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Conditional Sentences – Second Condition

Verb Tenses in Second Conditional Sentences

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb provided.

1. It’s Monday today, but if it WERE (be) Saturday, I WOULD (go) to the beach.

2. I don’t have any money now, but if I HAD (have) some, I WOULD (lend) it to you.

3. I have to work tomorrow, but if I WERE (be) free, I WOULD (go) shopping with you.

4. Amy can only speak one language, but if she COULD (can) speak two languages, she
WOULD (apply) for a job at the Multicultural Center.

5. Sue doesn’t know how to knit. If she I COULD (know) how to knit, she WOULD (make) a sweater for you for
your birthday.

6. I don’t have a pair of skis. If I HAVE (have) skis, I WOULD (go) skiing with you tomorrow.

7. I can’t understand what he’s saying. If he COULD (speak) more clearly, I WOULD (understand) more.

8. We are not going to buy that house, but if it WERE (be) a little cheaper, we WOULD (buy) it.

9. He is not going to pass his exam. If he STUDIED (study) harder, he WOULD (pass).

10. John has a lot of car accidents. If he DROVE (drive) more carefully, he WOUL (have) fewer accidents.

11. Beth eats a lot of junk food. If she ATE (eat) healthier food, she WOULD (lose) weight.

12. Robert smokes a lot. If he QUITED (quit) smoking, his cough WOULD (get) better.

13. Frank is always tired. If he WOULD (go) to bed earlier every night, he COULD (feel) much better.
Conditional Sentences – Second Condition
Verb Tenses in Second Conditional Sentences

Directions: Choose the correct verb tense in each of the following sentences.

1. If I were hungry, I WOULD HAVE a sandwich.

2. I would buy a new car if I HAD more money.

3. If he DOES his homework everyday, he would get better marks.

4. If our parents were here, they WOULD TELL us what to do.

5. I would help her if she WOULD COME me.

6. If I found a $20 dollar bill on the street, I WOULD KEEP it.

7. I WOULD COME to your party on Saturday if I didn’t have to work.

8. I would call them if I HAD their telephone number.

1. a) make b) will make c) would

2. a) had b) have c) will have

3. a) does b) did c) will do

4. a) told b) would tell c) tell

5. a) will ask b) asked c) asks

6. a) will keep b) kept c) would

7. a) came b) would come c) will come

8. a) knew b) know c) will know

Second conditional
Click on the correct form of the verbs..
1. If I would have / had money, I’d go with you.
2. If you study / studied more, you’d do better in school.
3. I wouldn’t do that if I were / am you.
4. Life would be different if we didn’t have / wouldn’t have telephones.
5. If John would be / were less angry, people would like him more.
6. I wouldn’t be / wasn’t so sure if I were you.
7. If I didn’t speak / spoke French better, I’d go to Paris.
8. We could visit you more often if you didn’t live / wouldn’t live so far away.
9. If Dad ate /was eating less meat he’d be much healthier.
10. I ’d see / could see a doctor about that headache if I were you.
11. That team won / would win more often if they trained harder.
12. She make / would make more money if she hired an assistant.
13. You could get / can get a good job if you tried harder.
14. I’d make us a big dinner if I knew / would know how to cook.
15. You wouldn’t be so tired if you would work / didn’t work so hard.
16. We would have more space if we lived / would live in the country.
17. I’d come along with you if I didn’t have / don’t have to work today.
18. Mom would lend you the car if you didn’t ask / asked her nicely.
19. If you drank / drunk more water, you wouldn’t have headaches.
20. You ’d get / ‘ ll get more done if you didn’t spend so much time on social


Join the sentences halves:

a) If I WAS the president, 1) I wouldn’t hAVe much money At the end of the month.

b) If my friends And I met DAVid BeckhAm, 2) everybody would run AWAy

c) If A lion esCAped from the zoo, 3) he would become A professioNAl bASketbALl.

d) If I went out every night, 4) we’d plAy footBAll with him.

e) If my brother wAS tAller, 5) I would spend more money on schools.

Choose the correct alternatives to make second conditional


a) If I Am/were you, I buy/would buy the blue T-shirt.

b) If we meet/met A fAmous rock stAr, we hAd ASk/would ASk them for A free CD.

c) I’m not A milliONAire, but if I Am/WAS, it won’t/wouldn’t chAnge me.

d) TodAy it’s rAining but if the WEAther WAS/ wASn’t good, we’d/’ll go for A WAlk in the PArk.

e) I’m/’d be very frightened if I see/sAW A bull in the street.

f) If walls CAn/could tAlk, they will/would tell us some very interesting things.

Choose the correct alternatives:

a) If she WAS in love with me, I will/would be so hAppy.

b) If I hAVe/hAd time, I’d go for A SWIm.

c) The film will/would be perfect if Tom Cruise wASn’t in it.

d) If I Am/WAS tAller, I’d join the police force.

e) If I didn’t/wouldn’t PASS my exAms it would be A pity.

f) ThAt group WAS/would be more populAr if they hAd A better vOCAlist.

g) They’d be surprised if thAt director won/would win the OsCAr.

h) If they stopped the WAr, innocent people didn’t/wouldn’t die.

Put the verbs in the correct form in these

second conditional sentences:
a) My friend would be sAd if I HAD (hAVe) An Argument with him.

b) I think thAt if I ASked StephAnie out, she SAID (sAy) no.

c) If you WOULD (not come) to my pArty, I’d be very SAd.

d) If you WOULD (hAVe) long hAir, you’d look like A pop stAr.

e) We WOULD (go) to the cinemA if there WAS A good film.

f) He wouldn’t work in A Shop if he WERE (be) A millionAire.

g) If my boyfriend hAd A dog, he WOULD (tAke) it for A WAlk every dAy.

Complete the second conditional sentences

with the correct form of the verbs.
a) If I WERE .(be) the President of USA, I WOULD HAVE (stop) the dEAth PENAlty.

b) If my sister WOUL (hAVe) A CAr, she WOULD (leArn) to drive.

c) If someone MY GIVES (give) me A guitAr, I WOULD (hAVe) guitAr lessons.

d) He WOULD (become) A police officer if he WOUD BE (be) tAller.

e) I WOULD (not be) hAppy if I WERE (be) FAmous.

f) If PAul WOULD (go) out with Another girl, BArbArA WERE (be) very jeAlous.

g) If Peter WOULD (buy) A lAptop, he WERE (tAke) it with him All the time.

h) If my grAndmother WOULDN´T (not hAVe) A dog, she WERE (be) very lonely

1. READ/LISTEN – Read and listen to the interview. Then

choose the correct answer for each question.

a. Who is the interviewer? a. Elena / b. Mr Norton

b. What does Mr Norton do? a. He works with children in the community.

b. He works with adults.

c. Why can’t all the homeless children stay in the children’s home?

a. They don’t have any money.

b. They don’t have enough beds.

d. Why can’t they build another children’s home?

a. Because they don’t have a place to build it up.

b. Because they haven’t got enough money

e. What two children’s rights does Mr Norton mention?

a. Every child has a right to an education. They have the right to be loved.

b. Every child has a right to a home. They have the right to be loved.
2.GRAMMAR- match the 2 halves of the sentences:
1. If we had more money, a. they’d have a better future.

2. If these children went to school, b. we’d build another children’s home.

3. Read the sentences in exercise 2 and answer the questions.

Select the correct answer.

a. Do they have more money? Yes, they do No, they don’t

b. Do the children go to school? Yes, they do No, they don’t

4. GRAMMAR - Choose the words to complete the rules :

We sometimes use if + past / present to talk about imaginary situations.

We use would / will + infinitive in the second part of the


We often / never replace would with ’d.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

in brackets.
a. If there were no guns, there would be less crime. (be)

b. If we have more hospitals in developing countries, fewer

people would die. (have)

c. If they build more houses, fewer people would be

homeless. (build)

d. If people had clean water, they would not get ill. (not get)

e. If people were more tolerant and understanding, they would

Not fight each other. (not fight)

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