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What is a proper fraction ?

,'' A proper fnsetion is G fraction its

numerotor is tess than its dencminotCIr. The uxarBfl flrmeflEffiffis ffirtr

mLsm prffiptrr f,nmefl$mms.

Proper fraction os ports from o whoLe

po rts o re red.
equot ports.
is red.

(Three fourths ore red )

Write the fraction for the shaded part of the shape.

ports ore btue. po rts o re g reen . ports ore yellow.

equol ports. equot ports. equol ports.

is bLue. is g reen. is yetlow.

Write the fraction of the group that is b[ue.

blue ponts. bLue sweoters.

ponts in o[1. sweoters in o[t.

of the ponts ore blue. of the sweoters ore blue.

Write the fraction for the shaded part of the shape.

q Color to show the fraction.

2 5
4 6

. row 0 squore ond divide it into 4 equoI ports. Color 3 of the ports. Hove your chi[d nome the froction
I 26
thut te[[s how much of the whole is colored.

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