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Digestion McQs.


Set for me 10 McQ questions about digestion and absorption with their answers


Sure! Here are 10 multiple choice questions about digestion and absorption with their answers:

Which of the following is NOT an organ involved in the digestive system?

A) Liver

B) Pancreas

C) Spleen

D) Stomach

Answer: C) Spleen

What is the main function of the small intestine in the digestive system?

A) Secretion of digestive enzymes

B) Storage of food

C) Absorption of nutrients

D) Grinding of food

Answer: C) Absorption of nutrients

Which of the following is NOT one of the main macronutrients that are broken down during digestion?
A) Carbohydrates

B) Fats

C) Proteins

D) Vitamins

Answer: D) Vitamins

What is the primary enzyme responsible for breaking down carbohydrates during digestion?

A) Amylase

B) Lipase

C) Protease

D) Nuclease

Answer: A) Amylase

What is the function of bile in the digestive system?

A) Absorption of nutrients

B) Emulsification of fats

C) Neutralization of stomach acid

D) Secretion of digestive enzymes

Answer: B) Emulsification of fats

Where does the majority of nutrient absorption occur in the digestive system?

A) Stomach

B) Mouth

C) Small intestine

D) Large intestine
Answer: C) Small intestine

What is the function of the colon in the digestive system?

A) Secretion of digestive enzymes

B) Absorption of water and electrolytes

C) Grinding of food

D) Storage of food

Answer: B) Absorption of water and electrolytes

What is the primary function of the stomach in the digestive system?

A) Absorption of nutrients

B) Emulsification of fats

C) Grinding and mixing of food

D) Secretion of bile

Answer: C) Grinding and mixing of food

What is the main function of the pancreas in the digestive system?

A) Absorption of nutrients

B) Secretion of digestive enzymes

C) Emulsification of fats

D) Grinding and mixing of food

Answer: B) Secretion of digestive enzymes

What is the name of the process by which nutrients are transported from the small intestine to the

A) Osmosis
B) Diffusion

C) Active transport

D) Passive transport

Answer: C) Active transport


Set for me two short structured questions about digestion and absorption with their answers with each
carrying 5marks


Sure, here are two short structured questions about digestion and absorption with their answers:

Describe the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the human digestive system. (5

Answer: Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with the enzyme amylase breaking down complex
carbohydrates into smaller molecules like maltose. Once the food enters the stomach, the acid and
enzymes in the stomach break down the carbohydrates further. The partially digested food then enters
the small intestine, where the pancreatic enzymes complete the breakdown of carbohydrates into
monosaccharides like glucose. The monosaccharides are then absorbed into the bloodstream through
the lining of the small intestine and transported to the liver, where they are either used for energy or
stored for later use.

What are the functions of the liver and gallbladder in the digestive system? (5 marks)

Answer: The liver produces bile, a digestive fluid that helps to emulsify fats in the small intestine, making
them easier to digest and absorb. The bile flows from the liver to the gallbladder, where it is stored until
it is needed. When fat enters the small intestine, the gallbladder contracts and releases the bile into the
small intestine. The liver also plays a role in regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and
fats. Additionally, the liver is involved in detoxifying harmful substances that enter the body, storing
nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and producing important blood-clotting factors.

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