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25/2/2020 pref_3_READING 1.

3: Revisión del intento



Comenzado el viernes, 21 de febrero de 2020, 17:16

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en viernes, 21 de febrero de 2020, 17:23
Tiempo empleado 6 minutos 32 segundos
Cali cación 100,00 de 100,00 1/3
25/2/2020 pref_3_READING 1.3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1 Exercise: Read the e-mail and answer the questions.

Puntúa 100,00
sobre 100,00 Dear Anna,

My name is Brittany and I am 17 years old. I am from Ohio, USA. I live with my parents and my pet, it’s a dog called Rosy.
My mom is a nurse and she works in a hospital near home. My dad is a businessman and he works in an o ce. I don’t
have sisters or brothers.
I am a student and I’m in last year at Churchill’s High School.  My favorite subject is Chemistry, I like doing different
experiments and observing results. The teacher is very nice and intelligent too. I don’t like PE (physical education), I am
not good at sports or doing exercise, and the teacher is very tough.

In my free time I talk with my friends about different things, I visit my grandparents and I like reading and writing poems. I
can read a book in a week. I can dance salsa but I can’t sing, I am a terrible singer.
I want to know about you. Can you tell me different things about your life? What do you like? What can you do? I hope to
hear from you soon.



1. Where is Brittany from?

Ohio. USA  .

2. How old is Brittany?

17  .

3. What is the name of Brittany’s pet?

Rosy  .

4. Who does Brittany live with?

Her parents  .

5. What does her mom do?

Nurse  .

6. What does her dad do?

Businessman  .

7. Where does Birttany’s dad work?

In an o ce  .

8. How many brothers or sisters does Brittany have?

None  .

9. What does Brittany do?

She's a student  .

10. What is Brittany’s favorite subject?

Chemistry  . 2/3
25/2/2020 pref_3_READING 1.3: Revisión del intento

11. What subject doesn’t Brittany like?

PE  .

12. What characterizes Brittany’s PE teacher?

Tough  .

13. What does Brittany do in her free time?

She reads and writes  .

14. What can Brittany do?

She can dance salsa 

15. What can’t Brittany do?

She can't sing  .

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