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EdSim51, developed by James Rogers, is a simulator unlike the many industry-standard simulators that are widely available - this simulator has the student in mind.
Take a look at the screenshot below:

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Screenshot of the EdSim51 Simulator | full-size image

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The top left box gives the user access to all the 8051's registers, data memory and code memory.
In the centre is a textbox where the user either loads an assembly program or writes the code directly. Shown above is a program being single-stepped
(execution is currently at location 0034H in code memory - hence that line is highlighted).
On the right is a list of the 32 port pins and what each one is connected to. The current value of the port pin is displayed here.
The bottom panel shows all the peripherals that are connected to the 8051.

I hope this simulator will help students learn to write programs to exercise the 8051. Students can begin by ignoring the peripherals. In this way they can first become
accustomed to the many different move, arithmetic and branch instructions that make up the 8051 instruction set.

As the students gain experience and confidence they can then write code to scan a keypad, or count the motor's revolutions, or multiplex 7-segment displays, etc.

Some of the peripherals share the same port pins. For example, the 7-segment displays' data lines and the DAC are connected to port 1. This means that, if the student
wishes to use the display and the DAC together, he/she must learn how to disable one to access the other.

Or the peripherals can be moved - ie: connected to other port pins.

See the section Notes on the EdSim51 Simulator for more information on how to use the simulator.

Please send your comments with feedback, suggestions, or if you spot mistakes in either the simulator or the notes. Thank you.

A Note from the Developer -

While lecturing in electronics at IT Sligo, I searched the Internet for an 8051 simulator suitable for teaching but to no avail. I therefore decided to develop my own
simulator for the basic 8051 with virtual peripherals attached to the four ports. After about a year's working on the project, on and off, the result was the EdSim51
simulator. I then put together a set of notes that are now the Beginner's Guide to the 8051 on this website.
I decided to offer the simulator and notes free, in the hope that students anywhere in the world might benefit from them. I continue to support the simulator, adding
features and fixing bugs that have been kindly pointed out to me by users. I hope you find both the site and the simulator useful and I would like to hear your
experiences: Contact Us

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Copyright (c) 2005-2013 James Rogers

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