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Anelise Sonza and Danú bia da Cunha de Sá -Caputo, April 2021

From this study we can understand that there indeed has been a change in behaviour
with regard to physical education and mental health of various sets of people. So a
comparison of certain parameters of before and during the outbreak. The parameters
taken into consideration were country of residence, smoking, social isolation and
physical education levels and the results of this specific set of factors can help in aiding
people in decision making and make modifications and maintain a healthy lifestyle
during the covid-19 pandemic.

Stephanie Stockwell and Mike Trott, February 2021

From this article we understand there has been a decrease in physical activity along
with increase in the sedentary behaviours despite the efforts of various government
organisations on providing guidance on how to stay active during the pandemic and in
self-quarantine. Physical activity have shown to be positively affected the quality of life
and hence exercise can provide favourable outcomes during this pandemic especially
among the people with medical conditions such as type-1 and type-1 diabetes. Hence it
is important that the public health officials promote ways of increasing physical activity
among people and discourage sedentary behaviour during the lockdown.

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