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Hermione’s Everyday Socks

By Erica Lueder

Yarn: Fingering Weight - approx
350-400yds. Sample sock knit with
Ruby Sapphire’s Sapphire Yarn in
the Colleen Colorway.

Needles: US 1 (2.25mm) – set of 2

Circular Needles, or size needed to
obtain gauge.

Gauge: 36 sts per 4 inches (10cm)

Texture Pattern
(Repeat from * to *)
Row 1: *k3, p1*
Row 2: knit
Row 3: *k1, p1, k2*
Row 4: knit

Slightly Modified Garter-Stitch

Edged Eye of Partridge Heel
Row 1: k3, p to end
Row 2: p3, *k1, sl 1* to last 3 sts, k3
Row 3: k3, p to end
Row 4: p3, *sl 1, K1* to last 3 sts, k3


CO 64 sts, divide evenly over 2 circular needles (32 sts each needle). Join for
knitting in the round.

Work 20 rows of ribbing: *k1, p1*

Copyright Erica Lueder & Dreams in Fiber 2012. For Personal Use Only. 1
Knit 1 row. Begin the Texture Pattern for a total of 18 pattern repeats or until you
have reached your desired length ending with row 4 of pattern.

Texture Pattern Chart Texture Pattern Chart Legend

Heel Flap
The heel flap is worked using ndl 2; ndl 1 is holding the instep sts. Knit the Slightly
Modified Garter-Stitch Edged Eye of Partridge Heel Pattern for a total of 8
pattern repeats (32 total rows) ending with Row 4 of the pattern. This leaves 16
edge sts for pick up after the heel is turned.

Heel Turn
With WS facing you,
Sl 1, p 16, p2tog, p1, turn
Next row: sl 1, k3, ssk, k1, turn
Next row: sl 1, p4, p2tog, p1, turn
Next row: sl 1, k5, ssk, k1, turn
Next row: sl 1, p6, p2tog, p1, turn
Next row: sl 1, k7, ssk, k1, turn
**continue in this manner until all sts are have been knit – there should be 18 heel
sts left on the needle at this point.**

Pick up (pu) the heel flap sts.

Using the ndl holding the heel sts (now referred to as ndl 1): pu 16 sts along the
heel flap, pu 1 extra st between the heel flap and the instep (to close the gap),
pm, k across half of the instep sts (16 sts) in pattern. Switch to the other needle
(now referred to as ndl 2).

Using ndl 2: continue across second half of the instep sts (16 sts) in pattern, pm,
pu 1 extra st between instep and heel flap (to close gap), pu 16 heel flap sts,
continue to knit across half of the heel sts (9 sts)

**at this point there should be 42 sts on each needle**

Copyright Erica Lueder & Dreams in Fiber 2012. For Personal Use Only. 2
Set up row:
Ndl 1: k across the heel and heel flap sts until you reach 2 sts before
the marker, ssk, sm, continue to knit across the instep sts in pattern.
Ndl 2: k across the instep sts in pattern, sm, k2tog, k to end

Now we’re ready to get going on the gusset 

Row 1: Ndl 1: k to 3 sts before marker, k2tog, k1, sm, knit instep sts in
Ndl 2: k across instep sts in pattern, sm, k1, ssk, k to end
Row 2: Ndl 1: K to marker, sm, continue across instep sts in pattern
Ndl 2: k across instep sts in pattern, sm, k to end

**Repeat these 2 rows until there are 32 sts left on each needle (17 gusset rows
total, not including
the set-up row)**

Redistribute the sts so

ndl 1 carries the instep
sts and ndl 2 carries
the sole sts.

Continue knitting in
pattern (ndl 1: the
Texture Pattern, ndl 2:
St st) until you have
reached your desired
length ending with
row 4 of the Texture Pattern.

Decrease rounds are knit as follows:
*k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1*
Row 1: decrease (30 sts per ndl)
Row 2 & 3: knit
Row 4: decrease (28 sts per ndl)
Row 5 & 6: knit

Copyright Erica Lueder & Dreams in Fiber 2012. For Personal Use Only. 3
Row 7: decrease (26 sts per ndl)
Row 8 & 9: knit
Row 10: decrease (24 sts per ndl)
Row 11: knit
Row 12: decrease (22 sts per ndl)
Row 13: knit
Row 14: decrease (20 sts per ndl)
Row 15: knit
Row 16: decrease (18 sts per ndl)
Row 17: decrease (16 sts per ndl)
Row 18: decrease (14 sts per ndl)
Row 19: decrease (12 sts per ndl)

Cut yarn leaving a 10 inch tail and weave through remaining sts using the
Kitchener technique. Weave in all ends and congratulate yourself on
knitting a beautiful sock  Now knit the other one if you haven’t already.

CO: cast on
k: knit
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together
ndl: needle
p: purl
p2tog: purl 2 stitches together
pm: place marker
pu: pick up
sl 1: slip one stitch as if to purl
ssk: slip, slip, knit
St st: Stockinette Stitch
sts: stitches

Hermione, as described in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series, is a rather smart and
practical heroine. While she can dress up with the best of them, these socks remind
me of something she might wear while practicing charms or transfiguration or reading
up on Arithmancy in the Gryffindor Common Room.

Copyright Erica Lueder & Dreams in Fiber 2012. For Personal Use Only. 4

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