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Table 3 (Submit ONLY ONE Table 3)

Estimating Daily Energy Output

Name: _________________________________

Step 1. Basal Metabolism (Harris-Benedict Method)

 Convert your weight in pounds (lbs) to kilograms (kg):

________________ (weight in lbs)  2.2 = ________________ (weight in kg)

 Convert your height in inches to centimetres (cm):

_______________ (height in inches) x 2.54 = ______________ (height in cm)

 Complete the appropriate equation (use male equation or female equation) using your
weight in kilograms, height in centimetres and age in years):

Males (use equation below)

66 + (13.7 x _______ wt) + (5 x _______ ht) - (6.8 x ____ age) = _______ kcal (BMR)

Females (use equation below)

655 + (9.6 x _______ wt) + (1.8 x ______ ht) - (4.7 x ___ age) = _______ kcal (BMR)

Step 2. Physical Activity

 Select an “Activity Factor” based on your average daily activity level (see chart in

Multiple your BMR calculated from Step 1 by the Activity Factor:

_______ kcal (BMR) x ______ (Activity Factor) = ______ kcal (Physical Activity)

Step 3. Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)

 Multiply your 3-day average daily energy intake (from Dietary Analysis Table 2) by 5

_______ kcal (average energy intake) x 0.05 = ______ kcal (Thermic Effect of Food)

Step 4. Total Estimated Energy Expenditure

 Add the energy expended as basal metabolism (from Step 1) and physical activity (from
Step 2) to the thermic effect of food (from Step 3):

_______ kcal (BMR) + _______ kcal (Physical Activity) + _______ kcal (TEF)

Table 3: Estimated Energy Expenditure

School of Kinesiology
Capilano University
Table 3 (Submit ONLY ONE Table 3)

Estimating Daily Energy Output

= _______???_______ kcal (Total Estimated Energy Expenditure)

Answer the following questions:

1. How does the Estimated Energy Intake (EEI) from the Nutricalc software on the three
day average bar graph compare to your Estimated Daily Energy Output that you just
calculated using table 3? Discuss your current exercise/eating regimen and how this
relates to your findings?

2. What effect could these findings have on your future weight and body composition if you
make no changes to your current input/output?

Table 3: Estimated Energy Expenditure

School of Kinesiology
Capilano University

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