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NIM : P17311205029

The Conversation
(Communication Skills)
The doctor, miss harris are doing some introduction to the patience which she is
called by bellamy and she is fine to be called by pats. The doctor just greeting her before
knowing her concern, and the doctor started with whats the problem she’s having, and the
problem are an intense head pain which never go away and the concern of the payment
because she just change her insurance. Because of that miss harris suggest for looking what
the problem she’s having on her body and try to look on the insurance part so they can figure
something out, afterward miss pats tell what might be the cause by answering some of miss
harris question, that conclude the pain starting from 3 days ago, nothing make it better, how
the pain impacting her life with she can’t go to work because she can get up and from moving
to much which cause to more intense head pain. After that miss harris suggest to a full
physical exam and do some testing.
After the that dialogue end miss pat suddenly praise miss harris and introduce herself
as miss deb standardized patient, she’s going to give feedback to miss harris from the
communication skill she show from the encounter earlier. Overall miss deb said miss harris
do a really good job with having a good demeanor and making the patient comfortable, very
well listening to the patient, allowing the patient to tell what she’s feeling, a good eye
contact, although miss deb did say to miss harris to have a reflective listening for a little, so
she can check for accuracy. Did a very nice summary, very nice flow, and nice sequence. But
she should do a signpost on each post on the interview so the question be more clear through
each part of the interview. Asking some sensitive question should be more personal or
sensitive though. Overall a nice encounter

- Opening
Miss bellamy, I’ll be your doctor for today, and would you prefer miss bellamy or
- Exploring Client Understanding
She has a very bad headache, and the change from insurance company and she afraid
of the insurance might not covering for this treatment
- Understanding
What they can do is checking all the symptoms and physical, and checking her
insurance policy and work something out for her, so she can be treated and not be
scared with the payment afterward
- Intervention
The headache/ head pain started 3 days before her visit to the doctor, nothing has
helped to ease the pain, and because of that she just lay on the bed because when she
move it makes the pain a lot worse, cannot go to the work, the light making her more
pain in her head

- Exploring Problems
There’s nothing unusual that might happen from that 3 days to causing this head pain,
nothing has make it better even after taking some Tylenol and motrin, the things that
make it worse are moving to much and lights, the pain are 10 for being the most
painful she ever experience, the head pain are from all over the bed and not some
spot, the pain started gradually and now the pain not going to get better, the scary
thought because of neighbor that neglect this head pain and having a seizure. It’s
really impacting on her life, feeling nauseous when she move and have thrown up
couple times, having some concern from the trip she have on north Carolina when
come contact from a sick 4 years old with unknown disease
- Empower to Create Own Solution
The doctor suggest complete physical exam and do some testing, asking some
concerning question for later discussion

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