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NAME: ANISH MAITRA SEC: B Roll no: 32305019109 SEM: 4th SEM


1. What is Talent Acquisition?

Ans: Talent acquisition refers to the process of identifying and acquiring skilled workers to meet your
organizational needs. The talent acquisition team is responsible for identifying, acquiring, assessing, and
hiring candidates to fill open positions within a company. Employer branding, future resource planning,
diversifying a company’s labour force, and developing a robust candidate pipeline are the cornerstones of
talent acquisition.

2. What is recruitment? Why recruitment is important?

Ans: Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the best and most qualified candidate for a job opening,
in a timely and cost-effective manner. It can also be defined as the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.

The importance of recruitment is huge in any business because selecting and engaging the right people
for the right job is essential for the growth of every company. A good recruitment process can reduce the
time involved in, searching, interviewing and recruiting the candidate, it also reduces your costs for training
the candidate.

3. What are the differences between Recruitment and Selection?


Meaning Recruitment is an activity of Selection refers to the process of
searching candidates and selecting the best candidate and
encouraging them apply for it. offering
them job.

Approach Positive Negative

Key Factor  Advertising the job. Appointing the candidates.
Sequence First Second
Method Economical Expensive
Objective Inviting more and more Picking up the most suitable
candidates to apply for the vacant candidate and
post. rejecting the rest.

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