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BONCAL-Z Calcium with Vitamin

A Mineral Supplement for advanced nutritional support

Boncal-Z is a mineral supplement which contains calcium carbonate and

vitamin D3 to support bone health, maintain calcium balance and reduce the risk of

Calcium: in Boncal-Z protects against bone loss and promotes bone density
& joint flexibility. Calcium in Boncal-Z helps to alleviate insomnia and
enhances nervous system function and transmission, supports the immune
system, and helps neuromuscular health.
Vitamin D3: in Boncal-Z plays critical role in the absorption of calcium and
is necessary for the proper functioning of immune system, which is body’s first
line of defense.
Boncal-Z helps to maintain bone density in young and minimizes bone
loss as the age increases. Along with exercise and adequate amount of calcium
and Vitamin D the risk of osteoporosis, osteopenia and osteomalacia are

o Old-aged o Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
o Osteomalacia o Skeletal growth in children
o Adolescence o Pregnancy & Lactation

Dosage: Tablets:
 Pregnancy & lactation: 2 tablets daily Calcium Carbonate (USP)………….1250mg
Vitamin D3 (USP)……………………..100IU
 Adults & Children : 1-2 tablets daily
 Children: 3-7 years: (1/2 )Half a tablet daily

 Adults : One tablespoon twice daily Suspension
 Children : One teaspoon twice daily
Or as directed by the physician. Composition:
Calcium Gluconate (BP)…………..200mg
Vitamin D3 (BP)……………………..150IU

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