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Digital Expansion of Stereotomy

A semantic classification

Pedro Azambuja Varela1 , José Pedro Sousa2

Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto + DFL/CEAU/FAUP

This paper presents a critical analysis and reflection on stereotomy with the
purpose of updating its theoretical discourse. Having risen to the apex of
architecture technological possibilities in the 17th century, stereotomic
construction lost its importance in favour of iron, steel and other materials and
construction techniques brought by the Industrial Revolution. More recently,
much owing to the possibilities offered by digital technologies, a resurgence of
interest in the subject has spawned various researches which bring stereotomy
back to the architectural discourse. Although technological applications and
design innovations in service of stereotomy have developed in multiple interesting
paths, there is a lack of a common theory on the subject which is capable of
relating these multiple apparently diverging stereotomic approaches between
each other and, maybe even more importantly, to the classical practice which
sparked the development this discipline. The research presented in this paper
shows how the digital tools were instrumental in bringing this tradition to
architecture contemporaneity and how a current stereotomy is largely supported
by these technologies, while keeping strong relations to its classic origin.

Keywords: stereotomy, classification, history, digital

1. FROM CLASSIC TO CONTEMPORARY its Livre III the first comprehensive treaty in the sub-
STEREOTOMY ject of coupe des piérres, a field of knowledge still not
Carefully cut stone for spanning spaces is first found known as Stereotomy at the time. De l’Orme was in-
in Greece, and later heavily used by Romans. Com- terested in bringing the art of cutting stone out of the
plex vaults of gothic cathedrals were possible due to exclusive practitioners, the masons, into the creative
the masons knowledge of cutting stone in the cor- act of the architect.
rect angles, often shrouded in mystery. The humanist De l’Orme’s treaty was soon to be followed by
Renaissance spirit of gathering knowledge and dis- many others, revealing a keen interest in the sub-
seminating it to empower human endeavour is all ject by the architecture elite. The beginnings of
present in Philibert de l’Orme’s Le premier Tome de stereotomy saw the discipline be developed and
l’Architecture (de l’Orme 1567); this book contains in taught along side others such as geometry, optics or

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statics, revealing its wide scope of relations. This al- 2. EXPANDING STEREOTOMY BY REVISING
lowed for multiple innovations present in the trea- ITS SEMANTICS
tises on stereotomy, namely the seminal engineering While classic stereotomy is easily definable within
statics to be developed in the treaty of de La Hire, pro- closed concepts such as stone, chisel or descriptive
jective geometry to be inaugurated by Desargues, or geometry, the current range of experiments make
the ubiquitous descriptive geometry in the teachings it more difficult to enumerate what are the defin-
of Monge. ing concepts of this art. This apparent distance be-
The development of stereotomy alongside de- tween current stereotomic practice and the frame-
scriptive geometry was contemporary to the begin- work present in the treatises creates a void in the the-
nings of the Industrial Revolution, and the new dou- oretical support which once was the backbone of the
ble orthogonal projection found perfect suitability stone cutting discipline. A critical look into two sys-
for describing machines and parts for production. tems of stereotomy analysis present in a classic treaty
Iron and steel soon became cheaper and solutions (Frézier 1738) and in a contemporary thesis (Fallacara
based in metallic beams and trusses became more 2003), shall be surveyed under current constraints
common than cut stone structures. This caused a and possibilities. This analysis provides information
slow but steady fading of this classic construction for the generation of a classification for further un-
technique. derstanding contemporary based in three main cat-
The maturity of the Industrial Revolution devel- egories: Tomotechny, Equilibrium and Voussoirs.
oped a more productive and precise fabrication, pro-
viding a wide range of mass produced systems. A Tomotechny
finer control of production allowed for more accessi- The Tomotechny category includes all the concepts
ble accurate machinery, eventually assisting the de- tightly related to sectioning, be it physically or geo-
velopment of the computer. Its development into metrically. The processing of stone to create the nec-
programmable machines accessible by professionals essary voussoirs, once relying in manual handling of
such as architects sparked in the 1990’s the “digital the mallet and chisel, is now dependent on machin-
turn”, a term used by Carpo (2013) to describe the ery controlled by computers, narrowing the distance
changes in architecture design brought by the com- between the designer and the worker. In another
puter possibilities. level, within Classic Stereotomy, the technical draw-
This opportunity was not overlooked by re- ing method remained two-dimensional, while today
searchers interested in stereotomy and in Italy first it is possible to design a whole structure within a vir-
Trevisan (1996) [2] and later Fallacara (2003) made tual three-dimensional virtual environment.
the first approaches to stereotomy using digital
tools instead of the classic methods. Following Equilibrium
many other experiments, the current development The Equilibrium category deals with all the design
of stereotomy cannot be described without acknowl- factors which contribute to the statics success of
edging its resurgence due to the possibilities offered the structure. The statics calculation, found in Fal-
by digital tools. Computational design is therefore an lacara’s (2003) triad is also present in Frezier’s (1738)
unavoidable defining factor in today’s explorations of treaty, although it accounts to less than five per
stereotomy, among other agents which contribute to cent of the content, showing how intuitive and
the development of a stereotomic project. rule of thumb based was this subject during clas-
sic stereotomy. Today, its engineering knowledge is
far greater, and it influences directly various design
options through digital tools like RhinoVault which

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Figure 1
organized in a
indented list.

implement graphic statics, or Kangaroo which uses Voussoirs

the theory of hanging chains. The subdivision of The Voussoirs category accounts for the design pos-
a surface, essential to the correct load transfer be- sibilities within the stereotomic structure constituent
tween parts, is also a focus of research today, using blocks themselves. Most of the signifiers within this
computer iterative processes to achieve optimal so- category, such as geometry of the contact surface,
lutions. or structural performance of the material, find direct

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homologues in classic stereotomy. However, even in the large hall in the ground floor.
such a timeless concept such as constructive block, Regarding this hall, consisting of a large
the computer has given contributions to their devel- vestibule with four central columns, Mansart is said to
opment, such as using different materials thanks to have expressed “qu’il avoit quelque chose de mieux à
digitally controlled deposition in additive processes, faire” (Etlin 2009). This feeling resulted in the project
or bespoke contact surfaces with accurate CNC con- of the low vault with no middle support which we
trol of fitting features. can see today. This vault was finalised by Jacques
Using these three categories and its terms as Peytret, a local architect (and also documented as a
starting points, it is clear how a direct relationship painter and painter-architect), who was given plans
to classic stereotomy may be formalised. In the at- by Mansart so that he could have the stones cut in the
tached image, a more developed classification based relevant way to achieve Mansart’s vision. However,
in the three main semantics is presented, hinting at this vision was not totally realised, as Peytret was
the variety and richness of its sub concepts. The clas- found to raise the vault without Mansart’s consent.
sification is hierarchical, providing for a logic location It is also suggested by Etlin (2009) that the double
of stereotomy related concepts. Each of the three vaulted corners were changed from original trompes.
main categories is assigned the initial letters A, B and Notwithstanding these changes, the built vault is im-
C. All the main terms inside each of these initial cate- pressive for with swift movements connecting the
gories is assigned sequential letters, resulting in “AA, columns which bring the weight to the ground, even
AB, AC, etc.”, and further into “AAA, AAB, etc.” if only figuratively. Together with its proportions of
16 meter width to a shallow 2.43 meter rise, a re-
3. APPLICATION - CASE STUDIES markable feature of this vault is its naked aesthetics
In this section, two case studies of stereotomic de- Pérouse de Montclos (1982), which is much closer
sign will be subject to an analysis under this semantic to a contemporary expression of architecture than
classification. Besides unveiling changes and perma- the profusely decorated vaults of Spanish or Italian
nences from classic to current stereotomy, this classi- tradition. The surface of the center part of the vault
fication allows for an identification of processes and looks as one continuous flowing surface, similar to
properties of stereotomic design, effectively allowing concrete shells of the mid-20th century, instead of
for a clearer definition of stereotomy today. overly euclidian arches and domes of a previous re-
naissance period.
3.1 Arles City Hall Semantic analysys. Following, a systematic analysis
General description. The Arles City Hall entrance of the Arles city hall vault will be taken according to
vestibule vault is repeatedly referenced within the the semantic structure exposed in the previous sec-
context of French high stereotomy for its sensitive in- tion.
tegration within the whole project and bold ratio of
span to rise. This project, ultimately realised by Jules Figure 2
Hardouin-Mansart in 1676, has a convoluted history. Side perspective
Initially planned by La Valfenière, the project was dis- from the interior of
carded and eventually demolished because a neigh- the hall showing its
bouring house was acquired by the council, in or- composite surface
der to enlarge the overall footprint. While the new flow towards the
project was taking shape, Mansart visited the city and columns which
was invited to comment on the project. This resulted compose the space.
in numerous modification proposals, most notably in [3]

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Figure 3 arch, the small vault with the large entrance lunette
Bottom up and finally the large vault.
perspective of the The drawing method used by Mansart to des-
Arles vault, showing ignate the vaults’ surfaces and, consequentially, the
the vault in almost voussoir shapes is based on the trait, a series of geo-
its entirety. 3D metrical operations which would forerun descriptive
projection created geometry. This is more over stressed by the words
by the author from found in the archives (Boyer 1969) such as ”(Mansart)
full range baillera le trait a celui qui le conduira”, or ”les instruc-
panoramic view tions modèles et panneaux pour lesdits bâtiment et
provided by [4]. voûtes”, which clearly reference the traditional draw-
ing methods used in stereotomy prior to Monge’s in-
novation. Although the drawing seen in is not by
Mansart or Peytret’s hand, it is illustrative how the
drawing method within this project is limited to the
two dimensional realm and, although the final so-
lution is three-dimensional, the prerogatives always
depart from planar compositions which are then pro-
Starting with the same structure of the previous jected along straight or circular directrixes.
chapter, the vault will be analysed starting from the In the chapter of Equilibrium (B), the first sig-
Tomotechny (A) category. Most certainly the ma- nifier analysed is that of macro-shape (BA), further
terialisation process (AA) for the production of the subdivided in generation method (BAA) and conti-
voussoirs in the Arles vault was achieved by carving nuity (BAB). The vault was designed with top-down
(AAAC) stone with instruments related to the chisel, (BAAA) strategies, using established curves (such as
a manual and mostly sculptural way of subtracting the circular arc, or the five center basket-handle arch
(AAA) material from stone (CACA). Although this is - anse de panier). These curves are used as genera-
probably true for most of the voussoirs, Tamborero trices isometrically translated in space, thus exhibit-
(2003) suggests that the first rows which make the ing a constant profile (BAAAB). There is one excep-
connection to the perimeter wall are corbelled and tion regarding isometry, the central lunettes seen in
thus should have been square cut. This hint to the red in, whose generatrix grows in order to create a in-
possibility of the usage of a saw (AAABB) for achiev- terception line which promoted the reading of the V
ing planar cuts. shape which seems to separate the large vault from
Regarding the first level of classification within the small vault. The continuity of the total vault sur-
centering (AB), its ephemerality, which could range face is clearly segmented (BABA) with 17 indepen-
between Temporary, Inexistent or Permanent, is dent surfaces which connect with each other in ridge
clearly a Temporary Centering (ABA) in this case. edges.
Most likely built in wood truss-like support structures The structural functioning (BB) of this vault is
below (ABAA) which stones would be laid on, the based in compression resistance (BBA); this signifier
literature finds evidence of a staged construction in is connected to the material (CA) which will be dis-
which a main arch is first erected. This shows evi- cussed below. This kind of structural behaviour is
dence of elected guide lines along which the vaulted only efficient in certain conditions, one of which is
construction would depart from, of which Tamborero the direction of the contact surfaces (CC), whose ge-
(2003) is assertive to suggest its specific order: the ometry is directly dependent on the surface subdivi-
periphery arches and the twin lunettes, the large

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sion (BC) design. Within this signifier, it is possible to surface geometry (CBA) is mainly characterised by
identify a clear separation of courses (rows) of stone its double curvature (CBAA) in the end of the large
(BCBA), predominantly running in horizontal paths. vault and small vault. The double curvature is eas-
The design strategy could be that of dividing the pro- ily identifiable by the curved intrados perimeters
file curve of each surface in segments which trans- (rows) in , where single curvature (CBAB) is present
late into the parallel courses constant width; these in the lunettes, identifiable by the straight lines in
courses are then subdivided in voussoirs of varying the courses. The perimeters (CBB) themselves are
length, prioritising available stones blocks sizes. This also important regarding many materialisation meth-
surface subdivision in two different steps fits within ods; in this case, we may only observe the intrados
the multiple level subdivision (BCB) signifier. perimeters, which exhibit convex (CBBAA), as well as
Another semantic within the equilibrium group concave curves (CBBAB). Although the extrados is not
is the foundation (BD), which describes the strate- accessible, stereotomic tradition at the time suggests
gies used in the contact between the vault and the the extrados is analogous (CBBBA) with the intrados,
rest of the architecture structure. The vertical con- even if of a rougher nature. The contact surface of
tinuity of the vault surface seems to transfer the these voussoirs are mainly ruled (CCAA), although
load to the columns which surround the space, pro- the circular and linear nature of the subdivision pro-
viding the whole ensemble with a subtle lightness duces also planar (CCAB) and mixed, composite con-
which lift the weight of the large stone ceiling. How- tact surfaces (CCAC). The execution of this vault is
ever, the columns are hardly the sole supports of the very accurate, discarding the need for gap filling mor-
vaults, being the thick stone walls (BDAD) behind tar; however, it is noticeable a thin mark of material
these which support the vaulted stone structure. The between voussoirs, whose purpose should mainly be
springer (BDB) voussoirs, although corbelled and ex- related to binding (CCCB) blocks together to facilitate
hibiting square angles in their extrados, have they the construction process - despite the binding pur-
geometry (intrados subdivision design) in continuity pose, every mortar is always efficient in gap filling
(BDBBA) with the rest of the structure. (CCCA), even if in a micro-scale. Friction itself (CCB)
The final semantic group to be discussed is that is mostly related to the fine texture of the contact
of Voussoirs (C). Within the material signifier (CA), surface, which is hidden behind the vault intrados
sustainability (CAA) is analysed with standards con- surface. Following the recommendations present in
temporary with the vault construction. Being a pre- most stereotomy treatises, it is expected that the con-
industrial era, the extraction (CAAA) and processing tact surface is left rough (CCBB) enough to cause
(CAAC) of raw material was not characterised by sig- large friction between the voussoirs and contribute
nificative embodied energy, giving hints to the suit- to the stability of the ensemble.
ability of the construction method at the time. As ex-
pressed while analysing BB, the stone structural per- 3.2 Armadillo Vault
formance (CAB) is mainly due to its compression re- General description. The Armadillo Vault is an ex-
sistance (CABA) and significant weight (CABC). Stone perimental construction built for the 15th Interna-
itself fall into the subtractable materials (CACA) typol- tional Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia
ogy (CAC) for its volumetric nature upon availability, 2016. It’s key feature lies in the coverage of a large
ready to be cut and carved in order to achieve the in- space with stone elements not binded by any adhe-
tended voussoir shape. sive or hardware, adding to the expressive sinuous
Regarding the geometry of the voussoirs, there forms which result from the performative shape. This
are two main categories: intrados and extrados (CB), work is a super demonstration of the knowledge ac-
and contact surface (CC). Regarding the first, the cumulated within the Block Research Group (BRG),

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creating the most complex stereotomic surface to gether with making construction costs competitive:
date. This complexity, present in the amount of dif- this can only be achieved for the compressive only
ferent voussoirs, free form surface, and extreme ac- nature of the construction systems, highly optimised
curacy of fabrication and assembly, is counteracted with the TNA approach.
by a seemingly simple and graspable curvilinear form
Figure 4 which seeks to resolve a space within the large Venice
The Armadillo vault building.
is a stereotomic The vault is designed with the main purpose
construction which of showcasing the possibilities of contemporary
is developed stereotomic construction and material efficient equi-
around the columns librium structures supported by TNA (Thrust Net-
of the Corderie work Analysis), the framework developed by Philippe
dell’Arsenale in Block (2009) based in graphic statics which allows for
Venice. [1] a precise modelling of structure in equilibrium, be it
compression or tension. The application of this de-
sign method to stereotomic constraints such as sub-
division and voussoir materialization is largely devel-
Figure 5 oped by Matthias Rippmann (2016) in hid PhD thesis.
Top view of the This structure was built by the Escobedo Group,
pre-assembly of the a texan masonry company which works closely with
Armadillo Vault. Block since at least 2009. This relationship contin-
Notice that there ued with the research on the MLK Jr. Park Vault, a
are no columns bold stereotomic structure which, although provided
puncturing through much of the pretext for Rippmann’s research, still did
the structure. not come to realisation. As such, the Armadillo may
(Block, Rippmann, e be understood as a sort of proof of concept for this
Mele 2017) Photo kind of construction approach in the contemporary
credit: ETH Zürich / context, having fully proved its validity.
Anna Contemporary freeform stereotomic construc-
Maragkoudaki tion with stone is not a first, as can be seen in the
works of Fallacara or Yoon and Höweler. What is im-
pressive about this vault are the numbers, which in Semantic analysys. The Armadillo vault, being an
the end allow for the integrated complexity of the exceptional work of stereotomy in the contemporary
whole. The vault is composed of 399 bespoke stone era of this discipline, is a very adequate example to
voussoirs weighing a total of 23.7 tons, whose thick- analyse under the semantic classification.
ness range from 5 to 12cm. These thicknesses are im- In order to understand the shape of the Ar-
pressive knowing that the largest spans exceed 15m, madillo vault, the Equilibrium (B) category provides
making the thickness to curvature radius compara- the key signifiers for this task. The macro-shape (BA)
ble to that of an egg-shell. These extreme in material is obtained with RhinoVault, a plugin developed for
economy is justified by the team by “the prescribed the 3D computational modeller (ACBB), which is an
weight limitations on the floor of the exhibition space application of TNA, based in graphic statics (BAABB).
in the protected building”, but also important for re- Signifiers starting with BAAB indicate that the gener-
ducing building embodied carbon and energy, to- ation method was bottom up, explaining the seem-
ingly free form shape of the vault. This shape is

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continuous (BABB), meaning there are no tangential tural performance (CAB) in what comes to weight
breaks, which would hint to multiple single surfaces (CABC) and compression strength (CABA). While the
sharing edges. One of the reasons for such a non- extrados surface (CBA) is planar (CBAC), the rough
euclidian shape is the design team’s purpose of re- cuts in the intrados provide a textured finish (CBAD),
ducing the shell thickness to its minimum, within the one of the aesthetic signatures of this work. Contact
5 to 12cm range. This means that there must be no surfaces (CC) are ruled surfaces (CCA) which feature a
location in the intrados or extrados set more than registry notch mainly for alignment purposes (CCDA).
6cm further than the thrust surface, much as an arch Within Tomotechny (A), the signifiers technical
must contain its thrust line within its volume. Being drawing method (AC) and materialisation processes
the thrust surface a complex network derived from (AA) were already discussed above. Regarding cen-
catenoids, using circle arcs would force the thickness tering (AB), the Armadillo vault was erected thanks
to values deemed too large for the thin design intent. to multiple temporary (ABA) extruded grids (ABAAA).
This construction is composed of stone blocks These curved wooden lattices were supported on
pressed together in a dry joint, without resorting to standard scaffolding, and the voussoirs were laid on
any kind of adhesive or mechanical fixations. This is top of shims which allowed for more flexibility while
only possible due to compression only (BBA) struc- assembling.
tural functioning (BB) of this structure, which is de-
pendent on the correct orientation of the contact 3.3 Comparison between classic and con-
faces. This orientation is given mainly by the surface temporary stereotomy
subdivision (BC), which ensures that the contact sur- One of the possibilities offered by a semantic classifi-
faces (CC) of the voussoirs (C) are as perpendicular as cation framework, besides the already intrinsic anal-
possible to the thrust vectors. In this case, a multiple ysis of a stereotomic work, is the structured com-
level subdivision (BCB) was chosen, mos specifically parison of two different works, even if separated by
a division in courses and voussoirs (BCBA). 340 years. As such, the semantic classification will
The foundation (BD) characteristics of this be used to understand changes and permanences
project are very particular due to the constraints from the Arles vestibule to the Armadillo vault. The
related to protecting the historic flooring of the graphic in allows the immediate grasping of dif-
Corderie. As such, instead of inserting foundation ferences and similitudes between the two analysis.
piles, the usual outwards thrust of the springers was Most of the graphic is purple, revealing the com-
retained with tensioned (BDAC) cable ties between mon characteristics which understandably include
themselves. These springers are large crafted steel the broader terms, such as Voussoirs, or Materializa-
elements (BDBAB), whose unique geometry (BDBBB) tion Processes. As the branching goes farther from
is capable of absorbing up to 11 voussoirs. the center, differences start to emerge.
The solutions adopted in the voussoirs (C) are Out of these we highlight as differences the tools
key to the success of this construction. Their ma- used for Materialization - AA (chisel and mallet vs CNC
terial (CA) is stone, a subtractable material (CACA) sawing and milling), the Technical Drawing Method
materialised by two 3D cut (AAAB) processes: circu- - AC (trait vs computational model), the Continuity
lar saw cutting (AAABB) for the intrados rough cuts of the vault surface - BAB (segmented vs continuous)
and approximation cuts for the contact faces, and and the Generation Method - BAA (top down vs bot-
milling (AAABA) with specially crafted bits for the tom up).
contact faces finishing. Stone has low embodied On the other hand, the similitudes are shared be-
carbon and energy mainly in its processing (CAAC) tween Subtractive Materialization Processes - AAA,
which is nearly negligible, and plays excellent struc- similar Centering strategies - AB, same Structural

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Figure 6
Summary of the
results of semantic
analysis of both

Functioning - BB and Surface subdivision in Courses Besides this relevant part taken by the computer in
and voussoirs - BCBA. The common usage of stone the resurgence of stereotomic design, there is an-
for the voussoirs is reflected in all the signifiers under other important role taken by digital technologies
Material - CA, whose voussoirs both present Convex which is that of shape. Missing powerful calculation
- CBBAA and Analogous - CBBBA perimeters of Intra- tools led classic designers to resort to known shapes,
dos and Extrados. or derived surfaces from these, accounting for the
These two compared architectural works are set abundance of circles and “basket handles” composed
apart by 340 years, an extended time range which of up to seven arcs of circle. On the other hand,
feels even larger due to the exponential growth of computational power led to the creation of discrete
technology (Kremer 1993). Notwithstanding the ex- meshes and Bézier splines which are used by bot-
pected change of paradigms, the amount of simil- tom up processes to calculate unimagined shapes
itudes between the two works is understandably which satisfy the requirements of the designer. One
rooted in their common raw material - stone - of these requirements might be the continuity of a
which predates even human history. The intrinsic vault, something trivially found in an unified mesh
properties of this material and its related signifiers under a common network of forces, but not so im-
are maintained, such as the compression structural mediate as can be seen in the triangular separation
performance, or the subtractive fabrication meth- of the big and small vaults of Arles.
ods. Philibert de l’Orme is quick to exalt the qual-
Figure 7 ities of stone construction, justifying the need for
Intersection of the stereotomy as a means to build large spans with lim-
two semantic ited sized elements such as voussoirs. His arguments
analysts above - are still valid today as can be seen in the structural
Arles vestibule in stability of the Armadillo Vault or the fire resistance
blue, and Armadillo of the Notre Dame of Paris vaults under the 2019 roof
vault in red. The fire.
signifiers not By distancing ourselves from stone as the main
present in either common denominator of both vaults, the changes
work are left in are rooted in the possibilities provided by digital
grey, and the technologies. The computer is an essential part of
common signifiers current electronic control of machining tools, actu-
are painted in ally being responsible for the current possibility to
purple, hinting at build stereotomically today; the digital design / dig-
the permanences. ital fabrication flow has taken the void place left by
the disappearance of the vault designer / stone ma-
son since the introduction of steel in construction.

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4. CONCLUSION digitale alla progettazione/costruzione di elementi ar-
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tified, such as stone and the compression only nature et autres parties de bâtiments civils et militaires ou
of the structure, while differences arise in the gener- traité de stéréotomie à l’usage de l’architecture, J.D.
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struction with carefully shaped blocks which support
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constraints and related meanings. These semantics nicular structures, Ph.D. Thesis, ETH Zurich, Depart-
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396 | eCAADe 37 / SIGraDi 23 - Challenges - HISTORY AND FUTURE CAAD - Volume 1

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