization preparation programs are of benefit to order, inattentive type. There also is a combined
reduce preoperative anxiety [44,45]. subtype that has features of both.
Children affected by this disorder present several
management concerns. A good baseline evaluation
Parental presence in the operating room and documentation of patients’ behaviors and level
One method for reducing preoperative anxiety is of function are helpful before planning a surgical pro-
having a parent present in the operating room for the cedure. Associated conditions, such as depression,
anesthesia induction. The efficacy of this technique is should be identified during the preoperative assess-
controversial. The use of this method varies from ment. Preoperative consultation with patients’ mental
institution to institution. Although frequently used in health therapists may be important especially in
North America, parental presence in the operating children who might need increased postoperative
room is more popular in the United Kingdom, where support or modification in their treatment regimen.
outcome assessments tout its effectiveness [43,46]. These consultations also may be useful particularly
This technique seems to work best when there already in aiding in the selection of preoperative anxiolytic
is a low level of parental anxiety and children are less medication and postoperative analgesics, as some
than 4 years old [47]. Kain and colleagues compare sedative medications may not be effective or may
the technique of parental presence in the operating produce an idiosyncratic reaction in children who
room with premedicating children with oral mid- have behavior disorders [48].
azolam [46]. All patients and parents participated in In addition to these behavioral management con-
a preoperative preparation program 1 week before cerns, there are anesthetic matters that must be
the scheduled surgical procedure. Results show that considered in children who have attention deficit
premedicating with oral midazolam is more effective disorders. These concern primarily the medication
in reducing preoperative anxiety in child patients and used to treat these disorders. Pharmacotherapy usually
in parents than the technique of parental presence involves the use of stimulant medication, such as
during induction. methylphenidate or similar, longer-acting compounds.
Medical-legal aspects of having a parent present These drugs tend to have excitatory properties. Side
during induction also should be considered. Hospi- effects that may accompany these types of drugs
tals and practitioners may be held responsible for include reduced appetite, headaches, sleep distur-
parents who are injured secondary to syncope. If this bances, anxiety, irritability, and depression. Patients
technique is used, a protocol should be developed taking these medications also may evidence facial tics.
to manage parents who disrupt treatment or refuse Other physical signs include possible tachycardia,
to leave the operating room after induction. As with increased blood pressure, and arrhythmias. Although
many techniques, thorough patient and parent pre- children taking stimulant medications for attention
operative assessment and proper patient selection is deficit disorders generally tolerate anesthesia well
important when considering parent presence in the [49], caution should be taken with coadministration
operating room. of pressor agents and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
44 steinberg & herrera

Methylphenidate may decrease the metabolism of Table 3

some anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, and tricyclic Maintenance water rate
antidepressants. Dosage adjustments may be neces- 0 – 10 kg: 4 mL/kg/h
sary when given concomitantly. 10 – 20 kg: 40 mL/h + 2mL/kg/h  (weight 10 kg)
>20 kg: 60 mL/h + 1 mL/kg/h  (weight 20 kg)a
The maximum fluid rate normally is 100 mL/h.
Fluid and electrolyte management Data from Greenbaum LA. Pathophysiology of body fluids
and fluid therapy: maintenance and replacement therapy. In:
As discussed previously, many organ systems are Berhman R, Kliegman R, Jenson H, editors. Nelson textbook
not fully mature at birth or even during the first of pediatrics. 17th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Science; 2004.
p. 242 – 5.
months of infancy. Among them is renal function,
which is decreased compared with adults. Lower glo-
merular filtration and decreased capability to con- function, values of 2 mL/kg/h and 1 mL/kg/h for
centrate urine are the most important physiologic urine output are desirable for neonates and infants,
differences in infants up to age 1. In addition, patients and toddlers and school-age children, respectively.
scheduled for any surgical procedure under sedation Daily sodium and potassium requirements are 2 to
or general anesthesia present with a degree of fluid 3 mEq/kg and 1 to 2 mEq/kg, respectively.
deficit as a result of nothing-by-mouth restrictions. Isotonic IV solutions with osmolalities approxi-
Box 1 shows the most important goals of fluid and mating 285 to 295 mOsm are the ideal choice for
electrolyte maintenance. fluid replacement. IV infusion of hypotonic solutions
Fluid therapy should be oriented to replace water induces red blood cell lysis by mobilization of water
losses that are measurable and not measurable and intracellulary. One-quarter or one-half percent normal
to maintain the daily renal water requirements. The saline and dextrose 5% can be administered IV as
goal in terms of renal water requirements is to allow replacement solution. The addition of 10 to 20 mEq/L
the complete excretion of a solute load at an osmo- of potassium chloride provides the daily potas-
lality of 250 mOsm/kg. Urine output accounts for sium requirements.
60% of the total measurable water losses. In neonates
and infant patients, water diffusion through the skin
accounts for the most significant source of insensible Preoperative fasting guidelines
water loss because of immature stratum corneum on
the epithelium. Under normal temperature and hu- The American Society of Anesthesiologists and its
midity conditions, the insensible water loss through task force developed a series of recommendations for
the skin is 7 mL/kg/24 h [15]. Tables 3 and 4 il- preoperative fasting and the use of pharmacologic
lustrate methods of calculating the maintenance water agents to reduce the risk for pulmonary aspiration.
rate and maintenance fluid volume. The most reliable These guidelines are intended for healthy pa-
measurement to assess appropriate hydration in pe- tients undergoing elective procedures. They may not
diatric patients is urine output. Under normal renal apply or may need to be modified in patients who

Box 1. Goals of maintenance fluids Table 4

Body weight method for calculating maintenance
Prevent dehydration fluid volume
Prevent electrolyte disorders Body weight Fluid per day
Prevent ketoacidosis
0 – 10 kg 100 mL/kg
Prevent protein degradation
11 – 20 kg 1000 mL + 50 mL/kg for
each kg >10 kg
From Greenbaum LA. Pathophysiology of >20 kg 1500 mL + 20 mL/kg for
body fluids and fluid therapy: mainte- each kg >10 kga
nance and replacement therapy. In: Berh- a
The maximum total fluid per day normally is 2400 mL.
man R, Kliegman R, Jenson H, editors. From Greenbaum LA. Pathophysiology of body fluids and
Nelson textbook of pediatrics. 17th edi- fluid therapy: maintenance and replacement therapy. In:
tion. Philadelphia: Elsevier Science; 2004. Berhman R, Kliegman R, Jenson H, editors. Nelson textbook
p. 242 – 5. of pediatrics. 17th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Science; 2004.
p. 242 – 5.
management of pediatric surgical patients 45

have pathologic conditions that affect gastric empty- tions, parents or legal guardians are given the re-
ing and also in those cases when a difficult airway sponsibility for medical decision making for patients
is identified. less than 18 years of age. Children may be more
According to these recommendations, clear liq- capable of participating in treatment decisions than
uids may be consumed up to 2 hours before the previously believed [53]. Although children legally
scheduled surgical procedure. The volume of the cannot give consent for themselves, depending on the
liquids ingested is not as important as the type. Breast age and development level of children, their assent
milk is allowed up to 4 hours preoperatively for neo- to the planned treatment should be sought. This
nates and infants. should be done by including children in discussions
Fasting for 6 hours is recommended for milk about treatment when appropriate. This is important
formula, nonhuman milk, and solids. Fried and fatty when planning surgery for adolescent patients [54].
foods may decrease gastric emptying. The amount Including children in treatment discussions serves
ingested should be considered when establishing the the preoperative patient preparation and helps re-
appropriate fasting period for these types of foods. duce anxiety.
Although in general, parents or guardians are
responsible for providing consent for minors, there
Pediatric drug dosages are instances when patients who are less than
18 years old may consent for themselves. These in-
Several equations are formulated to calculate the stances vary from state to state and are based on lo-
medication dosages for children. As discussed pre- cal laws [55,56]. In general, minors are considered
viously, many physiologic factors found in different emancipated if they are legally married, are a parent
stages of growing children may affect the pharmaco- of a child, or are financially independent of their
dynamics, pharmacokinetics, and, therefore, the parents. Minors who are enlisted in military service
dosage of any medication. also may fall into this category. Some states allow
Two of the most widely used formulas, based unemancipated minors to consent to medical therapy
on children’s weight or age [50], are: Clark’s rule: in certain cases, such as contraception and termina-
dose = (adult dose  weight in pounds)  150 lb; and tion of pregnancy [56].
Young’s rule: dose = (adult dose  age)  (age + 12). Situations where the parents are divorced may
The most accurate but, at the same time, most complicate the informed consent process. This is of
cumbersome method for calculating the medication particular concern if the parents do not agree on the
dosage for pediatric patients is based on BSA. Mul- proposed treatment. In some circumstances, there
tiple equations can be used to calculate the BSA may be limitations on noncustodial parents con-
based on patients’ height in centimeters and weight in cerning decision making and visitation. It is helpful
kilograms [51,52]. The BSA formula to calculate to identify custodial parents when reregistering chil-
children’s drug dosages is [50]: ([BSA of child]  dren as patients.
1.73 m2)  adult dose. It is assumed that parents or guardians make de-
cisions in the best interest of the patient. This may
not be clear in situations where children are perceived
Legal considerations involved in pediatric care at risk because of decisions made by parents based on
religious beliefs. Again, state laws differ in approach
Informed consent to these situations. Many hospitals have policies and
particular consent documents based on local law to
The concept of informed consent implies a dis- deal with such religious objections.
cussion that includes key elements, including treat-
ment options, risks involved, possible complications,
and an explanation of the risks associated with not Emergency care
undergoing recommended treatment. Typically, in-
formed consent is a process that is between doctor When patients who are unconscious or for some
and patient. At the conclusion of the process, patients other reason are unable to give appropriate con-
usually are asked to attest by signature that they have sent present in an emergency department, there is a
had such a discussion with their doctor and under- concept of implied consent for emergency treatment.
stand the options and risks that were explained. Practitioners are required to institute emergency
Informed consent for pediatric patients involves treatment and procedures that are in the best interest
another party: parents. Other than in emergency situa- of patients. This also is true for children who are seen
46 steinberg & herrera

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