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Summary /Chapter (17)

At 12 o’clock, Sapt and his men left the Chateau of

Tarlenheim and headed outside the town of Zenda. If all is
well, they will arrive at the front of Michael’s chateau at
quarter to two and wait until Johann opens the door. If
not, Fritz will head to the other side of the castle and
consult Rassendyll whether they should attack the castle
or not. If Rassendyll was dead, his men will return as fast
as possible and ask the Marshal to marsh on the castle
with a force. Rassendyll took his revolver, a robe, and a
small wooden ladder and wore heavy clothes to protect
him from the cold. Rassendyll arrived at the moat. He tied
the robe to the trunk of a tree and swam near the castle’s
wall. Rassendyll arrived at the pipe. He tried to move it but
he failed. While observing the chateau, Rassendyll saw
that Duke’s Michael room was growing brighter. He saw
Antoinette De Mauban. He feared that she forgot her role.
Rassendyll saw Rupert in her room. Later, he saw Michael,
too. He was very angry and asked Rupert to leave as the
drawbridge will be lifted shortly. Rupert left angrily. He
called De Gautet to the middle of the drawbridge. Rupert
took a bottle from him and started shooting at it. 2 bullets
hit the pipe and the third hit the bottle and passed through
Rassendyll’s hair. After that, De Gautet and Rupert entered
the castle. Following this, Rassendyll saw Hentzau crossing
the water between the castle and the chateau through
secret steps and his wish was that he could fight him,
however, there was no chance for that at that moment as
he was running out of time and had to save the king.

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