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HOMEWORK: Check out the following link and write a short essay on Literary Vision.

Worldview and literature

From my point of view, Literature is considered for its length and content, one of
the most important characteristics is that it presents us with a certain word view. In
addition, if we investigate a little more we realize that in literature there is a critical
and systematic evaluation of world views of culture. So you could say that is the
essence of literature. The world view is a taking of the author's position in front of
the world. And to detail a little more about it, it’s defined as an idea or set of ideas
that a person or a culture has at a certain time. These ideas explain the ways of
being, customs and beliefs.
We must bear in mind that we have 3 types of world views in literature which are:
the naturalistic, which has a causal and empirical world view. Then, we have the
idealist, it has the ability to influence and transform the world and finally we have
the objective idealist where he shows us the physical world as an expression. So,
to be a little more detailed, we see the world view reflected in the literature in the
beliefs, be they religious or valuable that the characters have. Also through
customs which can be religious celebrations or simply conversations with friends.
In them you can always see what they think and what their collective interests are.
On the other hand, we have the motivations of the characters, in order to know
what they are looking for and what they want, it is always related to a way of seeing
the world. Even in conflicts you can also see what the characters hurt, it illustrates
what ideas or things were important in their time. Finally, this vision can be seen
reflected in the relationships between the characters, which also show us the
In conclusion, literature, like all other arts, is in the long run a mirror, whose
reflection we may or may not like, since it shows us the vision of the world at a
certain time in history.
Today, worldview and literature can also be seen in the way people behave.
Writers in our days, explain in their books that everything is different today, if we
test the values, there would be more violence, if we focus on our customs as they
did before, and today we do not leave aside the sense of belonging, everything our
country would be different just like in different parts of the world.
If we emphasize Literature in our daily life, it has a great influence on the lives of
readers, thanks to it, we know ideologies, different times, trends in life and thought.
It is the best way to broaden and assimilate knowledge because texts allow us to
develop our thinking and personality: thanks to what we read we can develop our
own ideas and convictions expanding our point of view. This at the same time
develops critical thinking and opinion, something very important in the formation of
personality, since it is what defines us.
HOMEWORK: Analyze the following reading and relate the communicative
function and ambiguity of language to literature

The communicative function of ambiguity in



To beginAND
define the word ambiguity in the language, this refers to us when an
expression, sentence or phrase that can be interpreted in more than one sense.
To begin, I will define the word ambiguity in the language, this refers to us when an
Normally when
expression, we communicate
sentence or phrase thatwe
canwant to be clearly
be interpreted understood.
in more than one This would be
the general rule, both when speaking or when we write. However, sometimes we
do when
not want ourwe communicate
interlocutor we want
to know ourtointentions.
be clearly To
understood. Thisuse
do this, we would be the
general rule, both when speaking or when we write. However, sometimes
language. Thus, the ambiguity of a message is manifested when it is possible we do notto
want our interlocutor
understand to know
it in various our intentions. To do this, we use ambiguous language.
Thus, the ambiguity of a message is manifested when it is possible to understand it in
This alsoways.
various depends on each communicative context determines the possibilities of
ambiguity in the language. Linguistic ambiguity occurs when a word, phrase, or
This also isdepends
sentence capableon
of each
two orcommunicative
more meaningscontext determines the
or interpretations. possibilities
Ambiguity canofbe
ambiguity in the language. Linguistic ambiguity occurs when a word, phrase, or
syntactic, semantic, or pragmatic.
sentence is capable of two or more meanings or interpretations. Ambiguity can be
So for me,semantic,
syntactic, ambiguity is a resource we use for some purpose. If we want to hide
or pragmatic.
information or not commit ourselves, we will need to use an indeterminate
So for me, ambiguity is a resource we use for some purpose. If we want to hide
language, that affirms something, but without clarity, that seems one thing and at
information or not commit ourselves, we will need to use an indeterminate language,
the same time another. We use ambiguous language because we have reasons
that affirms something, but without clarity, that seems one thing and at the same time
to do so, which may be legitimate or illegitimate.
another. We use ambiguous language because we have reasons to do so, which may
Ifbewelegitimate or illegitimate.
relate the communicative function of ambiguity in language and literature.
Then we would say that ambiguity is an expressive resource often used in literature
If we relate the communicative function of ambiguity in language and literature. Then
and the figurative arts, especially in the treatment of themes related to eroticism.
we would say that ambiguity is an expressive resource often used in literature and the
The article analyzes some significant stages in the evolution of ambiguity from the
figurative arts, especially in the treatment of themes related to eroticism. The article
13th to the 17th century.
analyzes some significant stages in the evolution of ambiguity from the 13th to the 17th
conclusion, Literature in general uses ambiguity so that a message generates
some feeling of confusion in the reader or viewer.
In conclusion, Literature in general uses ambiguity so that a message generates some
confusion in the in
the reader reader
he looks for his emotions, his involvement in
what he is reading. And ambiguity is an element that can give a lot of play in artistic
A writer has the reader in mind so he looks for his emotions, his involvement in what
communication, creating all kinds of feelings or ideas: mystery, doubt, uneasiness,
he is reading. And ambiguity is an element that can give a lot of play in artistic
tension or uncertainty. One could even speak of a certain indeterminate
communication, creating all kinds of feelings or ideas: mystery, doubt, uneasiness,
atmosphere that has been
tension or uncertainty. One created outspeak
could even of ambiguity and indeterminate
of a certain in a totally deliberate way.
that has been created out of ambiguity and in a totally deliberate way.
HOMEWORK: Analyze and synthesize information about literary concepts and theories by organizing them into visual organizers.



Is the art of written work, and isn’t confined to published



The word literature literally means "things made from

letters" and the term "letters" is sometimes used to signify
"literature," as in the figures of speech "arts and letters" and
"man of letters."


A type of art, literature, or music characterized by a

specific form, content, and style.

The literature has 3 main genres:


is is
A form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and It’s refers to those expressions in verse, with measure
and rhyme, line and stanza and has a more melodious tone. A form of language which applies ordinary
natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure.
grammatical structure and natural flow of
It’s commonly used in: Types: speech rather than rhythmic structure.

ANECDOTES: A merely product of Narrative Poetry Lyric Poetry Types

NOVEL: This is long narrative divided into
the writer’s imagination and the main
chapters. The events are taken from to life COMEDY: This is usually light and written with
aim is to bring out lessons to the FOLKSONG: These are short poems
stories and spam long period of time. EPIC: Is extended the purpose of amusing, and usually has a happy
readers and attitudes. intended to be sung.
SHORT STORY: It’s a narrative involving narrative about heroic ending.
ESSAY: This is expresses the SONNETS: A lyric poem of 14 lines
one or more characters, one plot and one exploits often under
viewpoint of the writer about a MELODRAMA: It arouses immediate and
single impression. supernatural control. dealing with an emotion, a feeling of
particular problem or event. intense emotions and is usually sad
PLAYS: This is presented on stage, is METRICAL TALE: A an idea.
BIOGRAPHY: It’s Deals with the life TRAGEDY: Involves the hero struggling
divided into acts and has many scenes. Narrative, which is written ELEGY: This is a lyric poem, which
of a person, which may be about mightily against dynamic forces.
LEGENDS: These are fictitious narratives, express feelings of grief and
himself, his autobiography or that of in verse and can be
usually about origins. melancholy and whose theme is FARCE: They are too ridiculous situations to be
others. classified either as a ballad
FABLES: These are also fictitious, they death. true.
NEWS: Is Report of everyday events or as a metrical romance.
deal animals and imitate things that speak ODE: A poem of noble feeling,
in society, government, science and BALADS: It has a simple
and act like people, and their purpose is to
industry and accidents, happening structure and tells of a expressed with dignity,
enlighten the minds of children to events
nationally or not. single incident PSLAM: It’s a sound praising god or
that can mold their ways and attitudes.
ORATION: A formal treatment of a the Virgin Mary and containing a
subject and is intended to be spoken philosophy of life
in public. It appeals to the intellect,
to the will or to the emotions of the

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