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10 Br Mock Feb 2017 ICT practical p2


1 You are now going to prepare some reports. Make sure all currency values display the £ sign and
are to two decimal places.
2 Using a suitable database package, import the file REGISTER.CSV
The Tonnage field is not required
3 Use the following field names and data types: [5]

Note to have a primary key given by your software to the table REGISTER

Import CONNECT table into the same database. Make sure Admin_port is the primary key and all [4]
fields are text.

Place screen shots showing the field names and data types of both tables

4 Create relationship showing the connectivity of these two tables. [2]

5 Create a lookup list for Hull which can contain only values [2]

Create a form [4]

Evaluate your form stating effects on the user in your evidence document. [3]

6 The record for the vessel named TENACITY contains an error. Find this record using the form you [1]
created and change the Home_Port from LOOE to CONWY

Show screen shot evidence

10 Br Mock Feb 2017 ICT practical p2
7 Produce a report from all the data which: [10]
• contains a new field called Fees_Due which is calculated at run-time. Annual harbor fees
are charged at 38.80 per metre. This field will calculate the Length multiplied by 38.80
• has the Fees_Due field displayed as currency
• shows only the records where the Length is 11 metres or more and less than 12 metres, the
Hull is WOOD, Shellfish is Yes and Scallop is No
• shows only the fields Admin_Port, Home_Port, Port_ID, Vessel_Name, Length, Hull,
Shellfish , TelephoneNumber and Fees_Due in this order with data and labels displayed in
• sorts the data into ascending order of Length
• fits on a single page wide
• calculates the average Fees_due, positioned below the Fees_due column formatted
appropriately with a label Average Fees Due to the left of this. Show your calculation in the
• has a page orientation of landscape
• includes the heading Harbour fees due at the top of the report
• has your name, Centre number and candidate number on the right at the top of every page.

Save and print the report

8 Produce a Label from all the data which: [8]

• shows only the records where the Port_ID starts with the letters BM and the
• shows only the fields Port_ID, Admin_Port, Home_Port, Vessel_Name, and Length
in this order one below the other with data and labels displayed in full
• sorts the data into Descending order of Admin_Port
•Make sure all labels fit on to a single portrait page
• includes the heading Vessels matching criteria at the top centre of each label Make the
heading bold & italic
• has your name, Centre number and candidate number at the bottom of each label.

9 Produce an extract needed to mail merge a document [4]

Home_port is NEWLYN
Vessle_Name starts with C
Tonnage is greater than 15
Length is less than 20
Save the extract for later use. Show the evidence

You are going to mail merge a letter to all those ports with the above criteria. [6]
Open EnquiryReply.rtf and add the fields to your query to be able to mail merge.

Spell check and proof read the document

Complete the mail merge and print:

-The master template after creating mail merge with field codes
-The merged letters
Save each of the documents appropriately.

10 Br Mock Feb 2017 ICT practical p2
10 Open Landings.rtf using a suitable presentation software and place as slides [6]
The master slide must have:
• a plain white background
• a black 3 point wide horizontal line, across the width of the slide, about 3 cm from the top
• the text FISH LANDINGS in a black 48 point serif font above the line, aligned to the top right
of the slide. Make sure the text does not wrap
• a picture of a boat from clipart placed in the top left corner above the line. Resize the image
so it fits the space without touching or overlapping the line. Make sure the aspect ratio is
• your Centre number, candidate number and name in a 10 point black serif font in the bottom
left corner
• automatic slide numbers in the bottom centre
• 1st level bullets formatted in a 28 point font, with square shaped bullet style
• 2nd level bullets formatted in a 20 point font, italic, with arrow shaped bullet style

No master slide elements, text or images should overlap each other on any slides.
Apply all master slide elements to all slides.

11 Insert a new slide before slide 1. Use a layout with a title and subtitle for the new slide [1]
12 Enter the text UK Fishing Fleet as the title.
Enter the text Summary of species landed as a subtitle.

13 On the first slide insert a star shape in the bottom right corner. Enter the text 2017 in the centre of [1]
the star.
14 On the second slide insert the image fish.jpg on the left side of the bulleted points. Make sure, the [1]
bullets and the picture is parallel to each other.

Delete slide 4 [1]

15 Create a vertical bar chart to compare estimated sales to actual sales for the year 2014, 2015 and [7]

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

estimated sales 4500 2300 3910 5423 6500
actual sales 4800 1900 2800 5200 6800
Label the chart with the title Sales compared, axis titles as Total sales and year of sales

Place the chart to the left of the bullet points on the slide with the title Landings by UK Vessels: [1]

16 Save the presentation. [1]

Print the presentation as handouts with two slides to the page.

17 You are now going to edit a report about the UK fishing industry.
Using a suitable software package, load the file FISHERIES.RTF
Set the: page size to A4, orientation to landscape. [1]

Place screen shot evidence of the A4 page setting in your evidence document.
Set the: top margin to 2 cm and the bottom margin to 1.5 cm, left and right margins to 2 cm [2]

Place screen shot evidence of this in your evidence document.

10 Br Mock Feb 2017 ICT practical p2
18 Save the document with only with your first name followed by candidate number in your work area. [1]
Make sure it is saved in the format of the software you are using.

19 Place in the header: [2]

• the automated file name and file path left aligned
• your Centre number and candidate number right aligned.
Place in the footer:
• today’s date left aligned
• your name right aligned.

Make sure that all the alignments match the page margins.
Make sure that headers and footers are displayed on all pages
Create and store the following paragraph styles:

Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) to show all the settings for the THC-Subheading
20 At the start of the document enter the title UK FISHING INDUSTRY [1]
Apply TCH-Title to the heading

Below the title, add a subtitle: Draft report by: and add your name. [1]
Apply TCH-subtitle to the heading

Format the title and subtitle to be surrounded by an outside border of approximately 3 to 4 [2]
point. Apply light grey shading (10 – 25%) to the background.
It should look like this:

After the subtitle format the rest of the document as body text into two equally spaced [2]
columns, with 2 centimetre spacing between the columns.
Apply TCH-body to the body text.

Identify the 8 subheadings in the document and apply TCH-heading

Change the numbered list from: England… to …Islands (Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man) [2]
to square shaped bullets.
Format the list so the bullets are positioned 2.5 cm from the left margin

10 Br Mock Feb 2017 ICT practical p2
Open the file J224EUFLEET.CSV and insert the contents as a table on the first page after [1]
the paragraph that ends …provides more detail:
Delete the row from the table containing the following data: [1]
Belgium 86 15, 326 49, 135
Format the top row of the table to be:
• bold and underlined [1]
• centre aligned over the four columns.
Format the second row of the table so that: [2]
• it is bold
• it is centre aligned
• the headings are wrapped within each cell with no split words.
Format rows 3 to 12 as TCH-table and [1]
• the data for each row is displayed on one line
• the numbers are right aligned.
Make sure the table: [2]
• fits within the column
• has a single (12 point) line space above and below
• displays all gridlines when printed.
Import the image FISH.JPG and place this below the subheading LANDINGS on the last page. [1]
Flip the image so the head faces to the right.

Format the image so that: [2]

• it is re-sized to a width of 5 centimetres
• the aspect ratio is maintained
• it is aligned to the left margin and the top of the paragraph starting
The value of fish …
• the text wraps round the image.
It may look like this:
Spell-check and proof-read the document. [2]
Make sure that:
• tables do not overlap two columns or pages
• bulleted lists are not split over two columns or pages
• there are no widows or orphans
• there are no blank pages.
Make sure all formatting is consistent throughout your document.

Save the document.

Print the document.

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