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The picture above is a

sign showing the way to the evacuation center in cases of massive flood or tsunami.

It indicates “This way to the evacuation center” in order to guide the residents in case

of disaster.

Safety is the main goal when it comes to disasters whether man-made or

natural. The gift of life is very precious that is why disaster prevention programs are

laid and implemented worldwide. Fortunately, we live in a more advanced generation

where news can spread faster in just a click. However, years before when the

technology is not as advanced as today, people mainly rely on radio, newspapers, or

word of the mouth. Awareness of natural disasters was not as accessible as today

that is why natural disasters affect people more.

I had interviewed someone from my hometown through a call on social media

as I currently live in the city and don’t know anyone. According to Tatay Boboy, when
they were my age, they weren’t prepared and well educated on what to do when a

disaster happens. My hometown isn’t prone to a typhoon but is to an earthquake. He

said back then when an earthquake hits the place, they would go to an open field

and wait for it to stop. Meanwhile, there’s not much damage to their houses because

it wasn’t concrete. However, he said that as they were not well-informed and they do

not have access to radios back in the day, aftershocks terrify them. Also, he said that

as time went by, they got used to it and already knew what to do when it happens

again. In an instance, when an earthquake happens, their mother will bring a sack

bag with them to the open field. Inside the sack bag are their important documents

like birth certificates, this is to ensure their safety as it is difficult to get a new one

and it is quite expensive for them. Thus, he concluded that living at this age where

almost everything is easily accessible, makes him feel lucky enough to be able to

enjoy it and at times compare it to his younger days.

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