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Emergency management of Tongue- tie is indicated in *

bilateral parasymphyseal fracture
unconscious patient
comminuted fracture in anterior part chin
all the above

Fat embolism may result following *

crush injury

Glasgow coma scale is used to ascertain *

level of consciousness
Verbal responds
Eye responds
Motor responds

LeFort II fracture is also called as: *

Floating maxilla
Pyramidal type of fracture
Horizontal fracture of maxilla
Guerin fracture

Retrobulbar hemorrhage can lead to *

Blurring of vision

Hooding of the eye is a sign of *

Fracture orbital floor with herniation
Fracture line below the Whitnall’s tubercle
Fracture line above the Whitnall’s tubercle
Fracture orbital floor without herniation

Examination of pupils is of important in maxillofacial injuries because it

indicates: *
trauma to brain
trauma to optic tract
progress of patient after trauma
all the above
The instrument used for closed reduction of zygomatic bone fracture by Gillies
approach is *
zygomatic hook
Periosteal elevator
Bristow elevator
All of the above

The best radiographic view for detection of zygomatic arch fracture is: *
Water`s view
Occipito-mental view
Towne`s view
Submento-vertex view

Le-fort I fracture is also called *

Floating fracture
High horizontal fracture
Pyramidal fracture
Craniofacial disjunctions

Radiographic finding of “Hanging tear drop sign” can be seen in: *

Blow out fracture
Le Fort I fracture
Nasal bone fracture
Zygomatic complex fracture

Which of the following surgical approaches to the inferior orbital rim has the
least potential for producing post-operative poor esthetics? *
Sub tarsal

Sub-zygomatic fracture is *

Le Fort I & Le Fort II fracture
Le Fort I & Le Fort III fracture
Le Fort II & Le Fort III fracture
None of the above

A true open bite is seen in which of the following fracture *

fracture of the angle of the mandible
horizontal fracture of maxilla
unilateral condylar fracture
fracture of zygomatic bone
Nasoorbital-ethmoidal fracture involve one of the following bones *
bony segment with lateral canthal tendon
bony segment of lacrimal gland
bony segment of Lockwood’s suspensory ligament
bony segment with medial canthal tendon

Posterior displacement of the tongue in bilateral fracture of the parasymphesis

region obstructing the airway *

Severe pain arising from maxillofacial injuries Morphine should be given *


Escape of fluid from the nose is called CSF Otorrhea *


C.S.F. rhinorrhea is a common finding in Fracture of mandible *


A bruise caused by an impact from blunt object without any rubbing of the skin
is called as laceration *

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