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Espiritu, John Paulo B.


Prof. Arnel Antonio

#1 Ethics Study

1. Should universities be allowed to monitor student email and social media

accounts? If so, under what circumstances?
 For me there’s no right for university to monitor the email and social media
accounts of their students because first of all it is privacy of every students
in the university, we all know that social media accounts have a lot of
information about you that’s why I don’t encourage about that thing.

2. What crosses the line between campus safety and invasion of privacy?
 The university is too much greedy for the honor of the school they forgot
how to respect others privacy. They didn’t care about their students, They
only care about the sake of the university.

3. Are university rules regarding email and social media monitoring too vague? If
so, how can these rules be changed for more clarity?
 Yes, the rules are unclear, before they check or access the students email
or social media accounts, they should inform the students that they will
check his/her social media accounts at lease they ask permission to the
owner of the said social media account.

4. Should Robert have been punished for cheating in class if he did not know his
email was being monitored? What about his tutor?
 Yes, Robert should be punished for the actions he has done. We all knew
cheating is bad idea in every aspect of our lives, that’s why Robert
deserved to be punished and also his tutor who encourage him to do so.

#2 Ethics Study

1. Can you identify the ethical issues in this case?

 The ethical issue in this case is they needed to choose between the
sadhu’s life or their own goals.

2. If you were in the position of the travelers, how would you respond?
 If I’m in the position of the travelers I choose to save the life of sadhu
why? Because there is a lot of time and opportunity to come back to that
mountain to achieve my goal to attain the highest point of that mountain. I
choose to save sadhu or someone else life because We only live once in
this world. When we died we can’t come back again

3. What is the relevance of this case in contemporary society?

  The relevance of this case in contemporary society is about
interconnection and globalization in other people like us and to help bring
everyone. But in this case they only focuses on their goal they didn’t think
other people.

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