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Name : Skar Moonlily

Race: Half Orc

Age: 23
Appearance: long blue/black hair. Light yellow eyes. Light green skin.
Height: 6"4
Weight: 160 Lbs

Other features :
● Scar from a stab wound that pierced his heart when was younger.
● Has the mark of Oedon inscribed on the left side of his neck.
● Has a plain black ring which gives off a shadowy aura when used as an arcane
● Features not as rugged due to his eleven heritage.
● When he uses spells his right eye turns blood red.

● Born to an Elf father (Talion Moonlily) and an Ork mother (Garonna), in the town of
● Became best friends with the smith’s son, Fafnir
● Learned carpentry from Talion, and worked at his parents lumber mill ( Tal's timber)
when he was growing up.
● At the age of 21, Skar’s village was attacked by Nastayin raiders.
● Grabbing a nearby woodcutter’s axe, Skar rushed to help hold the defence with his
● After seeing Fafnir get wounded by the leader, Skar charged recklessly, only to be
stabbed through the heart.
● As he lay there dying his vision faded to black.
● He awoke floating face up in an endless black carven, that smelled of Iron.
● Suddenly an eye appeared in the cavern ceiling, followed by another one and
another one. Until eyes appeared all over the ceiling .
● Skar looking up in awe and fear and what he was witnessing, a voice boomed
throughout the cavern.
● With a surge the liquid started to pour into the open wound in his chest causing Skar
to scream in agony.
● Sitting up, in the middle of the battle, Skar could feel a searing pain in his neck, and
looked around confused.
● Looking he saw his mother doing battle with the Nastayin leader screaming about her
● Seeing his mother struggling Skar rached out with his hand and the shadows around
the Nastayin leader coalesced and dug into the bandit leader.
● Getting to his feet he charged screaming at the Leader he charged, digging his axe
into their neck, and the shadows ripped the wound open further than it should of.
● With the death of their leader, the raiders turned and fled.
● After the battle, Skar was hailed as a hero for defeating the raider’s leader.
● Not long after the battle Skar started to have nightmares.
● Waking up he could not remember what they contained other than three words.
● After weeks, he decided that his best bet to leave his hometown to find out what was
happening to him.

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