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Teenage Female Athlete: Key Nutrients

brain: vitamin B6 (1.2 mg/d)

eyes: vitamin A (700 µg/d)
brain development & cognitive functions
vision & immune function
brain: choline (400 mg/d)
memory, mood, muscle control bones/teeth: vitamin D (15 µg/d
or 600 IU) bone & teeth health
face: vitamin E (15 mg/d) antioxidant,
protects vitamin A, disease prevention
heart: folate (400 mg/d)
throat/chest: zinc (9 mg/d) heart health & promotes growth
digestion & fluid balance
heart : potassium (2,300 mg/d)
lungs: iron (24 µ/d) red blood cell muscle contraction & maintains heartbeat
production & hormone health
lungs: vitamin B12 (2.4 µg/d) red blood
lungs: riboflavin (B2) (1.0 mg/d) cell formation & anemia prevention
growth, red blood cell production
stomach/intestines: niacin
stomach: chloride (2.3 g/d) (14 mg/d) digestive health &
digestion & fluid balance brain function

stomach: vitamin B5 (5 mg/d)

veins: vitamin K (75 mcg/d) converts food → energy
wound healing & blood clotting
skin: vitamin C, (65 mg/d) helps
bones: calcium (1300 mg/d) make collagen, which makes skin,
bone health & muscle contraction tendons, ligaments; heals
wounds, forms scar tissue

muscles: sodium (1500 mg/d) skin/brain: thiamine, (1.0 mg/d) healthy

muscle contraction & hydration skin, hair, muscles; brain & nerve function

bones/teeth: phosphorous (1, 250 mg/d)

forms bones & teeth, aids in growth, BUILD STRONG BONES!
maintenance, and repair of cells & tissues strong bones = ↓ risk of fracture

bones: magnesium (360 mg/d) CALCIUM builds bones VITAMIN D ↑ calcium absorption
(1300 mg/d) (15 µg/d or 600 IU/d)
muscle contraction & blood
1 cup of milk = 300 mg 1 cup fortified milk = 105 IU
pressure regulation
1 cup of beans = 244 mg 1 cup orange Juice = 100 IU
1 cup of kale = 231 mg 3 oz salmon = 794 IU

Recommended Dietary Intake Ranges VITAMIN K regulates calcium

(75 mcg/d)
CARBOHYDRATE: 45-65% kcal 1 cup avocado = 31.45 mcg
PROTEIN: 10-30% kcal 2 kiwis = 59.64 mcg
FAT: 25 - 35% kcal ½ cup brussel sprouts = 107 mcg

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