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Türkçe Versiyon


Sercan Yandım

The present paper aims to present an iconographic type of

John Prodromos, as the so-called “Angel of the Desert” and
try to decipher sources of its immediate appearance in the
13th century. His image of this type is first attested in a
Deesis composition in the Church of St. Achilles in Arilje and
dated to 1295-96. Later, another example is found in St.
Nikita near Cucer (1483-84). However, this iconographic
type of John Prodromos soon became one of the widely
spread portrayals of the saint. Particularly, during the late -
and post-Byzantine periods his winged image was rendered
mostly on portable icons. Later examples of the type are
even to be found in the collections of the archaeological
museums of Antalya and Tokat.

The representation in the 13th century, however, exhibits a

fully established type of the image. So that the emergence
of the type should be prior to its first testimony in the 13th
century. Unfortunately the present stand of the researches
on the topic does not provide adequate information
concerning the possible origins of this new iconographic
type. The present study intends to bring valuable data on
the subject, especially by surveying the liturgical texts and
other artistic media in use during the 12th and the 13th

Selected Bibliography

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