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R.V.R. & J.C.


I/IV B.Tech (CSE) SESSIONAL TEST # II Time: 90 Mts.
2020-2021 (1st Semester) Max.Marks:18
CS 114 - Programming for Problem Solving
1. Answer all questions 6M
a) What is a function and explain its advantages. 1M CO1 Understand
b) What is a recursion? List different types of recursion. 1M CO1 Remember
c) What is pointer? What are the advantages and disadvantages of pointers. 1M CO1 Understand

d) Distinguish between structures and unioins. 1M CO2 Evaluate

e) What is meant by Dynamic memory allocation? 1M CO2 Remember
f) What is meant by a self-referential structure. 1M CO2 Remember

2. a) Explain call by value and call by reference mechanism with example. 3M CO1 Understand
b) Discuss the different types of storage classes. 3M CO1 Understand
c) How can a pointer be used to access individual elements of an array? 3M CO1 Understand
Explain with an example.

d) Write a ‘C’ program to arrange the ‘n’ values in descending order using 3M CO1 Apply
Array of pointers?
3. a) What is a structure? Explain operations on structures with suitable 3M CO2 Understand
b) Explain in detail array of structures and write a ‘C’ program to read and 3M CO2 Apply
print students marks using Array of structures?

c) Explain the following functions in files: 3M CO2 Understand

(i) fseek( ) (ii) ftell ( ) (iii) rewind( ) (iv) fopen( ) (v) fclose( ) (vi) feof( )

d) Write a programme to copy the contents from one file to another. 3M CO2 Apply


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