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l"S Listen and practice.

Check (/) the things your bag.

What is one other fhing in your bag?

'.1 A Listen. Complete the sentences with á or án. {§i

an + vowel sound
a + coñsonant sound

1. This is
--- book.

4. This is _ notebook.

W 2. rhisis-Engrishbook. á
5. This is Pen'

B ; . :l
3, This is eraser.

'i'i,'11;it{ Find and spell these things in your classroom.
ó. This is _ clock.

backpack chair eraser pen notebook A: This is a chair'

board desk pencil wall wastebasket B: How do you spell chair?
poster door outlat book window ¡d: C-H-A-l-R.
CONVERSATION what are these?
S Liutun and practice.

#5f$ffi Excr-rse me. What are these?

B;#¿H, *p9

,,É' .r$1S&"Fk
a ¡l,,--i'.i*i#
,ffi. Huh...andwhat'sthis?


'.i;1: A L¡rten and practice. Notice the pronunciation of the plural -s endings.
s= lzl t= lsl (e)s = hzl
flash drive flash drives desk desks case
tablet tablet cases
cell cell phones laptop laptops class classeg
pencil pencils backpack backpacks hairbrush hairbrushes

I Say the plural form ol these nouns. Then complete the chart.

phone case newsPaper puÉe

M Wtr4''
tablst television ticket


& ü Lirt.n and check your answers.

Where are my keys?

It¡r = lt is

What'5 th¡s? They're - They are

E;/ 1
rhis iÉ a raptop.
It! a flash drive.

What are thece?

ThG. are laptopÉ.
fhey're flash drivee.

Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: What ,.. . .aÍe,LLage_. ..? 2. A: What 3. A: What ')

B: 8: B:

4. A:
5. A: What ó. A: What

SPEAK¡NG what's this called?

S A Listen and practice.

A: What's this called in English? A: What are these called in English?

B: I don't know- B: lthink they're called headphones.
C: lt's a credit card. A: How do you spell that?
A: How do you spell that? B: H-E-A-D-P-H-O-N-E-S.
C: C-R-E-D-l-T C-A-R-D.

B ,,- ,..,:'::- Choose four things. Put them on a desk.

Then ask about the name and spelling of each thing.

IEl un¡t e
CONVERSATION Where are my car keys?

@ Litt"n and practice.

I don't know. Are t

No, they're not.

dIqffi iable in the

(@@ I-tt.s,t'*'"'".r"*il** I
@ffi Hmm. No, it's not- Where's
your wallet, Matthew?


ls this your wallet? Whero'r your wallet?

Yes,it i¡. / No, lt.¡ not. tt's ln my pocket.
Are thcre your keys?
I Wherc erc my keys?
Yet they .r.. / No, they'ra rot.
I Thoy". on the table.

rA Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner

l. A: ls *_ this your cell phone? 3. A:Where your headphones?
B; No, B; _ ___-._,- _ ._. on the table.
A: these your car keys? A: No, not. They're my
B: Yes. _.__ are- Thanks! headphonesl
B: You're right. My headphones
2. A: Where _,___.__ my glasses? in my backpack,
Br Are your glasses?
A: No, they're 4. A: this my umbrella?
B: they in your B; No, not. lt's my umbref la.
pocket? A: Sorry. is my umbrella?
A: Yes, . Thanksl B: on vour chair.
A: Oh, you're right!

G&OUP WORK Choose one of your things and put ¡t ¡n a bag. Then choose
someth¡ng from the bag that is not your object. F¡nd the owner of this object.
A: ls this your pen, Akiko? C: Are these your keys, Marcos?
B: No, it's not. D: Let me see. Yes, they are.

Where are my keys? Ilf

'* A L¡sten and practice.

Where is the cell Phone?

Tha cell phone ls in the box.

in front of

behind next to

S I Complete these sentences. Then listen and check your answers.

1. The books are .in-t!e-- -.
- 2. The flash drives are 3. The newspaper is

üt¡,¡¡:l Értjj ¿?3.o

4. The chair is .,-------.- 5. The wallet is ó. The glasses are


C ".. .;¡; 1,,¡¡'q '; Ask and answer questíons about the pictures in part B.

A; Where are the books? B: They're in the backpack.

{f;: Listen. Where are Emily's things? Check (/) the correct locations.

1. sunglasses on the table in her purse

2. rD in {ront of the clock

3. headphones next to the television

4. tablet I on the table f! under the table

IEI un¡t e
1s§:f=*g*o. -s§ris:§sr,*T*q:3 *- * -
and answer questions'
FAIR WCIRK Help Kevin find his things. Ask

cell phone hairbrugh laptop umbrella glasses keys tábl€t <redit card

A: Where's his cell phone?

B: lt's under the chair.

2 p¡nd the differences
Compare two pictures of a room. Go to lnterchange 2 on page 1 15.

Where are my keys? IEI

,Unit§ 1-i,2
SELF.ASSESSMENT irlanguage. com

How well can you do these things? Check (z) the boxes.

OK iittle

lntroduce myself and other people (Ex. 1) n tr tr

Say hello and good-bye (Ex. 1) tr tr tr
Exchange contact information (Ex. 2) tr tr u
Understand names for everyday objects añd pos3essions (Ex. 3) EI tr tr
Ask and answer questions about where things are (Ex. 4, 5) n EI E]

SPEAKING How are you?

A Complete the conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box.
Franclsco Ni How arevou?
Nlcole l'm fine, thanks.
Oh, are you in my English class?
Franci3co Pretty good, thanks.
Nicole And l'm Nicole White.
Nicole N¡ce to meet you, too.
Franclaco Yes, I am.
Francisco See you in class.

B PAiR WORK Practice the conversation from part A- Use your own information.
Then introduce your partner to a classmate.
"Monica, this is my friend. His name is Kenta. . - ."

SPEAKING t' phonenumber...?

(i"i:,r,§ AC'tlVt'i-r Wr¡te your phone number on
a piece of paper. Then put the papers in a bag.
Take a different paper and find the owner.
Wr¡te his or her name on the paper-
A: Kamal, is your phone number 781-555-1532?
B: No, ¡tt not. Sorry!
A: Bruna, is your . . . ?

LISTENING What's this? What are these?

# wo*
*s.ró<@*.s€r@*ÉrÁr-r¡!ú_¡*'t¡*E t1+Y:!43s¡!td4'4§.a¡i<?r{á4!rɧej1*:qsÉr4'¡iüñai'!faer¡'d!$xr4q¡

Listen to the conversations. Number the pictures from I to ó

Iü B

A What's wrong with this room? Make a list. Find 10 things.

B PAiR liJ**r,, Ask and answer Where questions about the picture.
A: Where! the chair?
B: lt's on the desk.

ctrE a t/ltra.
SPEAKTNG Yes or No game
Write live yes/no questions about the picture in Exercise 4. Make three questions with
"yes" answers and two questions with "no" answers. Then ask a partner the questions.
A: ls the chair behind the clock? A: ls the clock in {ront of the television?
B: No, it ¡sn't. E: Yes, it is.

Units 1-2 Progrags check EI

Listen and practice.

LARÜE§T (:ITIE§ 1. Tokyo
2, Delhi
Sáo Paulo
3. Shanghai 8. Beijiog Egvpt
4. Mexico City 9. New Yor k lnd ia
5. Mumbai 'iO. Cairo Japan
the U.S.

üi ir6 (t d.L c9 !'! ,? qt ??. é


Match the cities with the countries. Then check your answers at the bottom a{ the Snapshot.
What other large c¡t¡es are in each country? What large cities are in your country?

CONVERSATION Are you from Rio?

A Listen and practice.

frfilp f *.r"rfr.1Il.rd"F"lFal
Are you from Florida, 'l

,[*![e?e from Brazil orig¡nallv J

Really? My fxher is Brazilian -

Qtls -,r-19a!gg:j3nerro!
from Rio de Janeiro! |

ffiñ {11,:ri:tT,i:1,=:I3g:gJ
@ffi No, it's English. Are you from Rio?

Jtñ!| ñ.,*,,"*.w.ññ;;l¡
§| B Listen to alexis and Felipe talk to Fernando,
Nanami, and Sophia. Check (/) True or False-
I lrue I"
'1. :-^-^,^ is- ,-^-
Fernando .*--*T
from Spain
- t]

2. Nan¿mi isfromJapan.
_ _ I tr - -f-i
soph¡a's f¡rst tanguage is French. -l----E- il
l'mnot fromRio. I lt. you from Sáo Paulo? lam. l'm not'

You're not late. ,Am I early? you are, you're not.


She'¡ not from Japan. iI l,ls she {rom U.S.?
from the U.S.? she is.
le's not from Chile.
He's Chile.
I ts
ls he
frqm Mexico?
Mexico? Yes,
Yes he is.

It's not English. I Is it French? it ¡s.

We're not lrom China. I nr. yo, from South Korea?
t^'"-' we are.
You're not early. I Are wa late? you a¡o.
Théy're not in lndia. I er" th"y in Egypt? they are.
We're = we are

For a list of cauntries, nationalities, aod languages, see the appendix at the back ol the book.

A Complete the co¡versations- Then practice with a pariner.

1. A: Arq . Diana and Mario from Ecuador?
B: No, not. ---_ _- ,_ from Mexico.

A: _---* you lrom Mexico, too?

B: No, not . l'm from Colombia. 9-

-41'\. . I'l
A:5o, your first language Spanish?
B: Yes, it i

A: Meera from England? ,§

,.* r'
B; No, - aot. She's from Australia. Bogotá, Colomb¡á
A: she from Sydney?
B: Yes, she . But her parents are from lndia.
not from Australia originally.
A: Meera's first language Hindi?
B: No, not. _*--- English.

Ar Ji-hye, ., _ you and Kwang-ho from

South Korea?
B: Yes. we
A: And from Seoul?
8: No, __ not. from Busan.
Busáa, South Korea
§ Match the questions with the answers. Then practice with a partner.
1. Are Liam and Grace {rom England? .41 a. No, he's not. He's from Shanghai.
2. ls your lirst language Mandarin? b, Yes, she is. She's from Londorr.
3, Are you Egyptian? c, No, it's not. lt's Cantonese.
4- ls Mr Lau from Bei¡rng? d. No, they're not. They're from New Zealand.
5. Is your mother from the U.K.? e. Yes, we are. We're from Cairo.

C i.-r'lif; l¡i$fti{ Write fve questions about your classmates.

Then ask and answer your questions wíth a partner.

Where are you from? EI

'' A Listen and practice. Notice the syllable stress.
&* *¡& w@e1 e&e
China Brazil Canada Malaysia
Turkey Japan Mexico Morocco

:B What is the syllable stress in these words? Add the words to

the chart in part A.
Then listen and check.

English Spanish Arabic Korean

Mexican Honduras Chinese Peru

C Are the words in part A countr¡es, nat;onalities, or languages?

Make a chart and add more words.

Cou¡tries Nalional¡ties Languageg

Oezil Orazilian Torf.uguese
Mexico Mexican Spanísh

SPEAK¡NG ls Bruno Mars from ltaty?

A Where are these people from? Check(/) your guesses.

¡ '§;t*e§' .

Eruro rters
Eruno Mars Morena B¿<c€r¡¡t
B¿ccarln GaÉl García térnal Mao Asada Cñris [msrvorth
El,:,,r. trArsentina úaái---'- trChr"- üi,J-,,"
Ll the philipp¡nes I Brazir f! uexico E j";;; Eí ;;:0"
[-l the u.s. I the u.s. fl spain fi so,,n ro,." Ei i*L"o
B . :: .Compare your guesses- Then check your answers
at the bottom of the page.
A: ls Bruno Mars from ltaly?
B: No, he's not.
A; ls he from the philippines?

erle)lsnv S uedef.t ojrxat^ t l¡2Er€

-¿ S n aq].! :sra^rsuv

IE un¡tg
CONVERSAT¡ON who's that?
A Listen and practice.

!{aqiie Who's that?

É *en She's rny sister.

ftadia She's really pretty. What's her name?

S Beñ Madison. We call her MadrliP

!{adia Madison . . . th¿t's a beautiful name. How old is she?

$ Ben She's twenty-eight.

ñ r' , r,r . And what's she like? ls she nice?

!' B+n Well, she's shy, but she's really kind.

ii-rla,: And who's that little girl?

É §rrn That's her dar.rghter Mia. She's six years oid.

l§adi¿ She's cute!

::*F Berr Yes, she is - and she's very smar! too.

r::r A Lirt"n and practice.

11 eleven 2'l tweñty-one 40 forty
12 twelve 22 twenty-two 50 fifty
13 thirteen 23 twenty-three óO sixty
14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 7O seventy
15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 80 eighty
1ó sixteen 2ó twénty-s¡x 90 ninety
17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 100 one hundred
18 eighteen ZB tventy-eight l0l one hundred (and) one
19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 1oi! one hundred (and) two
20 twenty 30 thirty 1O3 one hundred (and) three

''.i B L¡sten and practice. Not¡ce the word stress.

rI e r . t lr oa lt e# #s
thirt€€n - th¡rty {ourteen - torty frfteen - frfty sixteen - sixty
C i ,"':. Look at the people in Ben's family for one minute. How old are they?
r-.riii ::!
Close your books and tell your partner.

A, Carol - 7ó 8. Richard - 50 C. Karen - 49 D, Amber- 17 E. JayandJoe-1O

Where are you from? IEI


What'r your rame? Who's that? Who are they?

My name ¡s SoPh¡a- She's my s¡ster. They're my classmates.
Where are you from? l.low old l¡ she? Whcre are thcy from?
l'm from Canada. She's twenty-e¡ght. They're from San Francisco.
How ar€ you today? What'c she like? What's San Francisco like?
l'm f¡ne. thanks. She's very nice. It's very beautiful-

Who's = Who ir

A Complete the conversations with Wh-questions. Then practice with a partner

1. A: Lookl Who'ethat
8: Oh, she's a new student.
B: I think her name is Yoo-jin.
A: Yoo-jin?
B: She's from South Korea.
2. A: Hi, Brittany.
B: l'm fine, thanks. My friend Leandro is here this
week - from Arqentina.
A: Oh, cool.
B: He's really friendly.
A: .
B: He's twenty-five years old.
3. A: Azr¿,
B: l'm from Turkey. From Ankara.
B: Well, Ankara is the capital of Turkey. lt's very old.
A: ?
B: My last name is Ganim.

4. A: Good morning, Luke.

E: l'm great, thanks.

A: Cool.
8: They're my {riends from school.
B: ---
They're from Miami, like me.

Fn lR WORK Write six Wh-questions about your partner

and six Wh-questions about your partner! best friend.
Then ask and answer the questions.

Your oartner Your oartnet's best ¡áen¿

Wiate are you kom? Who s your best; friend?

trEl un¡t3
WORD POWER Describins people

A Listen and practice.

a. pretty d. talkative g. funny i shv m. heavy

b. handsome e. friendly h. quiet k. short n. thin
c. good-looking f. kind l. serious l. tall

PAIR WOK!( Complete the chart with wo¡ds from part A- Add two more words
to each list. Then describe your personality and appearance to a paftner.

Personality Appearance
.-Ldkaúye-.--- 0retl\r

"l'm tall, friendly, and very talkative."

LISTENING wow! Who's that?

S Listen to three descriptions. Check (/) the two correct words for each description.

1.Norais... 2. Taylor is . . . 3. Austin is . . .

u tall I funny E short

t] quiet
pretty EI pretty tr seÍious
t] tr handsome u talkative
tr talkative tr serious tr ta ll

INTERCHANGE 3 Let's talkl

Talk to your classmates. Go to Interchange 3 on page 1 18.

Where are you from? E

ü !.,


WORD POWER clothes

A Listen and practice-

B Complete the chart with words from part A.

Clothes for warm weather Clothes for cold weather

i/,a ñ-,

32"t 10"(

Look around the classroom. What clothes do you see? Tell a partner.
"l see jeans, a sweatet boots, and . . ."


A Listen and practice.

B {:ñfiilP ttr*&K Ask about favorite colors.

A: What are your favorite colors?
B: My favorite colors are orange and dark blue.

6**UP WSñ!{ Describe the clothes in Exercise 1.

Ar The suit is black.
B: The socks are dark blue.

The letters s and sh

'. A Listen and pract¡ce. Not¡ce the pronunciation of s and srr.
su¡t socks swimsuit
shirt shorts shoes

B Read the sentences- pay attention to the pronunc¡ation of s and sh.

1. This is Joshua's new suit. 3, Where are my shoes and ¡ock¡?
2. These are Sarah's purple shoes! 4. My shorts and T-shirts are blue!

Whose jeans are these?

ffi List"n and practice.

What color is your biouse?

No, this blouse is blue. Mine

Oh, no1 Look. lt's a disasterl

Here's the problem. lt's these

ls this coat yours? jil

Adiectives Pronouns Names

my mina. Ja<k's tie. u-lsl

ycuf your¡. Taylor'r shoes, s=lzl
These are hi¡ shoes. These shoes are hl¡' Alex's coat. s= lnl
her hers'
o¡¡r ourS' wltoce t¡e ¡s th¡s? lt's Greg's.

their thelrs. lYhosa shoes are these? fhey're Taylor'c'

complete the conversarions with the corfect words in parentheses. Then practice with a
3. A: Are these (your / yours)
1. A: This isn't (mY / mine)
raincoat. ls it -_- (Your / gloves, Erin?
yours)? -,--- B: No, theY're not .- ., .
B: No, it's not --. -.- .---,-.- (my / mine). (my / mine)' Maybe they are Loganl'
(His / Your) gloves
Ask Emma. Maybe it's
(her / hers). are gray.
2. Az Heyl These aren't ** .. *. .-- - (our / 4. A: ..-.--,-,---,,-. ., (Whose / Yours) T-shírts
ours) sneakers! are these?,Are they Hayley's and Brad's?
B: You're right. --
(Our / Ours) B; No, they're not
are over there.
-, -* -- (their / theirs) T-shirts. -.---. -.
fl-hei, / The¡rs) are white, not blue.

B CLASS ACTIVITY Put one o{ your things in a box. Then choose a different thing {rom the box.
Go around the class and find the owner.
A: Laura, are these sunglasses Yours? C: Wei, is this your Pen?
B: No, they're not mine. Maybe they're Joon'ho!. D: Yes, it is.

§ A

Listen to someone describe six people. Number the pictures from 1 to ó in the order you hear thern.

[! rti"i" ffi s"r.t.t f] and."" I n,,,unda § coay ffi xyt.

B PAIR WORK Now talk about the people. What colors are their clothes?
A: What color is Alicia's jacket?
B: lt's beige.

IEI un¡t¿
-. Listen and practice.

What season ¡s ít now ín your town or city? What,s the weather like today?
What's your lavorite season?

CONVERSATION are you wearing your gtoves?

Listen and practice.

Oh, nol

- What's the matter?

It's snowingl Wow, ¡t's so

cold and windy!

Are you wearing your gloves?

No, l'm nor. Theyte at home.

What abotrt your scarf?

It's at home. too.

Well, you're wearing your coat.

But my coat isn't very warm

And l'm not wearing bootsl

OK. Let's take a tax¡.

Good idea!

ls this coat yours? Eil


l'ni :.r 'l: ' : l'm not oR; -: t§ñ-lurf¡tbñ§.-'.:t .

You'r.e" -.1 ''' : . You're not I You-ai-an't ' l

ltk:sr¡owiri§; a¡ itfs windy.
She t u¡ !8r,¡nsi.¡haros, She's not She . bn't woaring boot.. It's sunny, but it's cold.
We're not ' de It's windy, so it's very cold-
:, "r"n't
They'ie'. , , They're not

It'§rÍow¡ng¡. . It's not It lsn't ralning.

A Complete these sentences from a travel show on TV. Then compare with a partner.

My name is Dylan Jones. I rll v,te-aftüq It's very hot and sunny today. Michael
a new gray suit. I light blue shorts and white
new black shoes, too. lt's ra¡ning, but I sneakers. He a white
a ra¡ncoat, T-shirt,buthe_ * acap

Adriana Fuentes is from Mexico. She Hee-sun and Kun woo are here with me today.
a pretty yellow dress They're 10 years old, lt's really cold, so they
and a brown belt. She winter clothes. They
high heels and a light brown jacket, but she boots, gloves, hats,
a coat. wow, it's and scarves. And they
really windy! heavy coatsl

XEI un¡t¿
Are you wearing gloves? Yes, I añ. No, l'm not.
li she w.aring boots? Yes, she l¡. No. she's nt¡t./No, she isn't
Are they wearing sunglasses? Yes, they are. No, they're not./No, they aren't-

B ': 'i.': Ask and answer these questions about the people in part A'
1. ls Dylan wearing a gray suit? 7, ls Adriana wearing a skirt?
2. ls he wearing a raincoat? 8. ls she wearing a jacket?
3. ls he wearing black shoes? 9. ls she wearing high heels?
4. ls Michael wearing jeans? 10, Are Hee-sun and Kun-woo wearing swimsuits?
5. ls he weariñg a T-shirt? 11. Are they wearing gloves and hats?
6, ls he wearing a cap? '12. Are they wearing sneakers?

A: ls Dylan wearing a gray suit?

Bl Yes, he is. ls he wearing a ra¡ncoat?
A: No, he's not. on No. he isn't. My suit is black.
l'm wearing a black suil.

C Wr¡te four more questions about the people in part A-

Then ask a partner the questions.

LISTENING You look great in p¡nk.

',.,J A L¡st"n. What are their names? Write the

names Brittany, Ryan, John, Robert,
Kayla, and Amber ¡n the correct boxes.

.,i ..,1.:i:; rtJ:t':i.:{ ,Ask questions about

the people in the picture.
A: ls John wearing a brown jacket?
B: Yes, he is.
C: ls he wearing a cap?

C ,;;R.Jtrl" W{}RK Write five questions about

your classmates. Then ask and answer the

Are Mana and bruno wearinq ieans?

le Bluno wearinq a red shirl?

INTERCHANGE 4 celebrity fashions

What are your favorite celebrities wearing? Go to lnterchange 4 on pages 116-117.

ls th¡s coat yours? E

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