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2 Polaris Place

Watson Grove,
Gregory Park P.O
St. Catherine

Dear Prime Minister,

Good evening, sir Andrew Holness P.M. Today, I come with a report on a future problem
within Jamaica. We aren’t always safe from natural disasters/hazards, we are prone to
hurricanes, earthquakes, and we have little to no safety measures the public would take in case
of these happening. It’s pretty normal for them to occur, but nevertheless, I come with some
methods we could take. The first one is implementing evacuation routes/shelter locations and
broadcasting them to the public. This way, if there’s a massive hurricane or flood, people will
have a focus on where/what to do and go. Knowing this ahead of time will lessen the stress and
panic that comes with these situations.

The second method is to inform the public on steps to take during the natural disaster and
give them valid information. This can be done via a radio, TV, or other websites. It’s important to
notify the public if there’s a natural disaster coming beforehand so more preparation can be
done. This also ties into my first reason; knowing ahead of time, they can take the necessary
measures to evacuate. Getting a notification will also make you connect with other family
members/friends who might’ve not been aware. So, the entire community can be protected

Kind regards,
Nickoye Williams

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