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Round One Interventions:

In Round One, my main focus was on improving English Learner’s reading and writing skills.

During Round One, my students were learning 100% virtually and all interventions were done via Zoom.

For my Round One interventions my students were placed into two small groups based on their reading

and writing level. The data I used to place students were from various studies done including ELPAC

scores, BPST scores, and i-ready diagnostic scores. My students were strategically placed into small

groups where they received specialized reading and writing support. One group included EL students

who were learning basic auditory and speaking skills, while the other group was at a higher skill set level

and worked on reading skills and reading comprehension skills. These groups both started out with basic

concepts, such as understanding vowel sounds, letter recognition and kindergarten sight words. As the

students were able to achieve their first goal of recognizing alphabet letters, such as vowels, and they can

look at a letter and identify it’s specific short sound and long sound, we moved onto the next steps which

was to segment and blend CVC words. In Round One, we also focused on understanding what a sentence

is, what a sentence consists of, and the rules of writing. It was vital to establish the fundamentals of

writing before they began writing on a given topic.

Round 2 Interventions:

For Round Two, I shifted my intervention from focusing mostly on reading skills, to focusing on

enhancing writing skills. My English Learner Students continued to receive phonics lessons on a daily

basis. I felt it was time to shift my focus to writing skills since my students showed me that they were

ready to take on writing during small group interventions. My small groups had changed due to moving to

a Hybrid learning model. I had three groups. Group A, Group B, and Group C. Group A (in person/

hybrid) consisted of three EL students, Group B (in person/hybrid) consisted of four EL students, and

Group C (Online only) consisted of three EL students. I implemented leveraged supports for my students

which included learning how to navigate a Writer’s Checklist, a student-created word bank, and segment

and blending skills to form words independently. My students had weekly small group interventions

where we would focus on writing skills.

Round 3 Interventions:

In Round Three I kept my focus on the writing skills of my English Learners. My students had

been working on writing for five months by this point and I felt it was time to challenge their writing

skills. My small groups stayed the same from Round Two. I continued to have three groups. Group A,

Group B, and Group C. Group A(in person/hybrid) consisted of three EL students, Group B (in person/

hybrid) consisted of four EL students, and Group C (Online only) consisted of three EL students.

In Round Three I introduced Opinion Writing. I taught a thirty-minute lesson on “What is an

opinion?”. We discussed opinions versus facts and played an opinion versus facts game before our writing

lesson. Like Round Two, I implemented leveraged supports for my students which included learning how

to navigate a Writer’s Checklist, a student-created word bank, and segment and blending skills to form

words independently. My students would take their writing task and work on it independently in Round

Three. Once the students completed their writing, I would have them read me what they wrote. We would

go down the Writer’s Checklist and I would make sure each student could check off all four categories.

Finally, I had my students share with a peer. One student read their opinion writing to a partner, then the

next partner shared their opinion writing. The students had the opportunity to use the writing tools

presented to them to be successful writers. They also had the opportunity to verbally share with their

peers, receive feedback from their peers and share their feedback as well.

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