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Neville quotes

Man is ever out-picturing that which he is conscious of being. This is the truth that
makes man free, for man is always self-imprisoned or self-freed.

If you, the reader, will give up all of your former beliefs in a God apart from yourself,
and claim God as your awareness of being, you will transform your world…

You are, at this very moment, drawing into your world that which you are now
conscious of being. If you are dissatisfied with your present expression in
life the only way to change it, is to take your attention away from that which seems
so real to you and rise in consciousness to that which you desire to be. You cannot
serve two masters, therefore to take your attention from one state of consciousness
and place it upon another is to die to one and live to the other.

Praying then, is seen to be recognizing yourself to be that which you now desire,
rather than its accepting form of petitioning a God that does not exist for that which
you now desire.

Prayers to be successful must be claiming rather than begging – so if you would pray
for riches turn from your picture of poverty by denying the very evidence of your
senses and assume the nature of being wealthy.

Do not question the how of these things appearing, for no man knows that way. That
is, no manifestation knows how the things desired will appear.

Back in 1943 when I came out of the army I was looking for an apartment. My wife
and I had determined how much we were going to pay for it, but when we found the
apartment the rent was more than we had planned to pay. Realizing this, my wife
said: “Well, that’s not demonstrating this principle, is it.” I said nothing. I simply paid
the months of September and October, but when I went to pay the November rent
the manager said: “I have an apology to make to you. An authority of the city came in
and looked over my books. He discovered that the apartment you have was formerly
rented for less.” Then he quoted the new rent figure to me, which was to the dollar
the amount I had originally chosen to pay. It took me three months of being faithful to
what I had imagined I was paying, even though during that time I was paying more.

But, since the reduced rent was retroactive to the day I moved in, I got it all back at
the beginning of the third month.

I tell you: imagination will not fail you if you are faithful. What could I say when I was
confronted with the negation of my assumption? Nothing. I simply would not give up,
and when the time was right my assumption became a fact. I urge you to set your
goal high.

Assume the feeling it has been reached and sleep in that feeling. Persist and I
promise you that not one thing in this world can rob you of that which you have
To what degree are you lost in your dream of success? Your world is your dream
pushed out. When you can persuade yourself 100% that you are successful,
success is yours! You must become so intense that you completely forget it was only
a desire. You must tame the wild, new state you have entered until its naturalness
causes you to forget all else.

All that I behold, though it appears without, it is within me in my own wonderful

human imagination, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.

When you believe God is your own wonderful loving human imagination, you are
freed from the slavery of the belief in another.

Not understanding the horrors of the world, man thinks he is damned and not saved;
.. in the world he is casting himself into the many parts to be played. At the moment
he may be playing the part of a rich man or perhaps a poor man; still he is free to
choose yet another state by applying the precept, "Whatever you desire, believe that
you have it and you will."
You are always moulding yourself into the image of what you are beholding…

Take his wonderful precept and believe that you can have anything you desire.
There is no restriction placed upon the power of belief. There is no need to first
consult some holy man to see whether you should have it or not. You be the judge.
Choose your desire and, to the degree that you are self-persuaded that you have it,
you will get it.

And, because we are all one, if it takes one million people to aid the birth of your
assumption, they will do it, without their knowledge or consent, so you don’t have to
ask anyone to aid you. They will do it not even knowing that they are. All you are
called upon to do is to assume that you have it. An assumption, though false, if
persisted in will harden into fact.

"All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, of which this world of
mortality is but a shadow." If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and
assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is your
shadow, forever bearing witness to your inner imaginal activity.

You do not will something to be so, but imagine it and become inwardly convinced
that it is so. And if, through your persistence, the world responds..

If your son wants to grow a beard, let him. If he doesn't want to grow up, don't try to
give him all of your "good" advice; simply leave him alone, and in your own
wonderful way imagine you are free of that state, for the world belongs to you and it
is always expressing your inner thoughts.

See a situation as something on the outside, and you become entangled in its
shadows - for everyone who responds to your imaginal act is a shadow. How can a
shadow be causative in your world? The moment you give another the power of
causation, you have transferred to him the power that rightfully belongs to you.
Others are only shadows, bearing witness to the activities taking place in you. The
world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing within yourself. If you know
this, you are set free and a series of events will unfold within you to reveal
the story of salvation.

You can make your bed in heaven or in hell; but you will still be aware because God
is there, for you can't get away from being God.

That is the story of Job. He did nothing that was wrong; Job simply imagined the
wrong things. He blamed the devil, but the devil doesn't exist outside of man.

You don't have to go back and change anyone or anything, but envy no one. If
someone wants a thousand or a hundred thousand acres, let him have them. If you
would like to live in a lovely apartment, claim you do. You may think you can't afford
the one you want, but that thought is an imaginal act. I would suggest, instead of
thinking you can't afford it, to simply sleep in that apartment tonight mentally,
accepting the fact that you have all the funds necessary to pay for it.

Persist and the world will respond. You will get the money needed to live there. The
world does not cause, it only responds to your imaginal acts, for only God acts and
God is in you as your own wonderful human imagination.

Now, before you judge it, try it. If you do, you cannot fail, and when you prove
imagination in the testing, share the good news with your brothers. Tell everyone you
meet how the world works. You do not have to have a proper educational or social
background to apply this principle; and you cannot fail, for an assumption, though
false, if persisted in will harden into fact.

When you know what you want, assume you have it. Believe your assumption is
true. Look at your world mentally and see your fulfilled desire. Do this and you are
calling forth a response to your thoughts, and in the not distant future you will find
yourself physically occupying the state imagined.

When you truly believe that imagining creates reality, you will know there is no
fiction. How can there be fiction when imagining is forever creating its reality? You
may hear something you do not like, but because imagining creates reality what you
heard was first imagined, or it could not have happened. When you revise the
hearing by stopping the action and rewriting the script you are walking on the water,
imagining the reality you desire to hear and appear in your world.

I urge you now to use your imagination and walk on the water. Plant the seeds of
desire in the depth of your soul and allow them to flower on earth. If you do not see
their harvest immediately, believe what you did, for it will come whether you
recognize it or not. And do not sin against the Holy Ghost by saying something is
impossible, for God is your own wonderful human imagination and nothing is
impossible to imagine.

Don't think of the reasons why you cannot have your desire; simply think you already
have it! If you tell yourself it is not possible, you are sinning … I know of no limitation
to the power of God.
I urge you to use your imagination for everything that is lovely and loving. I don't care
what your desire may be - your imagination will give it to you, for the human
imagination is the divine body the world calls Jesus.
Because you can imagine and I can imagine, we are members of that one divine
body, and all things are possible to him. There is not a thing impossible to God. All
you need do is imagine its fulfillment!

Faith is an experiment which ends as an experience. Experiment by believing you

already have all that you desire, and you will have the experience.

But start now to plant something lovely - not only for yourself, but for your neighbour,
friend, or child. Fall in love with the idea that he is happy and secure.

Prove your thoughts have creative power by consciously imaging constantly, and
walk on the water. No matter what happens in the course of a day, revise it. Make
the day conform to what you want it to be, and you are walking on the water.

Facts blind the eye of imagination. I have come to cure this blindness and show you
how to remove the acts of nature.

Do not let a day pass without practicing the art of walking on water. Every time you
use your imagination lovingly on behalf of another, you are mediating God to the
seeming other

How can we who were physically born by the grace of God, yet cannot make one
hair on our head or fingernail grow, dare to put a limit on God's power?

There is no need to beg or ask anyone for anything, for everything lives in the human
imagination, ready to appropriate and be made visible

Take me seriously. When you know what you want in life, construct a scene which
would imply your desire is fulfilled. See it as clearly as possible. Feel its naturalness.
Experiment until you know the scene and all it implies is real. Now, to the degree that
you believe in its reality, your experiment will become your experience. Do not stop
there. Keep on imagining and share your results with others. T

When you know who you really are, you will not envy anyone. How could you, when
you know you are God, and they are only yourself pushed out? If tomorrow,
something comes into your life that is not to your liking, do not accept it, for this fact
blinds the eye of imagination.

Remove the blindness by asking yourself what you would like, in place of what
seems to be. Enter into that thought. Revel in it as though it were not a fact.
Persuade yourself that it is. Believe in its reality and it will become your experience.

If you have a goal, although it is unseen, it already exists. Your normal mortal eye
cannot see it, but by rearranging the structure of your mind, you can see it clearly. If,
as the days follow one another, you remain loyal to this unseen reality, and your goal
is reached, you will have discovered the mystery of creation.

Eternity exists and all things in eternity independent of your creative act. You may
continue to build only upon what your mortal eye sees, and perpetuate the same
thing over and over again, remaining forever where you are. But if you know that all
things exist, though unseen at the moment, and you have access to them through
your imagination, you can rearrange the pattern of your thinking and change your
world by remaining loyal to your unseen construction. And when it externalizes itself
by becoming a fact that you may share with others, then you will have found the
secret of creation, which was an act of faith.

Now, can I remain faithful to that scene? My faith is not going to give it reality, but my
loyalty to the unseen reality will. I listen and remember what I heard, and in the
tomorrows I continue to remember. Then, in its own appointed time, when that which
I have been faithful to externalizes itself, I will have found the great secret of

Listen closely to your invisible thoughts. What do you hear? What are your words
implying? That is their potency. What do you want? Name it and rearrange the
structure of your mind to imply you no longer desire it, because you already have it!

Perhaps another has injured you or caused you grief. It doesn't matter what has
been done, when you know this law you can forgive anyone by rearranging the
structure of your mind and set him free by imagining it never happened!

You see, there are two things that displease God. One is the lack of faith in “I am
he”, and the other is eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil by using
yourself as the criteria as to what is good and what is evil.

Unless you believe you are the seeming other who caused your grief, you will
continue to reproduce the same unhappiness and miss your mark in life by dying in
your sins. So, without faith it is impossible to please yourself!

If you know someone who, when hearing of your good fortune would now go wild
with envy, use her. Or, if you know one who would rejoice because of your good
fortune, take that image.

It's your choice, but you must remain loyal to the unseen reality you have
constructed. Your faith will not give it reality, for faith is your loyalty to the unseen

If you know that faith is simply loyalty to unseen reality, you can construct a scene,
remain loyal to it and harvest it, for everything is already completed.

But until individual lman believes in his own wonderful human imagination, God
remains imprisoned within him. If you do not harvest God's promise it is only
because you do not believe!
The world was constructed in the mind's eye, out of things unseen by the mortal eye,
and made alive by faith. Eternity exists and all things in eternity, independent of the
creative act, which is the assumption of unseen reality and loyalty to its assemblage.

In spite of denial by your senses and reason, if you will be faithful to your unseen
assumption, it will externalize itself.
That is how all worlds come into being, but men do not understand this. Structuring
their world based upon the evidence of their senses, they continue to perpetuate that
which they do not desire.

The objective reality of this world is solely produced by the human imagination, in
which all things exist.

Tonight I hope to show you how to subjectively appropriate that which already exists
in you, and turn it into an objective fact. Your life is nothing more than the out
picturing of your imaginal activity, for your imagination fulfills itself in what your life

To say: "I am going to be rich," will not make it happen; you must believe riches in by
claiming within yourself: "I am rich." You must believe in the present tense, because
the active, creative power that you are, is God.

He is your awareness, and God alone acts and is. His name forever and ever is "I
am" therefore, he can't say: "I will be rich" or "I was rich" but "I am rich!" Claim what
you want to be aware of here and now, and - although your reasonable mind denies
it and your senses deny it - if you will assume it, with feeling, your inward activity,
established and perpetuated, will objectify itself in the outside world - which is
nothing more than your imaginal activity, objectified. To attempt to change the
circumstances of your life before you change its imaginal activity, is to labor in

But I tell you, if you want someone to change, you must change your imaginal
activity, for it is the one and only cause of your life. And you can believe anything in if
you will not accept the facts your senses dictate; for nothing is impossible to imagine,
and imagining - persisted in and believed - will create its own reality.

Now, all things exist in God, and he exists in you and you exist in him. Your eternal
body is the human imagination, and that is God Himself. Your imagination is an
actual body in which everything is contained.

The story of Jesus is a wonderful mystery that cannot be solved until you discover,
from experience, that he is your own wonderful human imagination.

This doesn't mean that, just because you heard my vision you are going to enjoy
wealth; you must apply what you heard, and remember when. If you would say: "I
remember when I couldn't afford to spend $400 a month for rent," you are implying
you can well afford it now. The words: "I remember when it was a struggle to live on
my monthly income," implies you have transcended that limitation. You can put
yourself into any state by remembering when.
When I say all things exist in the human imagination, I mean infinite states; for
everything possible for you to experience now, exists in you as a state of which you
are its operant power. Only you can make a state become alive.

You must enter a state and animate it in order for it to outpicture itself in your world.
You may then go back to sleep and think the objective fact is more real than its
subjective state into which you have entered; but may I tell you: all states exist in the
imagination. When a state is entered subjectively, it becomes objective in your
vegetative world, where it will wax and wane and disappear; but its eternal form will
remain forever and can be reanimated and brought back into being through the seed
of contemplative thought. So I tell you: the most creative thing in you is to enter a
state, and believe it into being.

Now, causation is the assemblage of mental states, which occurring creates that
which the assemblage implies. Let us say that I have two friends who would
empathize with me (not sympathize) if they heard my good news. I put them together
and listen (all in my imagination) as they talk about me and what has happened in
my life. Being true friends, I hear their words of joy and see their happiness reflected
on their faces. Then I allow myself to become visible to them and feel their
handshake and embrace as I accept their congratulations as a fact. Now I have
assembled a mental state, which occurring, created that which the assemblage
implied; therefore I am its cause. As I walk, firmly believing in the reality of what I
have done, and that imaginal act becomes a fact, I may question myself as it how it
came about. Then, remembering my imaginal act I would say: "I did it." If I did it, then
did not God do it? Yes, because God and I are one “I am”.

You may not be aware of who you are, where you are, or what you are; but you do
know that you are.

Aware of what your senses and reason dictate, youm ay believe that you are limited,
unwanted, ignored, and mistreated; and your world confirms your belief in your
imaginal activity. And if you do not know that your awareness is causing this
mistreatment, you will blame everyone but yourself; yet I tell you the only cause of
the phenomena of life is an imaginal activity. There is no other cause

First, you must know what you want, then create an image that fulfills it. Would your
friends know and talk about it? Imagine they are with you now, discussing your
fulfilled desire. You could be at a cocktail or dinner party that is being given in your
honor. Or maybe it's a little get-together over tea. Create a scene in your
mind's eye and believe its reality in! That invisible state will produce the objective
state you desire, for all objective reality is solely produced by imagination.

The clothes you are now wearing were first imagined. The chair in which you are
seated, the room that surrounds you - there isn't a thing here that wasn't first
imagined; so you can see that imagining creates reality.

If you don't believe it, you are lost in a world of confusion.

The end of your journey is where your journey begins. When you tell me what you
want, do not try to tell me the means necessary to get it, because neither you nor I
know them. Just tell me what you want that I may hear you tell me that you have it. If
you try to tell me how your desire is going to be fulfilled, I must first rub that thought
out before I can replace it with what you want to be.

Man insists on talking about his problems. He seems to enjoy recounting them
and cannot believe that all he needs to do is state his desire clearly. If you
believe that imagination creates reality, you will never allow yourself to dwell
on your problems, for you will realize that as you do you perpetuate them all
the more.

Now, if you keep this law, you don't have to broadcast what you want; you simply
assume that you have it, for - although your reasonable mind and outer senses deny
it - if you persist in your assumption your desire will become your reality. There is no
limit to your power of belief, and all things are possible to him who believes. Just
imagine what an enormous power that is. You don't have to be nice, good, or wise,
for anything is possible to you when you believe that what you are imagining is true.
That is the way to success.

To believe your desire into being is to exercise the wonderful creative power that you

Knowing what you want, gear yourself towards it, for the act was committed in the
wanting. Faith must now be added, for without faith it is impossible to please God.
Can you imagine a state and feel that your imaginal act is now a fact? It costs you
nothing to imagine; in fact you are imagining every moment in time, but not

But, may I tell you: if you use your creative power by imagining a desire is
already fulfilled, when you get it, the circumstances will seem so natural that it
will be easy to deny your imagination had anything to do with it, and you could
easily believe that it would have happened anyway. But if you do, you will have
returned to sleep once again.

First of all, most of us do not even realize our own harvest when it confronts us. And
if we do remember that we once imagined it, reason will tell us it would have
happened anyway. Reason will remind you that you met a man (seemingly by
accident) at a cocktail party who was interested in making money. When he heard
your idea, he sent you to see his friend, and look what happened - so really, it would
have happened anyway.

The law is simple: "As you sow, so shall you reap." It is the law of like begets like. As
you imagine, so shall your life become. Knowing what you want, assume the feeling
that would be yours if you had it. Persist in that feeling, and in a way you do not
know and could not devise, your desire will become a fact.

Grandfather made his fortune by standing on an empty lot and saying to himself: "I
remember when this was an empty lot."

Then he would paint a beautiful word picture of the structure he desired there. This is
a wonderful technique.
You can remember when you were unknown, penniless, and ill, or a failure.
Remembering when you were, implies you are no longer that, and your power is in
its implication.

Use the law and it will take you from success to success, as you conceive success to
be. As far as I am concerned, success is to fulfill the promise, and you cannot do that
through the law. The promise is fulfilled through faith. Are you holding true to the
faith? Examine yourself to see if you are. I have told you an eternal story. Believe it,
but do not change it.

The story is this: God became you that you may become God.

Closing your eyes against the facts of life, dare to assume you are seeing and
hearing what you would see and hear if your desire were true. Now, tune it in as you
would a radio. If, when you turned on the radio four or five stations are heard at the
same time, you couldn’t stand the confusion and would turn the radio off.

So it is with your imagination - it must be fine-tuned. Now no radio or TV is

comparable to you, for that which the mind creates cannot be greater than the mind
who created it. We are amazed at the perfection of a little instrument called a radio
because it can produce sound out of the nowhere, yet the mind that is so amazed is
the one who created it.

Our radio or television can be carried around the house or yard with no connection to
a charge of electricity, yet the sound and picture come through perfect, and any
station (or channel) can be reached by merely a flick of the wrist. At this moment
everything that is being broadcast or telecast in the world is in this room, but we
haven’t tuned it in.

Now, you have an instrument infinitely greater than any radio or television, but it
must be turned on and fine tuned. Think of a friend who would truly rejoice in your
good fortune. Tune him in until his is the only voice you can hear. Let him tell you of
his thrill because of your good fortune. Listen carefully until his voice is crystal clear
and you can hear the sentence you put upon that voice.

Unless you actually believe that “I am” is the being you are seeking and pray only to
him by exercising your human imagination, you will never reach your desire, for
awareness is the only power that can give it to you.

Tonight, ask yourself what you would be aware of hearing, seeing and experiencing
if your desire were now fulfilled. If what I tell you is true and your imagination is the
creator of all things, then you should be able to prove his power in the testing. I tell
you: there is no intermediary between yourself and God. If you will but test this
power within you, it will prove itself in performance.

When, I cannot say, for every imaginal act is like an egg and no two eggs (unless
they are of the same species) have the same interval of time for hatching. The little
bird comes out in three weeks, a sheep in five months, a horse in twelve months,
and a human in nine months. Your imaginal act has its own appointed hour to ripen
and flower. If it seems long, wait - for it is sure and will not be late for itself.

An imaginal act is a creative act, for the moment it is felt, the seed (or state) is
fertilized. It will take a certain length of time to be born, so start today by assuming
you are the man (or woman) you would like to be an let the people in your mind’s
eye reflect the truth of your assumption. Be faithful to your assumption. Persist in this
thought, for persistence is the way to bring your desire to pass. You don’t persist
through effort or fear, rather knowing that your imaginal act is now a fact; wait for its
birth, for it will come.

When you become lost in the reasoning world, your imagination is not fed with your
desire, for reason negates its flow.

Knowing what to do is not enough. Knowledge must be acted upon.

Prior to this vision I had discovered that my imagination was the only God who ever
existed, yet in spite of this discovery I had not fed it. Rather I continued to use the
rational approach to life by planning my life on a reasonable basis.

Knowing of a power that did not need reason was not enough; I had to exercise this
power within me. And then I was determined to exercise my imagination on behalf of
myself and others. I saw my candle was lit and knew that from then on I would not let
its light go out or get dim for lack of use.

If you are a musician and stop practicing for a week you will not be qualified to give a
concert. Only when you practice daily are you qualified. And so it is with your
imagination. It must be exercised daily …

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