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Training – Transaction Types

This document explains the transaction types found in Transactions>History and in the transaction reports in AutoCrib.

AutoCrib Inc
Technical Support Group
3011 S Croddy Way • Santa Ana CA. • 92704 • Phone: (714) 274-0400 • Fax: (714) 274-0399 • Email:
Transaction Types AUTOCRIB
Type Meaning
A Adjustment. The item was returned to the machine because it was mistakenly vended, and the issue
transaction along with the associated cost is canceled. This increments the On Hand quantity.
AB Adjustment of a Burn item. The item was returned to the machine because it was mistakenly vended, and
the issue transaction is canceled. This increments the Burn quantity.
AP Adjusted Standard Price Change. The adjusted standard price for the item was changed.
B Burn. The item was taken out of the machine. This decrements the Burn quantity.
CL Cancel. Issue transaction cancelled upon bringing up the bin at the RoboCrib (seen in RoboCrib 1000 6.0.26,
RoboCrib 500 6.0.24, and RoboCrib 2000 6.0.19 and higher).
DR Dull Return. Designated locker opened to facilitate return of a dull tool.
EL This is for issue transactions with the ScaleMate where an invalid weight is recorded.
G Sent to Regrind. An item with type Perishable or Durable was sent to repair or regrind.
GI Gage Inbound. Gage returned from calibration service.
GO Gage Outbound. Gage is sent out for calibration.
I Issue. The item was taken out of the machine. This decrements the On Hand quantity.
IN Inspection. Item is sent to inspection from the Receiving module.
JAMabcd Jam. For coil machines, it did not detect the item being dropped into the delivery bin. Recorded against
employee abcd.
JM Jam. Recorded when Deduct on Jam is not checked in Cribs>Tool Cribs>Detail tab, along with
corresponding JAMabcd transaction. For AutoCabinets, the door was opened and an item was not taken out.
For EleVends, the bin did not rise after closing the bin door.
NL This is for a cancelled issue transaction for a ScaleMate (weighed) item.
P Physical. The On Hand or Burn quantity for the item was changed.
PE Purchase Order Edit. A line in the purchase order was edited for the item.
PO Purchase Order. A purchase order was created for the item.
R Return. The item was returned to the machine. This increments the On Hand or Burn quantity.
RG Return from Regrind. An item with type Perishable was received in from repair or regrind.
RJ Rejected. The item is rejected in the Inspection module.
RO Regrind Outbound. An item is sent from the Outbound to Inbound in the Regrinds module.
RR Return for Repair. For gages and items with type Durable.
RT Retrieve Kit. The Service Locker key on the keypad was used.
S Stock. Inventory for the item was replenished, either manually or by receiving a purchase order. This
increments the On Hand quantity.
SF System Failure. The machine attempted to perform a task but did not resolve the command in a certain time
frame. In most cases the machine is able to recover and perform the task.
SP Standard Price Change. The standard price for the item was changed.
T Transfer. A stock transfer was performed for the item from one toolroom to another toolroom or RoboCrib.
This increments the On Hand quantity in the destination crib and decrements it in the source crib.
TR Return transaction performed by user who did not issue out the item. This is when Allow Return by Different
User is checked in Cribs>Tool Cribs>Defaults (available in AutoCrib and higher). A corresponding R
transaction against the employee who issued out the item is recorded.
X Scrap. An item with type Perishable or Durable was sent to scrap/disposed of. This decrements the On Hand
or Burn quantity.

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