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Immunity Support Oral Supplement Protocol

Just like so many other areas of our health, our immune system has its own unique set
of needs and requirements to function properly and provide optimal support and
prevention throughout the year. Although it is nearly impossible to guarantee that we
won’t be susceptible to a specific germ, virus, or illness, we can take preventative
measures to do the best we can to be prepared. When it comes to germs and viruses,
there are several tactics that we have available to us to take a proactive approach to
prevention and wellness.

Washing hands, sanitizing surfaces in our homes and workplaces, being mindful of
passing and receiving germs with others, getting adequate rest, drinking plenty of
water, exercising regularly, eating a nutrient-rich whole foods diet, reducing stress,
and other daily choices can be powerful tools in living a life focused on REAL
HEALTH. These practices also help our body to remain strong, well-fueled, and
more capable of fighting off unwanted sicknesses.

In addition to the practical applications listed above, we have found through more
than 45 years of research and lab testing that keeping your nutrient levels within
optimal ranges is the most effective way to prevent illness and maintain health. We
also know that there are certain vitamins and nutrients that support the various
systems, such as our immune system.

Daily Supplementation Protocol* to Help With Immunity Support and Function

Find all these products in our online Nutrient Store. If something is not listed, it
means we are temporarily out of inventory. Check back soon!

Vitamin C

o 1 packet (1,000 mg) of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, twice a day – or –
o 2 capsules (1,000 mg per capsule) of Vitamin c-1000, twice a day – or –
o 2 scoops (2,000 mg per scoop) of Sufficient C, twice a day – or –
o 1 scoop (4,000 mg) of Vitality C, twice daily

Vitamin D

o 2 drops (1,000 IU per drop) of Vitamin D3/K2 Liquid, twice daily

Vitamin A

o 1 capsule (10,000 IU) of Vitamin A, once daily – or –
o 10 drops (1,000 IU per drop) of Micellized Vitamin A daily (Cannot be
sold online. Please call to order.)


o 1 capsule (200 mcg) of Selenium, once daily


o 1 capsule (30 mg) of Zinc Picolinate, twice a day


 We have a product called Trace Minerals. One capsule, twice daily, can
replace both the Selenium and the Zinc listed above. This is an exact swap out.
 Another swap out is Pure Encapsulations’ O.N.E. Multivitamin. One capsule,
twice daily, can replace the vitamin A, Selenium, and Zinc listed above. It isn’t
an exact trade (see supplement facts for details) but it is close if you don’t have
the other three products available.

*Updated 8/12/2021

The Immunity Support Oral Supplement Protocol* was created as a general guideline
for the support and functionality of the Immune System for those who are not
currently sick or those who do not have a compromised immune system. These
follow the recommendations put out by the International Society for Orthomolecular
Medicine. If you have questions, please consult with your doctor before making any
changes to your supplements.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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