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If you wanted to know "How online advertisement lessen the appeal of traditional advertisement"

at first you have to know that the difference between ‘’Online ads VS traditional ads’’. The
main difference between Online and traditional marketing is the medium through which an
audience encounters a marketing message.

While traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazines and newspapers, Online
marketing uses online media, such as social media or websites. Of course traditional marketing
doesn’t mean it’s old fashioned. Traditional marketing still plays an important role in people’s
lives with the ever growing need to step out of the online world. The immersive experience of an
impactful TV commercial and the tactile nature of a copy of Rolling Stone magazine are as
important today as they were 20 years ago because of their lasting effects on your memory.
Subconsciously you attach yourself to their brand emotionally, meaning they will stay at the top
of your mind.

In the same token, Online marketing is just as important as traditional if not even more so.
Online marketing uses every touch point of your daily use of the internet to reach you. If you are
Google searching holiday ideas for your next weekend getaway, the chances are that soon after
you will see a tailored sponsored ad from Sky Scanner. Using the internet for several hours each
day is a normal part of most people’s day to day life. Online marketing just uses this to its
advantage by cleverly weaving in marketing communications into every online channel.

So the presentation main point is how online advertisement lessen the appeal of traditional

There are commonly 7 way that online advertisement lessen

the appeal of traditional advertisement
Online and traditional marketing have their advantages. They compare differently in essential
matters, as well. We’ll go over the top differences between Online and traditional marketing.

1. Cost
There is a significant difference in cost when it comes to Online marketing vs. traditional
Online marketing-We’ve talked about how online marketing is more cost-effective than
traditional marketing, and chances are, if you’re willing to put work into it, it’s possible to do
Online marketing in-house.
To get the best online marketing results, however, you’ll want to have enough in your marketing
budget to spend a little. Good Online marketing, on average, costs between $2500to $12,000 a
month for small to medium-sized businesses when paying for online marketing services.
Traditional marketing-Traditional marketing is more expensive than online
marketing.Channels like print, television, and radio advertising offer limited advertising space,
and due to the expense to run those mediums and the scarcity of advertising space, the
advertising placements are often steeply priced. They can climb up to as much as $8 million just
to set up.

2. Reach
The audiences that you can reach differences between Online and traditional marketing.
Online marketing-Online marketing lets you reach global audiences. There’s no limit in
audience size or range with online marketing.
Traditional marketing-Traditional marketing doesn’t quite have the reach and precision online
marketing maintains. Methods like newspaper ads and flyers only reach people who buy
newspapers or visit somewhere that has your flyer hanging up. With these methods, you have
limited reach.

3. Targeting
How Online and traditional marketing target audiences also differs.
Online marketing-Online marketing lets you efficiently target individuals from desired
audiences. With Online marketing, you can target people, whether by their search history or their
demographics, so you can serve up valuable content when they want it. Even if your audience
has specific interests, you can target them with content that matches them perfectly.
Traditional marketing-Traditional marketing has little means of targeting your intended
audience. The audiences that access traditional marketing channels often have a wide range of
demographics and interests. If your target audience is more limited in their demographics and
interests, it can be hard to target those using traditional means.

4. Engagement
The engagement level for Online and traditional marketing varies, as well.

Online marketing-Online marketing provides plenty of opportunities for your business to

interact and engage with your audience. We mentioned earlier how social media, blogging, and
email marketing all present valuable channels to boost your audience’s engagement with your

Traditional marketing-Traditional marketing provides less room for interaction and

engagement with your audience than online marketing.
With traditional marketing, interaction comes, for the most part, from pushing ads and services
onto consumers in a one-way information relationship. Audiences don’t have many channels for
providing feedback to companies through traditional marketing channels.

5. Return on Investment (ROI)

The ROI that you can receive changes between Online and traditional marketing.
Online marketing-Online marketing has high returns. Couple the high conversion rates with
low cost, and you often get a much higher return on your investments than you would with
traditional marketing.
Traditional marketing-Audiences in traditional marketing are less motivated to convert than
with online marketing. Converting with traditional marketing channels often involves more steps
than with online marketing.

6. Optimization
The amount of optimization options for Online and traditional marketing also differs.
Online marketing-Online marketing has plenty of opportunities for optimization — you can
even optimize your ads mid-campaign. On the other hand, online marketing takes dedication and
time to implement.
Traditional marketing-With traditional marketing, optimization options are limited compared
to online marketing. Advertisements are not very customizable. In most cases, due to the lack of
personalization options, you’ll end up with a one-size-fits-all ad.

7. Monitoring
The way that Online and traditional marketing is different as well:
Online marketing -Online marketing has more track ability and measurement ability than
traditional marketing. Online marketers can analyze a wide variety of metrics in real time, like
Clicks, Page views, unique visitors, Likes and follows, Video views, Conversions, Purchases
Traditional marketing-The results of traditional marketing are much more difficult to quantify
than for online marketing. Marketers must wait until after the campaign is over to determine how
well their campaign converted.
After comparing our list of the advantages and disadvantages of Online and traditional marketing, you
may be wondering where to invest the most time and effort and which type of marketing will bring your
company the highest returns: Online vs. traditional marketing and how online advertisement lessen the
appeal of traditional advertisement. So that’s about my presentation thank you for watching

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